Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Shri K Mohanta now SPOs In Charge of Koraput Division

Dear Comrades,

Shri M K C.Patra, Supdt. of Post Offices, Koraput Division, Jeypore(K) today retired on superannuation. Shri Khageswar Mohanta, SPOs, Kalahandi Division, Bhawanipatna relieved Shri Patra holding the additional charge of our Division. 

Retirement of Com. K Ragavendran

Dear Comrades,

Com. K Ragavendran, former Secretary General, NFPE, CHQ, New Delhi retired from service on Superannuation. We wish him a peaceful retired life. Long live Com. K. Ragavendran. The new team of NFPE, CHQ consists of President Com. M Krishnan and General Secretary, K Sridharan. We hope that they will strive to the limit until our demands are get fulfilled.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wearing Black Badge -Demand Highlight Day

Dear Comrades,

Red Salute,

In the process of moving towards holding of strike on 13th July, 2010, as per the NFPE(AIPEU) CHQ, New Delhi directions our union members have observed this demand highlight day by wearing black badge throughout the Division as a expression of our protest against the injustice done by the Government by delaying in fulfillment of our long pending demands. Todays observance shows that all of our members have maintained their trade union spirit high and are always united for the sake of mass. Let us keep our strength and courage high always. Thank you all.

With revolutionary greetings,

Com. Purna Chandra Maharana

Monday, June 28, 2010

Shri Khageswar Mohanta will hold the additional charge of Koraput Division w.e.f. 30.06.2010

Dear Comrades,

Shri M K C.Patra, Supdt. of Post Offices, Koraput Division, Jeypore(K) will retire on 30th June, 2010 afternoon on superannuation. Shri Khageswar Mohanta, SPOs, Kalahandi Division, Bhawanipatna will relieve Shri Patra on 30.06.2010 A/N and hold the additional charge of Koraput Postal Division until further orders from Circle Office, Bhubaneswar.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Allotment orders of surplus qualified OC candidates of Inspector of Posts Examination, 2008

Dear Comrades,

The Directorate vide No.A-34013/01/2009-DE(Pt.I) dated 25.06.2010 issued allotment orders of surplus qualified OC candidates of Inspector of Posts Examination, 2008. The below mentioned candidates of our Circle have been allotted to the Circles as mentioned below against each:

1. Mrs. Smita Mohapatra -    Orissa
2. Mr Sriram Acharya -         WB
3. Mr Ganeswar Sahoo -       WB
4. Mrs. Madhusmita Padhy - Orissa
5. Mr Girish Ch. Sahu -         Chhatisgarh
6. Mr Rajendranath Giri -      WB
7. Mr Minaketan Pradhan -   WB
8. Mr Rajan Ku. Nayak -      WB

To view the full contents of the above order click either one:-


Training of NEW PAs

Dear Comrades,

Five nos. of new Trainee PAs have been taken two days training at Divisional Office before their journey to attend the induction training to be held at PTC, Saharanpur commencing from the last week of June, 2010. The name of the Trainee PAs are as follows:-

1. N Uma Maheswari.
2. Sujatarani Pradhan.
3. Gayatri Sethy.
4. Ritu Dash.
5. Manasi Panigrahy.

Our union welcomes them to be a part of our Division and wishes them all the best.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Consolidated instructions on Regularization of Unauthorized Absence

Dear Comrades,

The Govt. of India has issued instructions on regularization of authorised absence vide the below mentioned OM.

No. 13026 /3/20 LO-Estt. ( Leave)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)

New Delhi, the 22nd June, 2010

Office Memorandum

Sub: Consolidated instructions on Regularization of Unauthorized Absence.

The undersigned is directed to say that this Department has been receiving various references from Ministries/ Departments regarding regularization of unauthorized absence for long periods. The references are made basically because the Ministries/Departments do not follow the prescribed procedure, for dealing with such unauthorized absence. Guidelines/instructions exist for handling such situations.

2. As per Rule 25 of the CCS (Leave) Rules 1972.

(1). Unless the authority competent to grant leave extends the leave, a Government servant who remains absent after the end of leave is entitled to no leave salary for the period of such absence and that period shall be debited against his leave account as though it were half pay leave, to the extent such leave is due, the period in excess of such leave due being treated as extraordinary.

(2) Willful absence from duty after the expiry of leave renders a Government servant liable: to disciplinary action. Government of India decisions also exist: that a Government Servant who remains absent without any authority should be proceeded against immediately and this should not be put off till the absence exceeds the limit prescribed in Rule 32(2) (a) of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972.

3 . It is once again stressed that a Govt. servant who remains absent without any authority should be proceeded against immediately. All Ministries/Departments are requested to ensure that in all cases of unauthorized absence by a Government Servant, he should be informed of the consequences of such absence and be directed to rejoin duty immediately 1 within a specified date, say within three days, failing which he would be liable: for disciplinary action under CCS(CCA) Rules 1965. If the Government Servant does not join duty by the stipulated date the Disciplinary Authority should initiate disciplinary action against him and the disciplinary case should be conducted and concluded as quickly as possible.

4. It is only due to apathy of the Disciplinary Authorities that the situation arises where long pending unauthorized absence leads to delay in other service matters of Government Servants, including promotions. To avoid such situations all Ministries/Departments should advise Disciplinary Authorities to ensure that prompt action is taken against Government Servants who absent themselves without permission and that Charge-Sheets are issued without delay.

5. The consequences and procedure to be followed in respect of an officer who is absent from duty without any authority has been brought out under FR 17(1 ) and 17-A. As per FR 17-A(iii) without prejudice to the provisions of Rule 27 of the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules. 1972, remaining absent without any authority or deserting the post, shall be deemed to cause an interruption or break in the service of the employee, unless otherwise decided by the competent authority for the purpose of leave travel concession, quasi-permanency and eligibility for appearing in department examinations, for which a minimum period of continuous services required.

6. Comptroller and Auditor General have issued orders that the period of absence not covered by grant of leave shall have to be treated as "dies non" for all purpose, viz., increment, leave and pension. Such absence without leave where it stands singly and not in continuation of any authorized leave of absence will constitute an interruption of service for the purpose of pension and unless the pension sanctioning authority exercises its powers under Article 421, Civil Service Regulations [now Rule 27 of the CCS (pension) Rules] to treat the period as leave without allowance, the entire past service will stand forfeited.

7. It may be noted that regularization of unauthorized absence for pension purpose is to be considered under the CCS (Pension) Rules. Only in cases where the disciplinary authority is satisfied that the grounds adduced for unauthorized absence are justified, the leave of the kind applied for and due and admissible may be granted to him under the CCS (Leave) Rules.

8. Hindi version will follow.

(Simmi R Nakra) Director

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Reform in Savings Bank Computerized Operations - DOP moving from Sanchay Post to CBS Software

Dear Comrades,

Department of Posts vide F No.76-01/2010-SB dated 25.05.2010 has conveyed that the existing functioning on Sanchay Post in Post Offices will be changed and instead CBS Software will be used soon.

The Details of the said letter is reproduced below:

The undersigned is directed to say that on the recommendations of a committee constituted to review utility and capabillity of Sanchay post software in the light of proposed CBS, Accrual Base Accounting and compliance of prevention of Money Laundering (PML)/combating of Financing Terrorism (CFT) norms, the competent authority has taken the following decisions:-

1.There will be no further expansion of Sanchay post software. The post offices for which legal copies of the sanchay post CDs have not yet been purchased will continue to work on manual system.

