Friday, September 30, 2011

Retirement Benefits

Dear Comrades,
Retirement Benefits

The minimum eligibility period for receipt of pension is 10 years. A Central Government servant retiring in accordance with the Pension Rules is entitled to receive superannuation pension on completion of at least 10 years of qualifying service.

In the case of Family Pension the widow is eligible to receive pension on death of her spouse after completion of one year of continuous service or before even completion of one year if the Government servant had been examined by the appropriate Medical Authority and declared fit for Government service.

W.e.f 1.1.2006, Pension is calculated with reference to average emoluments namely, the average of the basic pay drawn during the last 10 months of the service or last basic pay drawn whichever is beneficial. Full pension with 10/20 years of qualifying service is 50% of the average emoluments or last basic pay drawn whichever is beneficial. Before 1.1.2006, for qualifying service of less than 33 years, amount of pension was proportionate to the actual qualifying service broken into completed half-year periods. For example, if total qualifying service is 30 years and 4 months (i.e. 61 half-year periods), pension will be calculated as under:-

Pension amount = R/2(X)61/66  

where R represents average reckonable emoluments for last 10 months of qualifying service or the last pay drawn as opted by the govt servant.

Minimum pension presently is Rs. 3500 per month. Maximum limit on pension is 50% of the highest pay in the Government of India (presently Rs. 45,000) per month. Pension is payable up to and including the date of death. 

Commutation of Pension
A Central Government servant has an option to commute a portion of pension, not exceeding 40% of it, into a lump sum payment with effect from 1.1.1996. No medical examination is required if the option is exercised within one year of retirement. If the option is exercised after expiry of one year, he/she will have to undergo medical examination by the specified competent authority.

Lump sum payable is calculated with reference to the Commutation Table constructed on an actuarial basis. The monthly pension will stand reduced by the portion commuted and the commuted portion will be restored on the expiry of 15 years from the date of receipt of the commuted value of pension. Dearness Relief, however, will continue to be calculated on the basis of the original pension (i.e. without reduction of commuted portion).

The formula for arriving for commuted value of Pension (CVP) is
CVP = 40 % (X) Commutation factor* (X)12

* The commutation factor will be with reference to age next birthday on the date on which commutation becomes absolute as per the New Table as Annexure to this Deptt's O.M. No. 38/37/08- P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008

Death/Retirement Gratuity

Retirement Gratuity
This is payable to the retiring Government servant. A minimum of 5 years qualifying service and eligibility to receive service gratuity/pension is essential to get this one time lump sum benefit. Retirement gratuity is calculated @ 1/4th of a month’s Basic Pay plus Dearness Allowance drawn before retirement for each completed six monthly period of qualifying service. There is no minimum limit for the amount of gratuity. The retirement gratuity payable is 16½ times the Basic Pay, subject to a maximum of Rs. 10 lakhs.

Death Gratuity
This is a one-time lump sum benefit payable to the widow/widower or the nominee of a permanent or a quasi-permanent or a temporary Government servant, including CPF beneficiaries, dying in harness. There is no stipulation in regard to any minimum length of service rendered by the deceased employee. Entitlement of death gratuity is regulated as under:  

Qualifying Service
Less than one year
2 times of basic pay
One year or more but less than 5 years
6 times of basic pay
5 years or more but less than 20 years
12 times of basic pay
20 years of more
Half of emoluments for every completed 6 monthly period of qualifying service subject to a maximum of 33 times of emoluments.

Maximum amount of Death Gratuity admissible is Rs. 10 lakhs w.e.f. 1.1.2006  

Service Gratuity
A retiring Government servant will be entitled to receive service gratuity (and not pension) if total qualifying service is less than 10 years. Admissible amount is half month’s basic pay last drawn for each completed 6 monthly period of qualifying service. There is no minimum or maximum monetary limit on the quantum. This one time lump sum payment is distinct from and is paid over and above the retirement gratuity.

Issue of No Demand Certificate
Dues owed by the retiring employees on account of Licence Fee for Government accommodation, advances, over payment of pay and allowances are required to be assessed by the Head of Office and intimated to the Accounts Officer two months in advance of the date of retirement so that these are recovered from retirement gratuity before payment. For this purpose the Licence Fee for those in occupation of Government accommodation is taken into account up to the end of the permissible period for which accommodation can be retained after retirement under the Rules on normal rent. The recovery of Licence Fee beyond that period is the responsibility of the Directorate of Estates. If, for any reason final dues cannot be assessed on time, then 10% of gratuity is withheld from gratuity. 

