Monday, May 30, 2016

India Post : First get the basics right

Dear Comrades,
I bet you have not been to a post office for years. I too haven’t. So I do not know much about what’s going on there.
But I am delighted when i google top news for Indian Post office. Apparently, it is undergoing a big makeover. It is opening up ATMs. It is going hi-tech and has geotagged 1.5 lakh post offices. Through a mobile app, it is monitoring timely clearances of the letter boxes. It will start postal payments bank by 2017 and will start selling third party products. Big companies from Citibank to Barclays and Bajaj Auto Finance seem to be interested. It has earned Rs 1300 crore in 2015-16 by delivering e-tailers cash-on-delivery consignments.


Dear Comrades,

DEMANDS DAY – 10.06.2016

            There is no need to elaborate the miseries and sufferings we are facing at base level after the implementation of Finacle, (CBS & CIS) and the mental torture.

            The NFPE and P-III CHQ is aware of the issues and properly placed before the Department vide its letter dated 22.01.2016, 11.02.2016 & 25.04.2016.Further it was brought to the personal notice of the Hon’ble Minister of communication. However, the progress in resolving the Finacle issues is in slow nail causing resentment and unrest amidst officials.

            The assurance of the Department on 28.03.2016 in providing two more server by Infosys to solve the Finacle problem has not been carried out yet. The increase in the bandwidth as per the requirement of the office has not been carried out in any circle.
            Adding fuel to fire, the department’s recent decision in implementing the Business hours of Post office to the extent of 5 hours for monetary transactions has not been exercised. Some circles like Tamilnadu, Haryana etc. have sought clarifications to prevent the implementation of the decision without minding the existing sufferings of officials due to faulty functioning of Finacle & others and the officials are forced to remain in office in late hours. There is every risk for the women employees to leave office late every day.

            For the last ten days, there is poor access and even no access in Finacle continuously throughout the nation affecting the public and staff very badly. This is nothing but due to the incapacity of the servers provided by Infosys. The department is not in a position either to correct things or apply the penal provisions against the vender. The existing position in Finacle is nothing but the last straw on camel’s back.
            The recent conversations unofficially held between the Infosys and some staff exhibited in the website will reveal the fact. We must know who is committing mistake after mistake. Whether the officers dealing the Finacle are aware of all the software and hardware oriented issues. Are they simply hearing and acting as per the dictums of the vendors? Howe many times we are going to alter our rulings to suit the requirement of vendors? Will there be any time to the officials to go through the routine daily circulars on CBS functioning in the pressure of work?

            We lost our patience. Even though, we suffer voluntarily a lot as we feel it is the transition period, in the implementation of Finacle, it is felt now that without settlement of the Problems, the Department is inclined to proclaim that it has implemented the Finacle more in numbers than the leading banks and also without any Quality and good service to the customer.

            Under these circumstances, the NFPE and P-III CHQ has elaborately written a letter to the Department on 26.05.2016, detailing all the problems being existed in Finacle and McCamish and sought remedies within a fort night. In the event of non-settlement, the CHQ has decided to launch the following programme of action culminating to strike action.

10th June        -           Demands Day - Demonstration at divisional/branch levels

17th June        -           Dharna in front of Circle office

30th June       -      Demonstration in front of Dak Bhawan & issue of strike notice.  (The date will be decided with consultation of NFPE & JCA constituents)

            The major demands put forth in the programme of action.

1.    Provide additional servers and solve the Finacle problem
2.    Increase the bandwidth as per the requirement.
3.    Implement the decision of Directorate on Business hours.
4.    Drop all Memos & Charge sheets issued due to Finacle minor mistake.
5. Implementation of action on all the points put forth in the CHQ letter dated 26.05.2016.

            This programme is nothing but to save the Postal Service from the existing chaos and confusions. Even though we desire peace, we have been pushed in to the wall. We could not tolerate furthermore.

            All Divisional/Branch and Circle Secretaries are requested to organize the programme very effectively and intimate compliance. The NFPE and P-III CHQ will leave no stone unturned in the event of no settlement is seen in this serious issue.

