Thursday, June 30, 2011

86 post offices to be computerised in JK by Aug 2011: PMG

Dear Comrades,

Jammu, June 29: Taking major initiatives to modernise the postal services in Jammu and Kashmir, 86 new post offices will be computerised in the state by August this year.

"As many as 86 new post Offices in the state will be computerized by August 2011. This will be a major initiative to modernise the post services in Jammu & Kashmir," Chief Postmaster General (PMG), J&K Circle, John Samuel, told reporters today. "All these post offices will also be networked for the effective and flawless functioning. This step will certainly improve the operations substantially," Samuel said.

With a networked computerisation, all these post offices will offer Speed Post and e-post services, he said, adding that this will be a big boon to the customers in the state.

He said that Udhampur Post Office which was upgraded into Head Post Office will be dedicated to the public on June 30, 2011, under Project Arrow.

"Project Arrow has been introduced for improving of Look and Feel of offices and for improving core operations so that Postal Services are of international standards", he said.

Samuel said that the entire office has been computerized by providing computers to all staff members. "With 50 staff members, this Post Office is providing full range of Postal Services including

Speed Post, Business Post, e-Post, Express Parcel Post and Western Union Money Transfer", he said.

Samuel also informed that a special Customer Service Centre will be functioning at Udhampur Post Office to help the customers and Post Office presents a new look with new branding of India Post. "Similar Post Offices will be dedicated at Janipur, Kathua and Rajouri very soon", he said. Samuel announced launch of sale of India Post Gold Coins tomorrow from Udhampur Head Post Office, Kathua Head Post Office and Srinagar GPO. India Post Gold Coins are of high quality with 24 carat purity, he said.

25 paise, or 'chavanni', is dead

Dear Comrades,

The 25 paise coin, popularly known as 'chavanni' and which first came into being in 1950, died an official death on Wednesday. According to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Wednesday was the last day when the 25 paise coin held legal value. "The coins of denomination of 25 paise and below will ceas e to be legal tender from June 30," an official said.

These would not be accepted for exchange at bank branches from Friday.

On Thursday too, the banks would not exchange 25 paise coins as the central government invoked section 15A of the Coinage Act, 1906, and withdrew them from circulation from June 30, an RBI spokesman said.

With the end of the era for 25 paise coins, the 50 paise (half a rupee) shall now be the lowest denomination coin in public circulation.

Other coins include those of denominations Rs1, Rs2, Rs5 and Rs10.

Most small denomination coins - 1 paise, 2 paise, 3 paise, 5 paise and 10 paise - vanished from circulation a long time ago because the government found the cost of minting them many times more than their face value.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Enhancement of SB Allowance to PO Staff

Dear Comrades,

DoP vide Directorate Memo No.: 113-07 / 2010-SB by SB Order No. 10 / 2011 has enhanced SB allowances to Postal Assistants working in SB Branches.

Sub: Enhancement of SB Allowance to PAs working in Savings Bank Branches.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this office letter of No. 2-2/93-SB Dt. 08.10.2004 (SB Order No. 17/2004) vide which it was conveyed that Ministry of Finance (DEA) has conveyed its approval for increase in the SB Allowance from Rs.60 to Rs.150 & from Rs.30 to Rs.75 per month wef 08.10.04.

02. After implementation of 6th CPC, increase in the SB Allowance was taken up with MoF (DEA), which has not vide its OM No. 17/1/2001-NS-II Dt. 10.06.11 has conveyed its approval for enhancement of SB Allowance as per the following rates wef 01.09.08.

01. Staff Fully engaged in SB / SC work - present Rs.150 - new rate from 01.09.08 Rs.300.

02. Staff Partially engaged in SB / SC work - present Rs.75 - new rate from 01.09.08 Rs.150.

03. All other conditions for grant of SB Allowances will remain unchanged.

Sd/- S.Manik Lakra ADG (FS)

Clarification on Children Education Allowance.

Dear Comrades,

Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
New Delhi, Dated 17th June, 2011


Subject: - Clarification on Children Education Allowance.

The undersigned is directed to refer to DOP&T O.M. No. 1201 1 /03/2008- Estt(Al1owance) dated 02-09-2008 and clarificatory OM No.12011/16/2009-Estt.(AL) dated 13.1 1.2009 on the Children Education Allowance(CEA) Scheme, this Department has been receiving references from various Departments seeking further clarifications. The doubts raised are clarified as under:-

(i) Whether Children Education Allowance would be admissible beyond two children due to failure of sterilization operation.

The reimbursement of Children Education Allowance is admissible only for the first child born after failure of sterilization operation.

(ii) whether the admissible amount per annum per child (annual ceiling of Rs.15000/-) on account of CEA can be reimbursed in fill in the first quarter of the financial/academic year itself.

It is clarified that a Government servant is allowed to get 50% of the total amount subject to the overall annual ceiling in the first quarter and the remaining amount in third and or fourth quarter. Frontloading of the entire amount in the first and second is not allowed.