2.No further CD of Sanchaya Post system will be purchased from Datanet System.

3.Software Development Centre Chennai operating from O/O CPMG, will maintain the software at its present level and no further modifications or enhancements will be carried out in the software.

4.SDC, Chennai will help the probable system integrator in data migration to proposed CBS software.

5.After implementaion of CBS in 4000 major post offies, the remaining departmental offices will be shifted to a lower version of CBS with centralized database system.

This issues with the approval of DDG (FS).

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Holidays to be observed in Central Government offices during the year 2011

Dear Comrades,

The Government of India vide the following OM has released the holiday list for the year 2011. The details of the said OM is reproduced below:-

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 21st June, 2010

Subject: Holidays to be observed in Central Government Offices during the year 2011.

It has been decided that the holidays as specified in the Annexure -I to this O.M. will be observed in all the Administrative Offices of the Central Government located at Delhi/New Delhi during the year 201 1. In addition, each employee will also be allowed to avail himself/herself of any two holidays to be chosen by him/her out of the list of Restricted Holidays in Annexure - 11.

2. Central Government Administrative Offices located outside Delhi / New Delhi shall observe the following holidays compulsorily in addition to three holidays as per para 3.1 below:

REPUBLIC DAY                                                                               

3.1. In addition to the above 14 Compulsory holidays mentioned in para 2, three holidays shall be decided from the list indicated below by the Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committee in the State Capitals, if necessary, in consultation with Coordination Committees at other places in the State. The final list applicable uniformly to all Central Government offices within the concerned State shall be notified after seeking prior approval of this Ministry and no change
can be carried out thereafter. It is also clarified that no change is permissible in regard to festivals and dates as indicated.

3.2 No substitute holiday should be allowed if any of the festival holidays initially declared subsequently happens to fall on a weekly off or any other nonworking day or in the event of more than one festivals falling on the same day.

4. The list of Restricted Holidays appended to this O.M. is meant for Central Government Offices located in Delhi / New Delhi. The Coordination Committees at the State Capitals may draw up separate list of Restricted Holidays keeping in view the occasions of local importance but the 9 occasions left over, after choosing the 3 variable holidays in para 3.1 above, are to be included in the list of restricted holidays.

5.1 For offices in Delhi / New Delhi, any change in the date of holidays in respect of Idul Fitr, Idul Zuha, Muharram and Id-e-Milad, if necessiuy, depending upon sighting of the Moon, would be declared by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions after ascertaining the position from the Govt. of NCT of Delhi.

5.2 For offices outside Delhi / New Delhi, the Central Government Employees Welfare Coordination Committees at the State Capitals are authorised to change the date of holiday, if necessary, based on the decision of the concerned State Governments / Union Territories, in respect of Idul Fitr, Idul Zuha, Muharram and Id-e-Milad.

5.3 It may happen that the change of date of the above occasions has to be declared at a very short notice. In such a situation, announcement could be made through T.V. / A.I.R. / Newspapers and the Heads of Department / Offices of the Central Government may take action according to such an announcement without waiting for a formal order, about the change of date.

6. During 2011, Diwdi (Deepavali) falls on Wednesay, October 26, 2011 (Kartika 04). In certain States, the practice is to celebrate the occasion a day in advance, i.e., on "Narakachaturdasi Day". In view of this, there is no objection if holiday on account of Deepavali is observed on 'Naraka Chaturdasi Day (in place of Deepavali Day) for the Central Government Offices in a State if in that State that day alone is declared as a compulsory holiday for Diwali for the offices of the State Government. However, in the year 20 1 1, Diwali (Deepavali) and Narak Chaturdasi Day, both are falling on the same day i.e. October 26, 20 11.

7. Central Government Organisations which include industrial, commercial and trading establishments would observe upto 16 holidays in a year including three national holidays viz. Republic Day, Independence Day and Mahatma Gandhi's birthday, as compulsory holidays. The remaining holidays / occasions may be determined by such establishments / organisations themselves for the year 20 1 1, subject to para 3.2 above.

8. Union Territory Administrations shall decide the list of holidays in terms of Ministry of Home Affairs letter No.14046/27/83- GP-I dated 15.2.1984 by which they would observe a total of 16 holidays including the three National Holidays Viz. Republic Day, Independence Day & Mahatma Gandhi's birthday.

9. In respect of Indian Missions abroad, the number of holidays may be notified in accordance with the instructions contained in this Department's O.M. No.12/5/2002-JCA dated 17& December, 2002. In other words, they will have the
option to select 12(Twelve) holidays of their own only after including in the list, three National Holidays and Mahavir Jayanti, Christmas Day included in the list of compulsory holidays and falling on days of weekly off.

10. In respect of Banks, the holidays are restricted to 15 days in a year in terms of the instructions issued by the  Department of Economic Affairs (Banking Division).

1 1. Hindi version will follow.

(Dinesh Kapila)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Extension of Risk Allowance

Dear Comrades,

It has been decided with the approval of Ministry of Finance to extend Payment of Risk Allowance upto 30.9.2010 or till such time the Risk Insurance Scheme is finally introduced, whichever is earlier.

Full details of OM produced below:-


Government of India

Minisby of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions

Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, dated 16th June, 20 10.


Subject:- Extension of Risk Allowance .

With reference to the decision of the Government to withdraw Risk Allowance w.e.f. 1.4.2009 and replace it with the Risk lnsurance Scheme after consultation with Staff Side, a general instruction was issued by this Department vide OM No.2 10 12/1 /2008-Estt.(AL) dated 12th March, 2009 to all Ministries/Department having the component of Risk Allowance to examine the recommendation at para 4.2.68 of Sixth Central Pay Commission in the light of General Risk Insurance package formulated by General Insurers' (Public Sector) Association of India (GIPSA) and consider as per their specific risk, needs and requirements by the respective Ministries/Departments after consultation with the Staff Side. The compliance report and the decision of the Govenment in this regard was required to be sent to this deptt. within two months. A subsequent reminder of even no. dated 29.10.2009 was issued by this Department to expedite the compliance report. However, compliance report has not been received by this Department till date.

2. Keeping in view the requests from certain Ministries/Departments, it has been decided with the approval of Ministry of Finance to extend Payment of Risk Allowance upto 30.9.2010 or till such time the Risk Insurance Scheme is finally introduced, whichever is earlier. All the Ministries/Deptts. are requested to ensure implementation of Risk Insurance Scheme before 30.9.20 10. No further extension will be considered thereafter.

(Simmi R. Nakra)
All the Ministries/Departments

CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 – Relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K.

Dear Comrades,

Government of India has extended relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K releasing the below mentioned O.M. 

Govt. of India,
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
(Dept. of Personnel & Training)

New Delhi, dated the 18th June, 2010

Office Memorandum

Subject: CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988 – Relaxation for travel by air to visit J&K.

The undersigned is directed to say that in relaxation of CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988, it has been decided by the Government to permit government employees to travel by air J&K as per the following scheme:-

(i) All officers/employees of Government of India will be allowed to avail LTC to visit J&K against conversion of one block of their Home Town LTC.

