Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Latest official News from 7th Pay Commission

Dear Comrades,

Latest official News from 7th Pay Commission


The following is the message which is published in official website of 7th pay commission….

Further to the memoranda received from a variety of Organisations, Federations, Groups representing civil employees in the Government of India as also from the Defence Services, the Commission has had fruitful and wide ranging discussions on relevant issues with all stakeholders. Such interactions have now been concluded. Valuable inputs have been received and the work of compilation and finalization of the report is underway, so that the Commission completes its task in the time frame given to it. Accordingly, any future requests for meeting with the Commission will not be entertained.

Grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities suffering from (a) blindness or low vision, (b) hearing impairment and (c) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government

Dear Comrades,

Grant of age concession to the Persons with Disabilities suffering from (a) blindness or low vision, (b) hearing impairment and (c) locomotor disability or cerebral palsy for direct recruitment to civil posts/services under the Central Government.

(Click the link below for details)

Retirement on Superannuation

Dear Comrades,

Shri G C Sahu, Sub Postmaster, Laxmipur S.O. and Shri V J Rao, APM, Rayagada H.O. are retiring today the 30th June, 2015 (A/N) on superannuation. 

On the occasion of their retirement from Government Service, All India Postal Employees Union, Koraput Divisional Branch bids them a respectful farewell and wishes them a good-health and peaceful life in their post-retirement days.

Launching of "Digital India Week" by hon'ble Prime Minister, India on 1st July, 2015

Dear Comrades,

Launching of "Digital India Week" by hon'ble Prime Minister, India on 1st July, 2015

Monday, June 29, 2015


Dear Comrades,


          Process of fresh verification of membership is going on. Our entire rank and file is making all efforts to enroll maximum membership in favour of all NFPE unions. This is high time when we have to prove that the NFPE is only the vanguard and first and natural choice of entire Postal Employees.

         Some disruptive forces who do not like the unity of workers have started playing their dirty game by introducing new unions in P-III and P-IV with the word “United”. So we have to make aware the members about it. Our rival unions are also making all efforts to delay the process of verification. One union  which is affiliated with  the ruling class  is also putting  so many hurdles in the verification  process as they  know that they  cannot reach to the goal and want to enjoy the facilities  granted by Govt. in the  name of  limited  trade union facilities.

         Make the members understand that this is the NFPE who has been continuously and consistently fighting for the cause of entire postal employees since its formation from 1905 in the form of Postal Club and thereafter as NFPTE/NFPE from 1954. Many historic and glorious strikes have been conducted under the banner of NFPE and have achieved so many demands. Recently recruitment in all cadres, stoppage of closure of 9797 Post Office and closure and merger of RMS Offices and  halt on Corporatization and privatization as recommended by Task Force Committee, in Postal Services  are our  great achievements, But still we have to travel a long  journey and being  in the main stream of working class  we have to fight  against the economic policies of Govt. of India which  are totally against  the interests  of working class and common man.

           We have to start our serious preparations to make 2nd September-2015 –Nation Wide General Strike on the call of Central Trade Unions, a historic success. This is a big fight of working class to resist the policies of Central Government which are Pro-capitalist and anti working class. Within the period of one year of Modi Government so many retrograde policies have been implemented. The existing labour laws i.e. Industrial Dispute Act, Contract Labour (Regulation and wages) act, Factories Act, Apparentice Act have been amended in favour of industrialists. The Government is moving ahead very fast to privatize most of the government service like Railways, Defence, Telecom, Postal, Banking, Insurance etc. by introducing FDI. Disinvestment has been started in Profit making Public Sector undertakings. Ban on recruitment in Central Government Services has further aggravated the problem of unemployment as lakhs and lakhs educated youth is wondering hither and thither for the search of job. Outsourcing, contractrization, hire and fire policies are paving way for exploitation and corruption.  So being a responsible organization we have to fight against all these retrograde policies of Government of India.

        For fighting we have to make ourselves strong and we can become stronger only by enrolling maximum membership in favour of all NFPE unions and if NFPE becomes  stronger it will be more advantageous  to Postal Employees in particular and entire  Central Government Employees and working class in general.

        So please enroll maximum membership and make the NFPE strongest.