Empowered Committee recommend a slight increase in the Minimum Wage and No revision in Fitment and Pay Matrix – Confederation News

Dear Comrades,

“Empowered Committee has made up their mind to recommend to the Government a slight increase in the Minimum Wage. No indication was however given as to the consequential revision of the Fitment Formula and Pay Matrix. There had also not been any hint about the need to restore the percentage of the HRA, which the 7th CPC has recommended for reduction.”
National Joint Council of Action
4, State Entry Road New Delhi-110055
Ph: 011-23365912, 23343493, Fax: 23363167
Dated May 27, 2016
All Constituent Organisations,
National Council(JCM)
Dear Comrades,
As there had been no response from the Government to our communication dated 2nd May, 2016, we decided to seek an appointment with the Cabinet Secretary. Accordingly a delegation consisting of the following members of the NJCA met Cabinet Secretary, Shrl P.K. Sinha on 26. May 2016.
Com. Shiva Gopal Misra Com.
Guman Singh
Corn. K.K.N. Rutty
From the discussions, it appears that, the Empowered Committee has made up their mind to recommend to the Government a slight increase in the Minimum Wage. No indication was however given as to the consequential revision of the Fitment Formula and Pay Matrix. There had also not been any hint about the need to restore the percentage of the HRA, which the 7th CPC has recommended for reduction. On Advances and Allowances, abolished, the Government might be advised to setup a committee to go into the matter and make suggestions. In the matter of the New Contributory Pension Scheme also, the Government might refer the demand to a committee.
On the question of pension benefit to the retired personnel, who are covered by the defined benefit pension scheme, the Cabinet secretary indicated that, both the Department of Pension and Defence Ministry were of the firm view that the first option recommended by the 7th CPC to bring about the parity with the past pensioners being infeasible and impracticable (due to the non-availability of the requisite records) might not be accepted and acted upon.
Surprised over this development, the delegation requested for an official formal meeting of the Standing Committee so that the considered views of the Staff Side could be presented. The delegation informed to the Cabinet Secretary that, non-acceptance of the recommendation of the 7th CPC in the case of pensioners will be extremely disappointing for them and will give rise to avoidable discontent. The Cabinet Secretary suggested to the Staff Side to reach out to the Department of Pension and Ministry of Defence in’ the matter. So far he is concemed; he is an open minded on this subject, provided it is workable.
The National JCA will meet on 3rd June 2016 at New Delhi to consider these developments and take appropriate decision.

7th Pay Commission award, central government employees to get richer

Dear Comrades,
Central government employees will be richer in the coming months with the government planning to spend Rs 1.02 lakh crore on its employees.

The Empowered Committee of Secretaries on the 7th Pay Commission will make revision in the pay scales of the central government employees.

Although 48 lakh strong workforce and 52 lakh pensioner of central government come under the purview of 7th pay commission but the government doesn’t hesitate to give pay in hike to its employees.

The Empowered Committee of Secretaries will be making revision in the pay scale on June 11 on the inputs Implementation cell. Implementation cell hold a series of discussions and meetings with the employees’ unions, which brought a motion to compel the Empowered Committee of Secretaries to decide to propose a minimum salary at Rs 21,000 and the highest salary at Rs 2,70,000.

Each of the central government employees- from low paid employees to high ranking official- will get a salary hike of around 25 per cent to 30 per cent from January 2016, a Finance Ministry official said on Friday asked not to be named because he was not authorized to release the information.

The 7th Pay Commission’s recommendations that would put an additional burden of Rs 1.02 lakh crore on the exchequer. “But government is ready to spend that much on its employees,” he added.

The Central Government Employees’ Confederation also pressed that 7th Pay Commission recommendations should be implemented immediately with necessary amendments.

Accordingly, the Empowered Committee of Secretaries on the 7th Pay Commission is expected to submit its report soon to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley for cabinet nod.

The 7th Pay Commission by headed Justice A K Mathur had recommended the minimum salary for central government employees at Rs 18,000 and maximum salary at Rs 2,50,000.

The pay commission submitted its report to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on November 19 last year.
After that, the government formed a secretary-level Empowered Committee headed by Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha to review the pay panel’s recommendations and an Implementation Cell has also been created in the Finance Ministry which works as the Secretariat of the Empowered Committee of Secretaries.

The government will make the announcement of 7th Pay Commission award soon after reviewing the Empowered Committee of Secretaries’ report on the remuneration of central government employees.


Saturday, May 28, 2016

Memo for rotational transfer, 2016 issued on 27.5.2016.

