Monday, January 31, 2011

Retirement of Shri Bhaja Govinda Satapathy

Dear Comrades,

Shri Bhaja Govinda Satapathy, SSPOs, Koraput Division has retired from service on 31.01.2011 on superannuation. AIPEU Koraput Divisional Branch wishes Shri Satapathy him a happy and peaceful retired life.

Shri Khageswar Mahanta, SPOs, Kalahandi Division will remain on dual charge.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

India Post eyes global SMEs, rich customers

Dear Comrades,

The extract of the article published in the Times of India are reproduced hereunder for information to all.

SILIGURI: India Post is coming up with a bunch of new services aimed mainly towards highvalue and premium customers and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) having international links.

MoUs on this front have been signed with relevant authorities in postal services from different countries including China, Australia, Bhutan, Germany, UAE, Hong Kong, Italy, France and South Africa, to provide highly-customised business services especially to SMEs.

The most important amongst these are international express mail services (EMS) for express documents and parcels up to 35 kg. This comes just after India Post's recently introduced flat rate parcel services (FRPS) for any country. Parcels under the service will be given priority in shipment when being sent to any country with which the India Post has signed an MoU.

According to John Samuel, business development manager, India Post, three selfsealing containers of different sizes, to be used for FRPS and available free of cost at select post offices, can carry 1 kg, 2.5 kg and 5 kg parcels. These can be shipped to any country at a flat rate of Rs 1,000, Rs 1,500 and Rs 2,500, respectively.

"Plans to introduce this in the domestic sector, too, at a reasonable rate, are at an advanced stage. Both in the international as well as domestic sectors, all these parcels will carry unique bar codes and shipped through air route only," he said.

Samuel said that all India Post special customised business packages, especially those aimed towards SMEs, are going to have facilities like solutions for business shipment, dedicated small packet shipments corridor at most economic rates, assured, priority customs clearance and online tracking.

Additionally, India Post is going to design specific service products to help enterprises in overseas marketing.
26 Jan, 2011, 07.30AM IST, Debasis Sarkar,ET Bureau

India Post signs MoU's with various countries: Secretary DOP

Dear Comrades,

The article published in India Infoline explains the agreement between India and various countries on several highly customized customer services.

The India Post shall also fulfill its commitment of e-commerce transactions for shipment services to all countries at most economic rates apart from e-commerce, postal and e-market facilitation

India Post has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with China, Australia, Bhutan, Germany UAE, Hong Kong Italy France and South Africa Posts, to provide highly customized business services especially to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

Stating this at the Assocham meeting today the Secretary, Department of Posts (DoP), Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy said the MoUs shall facilitate flow of goods, information, funds and e-commerce.

She further said the department shall provide international Express Mail Services (EMS) for express documents and parcels up to 35 kg universally recognized barcodes for all express shipments pre-printed customs documentation and joint express product.

Ms Radhika also stated that it has been decided to have international parcel flat rate boxes one rate for delivery anywhere in the world, priority shipments with universal barcodes and logistic services especially with those countries.

The special customized business packages includes solutions for business shipment, dedicated small packet shipments corridor at most economic rates with assured priority customs clearances processing by USPS and web based delivery.

While responding to the suggestions mooted by Assocham Secretary General D S Rawat, the Secretary Post said direct marketing with specific customer centres across various countries for promoting business using available data base shall also be extended.

The India Post shall also fulfill its commitment of e-commerce transactions for shipment services to all countries at most economic rates apart from e-commerce, postal and e-market facilitation, she further added.

India Infoline News Service / 12:31 , Jan 25, 2011

Living on the top floor? Get yourself an inbox

Dear Comrades,

The article published in the Times of India is reproduced below:-

BANGALORE: The postman, an integral part of urban life, is having to keep pace with Bangalore's vertical growth. Their daily grind has changed from miles to go, to climbing up and down apartment blocks to deliver the day's cargo. While a few may term it an occupational hazard, the postman's humble request for mailboxes on the ground floor have gone unheard.

Anticipating such a situation in 1989, the postal department had issued a circular saying an appeal be made to residents of multi-storeyed buildings to install letter boxes for each flat on the ground floor. Thousands of high-rises have come up in the city, but not all have lifts, and aged postmen are forced to sweat it out, sometimes to deliver a single envelope.

A copy of the circular is in possession of The Times of India. However, a senior postal official said a similar order was issued in 2001 again but nothing has changed. "It's only optional and the department has a mandate of door delivery. Speed post and money orders have to be door-delivered, only ordinary post can be dropped off in mailboxes."

A senior postman explained how difficult work can be at times. "In apartments with security personnel, we don't need to enter, and leave all envelopes with them. But in some apartments, there is no security. We end up climbing stairs and it's risky because we carry money orders and cheques. If we are attacked, there is no safety. Some of us have gone through bitter experiences," he said.