(ii) Officers/employees of Government of India entitled to travel by air can avail this LTC in their entitled class.

(iii) All other employees of GOI can travel by air in economy class from Delhi and Amritsar  to any place in J&K by any airlines subject to their entitlement being limited to LTC-80 fares of Air India. Journey from their place of posting up to Delhi/Amritsar will have to undertaken as per their entitlement.

(iv) Restriction of air travel only by Air India on LTC to other places shall continue to remain in force

2. These orders shall be in operation for a period of two years from the date of issue of this O.M.

3. In their application to the staff serving in the Indian audit and Accounts Department, these orders            issue in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

                                                                                                                                    (Smt. Rajbala Singh)
                                                                                                            Under Secretary to the Govt. of India,                           Tele: 23092313
All Ministries /departments of the Govt. of India.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Organise and implement 2nd Phase Programme of JCA

Dear Comrades,

We will have to organise the Second stage of Postal JCA Programme
i.e. "POST CARD CAMPAIGN" up to 15.06.2010 by writing a post card
to the Hon'ble MOc&IT containing the following matter.

Let us make this Post Card Campaign very effective by mobilising 
all of our collegues to write a post card to Hon'ble MOC&IT in the following format.

Honourable MOC & IT
Government of India
Electronic Nikethan
CGO Complex
Lodi Road, New Delhi - 110003

Respected Sir,


Thanking You Sir,

Yours faithfully,

Thursday, June 10, 2010

60% arrear order for GDS released

Dear Comrades,

The Order for payment of second installment of 60 % arrears on account of implementation of Shri R S Nataraja Murti Committee recommendations on revision of wage structures of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS) has been released today by the Department. The details of the order is furnished below:- 

Government of India,
Ministry of Communications & IT,
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division).

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110016
Dated 10th Jun, 2010


All Chief Postmaster General,
All Postmaster General,
All General Manager (Finance),
Director of Accounts (Postal)

Subject: Payment of second installment of 60 % arrears on account of implementation of Shri R S Nataraja Murti Committee recommendations on revision of wage structures of Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDS).


I am directed to refer to this office memorandum no. of even number dated 9-10-2009, wherein approval was communicated for implementation of Recommendations of One-man committee on revision of Time Related continuity allowance and other allowances. In para-11 of the said office memorandum it was stated that, 2nd installment of 60% arrears will be paid only after issue of specific instructions in this regard by the Directorate.

2. It has now been decided to pay second installment of 60% arrears of revision of TRCA to the eligible Gramin Dak Sevaks.

3. The Circle Postal Accounts officers were requested to carry out cent percent verification of TRCA consequent on revision of TRCA. The entire process of verification was to be completed by 31st March, 2010. A report on the cent percent verification of TRCA should be sent to the directorate immediately for record.

4. The excess payments pointed out by the circle verification squad of DAP office should be adjusted while effecting payment of the second installment of arrears.

5. Before releasing the 2nd installment of 60% arrears it may be ensured that requisite funds are available under the relevant Head of Account.

6. An undertaking in the prescribed format should be obtained from each GDS to the effect that, he will refund any excess payments that may be found to have been made or detected subsequently and kept on record before the disbursement of second installment. The process of payment of second installment may be completed by 15.07.2010.

7. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Dy. No.119/FA/10/CS dated 09 Jun 2010.

Dy. Director General (Estt)
Copy to:
1. PS to Hon’ble MOC&IT/PS to MOSC&IT(K)/PS to MOSC&IT(P)
2. Executive Assistant to Secretary (P).
3. PS to Member(P)/ Member(T)/ Member(HRRD)/ Member(Plg.)/ Member(PLI)/ Member(O).
4. JS&FA/Secretary Postal Services Board.
5. Secretary (PSB).
6. Chief GM (PLI)/CGM (BD&MD)/CGM (MB)
7. All DDsG in the Directorate.
8. All Directors of PTCs/ Director PSCI Ghaziabad.
9. Director PTC Mysore for displaying the orders in the India Post Website.
10. GDS/BGT/PAP/PE-I/PA Section/Plg. Section.
11. All recognized Federations/Unions.
12. Guard file.

(K Rameswara Rao)
Asst. Director General (Estt.)

Travelling allowance Rules - Implementation of recommendations of Sixth CPC

Dear Comrades,

Ministry of Finance has made few modification to the existing travelling allowance vide the below produced OM.

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure

New Delhi dated the 8th June 2010

Office Memorandum

Sub: Travelling Allowance Rules – Implementation of recommendations of the Sixth CPC.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 23.09.08 on the subject cited above and to say that it has been brought to Government’s notice that the issue of this OM has led to lowering of the per km rates for transportation of personal effects by road on transfer in the case of A-1/A/B-1 class cities. The provision under Para 4.C of the said OM has been reviewed and it has now been decided to replace with the existing provisions contained in para4.C of the said OM dated 23.09.2008, with the following

“C. Transportation of Personal Effects

Grade Pay (1) By Train/Steamer Rate per Km for transport by road (Rs. Per Km.)

X & Y Class Cities* Z Class Cities*

Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.7600 and above and those in Pay scale HAG+ and above.
6000 Kgs. By Goods Train/ 4 wheeler wagon/ 1 double container
30.00 (Rs.0.005 per Kg. per Km)
18.00 (Rs.0.003 per Kg. per Km)

Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.4200, Rs.4800, Rs.5400 and Rs.6600
6000 Kgs. By Goods Train/ 4 wheeler wagon/ 1 double container
30.00 (Rs.0.005 per Kg. per Km)
18.00 (Rs.0.003 per Kg. per Km)

Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.2800
3000 Kgs.
15.00 (Rs.0.005 per Kg. per Km)
9.00 (Rs.0.003 per Kg. per Km)

Officers drawing Grade Pay below Rs.2800
1500 Kgs.
7.50 (Rs.0.005 per Kg. per Km)
4.60 (Rs.0.003 per Kg. per Km)

The rates for transporting the entitled weight by Steamer will be equal to the prevailing rates prescribed by such transport in ships operated by Shipping corporation of India.”

* As per classification of cities for the purpose of admissibility of House Rent Allowance.

2. Attention is also invited to para 4.B of the OM dt. 23.09.08, which regulates the payment of composite transfer grant. In this connection, it is reiterated that the components and incidentals which were merged/subsumed with the composite transfer grant, as per para 4.B of this Ministry’s OM No.19030/2/97-E.IV dt. 17.04.98, remain unchanged.

3. The revised provisions as under Para 1 above, shall be applicable w.e.f. 01.09.2008, i.e the date from which revised TA Rules are applicable.

Dy. Secretary to the Government of India

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

DoPT's Notice inviting Suggestive measures to examine and expedite the process involved in the Disciplinary/Vigilance proceedings.

Dear Comrades,
         The DoPT vide below furnished Notice want to judge the possible measures to be taken to expedite the the process and consumption of time involved in disciplinary/vigilance proceedings. The full content is furnished hereunder for information of our comrades.

F.No. 3721312007-AVD.IH

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Treaining
Dated the 3rd June, 2010


In pursuance of the 2nd Administrative Reforms Commission's 4'" Report titled "Ethics in Governance", the Government has set up a Committee of Experts under the Chairmanship of Shri P.C. Hota, former Chairman, UPSC, with Shri Anrind Varma, former Secretary(Personne1) and Shri P. Shanker, former Central Vigilance Commissioner as its Members, to examine and suggest measures to expedite the process involved in Disciplinary/Vigilance Proceedings. A background note on the subject matter is attached.