Dear Comrades,

Secretaries Group to revise 7th Pay Commission Recommendations

Dear Comrades,

New Delhi: Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha who is heading the Empowered Committee or Secretaries group is likely to hand over a report on the revised pay structures of 7th pay commission recommendations to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley by the end of next month.
Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said government had requisite fund to implement 7th pay commission award. Cabinet Secretary Sinha will finally make his appearance before the the Empowered Committee or Secretaries group on June 11 to make a proposal on the recommendations of 7th Pay Commission before cabinet nod.
recommendations to be submitted by June “The proposal will be placed before the Cabinet after the finance ministry’s review. We don’t think it will take more time for Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s consideration and the new pay structures will be implemented from July after cabinet nod,” said a top official from the Finance Ministry who did not wish to be named.
The 7th Pay Commission headed by Justice A K Mathur submitted the report on November 19. It had proposed the highest salary at Rs 250,000 and the lowest at Rs 18,000. The commission also recommended 14.27 per cent increase in basic pay, 23.55% overall increase in salary, allowances and pensions.
The increase in allowances was recommended 63% while pension was proposed to rise 24%. Finance Minister Jaitley is likely to agree with the Secretaries group. “I think it should not be touched again,” the official said. Once the new structure is implemented, salaries of around 48 lakh central government employees and 52 lakh pensioners will rise by 30 percent. The Finance Minister already said the 7th pay commission award would not make the commodity prices to go up.
The central government employees and pensioners will also spend more money on a variety of goods after receiving the 7th Commission award with arrears from January 2016. “This means higher consumption similar to what happened in the past. But the previous two Pay Commission awards came with a lag of two years. So the arrears were large.
This time, it will not be so,” says Pronab Sen, former Chief Statistician, government of India and now Country Director, International Growth Centre, a think tank based at LSE, run in partnership with University of Oxford.
The official also agrees with Sen and said there was no possibility of any impact of the report on the market at this stage of implementation as there were no impacts when the Pay Commission had first submitted the report. The government formed a 13 member secretary-level Empowered Committee or Secretaries group headed by Sinha in January to review the report of the 7th Pay Commission before cabinet nod. The 7th pay commission was set up by the UPA government in February 2014. It submitted the report after around 22 months. After getting the 7th pay commission report, the finance minister Jaitley while introducing the Seventh Pay Commission report on November 19, already said that the final decisions on the Seventh Pay Commission report took five and a half months including the process of Secretaries group. Finance Minister also said, government had requisite fund to implement it.
The secretary group is likely to propose pay structure of minimum at Rs 21,000 and the maximum at Rs 2,70,000 Accordingly, the Secretaries group is likely to reach the conclusion to propose 30 percent basic pay raise instead of 14.27 per cent, which was recommended by 7th Pay Commission.
They are also mulling for doubling of existing rates of such allowances and advances, which has been recommended for abolition by the 7th Pay Commission, sources said. TST

Cadre Restructuring of Group 'C' employees in Department of Posts

Dear Comrades,

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Government assures modernisation of Postal Services

Dear Comrades,
The faceless Postman -- once portrayed poetically by Rabindranath Tagore -- and the need to revamp the Postal Services in the country figured prominently during question hour in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday.

Answering supplementary questions from members, Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad, who holds charge of the Department of Posts, said efforts are on "to make use of the vast network of postal platform all over the country for better growth and financial inclusion".

He said at the directive of Prime Minister Narendra Modi , the government is working hard to reinforce the infrastructure, connectivity and modernisation programme of the postal services and substantial progress has been made since 2014.

"Nearly 21,000-plus branches (of post offices) have been given core banking solution in only two years. It was only 230 in 2014. I am not saying that everything has been done," he said, adding that his ministry will also give "hand-held device to all postmen across India by March 2017".

Raising supplementaries, Trinamool Congress member Pratima Mondal recalled Nobel laureate Tagore's famous short story where the chief protagonist is a postman and also the film of maestro Satyajit Ray.

"We have noticed the importance of post office in village life. At the same time we have noticed the indescribable condition of rural post offices. We are in 2016, but no remarkable development has taken place in the infrastructure of post offices," she said.

Congress member Jyotiraditya Scindia recalled how during the previous UPA regime steps were taken to provide allowances to postmen for maintaining their shoes, dress, etc.

Prasad said during his visits to the rural areas, he discovered that even though writing of letters has decreased due to advancement of technology, the growth of e-commerce has again reinforced the importance of delivery men employed by the private companies.

Prasad said computerisation of post office branches in villages and small towns has enhanced the prestige of postal staff.