Even if lifts are available, postmen prefer taking the stairs. They reason: "Lifts can be scary as you never know when we might get stuck. What if the person standing next to us snatches the envelopes and runs away?"
"The public demands door delivery. People have no time to collect their own mail. People should set up mailboxes on the ground floor at least," says S S Manjunath, state secretary for Group C Employees Union.

R Seethalakshmi, state secretary for Union of Postmen and Group D Employees, says at least 30% postmen are aged over 50, and 50% are in the 40-50 age group. "Besides, we are managing with just 55% staff. Recruitment is on," she added.

Postmen also complain that people do not come forward to receive posts which contain notices from banks and courts. "If they anticipate such notices, residents do not even open the door. Every day, each postman deals with five or six such notices. We intimate the neighbours, but not many collect their mail from us. When the final notice arrives from the bank or court, the postal service is blamed," Seethalakshmi said.

Sunitha Rao R, TNN, Jan 25, 2011, 08.25am IST

All India Conference held at Alandi

Dear Comrades,

Hereunder are few pics of AIC held at Alandi, Pune.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Dear Comrades,

We wish you all a very happy 62nd Republic Day.


Dear Comrades,

The Postal Staff College of India, Ghaziabad has organized an interaction programme with the 16 Senior Administrative Grade Officers likely to be promoted to HAG (Chief PMG) on 19.01.2011 from 1430 hours on the topic of “Staff issues in Transformation of India Post”. Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary and Com. D. Theyagarajan, Secretary General FNPO were invited to have interaction on the topic for free and frank discussion to arrive at some agreed solution to the issues concerned.

This is the first time that two union representatives were invited as faculty members to the Postal Staff college and allotted 30 minutes each for oration on the topic. Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary has taken 40 minutes on the following issues which were well received by the senior officers of the department. The gist of his presentation on the problems existing in Project Arrow offices and other modernization programme is furnished below for the notice of our members.

At the outset, he made it clear that the proposed changes are inevitable when the Govt decides to amend the Post office Act and makes the Post office also as one of the players in the communication market and the trade unions are not against any advancement or modernization of postal services but against any such move of privatization, corporatization etc. But many schemes are being introduced even without consultations with circle heads and they are forced to implement such decisions ignoring the realities prevailing at base levels and the feasibilities resulting failures of the schemes. Formation of Hubs for speed post articles resulted heavy delay and public criticism in delivery of speed post.

The following issues are not attended or not cared resulting failure in the object of the project arrow and this require immediate correction.

(1) Project Arrow is fine but not succeeded due to operational inefficiency in the absence of adequate staff.

(2) Staffs are compelled to furnish fictitious statistics that become a demoralizing factor.

(3) Project Arrow inspection team guided the offices to enter only the paid MOs relating to Family pension, Old Age pension etc. as MOs received for delivery just to show 100% delivery.

(4) In adequate supply of Computer peripherals, accessories and no power to the Postmaster to incur any expenditure for urgent natures. Inadequacy of printers and almost condemned servers with slow pace available in many Project Arrow offices.

(5) Inadequate personnel deployed for trouble shooting like Systems Administrators to attend the faults.

(6) Even antivirus soft wares are not provided in many circles like Orissa to the computers. There are no proper AMCs. For Generators also there is no AMC and many of them are out of order.

(7) Unscientific fixation of last receipt time. The last receipt should be before 1500 hours. No article should be kept under deposit or shown as delivered or redirected to other town SOs to ensure 100% delivery.

(8) Bar codes to Speed Post articles are sub standard. Duplication of scanning of Speed Post articles must be avoided. The power of RAM should be increased, Spare & Additional accessories must be provided to all offices.

(9) The present measurement of KPI uniform to all offices right from HSG-I to single handed offices is incorrect. This will demotivate the bigger offices where there are chances of return of articles.

(10) The provision of alternative mail route as provided in the blue book and vested with the divisional superintendents for effective conveyance of mails is not at all adhered anywhere. Only the DMSL is adhered. The provision of Citizen Charters D + 2 is not maintained.

(11) Citizen Charter’s meetings should be conducted as post office levels by divisional heads. So that the public can ventilate their pleasure and displeasure in the presence of concerned Postmasters.

(12) There are contrary in citizen’s Charter and norms fixed by the Department. For example for registration of Savings Certificate, it is 10 mts per registration as per the norms. Where as it is 7 minutes per certificate as per citizen charters. There should not be difference in norms.

(13) Now settlement of SB claims in finally vested with Postmasters. The time limit as per citizen charter & KPI disturbed the practicability in disposal of claims.

(14) PPF & Savings certificates involve more time. They should not be brought under multipurpose Savings Bank Counters. Separate counters must be there. No other work other than Savings Bank should be added in the Multi purpose Savings Bank Counters.