(ii) A Government servant can claim full amount subject to the annual ceiling of Rs.15000/- in the last quarter.

Sd/- (Vibha Govil Mishra) Deputy Secretary (P &A)

New System for conducting LDC Exam for the year 2011

Union bulletin for the month of June, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Talk between union and Postal Board failed - Get ready for strike

Dear Comrades,

The talk between union representatives and Postal Board failed again. Intensify the strike movement. Strike will be definitely happen and will continue till our demands fulfilled. Get ready comrades to shutdown all the post office with immediate effect from 5th July, 2011.

NEW DELHI – 110001


The third round of discussion held with the Postal Board today (27.06.2011) at 3 PM also failed due to the adamant position taken by the Department. Ms. Radhika Doraiswamy, Secretary, Department of Posts, Sri. P. K. Giopinath, Member (Personnel), Mrs. Manjula Parashar, Member (Operations), Sri. Kamaleshwar Prasad, Member (HR) and other Senior Officers were present. Staff side was represented by Secretary Generals, NFPE, FNPO and other General Secretaries.

Immediately on commencement of the meeting the Staff Side expressed its strong resentment and protest against the decision of the Department to go ahead with the Mckinsey recommendations regarding Mail Network Optimisation Project. The Staff side demanded that the aleady failed experiment of speed post hubs should be withdrawn immediately and the decision to implement first class mails hubs and delivery hubs and closure/merger of offices should be dropped. After heated discussion for about two hours no consensus could be arrived on this important agenda of the Charter of Demands. Hence meeting ended with disagreement.

The Central JCA met after the discussion with Postal Board and took the following decisions: -

1. The JCA unanimously decided to go ahead with the strike decision.
2. Campaign and preparations at grass root level for the strike should be further intensified.
3. The indefinite strike shall commence at 6 AM on 05.07.2011
4. 100% strike should be ensured in all Branches/Divisions and Circles.
5. Strike shall not be withdrawn unless and until result – oriented settlement is reached on important items of Charter of Demands.

Get UID number at your post office

Dear Comrades,

TNN Jun 25, 2011, 05.29 AM ISTBANGALORE: From today, you can enrol for your Unique Identification Number (UID) in Bangalore. Just walk into one of the post offices which have been empanelled for the enrolment. The project was launched by India Post, one of the registrars of UIDAI, at the General Post Office on Friday.

About 4 million enrolments and 18 lakh Aadhaars (12-digit unique number) have been issued in the state. From today, enrolments will start in a phased manner through post offices but full-scale enrolments will kick off in a month's time once tenders are finalized. As of now, 10 post offices in Bangalore will begin enrolment.

"In Tumkur and Mysore, 85% of enrolments have been completed. Now, we are moving to Gulbarga and Belgaum. It will start in Dharwad, Bijapur, Yadgir and Gulbarga and then roll out in Bangalore in a bigger way. Our target is to cover the entire population of the state by March 2012," said deputy director general, UIDAI, Bangalore, Ashok Dalwai.

Times of India

Sibal announces entrepreneurship programme for postal department officials

Dear Comrades,

New Delhi, June 27(ANI): Union Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal on Monday announced an entrepreneurship programme for skill and capacity development of the officials of the postal department.

Under the programme, the employees of the postal department would be trained so that they can start their own business after serving their jobs.

"What we intend to do is, is launch a comprehensive time bound programme and it's for skill development and capacity. So, we are going to have a Gramin Dak Sevaks (Village Postman) go through a particular course for development of skills and for capacity development and they run about 3.25 such Gramin Dak sevak employees in India on the postal department," Sibal said while conferring the 'Meghdoot Awards 2011' to postal department officials in New Delhi.

"We are going to empower them and ensure that they actually become entrepreneurs, where ever they are," he added.

The Telecom Minister also said that the country's postal department has to get progressive developments and adopt good marketing strategy with an aim to enhance its image in this rapidly changing world of technology.

"The postal department has not got the kind of, what should I say, 'publicity' and the kind of posturing that the postal department deserves because I think it's perhaps one of the most important, historically and otherwise, department of the Government of India and I want the postal department to be right up there along with the other departments," Sibal said.

This scheme of national awards known as 'Meghdoot Awards' was instituted in 1984 to provide encouragement to the postal employees by recognizing performance of high standard.

The awards are given every year to the officials selected from amongst the nominations received from various postal circles.


Publicity of Strike through Print Media

Dear Comrades,

The Print coverage of the meeting held at Nabarangpur is reproduced hereunder.