National JCA Meeting held on 8th June

Dear Comrades,

4, State Entry Road New Delhi–110055
No.NJCA/2015                                                                                     Dated: June 15, 2015
All the Members of the NJCA,

Dear Comrades,

 Sub: National JCA Meeting held on 8th June

             The National JCA, which met at the Staff Side Office on 8th June, 2015, took note of the fact that quite a few states are yet to hold the State Level Conventions. The meeting also noted that the strike decision taken on 28th April, 2015 has not been percolated down to the rank and file of the workers. The meeting wanted the affiliate to realize that the denial of the demand for wage revision to be effective from 01.01.2014 and the consequent denial of interim relief and the benefit of merger of DA with Pay must be viewed very seriously as the said decision will have far reaching consequence. The Government would discard the age old practice of grant of I.R. and merger of DA forever. It has decided to appeal to all the affiliates to chalk out independent programmes of actions in the months to come and to carry out the same in all seriousness so that the employees become fully aware of the possible outcome of the 7th CPC. The Chairman and Convenor of the National JCA will get in touch with those States, where the convention has not been held so far. The meeting decided to convey to members that the minimum wage computation, in the given situation would be on an imaginary basis. The National JCA was of the opinion that a meeting of all office bearers of the participating organizations must be convened at Delhi somewhere in the month of July to chalk out programmes of action to be pursued by the CGEs together.
 It was informed at the meeting that both Defence and Railways would be taking their strike ballot and would be concluded in the first week of October. The meeting, therefore, decided to advise the other units to chalk out progammes of action in July so that an ambience of struggle could be created. The NJCA also took note of the painful fact that despite assurances, Government was not convening the National Council and Departmental Councils and the JCM has been allowed to become defunct.
The National JCA in conclusion decided to appeal to all affiliates to take concrete steps to invigorate the joint movement of the Central Government employees and meet the challenge that is likely to arise on receipt of the recommendations of the 7th CPC by creating an atmosphere of Unity, and determination to carry out the call of indefinite strike action scheduled to commence on 23rd November, 2015.. With greetings,

Why India Post could become e-commerce’s most potent delivery partner

Dear Comrades,

New empanelment w.e.f. 24.06.2015 under CGHS Delhi/NCR CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

RBI may give payment bank licence to postal department in August: Ravi Shankar Prasad CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS/ET NEWS

Revision of rate and Guideline for Reimbursement of Expenses on Purchase of hearing AIDS under CS (MA) Rules, 1944 and CGHSCLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Stoppage of Fixed Medical Allowance to Central Government Employees under CS(MA) Rules who are working in remote areas CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Why India Post could become e-commerce’s most potent delivery partner CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS

Sunday, June 28, 2015


An Appeal to the Members of

AIPEU Group-‘C’
AIPEU Postmen/MTS 

and all members who are yet to join AIPEU (NFPE)

Dear Comrades,

          With deepest gratitude and appreciation towards our all members, AIPEU Koraput Divisional Branch is contented to appraise it’s happiness for the overwhelming response shown towards AIPEU, NFPE organization which is the only one to fight brave against the anti-employee steps planned and taken by the Dept./Govt. We are truly thankful for support of maximum members who have kept their strong support and faith on AIPEU, NFPE. Also we sincerely make appeal to other members who have not joined AIPEU, NFPE that they should ‘think, analyze and evaluate the glorious activities of NFPE keeping itself ahead of all others and ready to launch protest/strike against any negative move by the administration/ department against employees’ and join this mighty employee welfare oriented organization immediately.

Analysis the history of NFPE and you will be sure enough to have no second thought while joining AIPEU, National Federation of Postal Employees which is the only Federation in the Department continuously fighting for providing justice to all members till date and will always in future. So, join NFPE optimistically.

AIPEU Koraput Divisional Branch appeals sincerely to you all once again for giving your Authorization Letters only to the Divisional Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union, Group-C or Divisional Secretary, All India Postal Employees Union, Postmen/MTS cadre wise or authorized person chosen by them.


Please don’t sign more than one Authorization Letter and don’t handover to any other union except AIPEU, Group-C / AIPEU Postmen/MTS, else your membership will be seized till next verification process.