General Provident Fund and Incentives
As per General Provident Fund (Central Services) Rules, 1960, all temporary Government servants after a continuous service of one year, all re-employed pensioners (Other than those eligible for admission to the Contributory Provident Fund) and all permanent Government servants are eligible to subscribe to the Fund. A subscriber, at the time of joining the fund is required to make a nomination, in the prescribed form, conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the amount that may stand to his credit in the fund in the event of his death, before that amount has become payable or having become payable has not been paid. A subscriber shall subscribe monthly to the Fund except during the period when he is under suspension. Subscriptions to the Provident Fund are stopped 3 months prior to the date of superannuation. Rates of subscription shall not be less than 6% of subscriber’s emoluments and not more than his total emoluments. Rate of interest on GPF accumulations with effect from 1.4.2009 is 8% compounded annually and the rate of interest will vary according to notifications of the Government. The Rules provide for drawal of advances/ withdrawals from the Fund for specific purposes.

Deposit Linked Insurance Revised Scheme

Under the GPF Rules, on the death of subscriber, the person entitled to receive the amount standing to the credit of the subscriber shall be paid an additional amount equal to the average balance in the account during the 3 years immediately preceding the death of the subscriber subject to certain conditions provided in the relevant Rule. The additional amount payable under that Rule shall not exceed Rs. 60,000/-. To get this benefit, the subscriber should have put in at least 5 years service at the time of his/her death.  

Contributory Provident Fund
The Contributory Provident Fund Rules (India), ,1962 are applicable to every non-pensionable servant of the Government belonging to any of the services under the control of the President. A subscriber, at the time of joining the Fund is required to make a nomination in the prescribed Form conferring on one or more persons the right to receive the amount that may stand to his credit in the Fund in the event of his death, before that amount has become payable or having become payable has not been paid.

A subscriber shall subscribe monthly to the Fund when on duty or Foreign Service but not during the period of suspension. Rates of subscription shall not be less than 10% of the emoluments and not more than his emoluments. The employer’s contribution at that percentage prescribed by the Government will be credited to the subscriber’s account and this is 10%. Rate of interest with effect from 1.4.2009 is 8% compounded annually. The Rules provide for drawal of advances/ withdrawals from the CPF for specific purposes. As in GPF Rules, the CPF Rules also provide for Deposit Linked Insurance Revised Scheme.

Leave Encashment
Encashment of leave is a benefit granted under the CCS (Leave) Rules and not a pensionary benefit. Encashment of Earned Leave/Half Pay Leave standing at the credit of the retiring Government servant is admissible on the date of retirement subject to a maximum of 300 days. There is no provision under the Rule for payment of interest on delayed payment of Leave Encashment.  

Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme
A portion of monthly contributions paid while in service is credited in a Saving Fund, on which interest accrues. A Government servant while entering service has to apply in Form No. 4 of the above Scheme to the Head of Office, who shall issue a sanction for the payment of subscriber’s accumulation in the Savings Fund segment together with interest and arrange for its disbursement, soon after retirement. Payments under this Scheme are made in accordance with the Table of Benefit which takes in to account interest up to the date of cessation of service. Insurance cover benefit under this Scheme is available to the family in the event of death of the subscriber. No interest is payable on account of delayed payments under this Scheme.

Multi Activity Programme on Eve of International Day of Older Persons

Dear Comrades,

Mukul Wasnik Inaugurates a Multi Activity Programme
on Eve of International Day of Older Persons
Union Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment Shri Mukul Wasnik inaugurated a multi activity programme on “Towards Holistic Health Care: Improving the quality life of Senior Citizen”, here today. Speaking on the Eve of International day of older persons the Minister said that there is a need to sensitize the authorities regarding various issues of senior citizen of the country. The Minister said that a special policy reflecting the concern of senior citizen of both urban and rural areas, especially women of rural areas has to be formulated.

He further said that ignorance about the “Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen Act,2007” which essentially aims at creating an enabling mechanism to make the claim for matinanace simpler, speedier and affordable is a major challenge. In this regard the Minister urged that Anugrah - Regional Resource and Traning Centre and National Institute Of School Defence( NISD) should take effective majors to sensitize and create large scale awareness among the senior citizen about legislation.

Those who were present during the meeting included Shri K.M. Acharya, Secretary, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Additional Secretary Smt. Sangita Gairola and Shri T.R Meena, Joint Secretary.

