Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shri P K Bisoi, hon'ble Postmaster General, Sambalpur Region was on visit to Koraput Division. Divisional Secretary alongwith his team members had a meeting with him and placed the long pending demands of the employees of Koraput Division

Dear Comrades,

Shri P K Bisoi, hon'ble Postmaster General, Sambalpur Region now in-charge of Berhampur Region was on visit to Koraput Division on 4 & 5.9.2012. A delegation of AIPEU headed by Com. Purna Chandra Maharana, Divisional Secretary Gr-C accompanied by Com. Rajib Tripathy, Com. K Narasingh Rao, Com. S Arun Kumar and Com. Nilambar Naik, Divisional Secretary, Postmen & Gr-D/MTS met with Shri Bisoi. Shri Sanatan Modi, SSPOs, Koraput Division represented from the Administration side. a healthy discussion on various burning issues of the employees of our Division was made with the Postmaster General and he guided the SSPOs to take immediate necessary action on those issues. A memorandum containing the below items was submitted to Shri Bisoi and our union put strong demand before the administration for taking fruitful action.


We, on behalf of AIPEU Group-C, Postmen & Group-D/MTS, AIPEDEU, Koraput Divisional Branch, Jeypore are submitting this memorandum to the Hon’ble Postmaster General, Berhampur Region, Berhampur who is now on visit to this Division. This memorandum contains few burning problems of this Division for favour of kind action.


1.     Action is requested for de-quarterization of dilapidated and damaged Post attached quarters in Koraput Division and allowing payment of HRA from the date of joining. Example: Dongerbheja SO, Semiliguda SO and Koraput RS SO etc.

2.     Action is requested for construction of Departmental building and staff quarters at Malkangiri, Gunupur (Marathiguda) and Sunabeda-2 and for early completion of marble flooring work in the Mail Branch of Jeypore(K) HO along with complete renovation of drain as well as entrance/approach road to the HO. Also it is requested for construction of a permanent record room and recreation club room for Jeypore(K) HO.

3.     Action is requested for early sanction of pending leave and payment medical bill and TA Bill.

4.     Action is requested for proper utilization of all system administrators. (Discussion).

5.     Action is requested for clear guidelines for cash conveyance to the needy POs as and when required by them for immediate payment of wages to the customers and to avoid public discontentment. (Discussion: State Administration and its authorities are harassing our employees especially in Malkangiri and Nabarangpur District.)

6.     Action is requested for consideration of place of posting for the two transferred officials namely; Shri S P Mandal and Dilip Ku Panda.
Postmen & Group-‘D’

1. Action is requested for deduction of licence fee of Sunabeda quarter as per Central govt. rule; not as per the will of HAL authority (Recovery of standard licence fee for the quarter allotted to the staff at company station HAL etc. under FRSE not at the rate charged by the HAL authority.
2. Action is requested for early fill up of vacant Group-D/MTS posts lying unfilled in the Division.


1.    Action is requested to fill up all vacant GDS Posts in Koraput Division at the earliest.

2.    Discrepancies were observed while payment of 40% and 60% arrear by three HOs in Koraput Division. Action is requested for early payment of difference arrear amount to all the eligible GDS officials.

3.    Action is requested for engagement of GDS officials only for daily wages work against short term vacancies arises in the absence of Gr-D/MTS and Postmen.

4.    Action is requested for issue of permanent memos to all the eligible GDS officials in Koraput Division and it is requested for holding of DPC from GDS to Group-D/MTS.

Common Item

Action is requested for early supply of Identity Cards to all the employees of Koraput Division keeping in view of grave Naxalite / Maoist situations. No fruitful action has been taken despite of repeated requests made for years together. We respectfully crave your indulgence for judicious settlement of the issues.

                                                                            Yours faithfully

(Rajendra Prasad Sahu)   (Nilambar Naik)      (Purna Chandra Maharana)
  Divn. Secy, AIPEDEU           Divnl.Secy,Postmen & Gr-‘D’        Divnl. Secy, AIPEU Group-“C”                     
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