Let’s remain united and strong for protection of our greater interest.

         Nilambar Naik               Purna Chandra Maharana
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Postmen/MTS   Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Group-C
Koraput Divisional Branch                           Koraput Divisional Branch

Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Nabakalebar festival to be promoted through Incredible India campaign: Dr Mahesh Sharma

Dear Comrades,

First international flight from the Bhubaneswar international airport likely on the auspicious occasion of Nabakalebar
The Union Minister of State for Tourism (Independent Charge), Culture (Independent Charge) and Civil Aviation, Dr. Mahesh Sharma held a meeting with the Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas (Independent Charge) , Shri Dharmendra Pradhan in New Delhi today to discuss the preparations for the upcoming festival of Nabakalebar in Odisha.

Dr. Mahesh Sharma said that the Union Tourism Ministry will promote the Nabakalebar festival under the Incredible India Campaign for its international branding. The Government of India will release Rs 50 crore for providing infrastructure and facilities for the Nabakalebar festival. The Union Culture Ministry will release a postal stamp & coin to mark the festival, Dr Mahesh Sharma declared.

. Dr Mahesh Sharma also revealed that the Government of India is making all efforts to start the first International flight from the Bhubaneswar International festival on this auspicious occasion. This first flight is likely to be for Abu Dhabi, he added. The state of Odisha has been demanding an international flight from the Bhubaneswar International airport.

Nabakalebar festival will be celebrated on 10th July, 2015 after a gap of 19 years.

Secretary, Tourism, Dr Lalit Panwar and other senior officers of the Ministry of Tourism were present at the meeting.

(Release ID :122839)