The programme was jointly organized by National Institute Of School Defence (NISD) and Anugrah- Regional Resource and Training Centre.
SKS  (Release ID :76401) PIB

PS GR-B and PM GRADE-I Question Booklet Series and Keys

Dear Comrades,
Name of the Examination
Dates on which held
Details of Question Booklets & Keys
Postal Service Group 'B' Examination
Question Booklets in series A,B,C,& D for paper I and II with keys
Postmaster Grade -I Examination
Question Booklets in series A,B,C,& D for paper I and II with keys
Paper I - Question Booklet Series Keys
A B C D Paper I
Paper II - Question Booklet SeriesKeys
A B C D Paper II
Paper I - Question Booklet SeriesKeys
A B C D Paper I
Paper II - Question Booklet SeriesKeys
A B C D Paper II

Post office into banking: Rs 2,000-cr plan for facelift

Dear Comrades,

With an aim to metamorphose your neighborhood post office into a full-fledged bank, the Department of Posts (DoP) has approached the Planning Commission seeking Rs 2,000 crore for modernisation of postal services and its foray into the banking sector.
The plan — to materialise in the 12th five year plan period — envisages metamorphosing post offices into Postal Bank of India for disbursal of subsidies and scheme benefits.

A source told The Pioneer that in a meeting with the Plan panel recently, DoP secretary Radhika Doraiswamy has submitted the proposal in this regard. The proposal enlists interlinking of post offices across the country and setting up of ATMs. In the beginning, the department proposes to set up 5,000 ATMs in rural areas. This would be the first phase of its foray into banking sector.

In the second phase, the post offices will be overhauled into Postal Bank of India to provide the entire bouquet of banking services subject to approval from Finance Ministry and RBI. Recently, Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal had said that the Ministry wants to commercialise the department and seek a licence from the RBI to convert all post offices into banks. The source said that panel is positive on the proposal as this will take banking services to the hinterlands of the country and help in efficient disbursal of government subsidies and schemes to the targeted people.

It will also be a game changer for the fact that slow financial inclusion in rural areas is not letting the agricultural credit reach the farmers. And since postal offices are already present in deep hinterlands, turning post offices into bank is a better proposition than opening new banks. Metamorphosing postal offices will require minimal infrastructure expenditure.

Already post offices offer financial services like savings bank, postal life insurance, pension payments and money transfer services. The country has 1.5 lakh post offices. Turning post offices into full fledged banks will help the government in checking leakages in schemes like MGNREGA and various other schemes like old age pension and widow pension. Recently, rural development minister Jairam Ramesh said that post offices will be roped in for disbursement of MGNREGA wages at a charge of Rs 80 annually for every active account.

Thursday, 29 September 2011 23:50   SEEMA SINDHU | New Delhi

AICPIN for the month of August: 194

Dear Comrades,

All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of August, 2011 increased by 1 point and stood at 194 (one hundred & ninety four).

During August, 2011, the index recorded maximum increase of 9 points in Amritsar centre, 8 points each in Bhilwara and Chindwara centres, 6 points in Kolkata centre, 5 points in Jharia centre, 4 points in 6 centres, 3 points in 7 centres, 2 points in 16 centres and 1 point in 16 centres. The index decreased by 3 points each in Giridih, Quilon and Kodarma centres, 2 points in Rajkot centre, 1 point in 9 centres while in the remaining 15 centres the index remained stationary.

The maximum increase of 9 points in Amritsar centre is mainly on account of increase in the prices of Rice, Wheat Atta, Fresh Milk, Onion, Vegetable & Fruit items, Tea (Readymade), Kerosene Oil, Electricity Charges, Medicine (Allopathic), etc. The increase of 8 points each in Bhilwara and Chindwara centres is due to increase in the prices of Wheat, Gram Dal, Groundnut Oil, Soyabeen Oil, Milk, Onion, Vegetable & Fruit items, Tea (Readymade), Bidi, Firewood, Toilet Soap, etc. The increase of 6 points in Kolkata centre is due to increase in the prices of Rice, Wheat Atta, Fish Fresh, Onion, Vegetable & Fruit items, Soft Coke, etc. The increase of 5 points in Jharia centre is due to increase in the prices of Rice, Mustard Oil, Fish Fresh, Onion, Vegetable & Fruit items, Electricity Charges, Soft Coke etc. The decrease of 3 points each in Giridih, Quilon and Kodarma centres is the outcome of decrease in the prices of Rice,Wheat Atta, Masur Dal, Turmeric Powder, Fish Fresh, Fire Wood, Soft Coke, etc. The decrease of 2 points in Rajkot centre is due to decrease in the prices of Arhar Dal, Vegetable and Fruit items, etc.

The indices in respect of the six major centres are as follows :
1. Ahmedabad – 191
2. Bangalore – 194
3. Chennai – 172
4. Delhi – 178
5. Kolkata – 192
6. Mumbai – 195

The All-India (General) point to point rate of inflation for the month of August, 2011 is 8.99% as compared to 8.43% in July, 2011. Inflation based on Food Index is 7.33% in August, 2011 as compared to 6.25% in July, 2011.

The CPI-IW for September, 2011 will be released on the last working day of the next month, i.e. 31st October, 2011.