Interested parties are welcome to offer their suggestions/comments, if any, latest by 20th June, 2010, for consideration of the Committee. The response may be sent to :

Shri V.K. Velukutty
Deputy Secretary(V.III), DOPT,
Room No.10-Blli, North Block,
New Delhi-110001.
(Dr. S.K. Sarkar)
Additional Secretary(S&V)
Tel. No. 23094010

Background Note on need for Review of Disciplinary Proceedings.

The Government has set up a Committee of Experts on May 12, 2010 to examine and suggest measures to expedite the process involved in Disciplinary Vigilance Proceedings, Disciplinary proceedings, time frame and reality

2.. The detailed procedure for imposing penalties has been laid down in CCA(CSS) Rule, 1965 in the case of Central Government employees and in the All lndia Services (Discipline & Appeal) Rules, 1969 in the case of All lndia Services. These procedures do not, however, prescribe any time limit for completion of the process for imposing penalty.

3. Nevertheless, the DOPT have prescribed a time frame of 14 months for imposing such penalties as indicated below :

a) lssue of Charge Sheet where CVC is required to be consulted - 3 months
b) lssue of Charge Sheet where CVC is not required to be consulted - 2 months.
c) Appointment of IOlPO - Immediately after receipt of Written Statement of Defence.
d) Completion of Inquiry and submission of Report by the Inquiry Officer - 6 months.
e) lssue of final orders where UPSC is not required to be consulted - 2 months.
f) lssue of final orders where UPSC is to be consulted - 1 month from the date of receipt of advice.

4. In contrast, the CVC manual prescribed a realistic time schedule of nearly 25 months for completion of the Disciplinary Proceedings (DP). In January 2009 the CVC has also suggested that in the normal  circumstances, the conclusion of disciplinary proceedings should be reached within a time frame of two years from the date of inception to the stage of issuance of final orders. This time frame does not exactly take into account the time to be taken by the UPSC in rendering its advice on a reference made to it.

5. In practice, the time taken for completion of disciplinary proceedings is more than what has been prescribed. In its 4'h Report on Ethics in Governance, the Second ARC, commented adversely on the enormous time taken in concluding the DP. It has also quoted a study conducted by IlPA whose findings are:

In 116 cases studied, the average time taken between reference to CVC for the "first stage advice" and receipt of the advice in cases studied was 170 days (three cases apparently involved imposition of minor penalty). In 234 cases involving proceedings for a major penalty the average time taken between appointment of the lnquiry Officer and completion of inquiry was 584 days. In 56 cases the average time taken from receipt of the inquiry report to sending the case to the CVC for "second stage advice" was 288 days. In 33 cases the average time taken between the date of occurrence of misconduct and sending the cases to the CVC for "first stage advice" was 1284 days.

Analysis of certain completed cases revealed the following break-up of time taken by various agencies :
Administrative Department 69%, Inquiry Officer - 17%, cvc - 9%, UPSC - 5%

Areas where time reduction is possible

6. In consultation with CVCIUPSC, the DOPT has identified some areas where reduction of time is possible, which are discussed below :

The present requirement of consultations with the CVC could be reduced to a Single-Stage Consultation. The single-stage consultation with CVC could be at the initial stage itself, where the DA after  conducting a preliminary inquiry at his level or after collecting the facts of the case should approach the CVC. Considering the preliminary inquiry report or the facts of the case before it, as may have been submitted by the DA, the CVC should be in a position to firm up its its advice to the DA in a holistic manner, i.e., whether the particular case needs to be pursued or dropped by simply issuing a recordable warning, or the DA should go ahead with the disciplinary proceedings for imposing a minor penalty or major penalty. This will ensure that
the Government servant concerned is not unnecessarily victimized by the Department by initiating a disciplinary proceeding even in a weak case and simultaneously, guiding the DA appropriately from vigilance
angle. Thereafter, wherever, the DA wants to disagree with the advice of CVC, on the basis of the outcome of lnquiry conducted by him, only in such cases he should again consult the CVC for reconsideration of its earlier advice.

At present there are four types of penalties causing reduction in pay one way or the other, i.e., 2 under the classification of "Minor Penalties" and 2 under the classification of "Major Penalties". Out of these, one penalty is "Withholding of increment of pay". If the intention of these four penalties is to cause pecuniary loss to the charged officer, as a punishment, the purpose can be served by imposing the existing penalty of "Withholding of increment" alone under the classification of "Minor Penalties". There appears to be no need for retaining the other three forms of penalty causing reduction in pay (i.e. one under "Minor Penalties" and 2 under "Major Penalties"). In such a situation, if the DA feels that there is a need
for imposing a harsher penalty on the charged officer, even under the classification of "Minor Penalties", then he may consider imposing the penalty of "Withholding of increments" for more number of years in a graded form, depending on the gravity of the charges. At present there is no limit prescribed for the penalty of "Withholding of increments". It is suggested that if the other three forms of penalty of causing reduction in pay are to be deleted , then we may consider fixing the Penalty of "Withholding of increments" for a maximum
period of 3 years. There is no need for any Penalty like "Withholding of increments with cumulative effect."
Compulsory Retirement is a penalty under the classification of "Major Penalties".

Article 31 1 of the Constitution states about the need for consultation with UPSC only in the case of demotion, removal and dismissal of civil servants. There appears to be no need for retaining "Compulsory Retirement" as a form of penalty. This is so because, a Government servant who is compulsorily retired as a major penalty, will get all his retirement benefits. Therefore, it has very little or no deterrent effect on the charged officer and also not serving the original purpose of awarding punishment for a major misconduct. In other words, it is as if Government is sending home a disgraced Government servant almost in an honourable way even while awarding him major punishment. In this way, such Government servants may feel a sense of comfort and security even while indulging in wrong doings with malafide intention because they know that even if they are Compulsorily Retired from service, they would get full pensionary benefits. It is, therefore, felt it should be deleted from the CCA(CCS) Rule because the penalty of "Compulsory Retirement" does not actually work as a deterrent. If the DA considers that a major penalty has to be imposed on the charged officer for a major misconduct, then he should take recourse to imposing penalty of Demotion or Removal or Dismissal from service.

This would also give out a clear message to all the Government servants the severe consequence of their wrong doings with deliberate intention. As for dealing with the inefficient employees, there is already a provision under FR 56(j) vide which the central Government can retire such employees compulsorily. I
'The present need for consultation with UPSC in case of imposition of Minor Penalty can be done away with by suitably amending the Union Public Service Commission(Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958.