(15) Postmasters posted in the project arrow offices must be given with systems training so that they can trouble shoot the minor cases if it warrants avoiding dislocation.

(16) There is no security or no queue facilities in Project Arrow phase I & II offices. It resulted in unwarranted arguments to decide who the first customer is. There is no safety.

(17) The enhancement of counter working hours without realizing the difficulties to 7 hours in many places forced the PO to keep open the office beyond working hours. The physical strain of sitting continuously for 7 hours before counter in computer has not been taken note of. This inhuman decision frustrated the employees much.

(18) Entrusting the undelivered articles to PRI (P), directing the Postman to deliver even registered letter to neighbour or any one, compelling the postmen to obtain mobile number of addresses, collecting authorization letters etc, issuing chare sheets without studying the realities are resulted in setback. Mere policing will not yield desired results. Better counseling is the requirement of the day.

(19) Frequent statements, compelling the Postmaster to check e-mails 3 to 4 times, furnishing report once in a hour – All these adversely affected his supervisory’ duties and the time is being wasted only in collecting such information and forwarding them.

(20) Non updating the soft wares. The patches for Foreign Post revised rates not dispatched till today. In Delhi, no MPCM is having the facility of booking of VP articles under concessional rates for printed books.

(21) The e-mo software is now over leaded. Many paid e-mos are now shown as unpaid. The System Administrators are compelled to clear the mistakes. Before introducing the software, the capacity must be assessed properly.

(22) If LAN/WAN/Broad Band does not function, the PMs are compelled to go other offices to send reports, Accounts & MIS etc.

(23) No doubt, it is feel good outside. But inside, still old furniture etc to delivery staff and other staff. When the project is taken, it should be for all.

(24) Unnecessary calling of explanations from the Postmaster and take notice of their lapses for non extraction of Speed Post net data on account of operation errors.

(25) Practically there is no counting of unaccountable articles. Average and incorrect figures are furnished. This should be deleted from DET.

(26) Series of letters & e-mail received on SB transfer, claims & closures. Scores will be deducted in KPI. This demotivates the staff.

(27) Many local instructions are issued daily confusing the operative staff. Sequential day ending process has been changed twice in many circles.

(28) EMO software again proved as half baked with various bugs which required huge rectification. Soft wares are not able to deal such huge data. 2.5 lakhs e-mos were shown as unpaid which were booked 1 year before.

(29) Handling of plenty of soft wares and multi log in by single user causing tiresome and often failures resulting chain of distress to the PAs and supervisors.

(30) Virtually there is no help from the regional office except questioning; Remote assistance is the best way for trouble shooting.

The problems as well as improvements required in Project Arrow offices were elaborated in details during his oration. He further insisted the advance level training, involving the circle unions in decision makings by the circle heads, the loop holes in marketing like UTI, ICICI prudential, Sale of Gold coins for RML etc. unrealistic targets fixation etc were focused. Our stiff opposition on the tie up with Fedex and provide counter in PO is explained.

In fact under the given time and also the follow up interaction with our General Secretary & Secretary General FNPO by the senior offices for about an hour were properly utilized to ventilate the realities at ground level and the need for review of entire things.

After the meeting, many senior offices have appreciated our views, on many issues and the need to correct them. We thank the Principal, Postal Staff College Sri Sarkar for providing this opportunity to us.

Source: AIPEU P3 CHQ

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sachin Pilot dedicates 8 POs in MP as part of Project Arrow

Dear Comrades,

The extract of the PIB news dated 24.01.2011 is reproduced hereunder:-

PIB, 21:13 IST
India Post’s Services to improve, BSNL to Expand Presence– SACHIN PILOT

Sh. Sachin Pilot, the Union Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology today dedicated 8 Post Offices in Madhya Pradesh as part of Project Arrow Scheme. It is the prestigious project of the Department of Posts to enhance the quality of service in ‘Core Areas’ and upgrading the ‘Look and Feel’ of Post Offices. The 8 Post Offices dedicated today are Pandurna, Sausar, Amarwada, Junnardeo, Mandla, Gohad, Mehgaon, and Lahar.

Speaking in Indore today, Sh. Pilot said that a large number of Post Offices in Madhya Pradesh Postal Circle are getting transformed under Project Arrow. Sh. Pilot said that under Project Arrow in Madhya Pradesh, a total of 119 Post Offices have been taken up for Project Arrow work. Of these 110 have already been dedicated. With the dedication of 8 more Post Offices under Phase IVA, this tally goes up to 118. India Post has spent an approximate sum of Rs. 8.6 crores in improving the look and feel, and core areas of these Post Offices. The selected Post Offices have been given a new look and feel, and services have been computerized to enable a more enhanced experience for customers.