The Samaj 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Meeting held at Nabarangpur for organising Strike

Dear Comrades,

In pursuant to the strike call by NFPE, AIPEU, AIPEDEU and FNPO, NAPE CHQ, New Delhi a meeting was conducted at Hiramani Devi Recreational Club, Nabarangpur by the AIPEU Koraput Divisional Branch to discuss, explain and interact with the comrades of POs of Nabarangpur District. In the presence of a large gathering, the meeting was a grand success. The meeting was organised by our Senior Com. Anand Kumar Choudhury, Class-III & Com. Prabhat Ku Mohapatra, AIPEU Postmen & Gr-D and Com. Chandrasekhar Rao, AIPEDEU. 

Sri Sanmukh Patra, a Senior Advocate, Supreme Court, New Delhi was the Chief Guest. Com. Anand Ku Choudhury presided over the meeting. Com. Purna Chandra Maharana, Com. Rajendra Prasad Sahu, Com. Jagdish Kar, Com. Prabhat Ku Mohapatra and special guest Sri Mohan Suna, IPOs, Nabarangpur Sub-Division was present on the dias. The necessity of the Indefnite Strike was described in detail to the members participated in the said meeting. As per the unanimous suggestion, it was decided to close all the post offices in Koraput Division from 5th July, 2011 until our demands are fulfilled. Despite of bad climate, continuous rain and cold weather hundreds of comrades from corners of Nabarangpur District attended the said meeting.

Secy. Genl explains regarding OPTIMIZATION OR LIQUIDATION of MNO

Dear Comrades,

The Mail Network Optimization in the Dept. of Posts suggested by the McKinsey Company is resulting as a threat to our department in the form loss of faith from our customers thereby gradually opening the road of closure of Dept. of Posts.

M Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE has explained  regarding the Mail Network Optimization in NFPE website which is reproduced hereunder for your information.


The Mail Network Optimization Project (MNOP) has become Mail Network Liquidation Project (MNLP). Implementation of the "Speed Post hub" experiment has resulted in reducing 315 National Speed Post Centres to 89 speed post hubs. Introduction of the "First Class Mail hubs" will result in gradual extinction of 366 RMS Mail Sorting Offices. Delivery hubs will further result in withdrawal of delivery from hundreds of Urban Post Offices. The proposed closure or merger of 9797 urban Post offices will sound the death-knell of Post services. Is it optimization or liquidation?

Department of Posts is paying Consultancy fees to Mckinsey and Mckinsey is not paying any money to the INDIA POST. But the Mckinsey is behaving as if they have purchased the INDIA POST and are the real owner of it. They are passing orders to the employees above the head of departmental officers. Even Heads of Circles are bound to obey Mckinsey. Voice of the right-thinking employees and officers are suppressed and only those support Mckinsey are allowed to run the show.

Creation of hubs has resulted in abnormal delay in conveyance and delivery of speed post articles and everywhere back-routing is taking place. Even articles meant for local delivery are unnecessarily despatched to the hubs situated hundreds of miles away and from there again back-routed to the delivery Post offices causing avoidable delay. Speed post has lost its speed and the faith of public in this premium services has been shaken. Number of articles and revenue has come down. Still the authorities blindly go on repeating that it is a great success. It is just like "operation is successful, but the patient died". The introduction of the first class mails hubs and delivery hubs will be the "beginning of the demise of the Postal Services in India".

Confederation Circular Dated: 23rd June 2011

Dear Comrades,

The extract of the confederation circular published in the NFPE CHQ website regarding postal strike is reproduced hereunder for your information.

"Dear Comrade,
We write this to solicit your support and solidarity for the postal workers of the country who are preparing to go on indefinite strike action from 5th July 2011 onwards. The National Federation of Postal employees (NFPE), All India Postal Extra Departmental Employees Union (AIPEDEU), the two affiliates of the confederation has under the banner of the Joint Council of Action with the Federation of National Postal Organizations (affiliated to INTUC) and the National Union of Gramin Dak Sewak(affiliated to INTUC) have served the Strike notice on 14th June 2011 on the Postal Board. The Strike action will commence on 5th July, 2011.

The Issues

1. Some time back, the Department of Post, appointed the World (in) famous Transnational Corporation, Mckinzey Consultancy to make recommendations to it as to the manner and methodology to be adopted to restructure the century old postal system of the country. While the avowed objective was to modernize the system and make it a profit making venture, the real intent was to reorganize the department in such a manner so as to equip itself viable for privatization/corporatization. Earlier the Postal Department had made several attempts to privatize its functions and in the process large scale outsourcing was also resorted to. With the prime objective of eroding the efficacy of the Postal department, various steps were undertaken like, closure of sorting units, cutting down the staff strength despite widening business ventures, pegging down the overtime rates by linking it to pre-1986 pay scales etc. Thrice the Government made attempts to introduce legislation in the parliament to grant license to courier service providers. The stubborn resistance of the M.Ps especially of the left parties and a few others in the parliament and the struggles organized by the employees at the work spot thwarted it successfully till date. However, systematically and meticulously the Department had been creating conditions whereby the customers moved away to patronize the private courier services, run illegally without any licence whatsoever. Surprisingly even Government Departments, which are to communicate with large number of people often became customers of such illegally run private courier service providers The Mckinzey consultancy who is yet to make its final report, has however, suggested certain measures in the name of Mail Network optimization project which the postal department has now decided to implement without causing any discussions whatsoever with any of the stake holders, especially the unions. Their suggestions include:

(a) Closure/merger of about 9797 post offices in the urban area

(b) Reduce the number of Speed Post Centre from 315 to 89.