The Penalties mentioned under Rule 11 of CCS(CCA) Rules, 1965 should be reclassified as under :
Minor Penalties -
Major Penalty
Withholding of his promotion;
Recovery from his pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused by him to the Government by negligence or breach of orders; and Withholding of increment of pay upto a period maximum of five
Note : As has been mentioned in para 13(e), the UPSC is not in favour of altering the existing list of penalties. However, the DOPT's view is that in order to ensure equity of justice in all disciplinary cases in the Central Government, uniformly, it is necessary to prescribe certain yardstick in the matter of awarding penalties by the DA - rather than giving full discretion to the DA in this regard in the garb of application of mind. This is so because experience show that different DAs have imposed in the past different types of punishment for the same misconduct or offence - e.g. while one DA in one Department had imposed Major penalty on the accused found guilty in a forged LTC claim, the DA in another had dropped the charges
against the accused found guilty of a forged TA claim on the ground that the charged officer had refunded the unutilized amount of TA advance. In order to avoid such aberrations, deliberately caused by some DAs, it is felt necessary that at least in the case of minor penalty of stoppage of increments, we may prescribe the following limitations:
"Stoppage of increments
(a) upto a maximum of one year on charges of insubordination;
(b) upto two years on charges of lack of devotion to duty; and
(c) upto three years on charges of inability to maintain absolute integrity but not causing pecuniary loss to public exchequer and embarrassment to Government. "
Demotion to a lower grade with or without cumulative effect.
Removal.from service which shall not be a disqualification for future employment under the Government; Dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be a disqualification for future employment under the Government: Provided that, in every case in which the charge of possession of assets disproportionate to known sources of income or the charge of acceptance from any person of any gratification, other than legal remuneration, as a motive or reward for doing or forbearing to do any official act is established, the penalty
mentioned in Clauses (v) or (vi) shall be imposed. The lnquiry Officers are usually the serving Government officers or the retired Government servants. In the case of serving officers, they have to do the job as additional work. Some of them being very busy with their own routine work, may not be in apposition to devote adequate time for completing the assignment on time. At the same time, there are some other officers who are comparatively not all that busy and willing to take up such challenging assignments. So, also is the case in respect of Defence Assistants. If the DA receives adequate attention from the 10 and the Defence Assistant, it is possible to reduce the present time lag to some extent by fast tracking the inquiry. However, the present instructions of DOPT restricts the number of cases which can be taken up by a Government
servant as an lnquiry Officer. In the case of a serving officer, he can take up only two cases at a time and a total of 10 cases in a year; and a retired officer can take up only 4 cases at a time and 20 cases in a year. In the case of Defence Assistant the Government servant can take up such assignments only upto 4 at a given time. Similarly, in the case of a retired Government servant, he can cannot act as Defence Assistant in more than 7 cases at a time. If some one is willing to do more work in this area, this should be encouraged, and
consequently the disciplinary cases could be finalized expeditiously. As per DOPT's OM No.14212012008-AVD.1 dated 27.7.2009 regarding payment of honorarium for completion of a departmental inquiry, an
lnquiry Officer (who is a serving Government servant) gets Rs.30001-; a Presenting Officer (who is a serving Govt. Servant) gets Rs.15001- and a Retired Govt. servant functioning as lnquiry Officer gets Rs.97501- (plus Rs.15001- for every additional charged officer).  Except the above standard rate, there is no other special incentive for completion of the inquiry expeditiously. In order to encourage the above officers to complete the inquiry within a time frame, it is suggested that those who complete their job on time, may be
considered for grant of additional payment in the form of incentive , i.e., up to an amount equivalent to the above rates in each case.

The Disciplinary Authority normally begins the search for a suitable officer for appointment as lnquiry Officer in a particular case only after a specific case has been brought to his notice. The scouting for such officer and his subsequent appointment as lnquiry Officer also involves a substantial amount of time. If a system is built up, whereby the information about availability of a willing officer for taking up the assignment of inquiries is known ex ante, by maintaining a centralized data base which is accessible to the all the Disciplinary Authorities, the delay in getting suitable officer may be minimized. Some of the accused employees  deliberately delay the inquiry proceedings by seeking extension of timeladjournment of hearings quoting various reasons including on medical grounds. At present, there are no restrictions on grant of the total number of such extensions & ladjournments. The Government may consider putting some restrictions on the number of extensions in this regard. The lnquiry Officer shall entertain requests for extension of timeladjournments only in cases of unforeseen circumstances like hospitalization of the accused employee for indoor treatment in CGHS approved hospitals. Even in those cases also, number of extensions including adjournments should be normally limited to a maximum of three in total in the entire life of an inquiry and the interval between two extensions should not be more than one month.. Any request beyond this limit should be deemed to be a non-cooperative attitude of the accused employee, and the lnquiry Officer may feel free (unless there is no extraneous situation due to act of God) to conduct the inquiry ex-parte after informing the accused employee of the same. On the line of proceedings under Cr.P.C., where some of the accused persons are allowed to become prosecution witnesses for facilitating smooth and correct conclusion of the inquiry proceedings, whereby they become eligible for lesser punishment, we should also consider introducing a system of "plea bargaining" with the charged officer, under the CCA(CCS) Rules. Under such a system, if the charged officer accepts the charge, he can be punished by the DA straightaway, without entering into any lengthy disciplinary proceedings, thus saving a lot of financial resources to the public exchequer. In return of this help, Government should consider awarding to such persons only a lesser punishment than otherwise warranted . This way, many disciplinary cases can be concluded and disposed of expeditiously.
To prevent repetitive and avoidable movement of files for higher approvals (as of the Minister in-charge), in the initial stage itself, clearance be sought for proceeding with the disciplinary action and appointment of X, Y or Z as lnquiry Officer in the event of the employee not admitting the charge(s) against him. The Union Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) Regulations, 1958 should be suitably amended in order that the requirement of consultation with UPSC in case of imposing Minor Penalties, is done away with. The DA may consider issuing appropriate instructions to the lnquiry Officer about the need for conducting disciplinary inquiry on day-today basis in important cases of urgent nature involving substantial financial loss to the Government.

At present, there is no regular practice of giving in the ACRs any special credit for the efforts made by the lnquiry OfficerslDefence AssistantslPresenting Officers in completion of disciplinary proceedings. This is because in many cases, the Reporting OfficerslReviewing Officers may not be even informed of the correct position. It is, therefore, suggested that an additional column should be provided in the existing ACR form for enabling the Reporting Officer to specifically make some remarkslcomments on the efforts made by the officer reported upon, in helping the Government in completion of inquiry proceedings.

The DOPT's instructions contained in OM No. 21612009-Estt.(Pay.II) dated 25.2.2009 restricts the total deputation period upto 5 years. It may be mentioned that such instructions are meant for compliance by the normal DepartmentslMinistries of Government of India in order to maintain uniformity on deputation tenure. However, the work of CVC being a typically investigative in nature, there is need for continuity to a greater extent; otherwise it will adversely hamper the functioning of the Commission. It is, therefore, felt that essential the above restrictions on total tenure of deputation for general application, should not be made applicable to the Commission so that the Government's larger interest of carrying out its vigilance administration work by CVC is not adversely affected. In other words, the CVC should be exempted from the purview of DOPT's OM dated 25.2.2009 regarding ceiling of deputation period.

Implementation of MACPs Orders for Postman and Group-D - Released by SPOs, Koraput Division

Dear Comrades,

         The SPOs, Koraput Division, Jeypore(K) vide below mentioned Memos have released the MACPs Implementation orders in favour of Postman and Group-'D' employees of Koraput Division.

Memo No. B2/MACPs/09-10 Dated at Jeypore (K) the 01.06.2010.

