Monday, September 6, 2010

OPTION FORM for joining in SDBS

Option Form

I, _________________________________________________________, S/o, D/o, W/o: ____________________________________________ working as Gramin Dak Sevak __________________________________ (Designation) at _____________________ (Branch Post Office/Sub Office) in account with __________________________ (SO/HO in ________________ Division) of ____________________ Circle hereby declare that:

1) willing to join the service Discharge Benefit scheme officer by the Department in lieu of Severance Amount scheme organized through Pension Fund Regulatory Development Authority (PFRDA) on the lines of NPS-Lite platform


2) willing to remain in the existing Severance Amount scheme subject to fulfillment of the prescribed terms and conditions.

(Strike out which is not applicable)

Place:                                                Signature of the GDS _______________

Date:                                                Name (in Block Letters) _____________

Sub-Divisional Inspector/ Assistant Superintendent of Post Offices, Sub Division _______________________

1. Options once exercised will be final and there is no provision for revising the option at any later date.

2. Gramin Dak Sevaks, who have not submitted their option by the prescribed date, will be deemed to have been opted to continue to remain in the Severance Amount scheme.
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