Dear Comrades,
Seventh CPC arrears calculator Readme
Seventh CPC arrears calculator Readme
In order to facilitate drawal and
disbursement of arrears of pay and allowances arising out of implementation of
Seventh pay commission an arrears calculator is designed which will be a small
module working as an extension of the Accounts main module. This document provides help on the usage of
this module to correctly draw the arrears.
This application requires no installation.
The executable file titled SeventhCPCArears.exe
needs to be downloaded along with config.xml
file. The Config.xml and the application can be copied to the any folder in
the system where the Accounts main module is running. After copying the Config.xml file open the
file using notepad and locate the entry corresponding to YourSQLServerName . Replace
the “YourSQLServername” With the name of your Accounts SQL Server Name and Save
the file.
In case there were instances of short or
excess payments to certain officials such data corrected using this
application. Now,
when the application is executed (by double click), the login screen appears as

The login screen displays the user names
available in Accounts main module. On
successful login, the calculator dialog box appears as below with the ArrearsCalculator tab selected by

Select official one by one basic pay for
January 2016 will displayed automatically, if official salary draw otherwise
enter the basic pay, if official is under NPS select NPS scheme otherwise NPS
amount will not deduct, click on insert button official details will displayed
then click on Submit button, once click on submit button calculated arrears
amount displayed, once calculation details displayed click on Save button for
save the arrears details
Any difference in the arrears, click the Modify
tab in the application and the following window appears, Click Fetch Details to obtain the amount

Now click the Edit button which will populate all the text boxes as below:

can observe that the Arrears Total text
box is non editable for officials whose arrears data is available. You can now enter the appropriate amount
whose data is ready with you in other text boxes click Update button. You have to
complete this task for all the officials.
Next, click the Reports tab to generate various reports. The following dialog box appears.

Once you are sure that all corrections are
over, you can proceed with drawl of arrears. Please note that once you click
the drawl of arrears button further correction of data is not possible.
When you click the Drawal of Arrears report the dialog box appears as below

Please quote the sanction memo received and
the next bill number from the bill register and click Draw to complete the bill drawal. You get the following message box on completion.

Now, you can login to other bills module
and prepare the acquittance rolls as for other bills. You can generate various other reports in
this module itself.