Bharatiya Janata Party member S.S. Ahluwalia asked the telecom minister to initiate action against a television commercial that shows postmen showing respect to the rich and hurling insults at the poor.

Prasad said he has seen the advertisement and would bring it to the notice of Information and Broadcasting Minister Arun Jaitley as television advertisements come under the domain of the I&B ministry.

Source:-The Times of India

List of Inefficient Officers

Dear Comrades,
Central Government has since long been reviewing officials on grounds of performance and efficiency. Fundamental Rules, All India Services Rules and other Service Rules provide for retirement in public interest. Review of performance is a continuous process. While reviewing, all Ministries/Departments take into consideration the parameters such as the entire service record and performance of the officers. Each Ministry/Department is required to prepare and maintain a list of officers of doubtful integrity.

Under Rule 56(j) of Fundamental Rules, review is done at the age of 50/55 years for Group A and B officials and at the age of 55 years for others. As per the provisions of All India Services (Death cum Retirement Benefit) Rules 16(3), interalia, review is done on completion of 15/25 years of qualifying service or on attaining the age of 50 years as the case may be. The provisions for review have been reiterated from time to time, more recently in September 2015 and in April 2016.

However, disciplinary action as appropriate, including compulsory retirement, is taken under the provisions of Central Civil Services (Classification, Control and Appeal) Rules, All India Services (Discipline & Appeal) Rules and other Service Rules as applicable to various Services on completion of enquiry.

This was stated by the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Development of North-Eastern Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space, Dr Jitendra Singh in a written reply to a question by Shrimati Jayshreeben Patel in the Lok Sabha today. 



Dear Comrades,




Dear Comrades,




Dear Comrades,


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Dear Comrades,


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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

11th MAY: National Technology Day

Dear Comrades,

Declaration of Assets & Liabilities in the new ITR forms

Dear Comrades,

Declaration of Assets & Liabilities in the new ITR forms 
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) have released new income-tax return formswith mandatory provisions of declaring Assets & Liabilities (A&L) such as cars, jewellery yacht, aircrafts, shares, properties, etc. Prior to Assessment Year (A.Y.) 2015-16, the Asset –Liability Schedule (AL schedule) was applicable to filers of ITR 3 and 4, whose total income for the previous year exceeded Rs.25 lakh. The Wealth-tax Act primarily captured the information regarding assets of specified taxpayers. With a view to reduce compliance burden, the Wealth-tax Act was made inapplicable from A.Y.2016-17 with the stipulation that the information regarding assets forming part of the wealth-tax return will be captured in the Income-tax returns. Accordingly, the ITR forms for A.Y. 2016-17 have been rationalised by making the Schedule AL applicable to individuals and Hindu undivided family (HUFs) whose total income for the previous year 2015-16 exceeds Rs.50 lakh. The objective of AL schedule is to capture details of assets and liabilities and not the net worth.

This was stated by Shri Jayant Sinha, Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance in written reply to a question in Rajya Sabha today. 

DSM/KA  (Release ID :145183)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Posting order in officiating PS Group-B Cadre in Berhampur Region

Dear Comrades,
The following ASP(s) promoted to PS Group-B Cadre on temporary and adhoc basis and allotted Berhampur Region are posted as mentioned below:-

Sl No
Name of Officer
Present place of posting
Posted on Adhoc basis
Raghunath Sahu
ASP(OD), Berhampur Division
SPOs, Kalahandi Division
Rajendra Ku. Pattnaik
ASP(I/C), Berhampur North Sub Division
ADPS-II, RO, Berhampur
Gopesh Dash
ASP(Staff), Berhampur Region
SPOs, Aska Division

Transfer and Posting in PS Group-B cadre in Berhampur Region

Dear Comrades,

The following transfer and posting order in PS Group-B cadre has been issued by RO, Berhampur:-

Sl No
Name of the Officer S/Shri
Present place of Posting
Posted on transfer
R.K. Mishra
SPOs, Kalahandi Division
SRM, RMS ‘BG’ Division, Berhampur

Monday, May 9, 2016


Dear Comrades,

It seems that Modi Govt. is not in favour of a negotiated settlement on the 7th CPC related issues with the staff side. The Seventh CPC report was submitted on 19th November 2015. Six months are almost over since then. Till date the Govt. has not come forward for a negotiated settlement. Instead, Empowered Committee of Secretaries (ECoS) headed by Cabinet Secretary conducted a meeting with the staff side on 1st March 2016. In the meeting Govt. did not disclose its mind on any of the demands raised by the staff Side in the charter of demands submitted to Govt. Staff Side explained the justification for each demand but official side didn’t make any comment, either positive or negative. The concluding paragraph of the minutes of the meeting reads as follows:

            “After hearing the participants, Cabinet Secretary observed that the deliberations have helped ECoS in understanding the major concerns of the staff side and said that all issues have been taken note of. He assured that fair consideration will be given to all points brought out by JCM before taking final views. He further stated that the ECoS needs to examine the Report of the Commission in entirety as well as the issues raised by JCM in consultation with all other stake holders. As such, it may take some time to take a final call on the recommendations of the Commission.”