The following Postmen of Koraput Division who have completed 20 years of regular service from the date of direct entry in service and whose cases have been recommended by the Screening Committee in the meeting held from 12.05.2010 to 14.05.2010 at the Office of the Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Koraput Division, Jeypore (K) which have been approved by the Director Postal Services, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur nominated vide PMG, Berhampur Region, Berhampur letter No. ST/12-76/2010 dated 26.05.2010 , are permitted to get Second Financial Up-gradation under Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme from the dates noted against each as per provisions contained in the Directorate letters No. 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dated 18.09.2009 & dated 24.09.2009, circulated vide CPMG (O) letter No. EST/1-104/RLG dated 30.09.2009.

On financial up-gradation, they will remain in the Pay Band “PB-1” and their Grade Pay will be changed to Rs.2800/-. They will have an option under FR 22(1) (a) (1) to get their pay fixed in the higher Grade Pay either from the date of their financial up-gradation or from the date of their next increment viz. 1st July of the year. The pay and the date of increment would be fixed in accordance with clarification No.2 of Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No. 1/1/2008-1C dated 13.09.2008

Sl. No. Name of the official present post held Date of direct entry in service Date from which Second financial up-gradation permitted

1 P.L.Bhatra O/S Mails, Umerkote 01.4.82 01.9.08
2 S.C.Nayak Postman , Koraput H.O. 22..9.83 01.9.08
3 Kartik Nayak O/S Mails, Koraput 01.10.83/AN 01.9.08
4 Mani Sethi O/S Mails, Umerkote 24.04.84 01.09.08
5 S.C.Nayak O/S Mails,Malkangiri 11.5.85 01.09.08
6 S.L.Gonda O/S Mails, Koraput 05.6.85A/N 1.9.08
7 Nilambar Naik O/S Mails, Koraput 17..9.85 1.9.08
8 M.R.Bagh O/S Mails, Jeypore(K) 17.7.86 1.9.08
9 S.K.Kotta Head Postman , Koraput H.O. 28.01.88 1.9.08
10 G.Papanna O/S Mails, Gunupur 29.12.88 11.01.09
11 K.C.Behera Postman, Malkangiri MDG 31.12.88 12.1.09
12 A.U.V.Rao O/S Mails, Rayagada 02.01.89 15.1.09
13 B.M.Nayak Postman , Koraput H.O. 04.1.89 A/N 17.1.09
14 Rathan Harijan Postman, Ambaguda SO 22.01.89 4.2.09
15 Maguli Mallick Postman, Sunabeda-II 22.02.89 7.3.09
16 Bhaskar Ch. Majhi Postman, Jayanagar SO 12.6.89 25.6.09

There will be no change in designation or place of posting as a result of this financial up-gradation.
Relevant charge reports should be sent to all concerned.

Memo No. B2/MACPs/09-10 Dated at Jeypore (K) the 01.06.2010.

The following Postmen of Koraput Division who have completed 10 years of regular service from the date of direct entry in service and whose cases have been recommended by the Screening Committee in the meeting held from 12.05.2010 to 14.05.2010 at the Office of the Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Koraput Division, Jeypore (K) which have been approved by the Director Postal Services, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur nominated vide PMG, Berhampur Region, Berhampur letter No. ST/12-76/2010 dated 26.05.2010 , are permitted to get First Financial Up-gradation under Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme from the dates noted against each as per provisions contained in the Directorate letters No. 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dated 18.09.2009 & dated 24.09.2009, circulated vide CPMG (O) letter No. EST/1-104/RLG dated 30.09.2009.

On financial up-gradation, they will remain in the Pay Band “PB-1” and their Grade Pay will be changed to Rs.2400/-. They will have an option under FR 22(1) (a) (1) to get their pay fixed in the higher Grade Pay either from the date of their financial up-gradation or from the date of their next increment viz. 1st July of the year. The pay and the date of increment would be fixed in accordance with clarification No.2 of Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No. 1/1/2008-1C dated 13.09.2008

Sl. No. Name of the official present post held Date of direct entry in service Date from which First financial up-gradation permitted

1 M.Bauri Postman, Jeypore(K)H.O. 16.4.93 1.9.08
2 G.Bidika Postman, B.Cuttack 17.4.93 1.9.08
3 B.K.Pani Postman , Koraput H.O. 28.10..95 1.9.08
4 Sarbeswar Bhoi(G) Postman, Balimela 22.3.97 1.9.08
5 M.Satya Bharati© Stamp Vendor, Rayagada H.O. 19.7.97 1.9.08
6 G.P.Pujari Postman, Pottangi SO 14.11.98 27.11.08
7 B.N.Sahu Postman, Malkangiri SO 16.11.98AN 30.11.08
8 A.Rout Postman,Damonjodi SO 20.11.98 7.12.08
9 L.K.Hota Postman, Jeypore(K)H.O. 17.11.99 30.11.09

There will be no change in designation or place of posting as a result of this financial up-gradation.
Relevant charge reports should be sent to all concerned.

Memo No. B2/MACPs/09-10 Dated at Jeypore (K) the 01.06.2010.

The following Postmen of Koraput Division who have completed 20 years of regular service from the date of 1st Regular Promotion and whose cases have been recommended and approved for by the competent authorities, are permitted to get Third Financial Up-gradation under Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) from the dates noted against each as per provisions contained in the Directorate letters No. 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dated 18.09.2009 & dated 24.09.2009, circulated vide CPMG (O) letter No. EST/1-104/RLG dated 30.09.2009.

On financial up-gradation, they will remain in the Pay Band “PB-1” and their Grade Pay will be changed from Rs.2400/- to Rs.2800/-. They will have an option under FR 22(1) (a) (1) to get their pay fixed in the higher Grade Pay either from the date of their financial up-gradation or from the date of their next increment viz. 1st July of the year. The pay and the date of increment would be fixed in accordance with clarification No.2 of Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No. 1/1/2008-1C dated 13.09.2008.

Sl. No. Name of the official
present post held Date of direct entry in service in Initial Cadre Date of 1st regular promotion (to Postman cadre) Date from which Third financial up-gradation permitted

1 Kandarpa Sahu Postman, Jeypore(K)H.O. 21.1.83 08.10.87AN 1.09.08
2 M.M.Mohanty Head Postman, Jeypore(K)H.O. 4.6.80 11.5.85 A/N 1.09.08
3 B.B.Das O/S Mails,Nabarangpur 9.6.80 10.5.85 AN 1.09.08
4 J.B.K.Das Postman , Rayagada HO 17.5.80 21.5.85 1.09.08
5 R.N.Majhi O/S Mails, Gunupur 16.5.83 21.10.87 1.09.08
6 G.Appa Rao O/S Mails, Rayagada 1.2.71 02.11.87 1.09.08
7 S.Patnaik Postman, Rayagada H.O. 25.4.85 22.5.89 4.06.09
8 I.Ch.Kabasi Postman, Malkangiri MDG 23.9.85 28.05.89 10.6.09

There will be no change in designation or place of posting as a result of this financial up-gradation. Relevant charge reports should be sent to all concerned.

Memo No. B2/MACPs/09-10 Dated at Jeypore (K) the 01.06.2010.