Source: PIB

National Postal Week commencing from 9th Oct 2011

Dear Comrades,

India Post is celebrating the National Postal Week starting w.e.f. 9th Oct 2011. Let us too celebrate it in every manner and bring more pride and honour to our Department.

9th Oct 2011: World Postal Day

11th Oct 2011: Savings Bank Day

12th Oct 2011: Mail Day

13th Oct 2011: Philatelic Day

14th Oct 2011: Business Development Day

15th Oct 2011: PLI Day

Every year 9th October World Postal Day is being celebrated. As a member of Universal Postal Union, India Post is celebrating National Postal Week.

Railway Minister Will Flag Off Country’s First Ever AC Double Decker Train From Howrah Station Tomorrow

Dear Comrades,

Railway Minister Will Flag Off Country’s First Ever AC Double Decker Train From Howrah Station Tomorrow.

The Minister of Railways, Shri Dinesh Trivedi, will flag off country’s first air conditioned superfast Double Decker train at Howrah station New Complex tomorrow i.e. 1.10.2011, as a Puja gift. 12383 Up/12384 Dn. Howrah-Dhanbad Express(Double Decker) will run five days a week between Howrah and Dhanbad. This fully air-conditioned Double Decker train will have chair car coaches and will start from Dhanbad at 5.00 a.m. on every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and arrive at Howrah at 9.15 a.m. From Howrah, this train will start at 3.20 p.m. on every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday and reach Dhanbad at 7.40 p.m.

This train will consist of 9 coaches including 7 air-conditioned Double Decker chair cars having 128 seats in each coach and 2 generator cars. This train will stop at Barddhaman, Durgapur, Asansol, Barakar and Kumardhubi on both ways en-route. This train will have maximum permissible speed of 110 kilometre per houir and will run via Howrah-Barddhaman chord line. Introduction of Double Decker train was announced in Railway Budget earlier. Booking for this train will start from 30.9.2011 in all Computerized Reservation Counters.

The air-conditioned double decker coach design uses many superior technical features like aesthetically pleasing stainless steel body, high speed Eurofima design bogies with air springs for superior ride quality and many other safety related features. This coach is fitted with control discharge toilet system. The successful development of AC Double Decker train is a clear illustration of Indian Railways capabilities in design and manufacturing.

ASK/HK/LK/TR (Release ID :76379) PIB

Production Linked Bonus for Railway Employees for 78 Days

Dear Comrades,

Production Linked Bonus for Railway Employees

The Union Cabinet has accepted the proposal of the Ministry of Railways for payment of Productivity Linked Bonus (PLB) equivalent to 78 days` wages for the financial year 2010-2011 for all eligible non-gazetted Railway employees.

The financial implication of payment of 78 days` PLB to railway employees has been estimated to be Rs.1098.58 crore. The wage calculation ceiling prescribed for payment of PLB to the eligible non-gazetted railway employees is Rs.3500/- p.m.

About 12.61 lakh non-gazetted Railway employees are likely to benefit from the decision.

Payment of PLB to eligible railway employees is made each year before the Dusshera/ Puja holidays. The decision of the Cabinet shall be implemented before the holidays for this year as well.

This will be the highest PLB payment ever to be made by Railways. PLB is based on the productivity indices reflecting the performance of the Railways and its payment is expected to motivate the employees for working towards improving the same in future.

PIB  RCJ/SC/SK/SM  (Release ID :76348)


Dear Comrades,

Com. M. Krishnan Secretary General NFPE and Com. D. Theagarajan Secretary General FNPO explained the gist of discussion held in the MNOP committee held on 27.09.2011. After detailed discussions the following decisions are taken.

1. Regarding the already implemented Speed Post Hubs the following modifications may be sought for positive decision.
(a) More intra circle hubs should be opened to reduce back routing and delay. Circle Secretaries of R-3 and R-4 Unions (NFPE&FNPO) should give concrete proposals regarding additional hubs required and also for change of jurisdiction from Postal Side to RMS .Report from Circles Secretaries should reach the General Secretaries /Secretary Generals before 5.10.2011.
2. Regarding first class mails hub (L1,L2) the meeting came to the unanimous conclusion that if the L-1,L-2 is implemented the following will be position:
(a) Most of the L-2 office will face closure in the near future due to fall in mail volume.
(b) In major metros/cities all the existing sorting offices and Divisions will be merged and closed.
(c) There will be large scale transfer and displacement of staff affecting their career prospective at large. Large number of Mailman staff and GDS may become surplus in metro/cities.
(d) L-1,L-2 will result in unnecesary back routing and avoidable delay in transmission/delivery of mails.
In view of the above the meeting decided to oppose implementation of L-1 and L-2 .
It is also decided to prepare for another industrial action if the department go ahead with implementation of L-1, L-2 inspite of our opposition. It is decided to approach the Hon`ble Minister for Communications & IT through MPs and appraise him, of the gravity of the situation and request intervention.
In the meantime the Secretary Generals shall prepare a detailed note explaining the above impact of L-1, L-2 for educating the rank and file membership.