(c) Reduce the RMS sorting centres from 412 to 84

(d) To redeploy the postman staff in the newly created "Delivery hubs"

2. The major chunks of the postal workers are Gramin Dak Sewaks or Extra-departmental Agents. The EDA was the system developed by the British Government to spread the postal communication system to far flung rural areas of the country. They were simply agents or franchisees and were appointed so for pittance of a remuneration. Their cause was taken up by the unions of regular employees, the NFPE and its constituents and the FNPO, in the post-independent era and through sustained struggles fetched them very many concessions, benefits and privileges and brought them nearly on par with the regular employees. When the 5th CPC was set up in 1993, the Postal department was forced to appoint a Judicial Commission (The Talwar Commission) to go into the wage-structure and other service conditions of the Extra Departmental Agents, presently called the Gramin Dak Sewaks. The committee made far reaching recommendations, a good number of which the Government had to accept and implement, (except civil servant status and pension) thereby improving the lot of these employees considerably. However, the committee set up in the wake of the 6th CPC, the Natarajamurthy committee headed by a retired Postal bureaucrat, ensured that the EDAs were reduced to casual part time workers reversing in the process, decisions taken on the basis of Talwar Commission suggestions. Most of the committee's recommendations were in sync with the neo-liberal economic policies. The rules governing their service conditions have now been unilaterally amended whereby they may not be even termed as "employees" hereafter. The very caption of the regulatory rules which was GDS-Conduct and Employment rules have now been changed to GDS- Conduct and engagement rules, reducing them to the status of a Contract Worker.

In the negotiations which took place on 6th and 7th June, 2011 the Postal authorities have stuck to their stand of implementing the decision to create Speed Post and First Class mail hubs, despite their inability to contradict the fact presented by the staff side that the creation of such hubs has resulted in abnormal delay in the delivery of articles benefiting the private operators. It has, therefore, become unambiguously clear that without organizing sustained struggles and eliciting the support of the entire section of the working people and garnering public opinion, the reversal of the decision would not come about. The undeniable fact that Government and the Postal department armed with the recommendation of the Mckency consultancy are determined to demolish the existing postal system in the country to pave way for the unhindered entry of private operators has to be defeated.

We therefore once again request you to extend your co-operation, support and solidarity to make the proposed indefinite strike successful to compel the Government to rescind their decision to act upon McKenzie recommendations in the Postal Department.

With greetings,
Yours fraternally, K K N Kutty, Secretary General"

Friday, June 24, 2011

PS Group-B Exam Result Declared

Dear Comrades,

The Directorate has declared the result of PS Group-B Examination, 2011 held on 29.05.2011.  The following four candidates of Odisha Circle have come out successful.

11 Basanta Kumar Panda, Dy. PM, Berhampur HO, 262600054  349

13 Manoj Ku. Naik PM, Jharsuguda HO 262600063  347

14 Ratikanta Swain PM, Banki MDG 262600056  346

17 Trilochan Ray Dy. PM, Sambalpur HO 262600064  339

Koraput Divisional Branch congratulates all the successful candidates.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Dear Comrades,
This article was published in the Economic Times of India and the same has been forwarded by the CPMG,Odisha Circle to all Divisional Heads in Odisha Circle.
When was the last time you visited a post office branch? It's been over a decade that the e-mail replaced the written word, so there's no need to buy stamps, envelopes or inland letters. Besides, thousands of private couriers have mushroomed in the past 15-20 years, giving stiff competition to speed post & parcel. But you should because the bouquet of services offered by India Post has some very interesting and cost-effective products. ET Wealth looks at the financial services that can be availed of at a post office branch and how these compare with similar products from other organisations.

The interest your balance earns in a regular savings account with a bank is taxable. But if you open a savings account in a post office, the interest is tax-free. If you maintain an average balance of Rs 50,000 in your bank account, you would earn roughly Rs 2,000 as interest income in a year. In the highest tax bracket, the taxman will shave off 30% (or Rs 600) from this income, leaving you with only Rs 1,400. However, if it is a postal savings bank account, the interest earned is tax-free. There is, of course, a ceiling of Rs 3,500 per account on this exemption in a year. In case of joint accounts, the ceiling is higher at Rs 7,000 a year. But this is a reasonable limit because very few people would keep more than Rs 1 lakh in their savings account.