Prime Minister to Launch Digital India Week on the First July

Dear Comrades,

Many of Digital India initiatives have now reached a stage where awareness on the part of potential users and their active participation is necessary for digital technology to be successful. Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad stating that today said that the Prime Minister would launch the Digital India Week on 1st of July with a view to empower the people of the country through the Digital India Programme. He said this programme has been designed to be a game changer. The Government of India has been under taking a series ofinitiatives for developing various applications and portals that would go a long way in making the lives of the citizens better. The Digital India Week to be launched by the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on 1stJuly, 2015 aims at encouraging people’s involvement and creating awareness among them.
Digital India has been envisioned as an ambitious umbrella programmeto transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. It comprises of various initiatives under the single programme each targeted to prepare India for becoming a knowledge economy and for bringing good governance to citizens through synchronized and co-ordinated engagement of the entire Government. 
This programme has been envisaged and coordinated by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) in collaboration with various Central Ministries/Departments and State Governments. The Prime Minister as the Chairman of Monitoring Committee on Digital India, activities under the Digital India initiative is being carefully monitored. All the existing and ongoing e-Governance initiatives have been revamped to align them with the principles of Digital India.
The vision of Digital India programme also aims at inclusive growth in areas of electronic services, products, manufacturing and job opportunities etc. The vision of Digital India is centred on three key areas -
(i)      Digital Infrastructure as a Utility to Every Citizen
(ii)    Governance & Services on Demand and
(iii)   Digital Empowerment of Citizens
With the above vision, the Digital India programme aims to provide Broadband Highways,Universal Access to Mobile Connectivity,  Public Internet Access Programme,  E-Governance: Reforming Government through Technology, eKranti - Electronic Delivery of Services,Information for All, Electronics Manufacturing: Target Net Zero Imports,  IT for Jobs  and Early Harvest Programmes.Several projects/products have already launched or ready to be launched as indicated below:
·        Digital Locker System aims to minimize the usage of physical documents and enable sharing of e-documents across agencies. The sharing of the e-documents will be done through registered repositories thereby ensuring the authenticity of the documents online.
·        MyGov.in has been implemented as a platform for citizen engagement in governance, through a “Discuss”, “Do” and “Disseminate” approach. The mobile App for MyGov would bring these features to users on a mobile phone.
·        Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) Mobile app would be used by people and Government organisations for achieving the goals of Swachh Bharat Mission.
·        eSign framework would allow citizens to digitally sign a document online using Aadhaar authentication.
·     The Online Registration System (ORS) under the eHospital application has been introduced. Thisapplication provides important services such as online registration, payment of fees and appointment, online diagnostic reports, enquiring availability of blood online etc.
·     National Scholarships Portal is a one stop solution for end to end scholarship process right from submission of student application, verification, sanction and disbursal to end beneficiary for all the scholarships provided by the Government of India.
·     DeitY has undertaken an initiative namely Digitize India Platform (DIP) for large scale digitization of records in the country that would facilitate efficient delivery of services to the citizens.
·     The Government of India has undertaken an initiative namely Bharat Net, a high speed digital highway to connect all 2.5 lakh Gram Panchayats of country. This would be the world’s largest rural broadband connectivity project using optical fibre.
·     BSNL has introduced Next Generation Network (NGN), to replace 30 year old exchanges, which is an IP based technology to manage all types of services like voice, data, multimedia/ video and other types of packet switched communication services.
·     BSNL has undertaken large scale deployment of Wi-Fi hotspots throughout the country. The user can latch on the BSNL Wi-Fi network through their mobile devices.
·     To deliver citizen services electronically and improve the way citizens and authorities transact with each other, it is imperative to have ubiquitous connectivity. The government also realises this need as reflected by including ‘broadband highways’ as one of the pillars of Digital India.  While connectivity is one criterion, enabling and providing technologies to facilitate delivery of services to citizens forms the other.
      Policy initiatives have also been undertaken by DeitY in the e- Governance domain like e-Kranti Framework, Policy on Adoption of Open Source Software for Government of India, Framework for Adoption of Open Source Software in e-Governance Systems, Policy on Open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for Government of India, E-mail Policy of Government of India, Policy on Use of IT Resources of Government of India, Policy on Collaborative Application Development by Opening the Source Code of Government Applications, Application Development & Re-Engineering Guidelines for Cloud Ready Applications
·     BPO Policy has been approved to create BPO centres in different North Eastern states and also in smaller / mofussil towns of other states.
·     Electronics Development Fund (EDF) Policy aims to promote Innovation, R&D, Product Development and to create a resource pool of IP within the countryto create a self-sustaining eco-system of Venture Funds.
·     National Centre for Flexible Electronics (NCFlexE) is an initiative of Government of India to promote research and innovation in the emerging area of Flexible Electronics.
·     Centre of Excellence on Internet on Things (IoT) is a joint initiative of Department of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY), ERNET and NASSCOM.
·          Major industry leaders are likely to make announcements involving billions of dollars ofinvestments in Electronics Manufacturing and Digital India. These investments will also result in employment to several lakhs of people.

Following leaders are likely to participate in the Digital India Week launch function:
1. Shri Cyrus P Mistry, Chairman, Tata Sons Limited.
2. ShriMukesh D. Ambani, Chairman & MD, Reliance Industries Ltd.
3. Shri Sunil Mittal, Chairman and Group CEO, Bharti Enterprises
4. ShriKumaramangalam Birla, Chairman, Aditya Birla Group
5. Shri Anil Ambani, Chairman, Reliance Group
6. Shri Anil Agarwal, Chairman, Sterlite Technologies Limited.
7. Shri Ping Cheng, CEO, Delta Electronics, Inc.
8. Shri Azim Premji, Chairman, Wipro Limited.
9. ShriHari Om Rai, Chairman & MD, LAVA International Ltd.
10. Shri Peter Gutsmeidl, CEO, Airbus Group.
11. ShriPawan Munjal, Hero Group of Companies.
12. ShriMikio Katayama, Vice Chairman, Nidec Corporation
The estimated impact of Digital India by 2019 would be cross cutting, ranging from broadband connectivity in all Panchayats, Wi-fi in schools and universities and Public Wi-Fihotspots. The programme will generate huge number of IT, Telecom and Electronics jobs, both directly and indirectly. Success of this programme will make India Digitally empowered and the leader in usage of IT in delivery of services related to various domains such as health, education, agriculture, banking, etc.

(Release ID :122837)

RBI may give payment bank licence to postal department in August: Ravi Shankar Prasad

Dear Comrades,

Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad today said he expects Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to grant payment licence to the proposed Post Bank of India by August. 