Happy Dussehera

Dear Comrades,

Wish you All a Very happy Dussehera and festival of Navaratri.

May this festival be the harbinger of joy and prosperity. As the holy occasion of Navratri is here and the atmosphere is filled with the spirit of mirth and love, here’s hoping this festival will be great for you!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

India Post Ties-up with MoneyGram International : PIB

Dear Comrades,

India Post Ties-up with MoneyGram International for Money Transfer Solutions
Shri Kapil Sibal Launchs the Scheme by Paying Out First Transaction

India Post, the largest distribution postal network in the world, and the MoneyGram International, the fastest growing global money transfer company joined hands today to offer convenient money transfer solutions to Indians. Shri Kapil Sibal, the Union Minister of Communications and Information Technology commenced the scheme by conducting a remittance transaction through the MoneyGram service and displayed the ease in the transaction through the new system. The transaction was made from UAE to Delhi.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Sibal said that more than fifty percent Indians do not have bank accounts and international inward remittances to rural areas to support financial inclusion initiatives of the Government of India. Transacting money without a bank account will make a difference in the lives of the citizens.

Starting today, 100 important Post Offices in Delhi, Punjab and Tamil Nadu Circles will begin offering MoneyGram instant inward money transfer services. MoneyGram’s services will be extended to other Post Offices and Circles in the country in a phased manner. The service is expected to be available in 5,000 Post Offices in the country by 2014. India Post and MoneyGram have planned a joint marketing endeavor in a number of states.

Earlier Shri Sachin Pilot, Ministers of State for Communications and IT said that 30 million Indians are living abroad and this number is growing. Money remittance services have huge market potential as banks have only five percent rural presence in the country. This partnership with MoneyGram will provide valuable service to those customers, particularly in rural areas, who are not fully served by banks and other financial institutions, he added.

Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department of Posts said, “India Post has long been in international money transfer service through its traditional paper-based Money Order service to many countries The social relevance of India Post has gained momentum in the recent past through active participation of Post Offices in disbursement of wages to the rural poor under the Mahatma Gandhi National Employment Guarantee (MNEGR) Scheme throughout the country. We work tirelessly to extend access not only to mail services, but to financial services for all, and it is in this context that our association with MoneyGram, a leading global money transfer company, is significant. This tie-up will help India Post to provide valuable service to our customers in a fast, convenient and cost-effective manner.”

Smt. Manjula Prasher, Member (Operations & Technology) Postal Services Board said “all departmental post offices numbering around 25,000, which are already computerized, are expected to be covered under Core Banking Solution (CBS) by 2012-13. Plans are afoot to provide Rural ICT to all 1.3 lakh branch post offices in the country. India Post is undertaking diversified activities by leveraging its network to augment revenues. Our Post Offices have more than 10 years of experience in providing instant international money transfer service. This valuable experience will be of great help to make the association with MoneyGram a successful and long-lasting one.

Harsh Lambah, MoneyGram’ Senior Regional Director for South Asia said, “MoneyGram’s teaming with India Post reaffirms the company’s commitment to serving its hundreds of thousands of customers in the world’s largest remittance receive market and the value MoneyGram brings India Post’s business and customers. Bringing India Post, one of the world’s largest postal services to our network is very exciting.

MoneyGram International is a leading global money transfer company offering money transfer services worldwide through a global network of more than 244,000 agent locations—including retailers, international post offices and financial institutions—in 192 countries and territories around the world.

***** AT  (Release ID :76330) PIB

Two weeks In-house training to PA/SA LGO candidates pending regular training at PTCs

Dear Comrades,

DoP vide the following order has issued instructions stating that the PA/SA LGO candidates selected through Deptl. Exam will be imparted a brief in-house training of two week, pending regular instituional induction training at PTCs.

TRAI Regulation effects Government work too

Dear Comrades,

The telecom regulatory authority of India’s cap on SMS has claimed an unsuspecting victim — the government’s information dissemination machinery — and triggered a wave of confusion and questions.

Several government ministries, including that of the external affairs and home affairs and other departments that use SMS to disseminate information about developments are baffled by the TRAI order as they have been caught totally unaware.

“We didn’t expect the government’s own services would be affected,” a senior government official said.

On the other hand, Trai said government ministries that are using bulk SMS for public service can be exempted and they would only be required to make a presentation to it on the issue.