Sh. Sachin Pilot also highlighted the contribution of BSNL to the state of Madhya Pradesh. Dedicating 35 mobile BTSs, Sh. Pilot said that BSNL has significantly expanded its presence in the state, erecting 1512 mobile base tower stations in 2010 itself, increasing the total number of towers to 3800. Sh. Pilot lauded the efforts of BSNL to connect rural areas – 33 of the towers dedicated today have been erected in rural areas of the state. While 63 WIMAX towers are operating currently, there are plans to commission another 800 towers in 2011-12. Village Public Telephones (VPTs) have been installed in all 51,986 inhabited villages. Finally, BSNL continues to add 3G customers to its list, with a target of 1.5 lakh 3G customers to be added in 2011-12. BSNL is also targeting 9 lakh 2G customers during this period.
Sh. Pilot also highlighted Madhya Pradesh as having made tremendous progress in e-governance. He stated that the Madhya Pradesh State Wide Area Network (SWAN) is operational. Sh. Pilot confirmed that DIT had provided for Rs 116.70 crores towards the development of the same. Madhya Pradesh’s State Data Centre (SDC) has also been approved with an approximate financial outlay of Rs 55.75 crores. These developments will make governance more effective in Madhya Pradesh, and will make it easier for the government to serve the residents of the state.


Clarification regarding Children Education Allowance Scheme

Dear Comrades,

DoP vide the following order has clarified few points related to Children Education Allowance Scheme.

No. 12011/08/2010-Estt (AL)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P. G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, the 30th December, 2010

Office Memorandum

Sub: - Children Education Allowance Scheme – Clarification

Subsequent of issue of this Department OM No. 12011/3/2008-Estt (Allowance) dated 02.09.2008 and clarificatory OMs dated 11.11.2008, 23.11.2009 and OM No. 12011/16/2009-(Allowance) dated 13/11/2009 on the Children Education Allowance (CEA) Scheme, this Department has been receiving references from various Departments, seeking further clarifications. The doubts raised are clarified as under: -

Whether CEA is admissible to a Government Servant who ceases to be in service due to retirement, discharge, dismissal or removal from service in the course of an academic year?

CEA/hostel subsidy shall be admissible till the end of the academic year in which the Government Servant ceases to be in service due to retirement, discharge, dismissal or removal from service in the course of an academic year.

The payment shall be made by the office in which the Govt. servant worked prior to these events and will be regulated by the other conditions laid down under CEA scheme

Whether Children of a Government servant who dies while in service are still eligible for reimbursement under the new CEA scheme?

If a Govt. servant dies while in service, the Children Education Allowance or hostel subsidy shall be admissible in respect of his/her children subject to observance of other conditions for its grant provided the wife/husband of the deceased is not employed in service of the Central Govt., State Government, Autonomous Body PSU, Semi-Government Organization such as Municipality. Port Trust Authority or any other organization partly or fully funded by the Central Govt./State Governments. In such cases the CEA/Hostel Subsidy shall be payable to the children till such time the employee would have actually received the same, subject to the condition that other terms and other conditions are fulfilled. The payment shall be made by the office in which the Govt. servant was working prior to this death and will be regulated by the other conditions laid down under CEA scheme.

Whether any upper age limit of the children has been prescribed for claiming CEA? Whether CEA can be allowed in case of children studying through “Correspondence or Distance Learning”? If so the age limit prescribed for the same.

The upper age limit for disabled children has been set at the age of 22 years. In the case of other children the age limit will now be 20 years or till the time of passing 12th class whichever is earlier. Cases where reimbursement have been already made, in respect of children above this age may not be reopened. It has also been decided that CEA may henceforth be allowed in case of children studying through “Correspondence or Distance Learning’ subject to other condition prescribed.

What is the definition of the terms two sets of uniform’ which occur in para 1(e) of our O.M. dated 02.09.08. What is the definition of ‘one set of shoes”?

It is clarified that “one set of shoes’ would mean one pair of shoes and ‘two sets of uniform’ would mean two sets of uniform prescribed by the school in which the child is studying. A set of uniform will include all items of clothing prescribed for a day, as uniform by the school Reimbursement may be allowed for two sets of such uniform irrespective of the colours/winter/summer/PT uniform.

What is the definition of ‘station’ for the purpose of hostel subsidy?

It is clarified that for the purpose of hostel subsidy. Station would be demarcated by the first three digits of the PIN Code of the area where the Government Servant is posted and/or residing’. The first three digits of the PIN Code indicate a Revenue District.