There are other benefits of opening a postal savings account. You don't have to lock up Rs 5,000-10,000 in maintaining an average quarterly balance. The post office does not mind if you have emptied out your account as long as you leave Rs 500 as balance. This low-ticket convenience works in case of recurring deposits as well. If you open a recurring deposit with a bank, the minimum monthly deposit is Rs 500. In the post office, the monthly contribution can be as low as Rs 10, making it an ideal option to start your child on the savings habit. The 7.5% interest is compounded quarterly and compares well with what banks offer. The only hitch is that the post office deposit is for a minimum of five years. However, you can withdraw 50% of the balance after one year.

Even so, the very mention of the post office conjures images of a stodgy organisation with long queues and obdurate babus filling up pass books manually. That's true to a certain extent, but things are fast changing. India Post is working on a core banking solutions project that will offer state-of-the-art facilities to customers, including ATMs, Net banking, debit cards and e-payment services. AS Prasad, deputy director-general (financial services), told ET Wealth that by the end of the year, account holders will be able to access their accounts at any ATM across the country ( India Post's AS Prasad on how it to transform into a dominant financial services player ).

Life insurance is the lynchpin of a financial plan. The post office offers life insurance, but it is open only to employees of the Central and state governments, public sector undertakings and semi-government organisations. In October 2010, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority allowed the post office to sell insurance policies of private companies. It was a tremendous opportunity for both the insurance industry as well as India Post. The industry suddenly had access to India's largest distribution network of 1.55 lakh offices while India Post could stand to earn good commission from selling insurance policies. However, the proposal has not taken off because the India Post does not want to push policies of other companies and instead wants to focus on its own Postal Life Insurance. The Rural Postal Life Insurance can be bought by any citizen of India provided he is residing in a rural area, which is any location outside the limits of a municipality. India Post has sold 1 crore RPLI policies since they were launched in 1995. But almost 40% of these are micro insurance policies where the life cover is less than Rs 25,000. That's just enough to take care of a middle-class urban family for about a month.

The India Post is also a distributor of the New Pension Scheme. You can open an NPS account at designated post office branches. In fact, with very few agents interested in selling the low-cost scheme because of the niggardly commission it offers, the post office has become the biggest seller of the NPS. It has opened almost 20,000 voluntary accounts till now, which is almost a third of the total voluntary Tier I NPS. The scheme is available at nearly 800 post office branches across the country. Incidentally, the India Post has stopped selling mutual funds after the entry load was removed in August 2009. Says Prasad: "If Sebi brings the upfront selling commission of 2.25% back, we would sign a memorandum of understanding to sell mutual funds again."

Want to invest in gold? The yellow metal is set to soar higher as uncertainty returns to the capital markets and inflation goes through the roof. You can buy 24-carat gold coins at the post office. The coins are available in three sizes: 500 mg, 1.5 g and 8 g. Don't worry about the purity issues. These coins have been imported from Switzerland and have the backing of the World Gold Council. There is no price advantage if you buy from the post office or from a bank or jeweller.

At the post office, you can transfer money in the most cost-effective manner. It is an agent for a range of money transfer services, including wire transfers and international money orders. It issues travellers' cheques and offers 22 foreign currencies to those travelling abroad. It also offers prepaid forex cards in seven currencies, demand drafts in 11 currencies and wire transfer in 13 currencies. What's more, you can apply for your passport through the post office.

Priya Kapoor, ET Bureau

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

National Convention of JCA held at Chennai on 19.6.2011

Dear Comrades,

National Convention of Postal Joint Council of Action (JCA) comprising NFPE,FNPO and GDS Unions was held at Chennai on 19.06.2011.The Convention was presided over by Joint Presidium of Presidents NFPE,FNPO, AIPEDEU and NUGDS i.e. Com.D.K. Rahate, Com.T.N. Rahate, Com.D.N.Giri and Com.G. Satyanarayana Reddy respectively.

Hundreds of All India Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries of all unions of NFPE, FNPO, AIPEDEU and NUGDS participated in the convention from all corners of country. The convention was inaugurated by Com. D.Theagarajan Secretary General FNPO who described the need of calling National Convention of JCA to form a broader unity among the postal workers to fight against policies of Department of Posts and to resist Mckinsey dictated reforms. He appealed to entire rank and file to sink the differences if any between the workers and make the 5th July strike grand success.

Com.M.Krishnan Secretary General NFPE elaborately described all the issues confronting to all Postal, RMS and GDS employees. He informed that how the Postal Board is going ahead to implement the Corporate plan in the name of Mail Optimization and as per directions of Mckinsey Company going to minimize the number of RMS Offices in the name of Mail Hubs and reduction of number of Post Offices in the urban areas by way of closure/merger or relocation .He also stated that every cadre is being attacked by different ways. Formation of delivery hubs and abolition of post of Sorting Postman and non-fixation of any norms for the distance of beat to be travelled by Postman and arbitrary implementation of single batch system are the causes of trouble to Postman. Like wise the GDS is worst effected, 25% posts of Postman vacancies have been declared for open market. Cash handling point has been increased. Compassionate appointment ceiling has been fixed as 10% and now GDS conduct and employment rules have been modified as GDS Conduct and Engagement Rules.