            It may be seen that, neither did the Govt. side made any commitment on any demands, nor did they indicate in the minutes that further discussion will be held with the staff side to arrive at a negotiated settlement on each demands. It seems that the Modi Govt is moving ahead to issue unilateral orders taking the staff side for a ride.

            The JCM staff side Secretary, in his letter dated 2nd May 2016, addressed to Cabinet Secretary, has made the stand of the staff side clear, without any ambiguity. The letter reads as follows:

            “I have been directed to draw your attention towards minutes of the Standing Committee of National Council JCM held on 7th May 2008 and our rejoinder submitted to Govt. in the matter of Report of 6th CPC.

            You will kindly find that it was not only a general discussion, but also official side explained their views on each and every issue.

            I would therefore request your good self to kindly arrange for similar type of meeting for bi-lateral settlement on each of the issues raised by the staff side, NC/JCM before the Empowered Committee of Secretaries.”

            Thus the picture is clear now. The Govt, it seems, has a hidden agenda to take the staff side for granted without giving any further opportunity for a negotiated settlement. The staff side on the other hand has taken a position that if unilateral orders are issued, without taking the staff side into confidence, the NJCA shall go ahead with the indefinite strike from 11th July 2016 as already informed to the Govt. Employees have faith in the NJCA and they believe that the NJCA leadership shall assert itself and shall not compromise on major demands.

            The coming days are crucial. If the Govt. adopts delaying tactics or issue unilateral orders rejecting our demands, then confrontation shall become inevitable. The stand taken by the then Nehru Govt. that “Pay Commission report is an award and is not negotiable” has resulted in the historic indefinite strike of 1960, which commenced on July 11th midnight.

            The NJCA leadership should be ready for a showdown, if Modi Govt refuse to arrive at a negotiated settlement with the staff side as demanded by Secretary, JCM(NC) staff side.
Secretary General


Dear Comrades,

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Gr.-C Odisha Circle writes to CPMG to solve the issues within deadline or to go on agitation if long pending issues are not settled by Chief PMG Odisha Circle

Dear Comrades,

N  F  P  E
Trilochan Parida                                           R.C.Mishra
 President                                                  Circle Secretary                            
                                                   Vice-President CHQ & Leader RJCM

No. UN/AIPEU, Gr-C/Odisha/05-2016                 Dated-06-05-2016.

          Sri Tilak De, IPoS.
          The Chief Post Master General
          Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001.

Sub- Ventilation of resolutions adopted in Circle Working Committee Meeting & Circle Council Meeting of AIPEU, Gr-C, Odisha Circle, held at Yatri-Niwas, Khordha from 22-04-2016 to 24-04-2016 and it urged for liquidation of problems as early as possible to maintain peace & tranquillity.

Respected Sir,

        We are placing below the resolutions adopted on various problems confronted by our staff in the entire Circle and it is urged for tangible actions for early processing/settlement of the problems as soon as possible. It is to mention herewith that all the problems are rolling in various forums like Bi-Monthly meeting/ Four Monthly Meeting and RJCM Meeting for years together without any solutions. No action is forthcoming for removal hardships and miseries faced by ground level staff on hasty implementation of CBS & CIS and for supply of proper connectivity, supply of required hard wares, conveyed to the kind-self time to time vide this Circle Union’s letter of even number dated 20-07-2015, dated 09-09-2015, dated 17-10-2015, agenda items of dated 26-10-2015, dated 07-01-2016,, dated 08-01-2016, dated 25-01-2016 & dated 23-03-2016. The oppression on total group-c employees arisen out of CBS & CIS was discussed in details in the CWC & CC Meeting and everybody expressed dissatisfaction over inaction of Circle administration to remove the miseries of staff, leaving them helplessly to face the anger of public. The lady employees who have been working CBS Finacle are the worst sufferer, leaving offices in the late night without any protection, questioning to their security also. The social and family life of the employees have severely affected out of such problems and no remedial measures are forthcoming till date in spite of bringing the matter to the notice of our circle head time & again.