Whether fee paid to organization / institutions other than the school or fee paid to the private tutors for purposes mentioned in para 1(e) of the OM dated 2.9.2008 is reimbursable

No. it is clarified that the term ‘fee’ contained in the para 1 (e) of the OM dated 2.9.2008 would mean the fee charged by the school directly from the student

(Smmi R. Nakra), Director (P&A)

Women employees not be posted in the places where basis amenities are not available

Dear Comrades,

DoP vide the following order has instructed criterias in regard to posting of women employees where basis amenities are not available. This is a welcome step. But what about male employees to be posted in the places where basis amenities are not available? Should they close the Post Office in the need and then again come to the POs and make transaction? Let us ask the Government.

No. 137-10/2011-SPB.II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg

New Delhi, Dated the 18th Jan, 2011

All Chief Postmasters General
All Postmasters General
All Postal Training Centres
CGM, PLI Directorate, Chanakaya Puri Post Office Complex, New Delhi

Subject: Posting of women employees – Reg.


I am directed to say that during the meeting of the Departmental Council (JCM) held on 27.08.2010 under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (Posts), an item regarding non-posting of women employees where basic amenities are not available was raised by the Staff side. The Staff side has stated that a number of Post Offices/RMS Offices are not having all the basic amenities and women employees are finding it difficult to work in such places. The staff side has, therefore, demanded that women employees should not be posted to such offices before ensuring basic amenities in such places.

2. It was informed to the staff side that Dte has issued instructions vide letter No. 137-12/98-SPB.II, dated 29.04.1998 to all Postal Circles advising them to avoid posting of ladies staff where basic amenities are not available in the office. It was decided in the meeting by the Chairperson that instructions on the subject be reiterated to all Heads of circles for strictly compliance.

3. In the Directorate’s letter No. 137-12/98-SPB.II, dated 29.04.1998, it was inter-alia advised to avoid posting women employees where there are no basic and essential amenities for women, Circles are, therefore, requested to scrupulously follow these instructions before women employees are posted/transferred from one work place to other. It may be ensure that women employee is transferred to an office only after ensuring that basic and essential amenities for women are available there. The Circles are also requested to identify these offices which are lacking basic amenities and take action for providing them immediately.

Yours faithfully,
Sd/- (Suraj Bhan) Asstt. Director General (SPN)


Dear Comrades,

Recent developments occured at CHQ are furnished hereunder:-

The Revised Recruitment Rules for M.T.S (Group D) was expected to be released on 21.01.2011. On release of orders the same will be exhibited in our Blog.

The revised Recruitment Rules for Postmen will also be released within two days. Instructions will be issued to all circle heads to fill up all the vacancies of Postmen/Group ‘D’ up to 31.12.2010 within a time frame.

Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE, K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary and Com. Iswar Singh Dabas General Secretary, P4 met Sri. P. K. Gopinath, Member (P), Postal Services Board on 21.01.2011 and discussed the following issues:

(a) Extension of time limit for submitting option for Postmasters cadre. We have requested that instructions may be issued to all Chief PMGs to fill up all norm based LSG, HSG II and HSG –I posts on regular basis holding DPCs and option may be finalized only after giving opportunity to all those promoted to LSG, HSG II and HSG –I thus.

MACP clarification as per West Bengal Chief PMG’s letter.

Charge sheets, Break-in-service (FR 17-A) orders issued by Mumbai West Division, Satara Division and Pune RMS Division in connection with 2010 September 7th Strike.

Revision of wages of casual labourers and Part-time contingent employees and indiscriminate outsourcing of their work. Clarificaiton on their engagnement

Removing the hurdles in commencing Local training classes for newly recruited PA/SAs with particular reference to Tamilnadu Circle.

Discontinuing double delivery system in metros especially in Tamilnadu.
Member (P) assured necessary intervention.

He informed that police verification is a must before sending candidates for PA/SA training. No deviation from the Government instructions can be made by the Postal Board in this regard.

Postmen Committee
Postmen Committee met on 21.01.2011 at Dak Bhawan under the Chairmanship of DDG (MB). Com. M. Krishanan, Secretary General NFPE, Com. Iswar Singh Dabas, General Secretary P-4, Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary, P3 represented NFPE in the meeting. Issues relating to Data entry work, Fixing minimum and maximum distance to be traversed by Postmen, filling up of all vacant posts of Postmen upto 2010 (inclusive of residual vacancies) were discussed in detail. DDG agreed that the Department will examine all the points raised by the Staff side and will come up with a final proposal in the next meeting. Next sitting will be held in March 2011.

Cadre Review
A meeting related to cadre restructuring was scheduled to be held on 22.01.2011 at 11.00 hours. Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE alongwith Com. K. V. Sridharan and Com. Giriraj Singh members of the Committee represented NFPE in the meeting. Details will be published soon.

