Saturday, January 30, 2010

Postman Examination

Dear Comrades,

The Postman Examination is going to be held at Govt. Girls High School, Main Road, Jeypore on 31.01.2010 (Sunday). Best wishes to all the candidates appearing the exam.

Com. Purna Chandra Maharana,
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Group-C,
Koraput Divisional Branch, Jeypore(K).

DA increased to 35%, a rise of 8% w.e.f. 01.01.2010

D.A. RISE - 8% W.E.F 01.01.2010

The statistic Department Government of India has announced the All India Consumer Price Index number for (industrial workers) Base 2001-100 for the month of December 2009 as 169 (i.e. one point rise from November 2009)

Accordingly, the Central Government employees will have a D.A. hike to the extent of 8% w.e.f. 01.01.2010. The revised D.A w.e.f 01.01.2010 will be 35%. Normally the revised D.A rate will be approved by the cabinet and given effect in the month of March every year.

Courtesy: AIPEU P3 CHQ, New Delhi.
Rise in DA (Dearness Allowance) to 8%

Calculation based on All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 For all the Central Government Employees there would be a rise in DA (Dearness Allowance) to 8%,which would result in the overall rise to 35% from 1.1.2010.

Every month government has announced All India Consumer Price Index, according to the price of commodities. For example, for the month of October 2009, government has published in PIB Website as given below…

All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of October, 2009 increased by 2 points and stood at 165 (one hundred and sixty five). With effect from 01.01.2006, Dearness allowance is granted to compensate the price increase above 536 points Base Year 1982=100),(115.763 points Base Year 2001=100). Calculate the total of twelve month average price index Calculate the twelve month average price index Minus with 115.76 Calculate the percentage difference (multiple with 100 / 115.76) Taken in whole number only (fraction ignored)

M & Y B.Y.2001=100 12 M.Tot 12 M.Ave %Inc. App.DA DA %
JUN-08 140 1623 135.25 19.49 16.84 16
JUL-08 143 1634 136.17 20.41 17.63 17
AUG-08 145 1646 137.17 21.41 18.49 18
SEP-08 146 1659 138.25 22.49 19.43 19
OCT-08 148 1673 139.42 23.66 20.44 20
NOV-08 148 1987 140.58 24.82 21.44 21
DEC-08 147 1700 141.67 25.91 22.38 22
JAN-09 148 1714 142.83 27.07 23.39 23
FEB-09 148 1727 143.92 28.16 24.32 24
MAR-09 148 1738 144.83 29.07 25.11 25
APR-09 150 1750 145.83 30.07 25.98 25
MAY-09 151 1792 146.83 31.07 26.84 26
JUN-09 153 1775 147.92 32.16 27.78 27
JUL-09 160 1792 149.33 33.57 29.00 29
AUG-09 162 1809 150.75 34.99 30.23 30
SEP-09 163 1826 152.17 36.41 31.45 31
OCT-09 165 1843 153.58 37.82 32.67 32
NOV-09 168 1863 155.25 39.49 34.11 34
DEC-09 - - - - - -
Com. Purna Chandra Maharana,
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Group-C,
Koraput Divisional Branch, Jeypore(K).

Photographs of AIPEDEU, Koraput Divisional Conference

Dear Comrades,
The Bi-enniel Conference of our sister union i.e. AIPEDEU, Koraput Divisional Branch, Jeypore(K) was held at Borigumma on 03.01.2010 in the presence of Com. N C Singh, Circle Secretary, Com. Narayan Choudhury, Delegate, CHQ, New Delhi, Com. K B Pattnaik, Divisional Secretary, Kalahandi. The conference was presided by Com. Purna Chandra Maharana, Chairman, Reception Committee. Com. J C Kar, Com. R P Sahu and Com. B Gouda was elected as President, Divisional Secretary, and Treasurer respectively in the said conference.

Com. P C Maharana,
Chairman, Reception Committee.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bi-ennial circle conference of AIPEDEU, Odisha Circle Branch

Dear Comrades,

The bi-ennial circle conference of AIPEDEU, Odisha Circle Branch was held at Baripada from 24.01.2010 to 26.01.2010. Com. S S Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, AIPEDEU, CHQ, New Delhi was the Chief Guest of the conference. Com. N C Singh, Circle Secretary organised the conference. Com. Rajendra Prasad Sahu, Divisional Secretary, AIPEDEU, Koraput Divisional Branch alongwith Com. Sanjay Kumar Rath, Org. Secy, AIPEDEU, Odisha Circle Branch and Com. Bhuban Gouda, Treasurer, AIPEDEU, Koraput Divisional Branch attended the conference. Com. N C Singh was unanimously selected as Circle Secretary, Odisha Circle Branch and Com. Sanjay Kumar Rath has been selected as Organising Secretary, AIPEDEU, Odisha Circle Branch.
Congratulations to Com. N C Singh for becoming Circle Secretary and Com. Sanjay Kumar Rath for becoming the Organising Secretary of AIPEDEU, Odisha Circle Branch.

Com. Purna Chandra Maharana,
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU,
Koraput Divisional Branch, Jeypore(K)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Dear Comrades,

The Bi-ennial conference of Koraput Divisional Branch, Jeypore(K) was held on 24.01.2010 at Jeypore(K). Com. R C Mishra, Vice-President, AIPEU Group-C, CHQ, New Delhi, Member of Federal Council, NFPE, New Delhi -cum- Circle Secretary, Odisha Circle; RGCM Member, Odisha was the Chief Guest for the conference. Com. R N Nahak, Chairman, Reception committee presided over the meeting. Out of 131 members, 122 members attended the conference despite various obstacles and made the bi-ennial conference highly successful. Com. R C Mishra, Com. R N Nahak, Com. P Suresh Kumar, Com. B P Dei, Com. R K Raypalli and Com. P C Maharana was on the dais. Com. R N Nahak was unanimously selected as President, AIPEU Koraput Divisional Branch, Com. Purna Chandra Maharana was elected as Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Koraput Divisional Branch and Com. B P Mishra was selected as Treasurer, AIPEU Koraput Divisional Branch. Reception Committee is highly thankful to all the members of the union for making the bi-ennial conference a grand success.
Inquilab Zindabad, Long Live Republic. Jai Hind.
Com. R N Nahak, Chairman, Reception Committee,
AIPEU Koraput Divisional Branch, Jeypore(K).

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