Similarly, problems like irregular calling of staff frequently on Sundays & holidays for various works like conductance of meetings, trainings, Melas, data migration etc which is nothing but adding salt to the injuries. The crystal clear orders of the Directorate vide letter No No. 16/56/2011-SR dated 08-07-2011 & letter No. 08/15/2011-SR dated 09-01-2012 not to conduct such frequent meetings, trainings & melas are grossly violated. The Divisions, ROs and even now Circle office are issuing orders for frequent drafting of staff on Sundays & Holidays and hence it is urged upon to kindly stop such irregular practice to avert great resent of staff.

 It has been observed that excess deputation of PAs to Divisional offices, ROs, CO & CPC are being made and they have been kept for years together, affecting the services in grass root level in operative offices. Now all the services like PLI/RPLI are being decentralized for which man power is required at operative offices and there is no justification in keeping them at divisional, ROs, CO & CPCs. Further it has been noticed that though orders for their return back to the divisions have been issued at CO and ROs, they have not been relieved from the higher offices and allowed to continue working without slightest regards to the orders of our authorities. It is urged that immediate action should be taken to return the PAs back to their divisions and no further action for drafting of staff on deputation.
            There is no solution to dequarterise the post offices having unsuitable/ insufficient attached post quarters. Most offices are running in private rented buildings and the house owners are not coming up for maintenance of buildings including the attached post quarters and a large number offices are coming under the zone of dequarterization and our SPM are forced to occupy the quarters in spite of the fact that the quarters are total unsuitable for living. Thereby, the poor SPMs are being taxed to huge financial loss in shape of loosing HRA every month. It is found that in many cases the HRA deducted from the pay of the SPMs is much more higher to the house rent paid to land lord and the schedule of accommodation of the quarters is too low than the entitlement of the SPM. So, it is quite unjustified not to consider the dequarterisation of the POs having unsuitable/ below standard accommodation. Though this union has gone with agenda items in the BI-Monthly meetings, Four monthly meetings and in RJCM Meeting, no tangible action is coming in dequarterisation of such post offices, adding to the discontent of employees.

This union observes that after implementation of CBS & CIS, the staff are being deputed to those establishments on deputation basis and are working for years. As CBS & CIS is a continuous process, it is urged for new creation of the staff strength for such CBS & CIS CPCs to make them separate establishment and action should be initiated for return back of the PAs on deputation to their parent offices.

This union takes a serious concern on the matter of non-maintenance of Departmental quarters for years together as a result which the staffs are forced to live with their family in the quarters in a unsafe condition. No action to repair the quarters is forth-coming though taking up the issue at various forums and always reply is given as paucity of fund. Similar is the non-maintenance of Departmental buildings on the plea of non-availability of funds. The Circle Office has to take action for getting proper allotment of funds to repair quarters & buildings and also for proper utilisation of funds.

Grave concern is also expressed for non-sanction of TA & Medical bills and long pending of such bills at the end of divisions when Department is ordering for frequent trainings, tours. As intimated to the union, the TA & Medical bills from 2012-13 are lying pending in the divisions. The position is very precarious in the divisions under Berhampur Region and the bills of last 5 years are pending showing paucity funds. It is the bounded duty of CO administration to collect the liability position of the division and to project the position correctly for allotment of funds to liquidate pending bills. Inspite of taking of this issue at RJCM Meeting, no result is forth-coming.

Non-payment of PLI/RPLI incentives to sales forces for years together on plea of paucity of fund is also demotivating staff in new procurement of business. Though the particular problem was taken as agenda item of RJCM Meeting, nothing tangible is coming out.

            Proper AMC to servers, UPS, Computers & its peripherals & gen sets etc is not being done, which is badly required when we have almost at the verge of completion of CBS & CIS. This item was taken in RJCM Meeting, but still no fruitful action is coming and there has been staff hardship working at bottom level.

There is total disruption in providing proper services to the beneficiaries of P & T Hospitals at Berhampur, Cuttack & C.G. Wellness Centre No-III, Bhubaneswar. Medicines are supplied after 2 to 3  days, 2- Substitute medicines are supplied in contrary to the medicines in the prescription. 3- Non-opening of the Dispensary time. 4- Various tests required for patients are not being done. 5- In case of referral cases the medicines prescribed by the doctor have been denied as in-admissible. 6- The pharmacist behaviour towards patient is very rude. We urge proper services to the beneficiaries.