A senior official in the external affairs ministry said they are in touch with their service provider and are trying to work a way out. “Our messaging service has been affected. It will take some time to get the matter sorted out,” the official said.

At the moment the ministry of external affairs (MEA) is relying on e-mails and direct telephone calls. The MEA has one of the largest databases of Indian and foreign journalists working in India.

Their active SMS database contains over 300 mobile phone numbers.

The cap on SMS has affected even the Press Information Bureau (PIB). “Our bulk SMS service has been affected and we are trying to resolve the issue,” a senior PIB official told DNA late Wednesday evening.

Conflicting reactions have emerged from other ministries. Senior officials in the home ministry said they are yet to get any instructions about disseminating information bulk through SMS.

Several other SMS centres being operated in public interest by government bodies such as the traffic police have also become non-functional, and are seeking clarification.

Meeting held on Cadre Restructuring

Dear Comrades,

As scheduled, the meeting on cadre restructuring was held in the Postal Directorate on 28.9.2011 under the chairmanship of Dr. Salim Haque, DDG (P). Sri Alox Saxena, DDG (Tech), Sri Rajkumar, Director, Staff, Ms Kalpana, Director, Establishment, Sri Subash Chander, Director, SR & Legal, & Sri Surendrakumar, ADG (PCC) were present on behalf of the official side. The Staff side represented by Sri K.V.Sridharan, General Secretary, P3, Sri D.Kishanrao, General Secretary, P3 FNPO, Sri Giriraj Singh, General secretary, R3 NFPE, Sri D.Theagarajan, General Secretary,R3 FNPO, Sri Iswar Singh Dabas, General Secretary P4, NFPE and Sri T.N.Rahate, General Secretary,P4, FNPO.

The Chairperson expressed the delay in convening the first sitting and assured that the process shall be completed before 31.10.2011 by having two further continuous sittings. It was categorically mentioned by the official side that the proposals for cadre review shall be based only on functional justification and not merely on the percentage basis. Further, they are not in the opinion to suggest forming many new cadres as it will tantamount against the principle accepted by the Govt after implementing the Sixth Pay Commission.

The staff side presented their proposals in each cadre and also the justification for the need of cadre review. It was decided to redraft the proposals by incorporating the various changes taken place in the recent past. The Staff side assured to submit its revised proposals before 7.10.2011. The views of the Staff side demanded discussions on the draft finalized by the former chairman of the committee on cadre review and place it was well taken note of by the official side.

The Chair person declared that next sitting will be held on 12.10.2011 at 14.30 hrs in the Directorate.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Very Important SB ORDER NO. 20/2011

Dear Comrades,
SB ORDER NO. 20/2011

No. F.No.113-23/2005-SB

Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001,
Dated: 27.09.2011

To All Heads of Circles/Regions Addl. Director General, APS, New Delhi.

Subject:- Removal of ceiling of maximum balance to be retained in a post office savings account- amendment to Rule-4 of the Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 regarding.

Sir / Madam,

The undersigned is directed to say that issue of removal of ceiling of Rs.1 lac in single savings account and Rs.2 Lac in Joint Savings Account fixed in the year 2000 was under consideration in the Min. of Finance (DEA). This issue was linked to the benefit of exemption in Income Tax on the interest earned in Post Office Savings Account under Section10(15) (i) of Income Tax Act, 1961 by the CBDT and Min. of Finance (DEA). After sustained efforts on the part of this Directorate, Min. of Finance (DEA) has now amended Rule-4 of the Post Office Savings Account Rules 1981 vide G.S.R.681(E) F.No.2/5/2006-NS-II dated 15.9.2011 (copy enclosed). Some major benefits of this amendment are given below:

(i) From 1.10.2011, there will be no limit for retaining balance in single as well as joint savings account.

(ii) A depositor or depositor(s) can deposit any amount into single as well as joint savings account.

(iii) Maturity value of any savings instrument can be credited into savings account of the depositor standing in the same post office irrespective of the balance in the account.

(i) Any cheque either issued by Postmaster or any other authority irrespective of any amount can be credited into post office savings account irrespective of the balance in the account.

(ii) From the Financial year 2011-12, Interest income of Rs.3500/- in the case of single account and Rs.7000/- in case of Joint account will be exempted from Income Tax. (Section 10(15) (i) of Income Tax Act, 1961 amended vide Notification No. 32/2010 {F.No. 173/13/2011-IT A.I}/S.O.1296(E) dated 03.06.2011)

(iii) It is the duty of the depositor(s) to show the interest income earned from Post Office Savings Account(s) beyond the limit prescribed above in the Income Tax return and pay due Income Tax.

1. It is requested that all field units may be directed to give wide publicity to these changes in the shape of Public Notice and printing of leaflets.