The wages of contingent employees and Casual Labourers have not been revised till date. Like wise all cadres i.e. P.O. & RMS Accountants, System Administrators, Postal Accounts Staff, MMS Drivers and Artisan staff and other are the worst sufferers. He called upon the entirety of Postal, RMS and GDS employees to make every efforts to make the strike a grand success so that the existence of our Department can be saved. Now this is the time to "Do or Die" and "Now or Never". If we fight unitedly we can resist the attacks and dangers being posed by the Government and Department.

The Convention was also addressed by Com. K. Ragavendran Ex. Secretary General of NFPE. The General Secretaries of NFPE Coms. K.V. Sridharan P-III, Giri Raj Singh R-III, I.S. Dabas P-IV , P. Suresh R-IV , Pranab Bhattacharya Admn, T. Satyanarayana Postal Accounts, S.A Raheem Civil Wing and Appan Raj SBCO. The General Secretaries of FNPO Coms. G.P.Muthukrishnan (A.G.S.P-III) T.N. Rahate P-IV, A.H. Siddique R-IV, H.L.Ramtake Postal Accounts, M. Shivkumar SBCO and Antony –Dy. G/S Civil Wing also addressed the convention .

Com. S.S. Mahadeviah G/S AIPEDEU and Com. Gautam A.G.S., NU GDS also addressed the convention.

All the leaders appealed to all to make the strike grand success.

42 delegates who were the All India Office Bearers and Circle Secretaries of NFPE and FNPO and GDS Unions also expressed their views and assured to make the strike grand success.

A declaration in this regard was presented by Com. R.N.Parashar Asstt. Secretary General NFPE which was adopted by the convention unanimously.

Vote of thanks was given by Com. P.Kumar Circle Secretary R-III FNPO Tamil Nadu Circle. The convention was concluded after the speech of President. The convention was grand success.

Source: NFPE CHQ

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Comrade K V Sridharan replies

Dear Comrades,

Com. K V Sridharan, General Secretary, AIPEU Group-C, CHQ New Delhi was intimated about the DWC Meeting held at Jeypore(K) on 12.06.2011, progress on the strike preparations and demands of the comrades of Koraput Divisional Branch regarding holding of strike till the demands are fulfilled. Com. K V Sridharan has replied to us stating that he respects the sentiments of our members and their thoughts will remain in focus while conducting in the ensuing strike until it gives us a good result.

Investment of NPS amount and it's return ?

Dear Comrades,

One of our young comrade Sujit Panda has raised some queries regarding the future of N P S. Perhaps everyone is well aware of the fact that Govt. of India has earlier introduced CPF and subsequently implemented it as NPS for the retirement benefits of the employees joined to Government service after 1st April 2004. Com. Sujit has monitored the procedure through which NPS amount is being invested by the Govt and gone through the outcome. The volatile conditions of the stock/share market is clear to all. As on the present date with the share of investments in SBI/UTI/LIC (as per the norms of NPS) the position is not good enough to return a promising value. The utilisation and investment of our money needs to be reassessed and for that union requests all of you to share your views and send your suggestions to our email id so that we can make a review of it and send our legitimate demand to CHQ with necessary details for initiating any fruitful action so that our hard earned be invested very carefully to give us a good return.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Thanks to the electronic and print media for their coverage

Dear Comrades,

The electronic and print media of Jeypore has also encouraged our spirit by taking coverage of our DWC meeting held on 12.6.2011 by publishing the same in the news paper and broadcasting through the news channel. The following news paper cuttings are published hereunder for information.

The Samaj


Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Dear Comrades,

The SSPOs, Koraput Division vide Memo No.B2/DPC-Postman/11 dated at Jeypore (K) the 15.06.2011 has declared the DPC result for Postman category.

The following GDS Officials have been recommended and selected for the post of Postman in Koraput Postal Division by the Departmental Promotion Committee held on 09.06.2011 against the vacancies under seniority quota for the year 2009 & 2010 subject to satisfactory verification of educational, caste certificates and relevant documents/office records in connection with the service of GDS.

Sl No Name & Designation of the candidate (GDS) Community Remark

01 Banchhanidhi Nayak, GDSPKR, Mirganiguda SO OBC Selected under OBC Category

02 Sri Lingaraj Deo, GDSMD, Sanahuma BO, Gudari SO UR Selected under UR Category

03 Sri Mansing Bhatra, GDSMD, Mokiya BO, Papadahandi SO ST Provisionally selected under UR Category subject to submission of required educational documents

04 M Basudev Rao, GDSBPM, G S Khal BO, J K Pur SO UR Selected under UR Category

05 Budhia Patra, GDSMC, Saguru BO, Lamtaput SO UR Provisionally selected under UR Category subject to submission of required educational documents.