Similarly the problems like non-provision of AC in bigger offices, air cooler to each & every post offices during hot summer, restoration of Armed Police Escort to cash vans of Bhubaneswar GPO and provision of Armed Police in all HOs for security of heavy cash & valuables kept overnight. (Inspite of discussing the above issue at various forums, no fruitful result is coming), & regarding fixing up line & limit of cash of the post offices.

The above problems are rolling over for years without any effective solution have agitated the minds of Group-C employees of the Circle and the CWC & CC Meeting convened from 22-04-2016 to 24-04-2016 took a serious view of the inaction to the issues and wants to convey to the kind-self with details for early solution to all those problems with a reply by 26-05-2016. It has been unanimously resolved that if no suitable reply  will be received by above date with concrete solution to all the above issues, we have no option left, but, to adopt Trade Union action for which the Circle administration will remain responsible.
Encl. As above
Yours faithfully,

Circle Secretary
Copy to:-1- All Circle Office bearers/Divisional Secretaries.
              2- Com. R.N.Parashar, Secretary General NFPE/ General Secretary AIPEU, Gr-C, CHQ for information. He is requested to kindly intervene, taking the cases at Directorate level for immediate solution of the problems and to avert strong discontentment of staff in Odisha Circle.

Circle Secretary



Departmental action:-

a) Supply of proper hardware to all CBS offices urgently for smooth functioning of the offices.
b) Supply of proper connectivity in NSP-1 & NSP-II.
c) Supply of 2GB RAM.
d) Supply of Pass Book printers to all CBS offices.
e) Supply of Laser Printers to all CBS offices.
f) Supply of UPS with proper back up and change of damaged batteries.
g) Supply of gen sets to all offices.
h) Proper training should be imparted to staff with practical knowledge.

Staff Problems to be removed:-

a) Joint responsibility should be fixed on divisional level team including within it  ASP, IP, SBCO & Head of the office.
b) Such teams should be formed headed by ASP/IP.
c) CPC is asking for user ID to liquidate blocking validation- order should be given not to transfer of User ID.
d) Order should be issued not to issue ATM Cards to Public presently with BO transactions to prevent fraud.
e) To stop conversion of offices & data migrations etc till completion normalcy in connectivity and proper running of Finacle.
f)- Payment of due compensation to staff on detention after office hours.
g)- Protection to staff & office valuables due to unpleasant/violent situations created by customers due to slow running of Finacle & link failure.

2-To stop drafting of Gr-C staff for conductance of meetings/ trainings/ melas & migration of data etc. on holidays & Sundays frequently by the orders of divisions, ROs &  CO in deviation to the clear instructions of the Directorate.

3- All PAs deputed to Circle office/ROs/ Divisional offices/ CPC should be returned back to their divisions immediately and no further deputation of PAs to afore-said higher offices.
4- All divisions should examine the number of POs in their divisions having unsuitable/ below standard attached post quarters and submit a list with feasibility report of such offices to RO/CO for dequarterization of all POs coming under such zone. Action should be taken by PMG/CPMG for dequarterisation of above offices, as envisized by DTE.

5- New establishment with sanctioned strength should be created for CBS CPC & CSI CPC and the quality checker of CPC should be well trained subject to condition that he should be from Accounts line. 

6- Immediate repairing & maintenance of quarters & Departmental buildings without further delay.

7- Liquidation of all pending TA & Medical bills of the divisions.

8- Payment of all pending PLI/RPLI incentive bills of the sales forces.

9- AMC to all servers, UPS, computers & its peripherals and Gen sets.

10- Removal of various problems caused to beneficiaries in P & T Dispensaries Berhampur, Cuttack & C.G Wellness Centre No-III Bhubaneswar.

11- Provision of AC to bigger offices and Air coolers to rest of the offices in the circle.

12- Restoration of provision of Armed Police escort to the cash vans of Bhubaneswar GPO & Rourkela HO( In this connection the discussions in Four Monthly Meeting & RJCM may kindly be referred to).Armed Police Escort should also be provided to all HOs for security of huge cash & valuables kept overnight,

13- Immediate finalization of fixing of line & limit of cash of the Post Offices.

Circle Secretary
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