2. This issues with the approval of DDG(FS).

Yours faithfully,
(Kawal Jit Singh)
Assistant Director (SB)

PETA appeals for vegetarian stamps

Dear Comrades,
India should be proud to be known as the birthplace of vegetarianism, says PETA.

Just in time for Mahatma Gandhi's birthday (2nd October), World Vegetarian Day (1st October) and Vegetarian Awareness Month (October), People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India has sent an application to the philately division of the Department of Posts urging the agency to issue a national stamp honouring the country's strong vegetarian heritage.

India has the highest population of vegetarians of any country in the world. In a letter accompanying the application for the proposed postal stamp - which shows three sets of two leaves each and reads 'Vegetarian India', PETA points out that India is considered by many to be the birthplace of vegetarianism and that adopting a vegetarian diet is the best way to protect one's health, animals and the environment.

"Vegetarianism is catching on in countries around the world, and Indians should be proud that it all started right here", says PETA India campaign coordinator and nutritionist Bhuvaneshwari Gupta. "This stamp would remind people every day that they can help stop animal abuse, slow the production of gases that cause climate change and keep themselves fit and trim by simply going vegetarian."

Studies show that vegetarians have stronger immune systems than meat-eaters do and are far less likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer and obesity. People with type 2 diabetes (which is a growing problem in India) have been able to significantly control the disease and lose weight by switching to a vegan diet. Research also shows that, on average, vegetarians and vegans tend to live six to 10 years longer than meat-eaters do.
Times of India

Com. R C Mishra and Com. R K Raypalli proceeded to attend AICWCM

Dear Comrades,

Com. R C Mishra, Circle Secretary-Cum-Vice President, CHQ, AIPEU Group-C accompanied with Com. Rajesh Kumar Raypalli, Asst. Circle Secretary, Orissa Circle Branch will be attending the All India Central Working Committee Meeting of AIPEU Group-C to be held at Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh from 1.10.2011 to 2.10.2011.

The burning problems and new issued related to our Division have been conveyed to both comrades to put in the ensuing meeting to discuss for remedial measures in All India level.

India Post Is An Authentic Name Of Largest Network To Provide Timely Delivery

Dear Comrades,
Delivery service literally means the courier service. In many countries the postage of letter, parcels and other important documents is termed as delivery service. Now there are many companies that provide the courier or delivery job. In India, the India Post has largest network all over India. India Post is a govt. enterprise and it is reliable name to all of the Indians.

India Post was found on 1764 i.e. under the then British East India Company. Now the Department of Posts comes under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, headquarter Dak Bhavan, New Delhi. The largest network and reliable source of every Indian to deliver mail, parcel, money transfer, banking, insurance and retail services with speed, affordability and reliability. The India Post can deliver only in very small amount throughout the country and every official and administrative document are transferred through their network. It has bounty of services including international service also.

The EMS i.e. Express Mail Service is a time sensitive express delivery of letters, documents and parcels throughout the nation linking more than 1200 towns. It is served for regular users, Speed Post delivery for anywhere in India by its national network and state network. Whatever be the delivery service for corporate, customers it is very reliable name at an affordable cost.

For international post you can have the logistics post to deliver parcels and large consignments country wide and worldwide. It can be Medical Delivery, Legal documents, multi-parcels, just-in-time parcels etc. The branch post office normally takes the responsibilities of individual postage and the GPO does every voluminous job.

The minimum postal charge is Rs.5 and at this amount you can send your envelope across the country. Now you can take the advantage of email service of the India Post. Here, the implication of Information Technology has been merged with the traditional mail delivery system. The motto of the service is to deliver soft copy and hard copy to the designated address. In rural areas access of Internet and email is not possible almost. Then ePOST service will help you. Here, you can send your electronic message to any address through a network of more than 1,55,000 Post Offices. The epost office will receive the soft coy and after the printout it will deliver the Hard copy to the particular address. The corporate house can also take the advantage of this delivery service having a business agreement with India Post at New Delhi through mail id and phone number.

You can visit the site to get full information of the Indian post. They also provide non postal service also. Postal life insurance, Money order transfer, e payment, Instant Money Order Service, International Money Transfer, Post office savings etc. In India, India Post is an authentic name. Now there are many private courier companies also in this field. But none can be compared with the largest network. Though, the India Post needs now modernization to be more comprehensive. But it still and will be a reliable source to communicate with the people other end.

Governer inaugurates philatelic exhibition

Dear Comrades,


Srinagar, Sep 26: The much awaited 4-day mega philatelic exhibition “Chinar 2011” was Monday inaugurated by Governor NN Vohra at SKICC on the Dal banks. He stressed the need to upgrade mail delivery system in the state through a publicity drive.