The following Postmen of Koraput Division who have completed 30 years of regular service from the date of direct entry in service and whose cases have been recommended by the Screening Committee in the meeting held from 12.05.2010 to 14.05.2010 at the Office of the Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Koraput Division, Jeypore (K) which have been approved by the Director Postal Services, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur nominated vide PMG, Berhampur Region, Berhampur letter No. ST/12-76/2010 dated 26.05.2010 , are permitted to get Third Financial Up-gradation under Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme from the dates noted against each as per provisions contained in the Directorate letters No. 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dated 18.09.2009 & dated 24.09.2009, circulated vide CPMG (O) letter No. EST/1-104/RLG dated 30.09.2009.

On financial up-gradation, they will remain in the Pay Band “PB-1” and their Grade Pay will be changed to Rs.4200/-. They will have an option under FR 22(1) (a) (1) to get their pay fixed in the higher Grade Pay either from the date of their financial up-gradation or from the date of their next increment viz. 1st July of the year. The pay and the date of increment would be fixed in accordance with clarification No.2 of Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No. 1/1/2008-1C dated 13.09.2008

Sl. No. Name of the official present post held Date of direct entry in service Date from which Third financial up-gradation permitted

1 P.K.Naik O/S Mails, Koraput 03.5.71 01.09.08
2 M.M.Pradhan O/S Mails, Gunupur 13.11.77 01.09.08
3 P.K.Bardhan O/S Mails, Rayagada 08.10.73 01.09.08

There will be no change in designation or place of posting as a result of this financial up-gradation.
Relevant charge reports should be sent to all concerned.

Memo No. B2/MACPs/09-10 Dated at Jeypore (K) the 01.06.2010.

The following Gr-D of Koraput Division who have completed 10 years of regular service from the date of direct entry in service and whose cases have been recommended by the Screening Committee in the meeting held from 12.05.2010 to 14.05.2010 at the Office of the Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Koraput Division, Jeypore (K) which have been approved by the Director Postal Services, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur nominated vide PMG, Berhampur Region, Berhampur letter No. ST/12-76/2010 dated 26.05.2010 , are permitted to get First Financial Up-gradation under Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme from the dates noted against each as per provisions contained in the Directorate letters No. 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dated 18.09.2009 & dated 24.09.2009, circulated vide CPMG (O) letter No. EST/1-104/RLG dated 30.09.2009.

On financial up-gradation, they will remain in the Pay Band “PB-1” and their Grade Pay will be changed to Rs.1900/-. They will have an option under FR 22(1) (a) (1) to get their pay fixed in the higher Grade Pay either from the date of their financial up-gradation or from the date of their next increment viz. 1st July of the year. The pay and the date of increment would be fixed in accordance with clarification No.2 of Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No. 1/1/2008-1C dated 13.09.2008

Sl. No. Name of the official present post held Date of direct entry in service Date from which First financial up-gradation permitted

1 Niranjan Behera Group-D,Koraput H.O. 21.7.93A/N 1.9.08
2 K.C.Patro Group-D,J.K.Pur SO 20.01.94 1.9.08
3 B.K.Swaro Group-D,Sunabeda-1 SO 15.12.93 1.9.08
4 N.Sunani Group-D,Rayagada,H.O. 09.12..94 AN 1.9.08
5 Dasarathi Naik Group-D,Rayagada,H.O. 08.12..99 8.12.09

There will be no change in designation or place of posting as a result of this financial up-gradation. Relevant charge reports should be sent to all concerned.

Memo No. B2/MACPs/09-10 Dated at Jeypore (K) the 01.06.2010.

The following Gr-D of Koraput Division who have completed 20 years of regular service from the date of direct entry in service and whose cases have been recommended by the Screening Committee in the meeting held from 12.05.2010 to 14.05.2010 at the Office of the Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Koraput Division, Jeypore (K) which have been approved by the Director Postal Services, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur nominated vide PMG, Berhampur Region, Berhampur letter No. ST/12-76/2010 dated 26.05.2010 , are permitted to get Second Financial Up-gradation under Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme from the dates noted against each as per provisions contained in the Directorate letters No. 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dated 18.09.2009 & dated 24.09.2009, circulated vide CPMG (O) letter No. EST/1-104/RLG dated 30.09.2009.

On financial up-gradation, they will remain in the Pay Band “PB-1” and their Grade Pay will be changed to Rs.2000/-. They will have an option under FR 22(1) (a) (1) to get their pay fixed in the higher Grade Pay either from the date of their financial up-gradation or from the date of their next increment viz. 1st July of the year. The pay and the date of increment would be fixed in accordance with clarification No.2 of Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No. 1/1/2008-1C dated 13.09.2008

Sl. No. Name of the official present post held Date of direct entry in service Date from which Second financial up-gradation permitted

1 Mutyalu Sahu Group-D,Koraput H.O. 22.4.85 01.09.08
2 S.S.Naik Group-D,Jeypore(K) H.O. 03.5.85 01.09.08
3 Sankar Patnaik Group-D,Koraput H.O. 25.11.85 01.09.08
4 S.N.Sahu Group-D,Jeypore RS SO 12.12.88 25.12.08
5 L.Sisa Group-D,Nabarangpur MDG 23.2.89AN 9.3.09

There will be no change in designation or place of posting as a result of this financial up-gradation. Relevant charge reports should be sent to all concerned.

Memo No. B2/MACPs/09-10 Dated at Jeypore (K) the 01.06.2010.

The following Gr-D of Koraput Division who have completed 30 years of regular service from the date of direct entry in service and whose cases have been recommended by the Screening Committee in the meeting held from 12.05.2010 to 14.05.2010 at the Office of the Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Koraput Division, Jeypore (K) which have been approved by the Director Postal Services, Sambalpur Region, Sambalpur nominated vide PMG, Berhampur Region, Berhampur letter No. ST/12-76/2010 dated 26.05.2010 , are permitted to get Third Financial Up-gradation under Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) Scheme from the dates noted against each as per provisions contained in the Directorate letters No. 4-7/(MACPS)/2009-PCC dated 18.09.2009 & dated 24.09.2009, circulated vide CPMG (O) letter No. EST/1-104/RLG dated 30.09.2009.

On financial up-gradation, they will remain in the Pay Band “PB-1” and their Grade Pay will be changed to Rs.2400/-. They will have an option under FR 22(1) (a) (1) to get their pay fixed in the higher Grade Pay either from the date of their financial up-gradation or from the date of their next increment viz. 1st July of the year. The pay and the date of increment would be fixed in accordance with clarification No.2 of Department of Expenditure’s O.M. No. 1/1/2008-1C dated 13.09.2008

Sl. No. Name of the official present post held Date of direct entry in service Date from which Third financial up-gradation permitted

1 S.K.Ishaq Group-D,Rayagada,H.O. 16.5.80 29.5.10

There will be no change in designation or place of posting as a result of this financial up-gradation. Relevant charge reports should be sent to all concerned.

Any discrepancy in this regard if noticed then it may be brought to the notice of the Divisional Secretary.

Charter of Demand now with 18th Point

Dear Comrades,

            One more prolonged demand of our union i.e. the demand for Enhancement of OTA [Over Time Allowance] and OSA [Out Station Allowance] has been included by the CHQ, NFPE before serving Strike Notice as the 18th Point.