06 Sri K Ch Rout, GDSPKR, Paduva SO OBC Selected under UR Category

07 Sri Bhasman Naik, GDSBPM, Naktiguda BO, Papadahandi SO ST Selected under UR Category
The Units to be allotted will be intimated later on. In case, the above candidates decline for the post of postman, the next senior GDS Official whose cases have been examined by the DPC and kept in the approved waiting list will be offered the post.

The SSPOs, Koraput Division vide Memo No.B2/DPC-MTS/11 dated at Jeypore (K) the 14.06.2011 has declared the DPC result for Postman category.
The following GDS Officials have been recommended and selected for the post of MTS in Koraput Postal Division by the Departmental Promotion Committee held on 10.06.2011 against 50% vacancies of the year 2009 & 2010 on the basis of latest recruitment rules, subject to satisfactory verification of educational, caste certificates and relevant documents in connection with the service of GDS.

Sl No Name of the GDS Community Remarks

01 Shri Sridhar Majhi  GDS BPM,Ekori BO Kodinga SO ST Selected under UR category for 2009 vacancy

02 Shri Srikar Sahu  GDSPKR Jolaput SO OBC Selected under OBC Category for 2009 vacancy

03 S K Ali GDS MD, Rayagada HO UR Selected under UR Category for 2010 vacancy

The Unit to be allotted will be intimated later on. In case the above candidates decline for the post of MTS, the next senior GDS Officials whose cases have been examined by the DPC and kept in the approved waiting list will be offered the post.

India Post ties up with Fabindia

Dear Comrades,

In its first partnership with a private firm, India Post on Tuesday said it has partnered with retail chain Fabindia, which will help customers send Fabindia products to their friends across the globe.

"As a part of the joint endeavour, India post will now offer customers hassle free postal retail service, which would enable the customers to buy, pack and dispatch Fabindia products not only within India, but also to international destinations," an official statement said.

To help the customers in booking consignments, Delhi Postal Circle staff will be deployed at this Fabindia store, it added. The counter, located at Fabindia's flagship store at Greater Kailash in New Delhi, was jointly inaugurated by India Post Secretary Radhika Doraiswamy, and Fabindia Managing Director William Bissell.

India Post has a postal retail service at the Jawahar Vyapar Bhawan (Cottage Emporium), where customers can avail speed post services and registered parcel booking.

With 140 stores across 58 cities in India and four international stores, Fabindia Overseas Pvt Ltd is one of India's largest retail chain. The post office counter at the Fabindia outlet will offer the domestic and international flat rate parcel service and EMS speed post service.

Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 19:50  Source : PTI

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

India post to take up old age pension issue with state government

Dear Comrades,

A week after the government decided to shift to banks for distributing old-age pensions, India Post is trying hard to get back its largest customer in the state. The officials have sought an appointment with chief minister J Jayalalithaa to persuade her to switch back to the post offices. Losing the state's project could mean a loss of more than Rs 60 crore a month for India Post.

The old-age pension scheme was so far carried out by India Post, delivering monthly pensions at people's houses through money orders and cheques. It covers senior citizens, differently-abled people, destitute wives and widows and destitute agricultural labourers. The state government will switch to the banks by September.

The postal department gets Rs 25 as commission for each money order for more than 28 lakh pensioners, including 10 lakh in city. The government decided to choose banks for the scheme after the CBI apprehended 11 postmen for malpractices in 2010. In order to mollify the state government, India Post has already done some damage control and will be regularizing its services. "We dismissed two other postal officials. We have set up monitoring cells for the scheme. We also have special adalats to settle grievances," said a senior official in the Tamil Nadu circle of the postal department. The department has also furnished details of fake names and addresses in the scheme to the state government. "We have received no complaints in the last two months," he said.

The department will offer savings accounts for pensioners in the postal banks. "This government is already considering savings accounts for pensioners in the banks. We have the expertise to handle this. We deal with more money in the form of small savings accounts than all the commercial banks," the official said

If agreed upon, the pensioners' savings accounts could bring in an additional revenue of Rs 45-50 crore for India Post. As an added incentive, the postal department is also upgrading all its services this year on a par with commercial banks.

India Post also expressed reservations about banks' ability to carry out the scheme. Nearly 70% of the beneficiaries under the scheme live in rural areas and remote places. "Banks do not have the network that we have when it comes to door-to-door delivery in remote areas. So we shall be asking the government to switch back to us."