“There is a significant need to improve the mail delivery and other postal services in the state, particularly in the remote areas, for the larger benefit of the common people. In this context the Postal Department must launch a publicity drive to educate the people to write the Pin Code on every letter put into the Mail Box, as this will facilitate quick delivery of mail,” the Governor said.

He observed the postal stamps had been an important source for learning about the geography, history, culture, national personalities and other important aspects of any country. “The use of stamps first started about 150 years ago and if we were to put in chronological order all the stamps issued in India for the past over a century, they would provide an exciting glimpse into our history,” he said.
On the occasion the Governor released a Special Cover on “Chinar 2011” and launched the first ever “My Stamp in the country by which the people will get personalized stamps with their photographs on it.”

The exhibition put on display “world’s first postage stamp, Penny Black and India’s first postage stamp.” “The stamps carrying many interesting topics including Harry Potter, Princess Diana, magnificent cars, Hollywood, Railways, and Environment, Stamps on Fauna of Kashmir, Defence Services, Animal Kingdom, Beautiful Birds and many more exciting things will be on display”, Chief Postmaster General, Jammu and Kashmir Circle John Samuel told reporters on sidelines of the event.
Talking to reporters he said the department has put 250 frames and 60, 000 rare postal stamps for public display in the exhibition. “People can buy the stamps from the exhibition as well”, he said.
In his welcome address, Director Postal Services Amit Sharma , spoke about the aims and objectives of this event. Senior Superintendent of Posts BL Pandita, Srinagar, presented a Vote of Thanks.
To attract more and more youngsters the department, Samuel said, is holding a competition among students. “The competition will be held in different categories including Letter Writing, Stamp Designing and Quiz”.

“The competition will be held among school and college students, and General group. The fourth group will take part as non-competitors. Winners of first three best letters will get cash award for Rs.10,000, Rs.5,000 and Rs.2,500 respectively”, Samuel said.

Plan panel approves Post Bank concept with ATM facility

Dear Comrades,
Soon, post offices in remote areas of the country will serve as banks and offer automated teller machine (ATM) facility. The Planning Commission of India has agreed to allow the Department of Postal Services to install ATMs in post offices. The postal department has a network of 1.44 lakh post offices across India with deposits worth Rs 5,60,000 crore.
Minister of State for Telecom Sachin Pilot said the department proposed the Post Bank scheme in an attempt to use the huge network of post offices to foster inclusive growth and ensure people in far-flung areas get benefit from the government’s welfare schemes. Post offices have 25 crore accounts apart from five crore MGNREGA workers.
The postal department has identified over 830 post offices where the ATMs will be installed. The department’s ATMs will be linked with other public sector banks too.
“Their (post office) saving account will be just like any other bank account,” a senior government official said. The department provides various financial services, including a post office savings bank, postal life insurance, pension payments and money transfer services.
The plan panel recently agreed to the department’s proposal and decided to sanction funds in the 12th five-year plan for installing ATMs in each post office. The panel had sanctioned Rs five crore in the 11th five year plan to conduct a study on the setting up Post Bank of India on lines of the ones in New Zealand and Japan.
The decision is aimed at making the post offices as an important catalyst in improving the delivery of welfare schemes, for which the Central government allocated over Rs 1,80,000 crore in the budget of 2011-12.
Already, a large number of people enrolled under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGA) have their accounts in post offices where their wages get credited. But the limitation of being able to access their accounts during working hours of the post offices was a cause of inconvenience.
Chetan Chauhan, Hindustan Times New Delhi, September 26, 2011

The financial part of life

Dear Comrades,

Sitting cross-legged outside the senior citizens counter in the head post office in Mylapore is 63-year-old D.Santhanam, a retired postal department staff. “No transactions are needed as my sons take good care of me,” he says referring to his personal finances. “I like to sit here at times. How long can I keep watching TV at home?” he adds.

Inside the post office, however, there is a lean queue of senior citizens who are there to update their passbooks. In absolute terms, the number of accounts for the postal savings scheme which offers nine per cent interest rate payable every quarter continues to see a steady growth, says M.S.Ramanujan, Postmaster General, Chennai City Region. “But because banks offer a higher interest rate there is some form of migration going from postal savings to the banks based on market fluctuations,” he says.
Investment consultant, Uma Kalyanam, who has several clients who are senior citizens, says postal savings schemes are currently the least preferred option. “Senior citizens are choosing to invest in banks rather than the post office for the simple reason that banks offer a higher interest rate,” she says.

“Following this are the fixed deposit ,” she adds. It is very rare that senior citizens opt for riskier options such as mutual funds or invest in the stock market, says another investment consultant, whose majority of clients are senior citizens.

The Hindu 27.9.11
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