Sunday, February 28, 2010

Happy Holi

Dear Comrades,

Wish u all a very happy and colourful H O L I.

Com. Purna Chandra Maharana,
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Group-'C',

Koraput Divisional Branch, Jeypore(K).

Monday, February 22, 2010

Extension of Trade Union Facilities to AIPEU Gr-C, Koraput Divisional Branch

Dear Comrades,
The Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Koraput Division, Jeypore(K) vide Letter No.B2/AIPEU-5 dated 08.02.2010 has been pleased to extend usual trade union facilities as admissible to newly elected office bearers of AIPEU Group-'C', Koraput Divisional Branch, Jeypore(K). The new set of office bearers of AIPEU, Group-'C' has been authorized by Circle Secy., AIPEU Group-'C', Orissa Circle Branch, Bhubaneswar vide Letter No.UN/AIPEU Gr-C/Orissa/02-10 dated 02.02.2010. The copy of the order of the SSPOs, Jeypore(K) is paste below.
Red Salute to all comrades.
Com. Purna Chandra Maharana,
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Group-'C',
Koraput Divisional Branch, Jeypore(K).

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Photographs of Bi-ennial union Conference of AIPEU Postmen & Group-D, Koraput Divisional Branch

Bi-ennial union conference of AIPEU Postmen & Group-“D”, Koraput Divisional Branch

Dear Comrades,

The bi-ennial union conference of AIPEU Postmen & Group-“D”, Koraput Divisional Branch was held at Sarojini Bhawan, Maharanipeta, Jeypore(K) on 14.02.2010. Com. Debabrata Mohanty, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Postmen & Group-“D”, Odisha Circle was the Chief Guest of the conference.

Com. R N Nahak, President, AIPEU Group-C Union, Koraput Divisional Branch was present as Guest of Honour. Com. Purna Chandra Maharana, Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Group-C, Koraput Divisional Branch who was also the Chairman of Reception Committee presided over the open session.

Com. Rajendra Prasad Sahu, Divisional Secretary, AIPEDEU, Koraput Divisional Branch alongwith Com. Prabhat Kumar Mahapatra, Organising Secretary, AIPEU Postmen & Group-D, Odisha Circle Branch and Com. Sanjay Kumar Rath, Org. Secy, AIPEDEU, Odisha Circle Branch attended the conference. Com. Rajib Tripathy, Com. B B Bhatra along with many other Group-C and GDS comrades attended the said conference.

Com. Lambodar Bisoi, Group-D, Damanjodi SO, Com. Nilambar Naik, Mail Overseer, Koraput Sub-Division and Com. Dasmant Gond, Postman, Jeypore(K) HO was unanimously elected as President, Divisional Secretary and Treasurer of AIPEU Postmen and Gr-D, Koraput Divisional Branch.

Congratulations to all the newly elected office bearers of AIPEU, Postmen and Gr-D, Koraput Divisional Branch.

Com. Purna Chandra Maharana,
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Group-C,
Koraput Divisional Branch.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Maha Shivaratri

Dear Comrades,
On this auspicious "Maha Shivaratri" may Lord Shiva bless all of us to have peace of mind and will power to overcome every odds in our life.

Com. Purna Chandra Maharana,
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Gr-C,
Koraput Divisional Branch.

Confirmation Examination

Dear Comrades,

As per Circle Office, Bhubaneswar Memo No.RE/30-14/NOV.09 (Con) dated 08.02.2010, the following Postal Assistants of our division who appeared the Departmental Confirmation Examination held on 29.11.2009 have come out successful in the said examination. Congratulations to all of them.

  • Shri Nishith Ranjan Sahu, PA, Kalimela S.O.

  • Shri Puranjay Sahu, PA, Jeypore(K) H.O.

  • Miss Madhulita Pradhan, PA, Jeypore(K) H.O.

  • Shri Pravas Ranjan Sahoo, PA, Malkangiri M.D.G.

  • Shri Dilip Kumar Panda, PA, Nabarangpur M.D.G.

  • Shri Itishree Behera, PA, Sunabeda-2 S.O.

  • Shri Santosh Kumar Patra, PA, Rayagada H.O.

  • Shri Bibhuti Bhusan Sahu, PA, Rayagada H.O.

  • Miss Monalisa Panigrahi, PA, Rayagada H.O.

  • Shri Jitendriya Rana, PA, Gunupur S.O.

  • Miss Ruksana Parveen, PA, J K Pur S.O.

Com. Purna Chandra Maharana,

Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Gr-C,

Koraput Divisional Branch.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010



Our comrade L.N.Murty, Sub-Postmaster, Marathiguda S.O. left this material world for heavenly abode on 7.2.2010. May the departed soul rest in peace. Our heartfelt and deepest condolences to the bereaved family.
Com. Purna Chandra Maharana,
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Gr-C,
Koraput Divisional Branch.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

25th Bi-ennial Circle Conference of AIPEU Postmen and Group-D, Odisha Circle

Dear Comrades,

The 25th bi-ennial circle conference of AIPEU Postmen and Group-'D', Odisha Circle is going to be held at Cuttack from 06.02.2010 to 08.02.2010.

Com. Purna Chandra Maharana,
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU,
Koraput Divisional Branch.
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