Release of new book on GDS 'Crusader on Gramin Dak Sewaks'

Dear Comrades,

NFPE and AIPEU Group-C CHQ with a combined effort have published the following crusader to GDS which will be certainly helpful to all GDS comrades as well as who want to be thorough in the rulings for GDS. SO, if anybody wants to have a copy may contact their respective Divisional Secretary to place a order from the CHQ remitting the required amount i.e Rs.120/- + Postage.

The 410 Pages Book “Crusader to Gramin Dak Sewaks” jointly published by National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) and All India Postal Employees Union, Group ‘C” (CHQ) and compiled and edited by Com. K. V. Sridharan, General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’ (CHQ) is an excellent and complete manual of GDS rulings. All the orders relating to GDS issued by the Department of Posts upto 31.12.2010 are included in the book. Headings and sub-headings of each Chapter with page number is given as index for easy and ready reference. It is most authoritative than any other book on GDS available. The memo number and date of each ruling is given. No such exhaustive compilation on GDS is available now.

Without having a thorough and perfect knowledge of rulings on GDS, Branch/Divisional/Circle/All India office bearers and activists of NFPE Unions cannot perform as real leaders of the most downtrodden section of the Postal Employees. Further without knowing the rules which governs one’s wages and service conditions, no GDS can safeguard his/her rights and privileges. This books serves not only as a reference book in the day to day functioning but also as a real weapon in the hands of union activists and Gramin Dak Sewaks. EVERYBODY SHOULD HAVE A COPY OF IT.

Cost of a single copy is only Rs.120/- (Rs. One Hundred Twenty Only) (Plus Postage)

NFPE recommends every Postal Employee including Officers to Gramin Dak Sewaks, to have a copy of it. Copies can be had from: General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’ (CHQ), 2151/1 New Patel Nagar, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, New Delhi – 110008.

(M. Krishnan), Secretary General, NFPE

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Dear Comrades,

The Secretary General has issued a notice i.c.w. All India Study Camp of NFPE to be held in Kerala State.

No. NFPE/GENL/2011 Dated :17-01-2011

It is hereby notified that an All India Seminar on the subject - "Future of INDIA POST - Challenges and Opportunities" will be conducted on 13.02.2011 (13th February 2011) Sunday at 4pm at Thekkady (KUMILY) Kerala State, in connection with the All India Study Camp of National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE). All, All India Office Bearers of NFPE, its affiliated Unions and Circle Secretaries of all the affiliated Unions of NFPE are requested to attend the Seminar.

Yours faithfully, M.Krishnan, Secretary General

1) Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi - 110001 - Eligible Special Casual leave may please be granted to the delegates who are participating in the Seminar.
2) All Chief Postmaster Generals - Eligible Special Casual leave may please be granted to the delegates who are participating in the Seminar.
3) All Office Bearers of NFPE
4) All Office Bearers of Affiliated Unions of NFPE
5) All Circle Secretaries of Affiliated Unions of NFPE

India Post to now provide bar-coded parcel boxes

Dear Comrades,

The extract of the article published in is reproduced hereunder.

Soon, worry no more on having to buy boxes from elsewhere for sending domestic or international parcels through Indian post offices.

You will be able to buy prepaid parcel boxes from all major POs, at a flat rate. For domestic parcels, a 1-kg box will cost Rs 125, 2.5 kg Rs 200 and for 5-kg Rs 400.  For international parcel boxes, Rs 1,000 will be charged for a kg, Rs 1,500 for 2.5 kg and Rs 2,500 for five kg.

At present, consumers had to buy boxes themselves and pay according to the weight, with a rise in the rate for higher numbers. With the new prepaid boxes, customers would be charged a flat rate, depending on the weight, a senior official from the department of posts (DoP) said.

Apart from providing parcel boxes, DoP will ensure a tracking system. each box will have a bar code for a faster processing, tracking and tracing mechanism. For international parcels, all documentation will be printed and there will be a printed customs declaration attached, the official said. The aim is to explore the parcel market, especially abroad.

DoP is also planning to the pricing system for all products and services. The aim is to enable the department to price its offerings competitively and expand its customer base. It plans to appoint a consultant to undertake this project and has invited Expression of Interest from interested firms.

The exercise will enable the department to analyse the cost and profitability of each service. The new costing method will then form a basis for management of pricing of products.

First Electronic Solar Rickshaws For Postmen In India

Dear Comrades,

The extract of the article published in the Times of India is reproduced hereunder.

AJMER: The district will be the first in the country where the postmen will distribute the postal stuffs through green vehicles which will run by solar energy. The first of its kind centre of electronic solar rickshaw for distributing postal work is started in Ajmer on Monday by the Union Telecom and IT minister of states Sachin Pilot, promising to increase IT services in the remote villages of the country.

Five eco friendly solar auto rickshaws were distributed to the postmen to distribute posts in the different parts of the district. The department will look to the result of speed and costing of this project and then the facility will be spread in other parts of the country.