Tighten the Bond of Unity and Make the strike a thundering success.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Serving Strike Notice to the SPOs, Koraput Division

Dear Comrades,

As per the directions of Central Head Quarters, AIPEU (NFPE), New Delhi (L No.JCA/2010 dated 1st June 2010 & 4th June 2010) in accordance with the provisions of Sub Section (1) of Section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, we have served the strike notice to the SPOs, Koraput Division, Jeypore(K) on 04.06.2010. The indefinite strike will be done w.e.f. 13.07.2010 by all the Postal/RMS/MMS/ Administrative & Postal Accounts Employees and the Gramin Dak Sewaks. The demands for acceptance of which the employees embark upon this indefinite strike are placed hereunder.


The Director General,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110001.
(Through Proper Channel)

The Chief Postmaster General,
Orissa Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001.
(Through Proper Channel)

The Postmaster General,
Berhampur (Gm.) Region,
Berhampur (Gm.) -760001.
(Through Proper Channel)

The Supdt. of Post Offices,
Koraput Division, Jeypore(K)-764001.



In accordance with the provisions of Sub Section (1) of Section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, we hereby notify that all the Postal/RMS/MMS/Administrative & Postal Accounts Employees and the Gramin Dak Sewaks will go on indefinite strike from 13.07.2010. The demands for acceptance of which the employees embark upon this indefinite strike are detailed in the Charter of Demands enclosed. This notice is being issued as per the directions of Central Head Quarters, AIPEU (NFPE), New Delhi (L No.JCA/2010 dated 1st June 2010 & 4th June 2010).

(Rajendra Prasad Sahu)        (Nilambar Naik)       (Purna Chandra Maharana)
Divisional Secretary,        Divisional Secretary,       Divisional Secretary,
AIPEDEU,                        Postmen&MSE/ Gr-‘D’,           AIPEU Gr-‘C’,
Koraput Divnl. Branch   Koraput Divnl. Branch         Koraput Divnl. Branch


1. Drop the move to outsource any function of the DoP including on the recommendations of McKinsey – Cancel the decision to close down 'C' Class Post Offices – Cancel the orders for down gradation of EDSOs into ED BOs and closure of EDBOs - Roll back steps of privatisation of speed post processing and mail conveyance and data entry work.

2. Stop violations in the Agreements on Status Quo of RMS & MMS as well as the merger of RMS with less than 10,000 mails – Create scientific norms for the work in CRC, Speed Post, Logistics and EPP – Cancel the orders for replacing the General Line HSG-I by ASPOs in Mail Offices.

3. Holding of JCM Departmental Council meetings; Periodical Meetings with Federations; Sending of the issue of discrimination of pay scales between the Telecom TBOP/BCR and Postal TBOP/BCR w.e.f. 1.1.1996 to Board of Arbitration; and Holding of GDS Committee Meetings periodically with GDS Unions.

4. Stop harassment of staff under Project Arrow – No extraction of work against Rules – No extraction of work beyond 8 Hours – No drafting of staff on duty and for Training etc on Sundays and Holidays – No harassment in the name of 100% Delivery – Withdrawal of all Punishments awarded to Postmen for minor non-delivery of articles.

5. Fill up all vacant posts: [a] Undertake reassessment of vacancies in PA/SA cadre to rectify mistaken calculation of vacancies in all circles; [b] Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres in Department of Posts [Postal, RMS, MMS, Admn, DPLI, Postal Accounts, SBCO, Civil Wing etc] as on 31.12.2009; [c] Allow local recruitment as one time measure in Postal Accounts similar to 1997 at Sundernagar.

6. Comprehensive Cadre Restructuring of Group 'C' employees in PA/SA Cadre; [b] Withdrawal of unilateral orders on piecemeal cadre restructuring of Postmasters' cadre until comprehensive Cadre Restructuring of PA/SA cadre is completed; [c] Comprehensive Cadre Restructuring of LDC, Sorters & DEOs in Postal Accounts by amalgamation into a single Accounts Assistants cadre in the pay of Pb-1 with 2400 GP; [d] Comprehensive Cadre restructuring in PA CO cadre in CO/RO/DPLI; [e] Comprehensive cadre Restructuring of PA/SA cadre in SBCO; and [f] Comprehensive cadre restructuring of Postmen/Mailguard/Multi Task Staff.

7. Grant of Pension, Departmental status to GDS extending the all benefits such as HRA/CCA, ACP etc, including Trade Union rights and welfare measurers – Remove discrimination on Bonus ceiling – Modify the 20,000 unilateral imposition of cash handling work points for GDS BPMs – Withdraw orders denying revised TRCA w.e.f. 1.1.2006 in respect of BPMs – Compute work norms to all types of work performed including NREGS, PLI,RPLI, Pension Payments etc to GDS – Implement enhanced Social Security to GDS like Ex-Gratia Gratuity and Severance Amount w.e.f. 1.1.2006.

8. Grant of Parity in Pay Scale [PB-1 with GP 2400/-] for MMS Drivers on par with Drivers of Parliament Secretariat – Recruitment of adequate number of Drivers – Sanction of OSA for the long distance logistics van drivers of MMS – Technology training to Work Shop staff and grant of Data Entry Operators scale of pay to Work Shop Staff.

9. Implement Supreme Court Orders for revision of wages from 1.1.2006 [6th CPC wages] to all RRR Candidates, Casual Labourers, Contingent staff, GDS Substitutes etc – Grant Temporary Status to eligible Full Time Status Casual labourers; Convert Part Time into Full Time; Absorb Full Time, Part Time, contingent in vacant GDS Posts.

10. Fill up all vacancies of Postmen and Mailguards - Roll back the unscientific scheme of Single Postman Beat System – Modify certain unscientific work norms of Postmen / MTS finalised by Work Study Unit - Enhance the Postman Double Duty Allowance as per the recommendations of 6th CPC.

11. Remove all local anomalies in MACP Scheme like application of benchmark for the period prior to introduction of MACP Scheme; Grant MACP on 'Average' benchmark like Department of Railways; Denial of MACP for acts of denial of regular promotion earlier to introduction of MACP; Denial to grant PB-2 while upgradation to Grade Pay 4200 and above to Group 'C' Officials etc.

12. Creation of System Administrators Cadre with higher pay scales and absorption of all System Administrators in the new cadre during initial composition – Uniform Norms for System Administrators including work hours, number of systems, distance factor – Financial compensation for special and extra work performed by System Administrators.

13. Early finalisation of Recruitment Rules for upgraded Group 'C' in PB-1 with 1800 GP – Ensure present system of absorption of GDS and TS CLS in Group 'D' posts into the new RR without insisting for the educational qualification – Filling up all the posts of Multi Tasking Staff without any delay.

14. Amalgamation of Group 'C' Accounts Cadres of DoP and DoT.

15. Roll back of the Decentralisation of PLI/RPLI work – Augment required staff strength in PLI branch of CO/RO/DPLI –Maintain centralized accounting system through the Office of DPLI Kolkata – Fill up the vacant posts of COs/ROs/DPLI Kolkata to manage huge shortage;

16. Parity of scale of pay of Ministerial Cadre in Postal Civil Wing on par with the Postal Assistants and upgradation of posts of Works Clerk Grade –II/Grade-I/Head Clerk – Filling up of all vacant posts of technical as well as ministerial posts – Creation of one Civil Wing Circle for each Postal Circle.

17. Regularise the HSG-I, HSG-II, LSG arrangements and grant Officiating Pay & Allowances to all Officials holding the posts.

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