This will enable the network of 1,54,000 post offices (including 1,30,000 rural post offices) to offer banking services to the masses in the country. 

"We expect RBI to give payment bank licence to post (department) in August," Minister of Communications and IT Prasad said. 

In last one year, the Department of Post (DoP) has networked 27,215 post offices into one national unit through computers. 

The DoP, which has applied for a payment bank licence, has a hybrid model in mind to operate Post Bank of India. 

As per RBI guidelines, payment banks would offer a limited range of products such as demand deposits and remittances. They will not be allowed to undertake lending activities and will initially be restricted to holding a maximum balance of Rs 1 lakh per individual customer. 

They will be allowed to issue ATM or debit cards as also other prepaid payment instruments, but not credit cards. 

According to a source, Prasad has approved hybrid model suggested by Ernst & Young which prepared detailed project report on Post Bank of India (PBI). 

"E&Y has come out with three models but suggested preference to a hybrid model. Under which about 600 branches will be directly operated by PBI staff in post office premises and transactions in other parts of the country will be supported by India post staff," a post bank official said. 

Post Bank of India is proposed to have its own employees and IT infrastructure. The transaction handled by India Post, employees will be entered in to the server of PBI. 

The Department expects revenue of over Rs 550 crore from PBI in first five years.

Source:-The Economic Times


Dear Comrades,


Department approved new office bearers of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C' elected in the 30th AIC held from 04.06.2015 to 08.06.2015 at Lucknow (U.P)

Dear Comrades,

Department approved new office bearers of All India Postal Employees Union Group 'C' elected in the 30th AIC held from 04.06.2015 to 08.06.2015 at Lucknow (U.P)


Dear Comrades,



Dear Comrades,
PFRDA has issued a communication regarding Simplification of Withdrawal Process and the documents required for processing the claim.


PFRDA/2015/07/EXIT/02                               12th May, 2015

            All Govt depts./PAO’s/PrAO’s/DDO’s/DTO’s & CRA

Dear Sir/ Madam,

SUB: Simplification of Withdrawal process – Documentary requirements Circular dt. 25th February, 2015.

            Reference is drawn to the circular issued on 25th  February, 2015 on the matter of simplification of withdrawal process and the documentary requirements there under
            There have been queries from some of the stakeholders as to whether these simplified documentary requirements as specified  in the  circular are applicable to withdrawal requests reported to CRA and NPS Trust, prior to the issuance of the circular or not.

            In this regard, it is clarified that the circular would be applicable even to the withdrawal requests which were reported prior to the issuance of the said circular to CRA and NPS Trust.

            All other terms, conditions of the said circular remain unaltered.

Yours faithfully,
Sd/- Venkateswarlu Peri
General Manager


Dear Comrades,


            Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions issued an OM regarding Observance of punctuality in Government Offices.

No. 11013/9/2014-Estt.A-III
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment A-III Desk
 North Block, New Delhi -110001

                                                                        Dated June 22nd, 2015

Subject: Observance of punctuality in Government Offices.

            Instructions have been issued from time to time with regard to the need to observe punctuality by Government servants. Responsibility for ensuring punctuality in respect of their employees rests within Ministries/ Departments/ Offices.

2.         The decision to introduce AADHAR enabled Bio-metric Attendance System (AEBAS) in Central Government offices, including attached/ sub-ordinate offices, to replace the manual system of marking of attendance to ensure punctuality is to be implemented in all Ministries/ Departments. This Department vide ‘O.M. of even no. dated 21.11.2014 and 28.01.2015, while recognizing that the Biometric Attendance System is only an enabling platform had, inter-aha, stated that there was no change in the instructions relating to office hours, late attendance etc.

3.         In this connection attention is invited to Rule 3(1)(ii) of CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964 which stipulates that every Government servant shall at all times maintain devotion to duty. Habitual late attendance is viewed as conduct unbecoming of a Government servant and disciplinary action may be taken against such a Government servant. It is also added that punctuality in attendance is to be observed by Government servants at all levels.

4.         It is also requested that the necessary directions may be issued to all employees to mark their attendance in BAS portal on regular basis. 
(Mukesh Chaturvedi)
Director (Establishment
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