Pilot also started the first BSNL wireless service mobile call centre of the state in Ajmer today that will resolve problems of 53 lakh BSNL mobile customers of the state. Union state minister and MP of Ajmer, Pilot, reached here today in the morning for a day program and inaugurated the first of it kind call centre here for the consumers of BSNL mobile holders. "The customers had to reach for the call centre situated in Gurgava of Haryana before to get solution of their problems and that took bit more time but now the customers can get the service directly in their state" said Pilot. He added that the youth of rural Ajmer will get the benefit of job through this call centre. The government is deciding to start such call centres in the other parts of the state so that the customers could get better services.

Briefing about the service, COO of Sparsh BPO services Satish Varanasi said that their company will provide services to the BSNL customers and they will train about 250 youths for running the centre and at present they have given employment to 124 people. "The center will provide services to 53 lakh customers in the state to solve their problems" said A K Jain chief general manager of BSNL.

Pilot then went to the General post office of the district and inaugurated the electro solar rickshaw center, from where the letters will be distributed with these new solar energy machines. Pilot also inaugurated the Airo-project in Gangwana, Makhupura, Kadel, Kuchil, Madar, Hatundi, Roopnager and Tilonia through video conferencing.

The state minister stated that with latest technology, the post and telegraph department will provide better services specially in rural parts of the country where people waited long to get the communication from different parts, "in this project `500 post offices are taken in first stage and in ajmer district only 57 post offices are made high-tech in this project, people from rural regions could get the facilities of life insurance, banking, electronic money orders by this."

The auto solar rickshaws are prepared by the scientists of Indian government with collaboration of IT research department and with Kinetic motors of Pune. "The vehicle will run with battery and will charge with solar energy which is eco-friendly and we have given it a name of green vehicle" said senior scientist H S Mahti who came to Ajmer from New Delhi.

Times of India, 17.01.2011

28th All India conference of AIPEU Group C

Dear Comrades,

The 28th All India conference of AIPEU Group C was held from 09.01.2011 to 12.01.2011 at Alandi, Pune (Maharashtra) under president ship of Com. M. Krishnan, CHQ President. It is first time in the history of the AIPEU Group C movement, more than 2500 comrades participated as delegates and visitors. The hall having seating arrangements for 1600 was always full and flooded during the entire session of the conference. The open session had a huge participation of more than 3500 comrades and even the Minister of State for Communication & IT and the other chief guest Com. Sitaram Yechuri were very much pleased to see such a mass gathering.

The another mile stone of the AIC is that the compilation of various orders relating to Gramin Dak Sewak titled as ‘Crusader to Gramin Dak Sewak’ published as a joint venture by the National Federation of Postal Employees and All India Postal Employees Union Group C has been launched in the open session and the first copy was presented to Com. M. Krishnan, CHQ President and also the Secretary General, NFPE by Com. Sitaram Yechury. The book was compiled by the CHQ for the benefit of GDS comrades for whom the NFPE and CHQ is always committed and launched in the AIC to mark the occasion.

The resolution on policy and programme was unanimously adopted in the conference. The resolutions presented by the delegates to the Resolution committee were read out by Com R.N.Parasha, Convener, Resolution committee and also the Assistant Secretary General, NFPE and they were adopted. The full details of the resolutions will be published in the Bhartiya post. Amendments to the Constitutions were unanimously adopted and the details will be published in the Bhartiya Post.

The biennial report and audited accounts were unanimously approved and adopted by the delegates and thereafter the election of office bearers were held unanimously. The following office bearers were elected unanimously for the ensuring term.

List of office-bearers elected in the 28th All India Conference of AIPEU Group ‘C’ held at Alandi, Pune (Maharashtra) from 9.1.2011 to 12.1.2011

President - Com. M. Krishnan, BCR Postal Assistant, Thycaud P.O., Thiruvanathapuram- 695014.(Kerala)
Working President - Com. Mangesh Parab, P. A., Mumbai G.P.O. (Maharastra)
Com. N. Gopalakrishnan, A.P.M., T. Nagar H.P.O. (Tamilnadu)
Vice Presidents - Com. R. C. Mishra, Deputy Manager, PSD, Bhubaneswar-751007(Orissa)
Com. C. P. Shobana, PA (BCR), Pallikkunnu S.O.(Kerala)
General Secretary - Com. K. V. Sridharan, HSG-I Supervisor, Anna Road H.P.O. (Tamilnadu)
Dy. Gen. Secretary - Com. R. Sivannararayana, PRI (P), Guntur-522002 (Andhra Pradesh)
Asst. Gen. Secretaries - Com. Gaurang Dev Maity, SPM, Mayna, S.O., Tamluk (West Bengal)
Com. Subhash Mishra, P.A., Kanpur H.O.208001 (Uttar Pradesh)
Com. A. Veeramani, P.A., Anna Road H.P.O.600002 (Tamilnadu)
Financial Secretary - Com. Balwinder Singh, P.A., Rajinder Nagar P.O., New Delhi-110060.
Asst. Fin. Secretary - Com. Hari Prasad Diwakar, SPM, Dargah Sharif P.O. Ajmer (Rajasthan)
Org. Gen. Secretaries - Com. S. A. Hamith, SPM, R. S. University, Raipur – 492010, (Chattishgarh)
Com. U. K. Tiwari, TBOP PA, Patna GPO-800001(Bihar)
Com. L. P. Saikia, Postmaster, Nagaon H.O. (Assam)

The All India conference has unanimously resolved to form a Mahila committee at All India level for the coordination of women employees. The Mahila committee will be invited for all the central working committees. The committee which consist the following comrades has been unanimously formed.

Chairperson : Com Nanda Sen, Postal Assistant, Siliguri, West Bengal
Convener : Com C. P. Shobana, Vice President, CHQ
Sub Convener : Com K. Pushpeswari Devi, SPM, HAL, Hyderabad 500042, Andhra
Members : Com R. Manimegalai, Postal Asst, Annaroad HPO, Chennai 600002, Tamilnadu
Com Mausumi Mazumdar, Divl. Secretary, Dibrugarh, Assam
Com P. Rema, Postal asst, Calicut HO, Kerala
Com Padmavati Limaye, Accountant, Ratnagiri HO 415612 Maharashtra
Com Roopa Bathma, SPM, Old Secretariat, Bhopal – 462001, M.P.

This is the first time, an affiliate of National federation of Postal Employees is forming a mahila sub committee for encouraging the women employees in organizational activities.

A delegation of 10 members from Koraput Divisional Branch participated in the said conference.

India Post seeks actuarial consultant to weigh funds

Dear Comrades,

The extract of the article published in the Economic Times is reproduced hereunder. 

India Post is set to appoint an actuarial consultant to value its various insurance funds, a move which forms precursor to bring its insurance business under control of sectoral regulator, insurance regulatory and development authority (IRDA).

The postal department has called for proposals from qualified actuaries to value its insurance scheme funds such as, post office life insurance fund (POLIF) and rural post office life insurance fund (RPOIF). The POIF had around 40 lakh policies while RPOIF had around 135 lakh policies at the end of March 2010.

The department, which runs its postal life insurance (PLI) and rural postal life insurance (RPLI) schemes as an agency function of the finance ministry, earlier sought to set up a corporate entity to handle insurance schemes to give it autonomy in functioning. Irda regulations mandate every life and non-life insurer to appoint an actuary with life insurance businesses mandated to have a permanent official for the post.

According to the letter of invitation (LoI) issued by the department, the actuary will analyse various aspects of the funds including their expenses and premium income to certify the solvency of the funds. The consulting actuary will initially be appointed for a period of two years, which can be extended later by one more year.

Actuarial valuation are used to assess risk in the insurance and finance industries. For traditional life insurance, actuarial science focuses on analysis of mortality, production of life tables and application of compound interest to produce life insurance, annuities and endowment policies.

The department of posts have been lagging behind despite having a formidable distribution base of over 1.55 lakh post offices. The department has proposed to create a corporate entity to handle the schemes, a move that will liberate it to introduce innovative products that can compete with private players effectively.

The opinion of law ministry was also sought if Irda could take control over the department’s insurance business. As per provision of the LIC Act, PLI is a ‘scheme run by central government’ . Hence it is neither a company nor a body corporate , but is part of a department of the central government. On the contrary , Insurance Act defines an ‘insurer’ as any individual or un-incorporated body of individuals or body corporate incorporated under law.

Even as the debate on regulatory control of postal life insurance goes on, the department has requested for greater autonomy to its insurance schemes as it looks to expand its financial services business. “Corporatisation of the life insurance business will enable the postal department to compete with private insurance players on a level playing field,” said an official in the department, who asked not to be named.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Dear Comrades,

The results of PA examination held for vacant posts of SC and ST have been declared. The same is reproduced hereunder. The SSPOs, Jeypore(K) vide Memo No.B/G-1/Rectt/09-10 dated 14.1.2011 has published the results.

1. Hena Mirdha  

2. Chandrasekhar Palaka

3. Sadananda Malik

4. Anita Naik

5. Satyajit Kumbhar

6. Hari Mistry

7. Sanjay Dutt Suna

8. Minaketan Majhi

9. Krushna Chandra Bhumal

10. Pitambar Khillo

11. Ananda Ku Dalapati

AIPEU Koraput Divisional Branch congratulates them all and welcomes them to Koraput Postal Family.
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