R Vasundara, TNN Jun 13, 2011, 03.41am ISTCHENNAI Times of India

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Successful holding of DWC Meeting Jeypore 12th Jun, 2011

Dear Comrades,

In pursuant to the unanimous decision taken by the NFPE, FNPO and all the unions affiliated to them including AIPEU and AIPEDU CHQ, New Delhi to hold All India Indefinite General Strike w.e.f. July 5th, 2011, today the AIPEU Group-C, AIPEU Postmen & Gr-D and AIPEDEU (GDS), Koraput Divisional Branch unions organized a Joint Divisional Working committee-cum-General Body meeting to discuss and take decision to make the forthcoming strike a grand success.

This strike is being organized to oppose the destructive and anti-welfare policies of the Government of India and its impact on the employees of DoP focussing the twenty five point charter demand. The 25 charter of demands are submitted hereunder.

Comrade Nirmal Chandra Singh, Circle Secretary, AIPEDEU Orissa Circle Branch was the Chief Guest of the meeting. The dignitaries who were on the dias are Com. R N Nahak, President and Com. Purna Chandra Maharana, Divisional Secretary, & Com. P Suresh Kumar, Organising Circle Secretary, Com. J Ch Choudhury, Vice-President, AIPEU Class-III union; Com. L Bisoi, President and Com. Nilamabar Naik, Divisional Secretary & Com. Prabhat Ku mahapatra, Organising Circle Secretary, Postmen & Gr-D Union and Com. J Kar, President and Com. Rajendra Prasad Sahu, Divisional Secretary & Com. Narasingh Sahu, senior comrade, AIPEDEU (GDS) Union.

A detailed discussion on the importance of the strike based on the 25 charter of demands was described to all concerned clarifying the doubts of many comrades and a unanimous strong decision was taken to make the 5th July All India Indefinite General Strike a grand success by closing down all the post offices in undivided Koraput District until our demands are not fulfilled at CHQ level. Hundreds of comrades including Women Comrades and new entrants from every corner of Koraput Division participated in today’s meeting. Few pics of the meeting is placed hereunder.



1. Stop closure /merger of PO/RMS Offices including BOs. Review the orders implementing Speed Post Hubs and Delivery Hubs and restore status quo ante. Stop outsourcing the works of Postal, RMS & MMS functions.

2. Grant status as Central Civil Servant to GDS employees for all purposes including service matters, pay scale, increment, allowances, pension, promotion and other terminal benefits, leave, bonus and trade union facilities. Scrap new recruitment rules for appointment as postmen which curtails promotional avenues – restore previous rules and withdraw tighten norms assessing BPM’s work. Drop reduction of allowances in case of reduction of workload.

3. Revise the wages of casual labourers and contingent employees w.e.f. 01.01.2006 based on the minimum pay recommended by 6th CPC. Stop outsourcing the work of casual labourers and contingent work. Grant temporary status to eligible full time casual labourers, Convert part time into full time absorb full time, part time contingent employees in vacant GDS posts.

4. Immediate revision of OTA & OSA rates.

5. Implement the assurances made on 12.07.2010 Strike Settlement and also the JCM Departmental Council Meeting held on 23.08.2010.( List enclosed) Ensure prompt holding of Departmental Council Meetings.

6. Immediate finalization of Cadre Restructuring proposals including Postal Accounts as assured by the Secretary Department of Posts and its implementation.

7. Stop decentralization of Postal Accounts, PLI and RPLI and ensure status-quo. Save DPLI office, Kolkata and ensure job security to the staff, DPLI.

8. Expedite the process of filling of all vacant posts in all Wings including GDS.

9. Stop implementation of Postmaster Cadre till finalization of Cadre Restructuring. Ensure 100% filling up of LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I before implementation of Postmasters Cadre, remove the retrograde eligibility conditions for appearing the examination of Grade I and PSS Group B and allow account line officials also.

10. Drop the proposed move of ending the services of existing System Administrators by outsourcing the technology work to the outsider agencies. Create the System Administrators Posts as assured and specified norms and other works and make the cadre as a promotional cadre to PA/SA.

11. Stop combination of beats /double duty, stop harassment of staff insisting 100% impracticable condition for delivery under Project Arrow. Settle the demands raised in the Postmen Committee such as distance factor, number of articles, Grant of Cycle allowance without distance condition, cash payment for uniform and kit items, Supply of good quality uniforms, Revision of norms.

12. Fixing norms for new assigned works of MTS. Allow to decline postman promotion for MTS under seniority quota and review the recruitment rules of MTS to Postmen / Mail Guards.

13. Grant promotions to Drivers / Artisans at par with other C.G. organizations like Railways/Defence. Higher Pay Scales to charge hand & Drivers. Revision of CRC EPP and Logistic norms.

14. Declare SBCO Staff as Divisional cadre , Stop harassment of SBCO officials under contributory factors. Complete the Ledger Agreement Work update the SBCO before launching Core Banking.

15. Fill up all Postal Civil Wing and Electrical Wing posts as per CPWD norms. Creation of Postal /Electrical and Architectural Division in every Circle. Expedite the Restructuring of Civil Wing Cadres.

16. Ensure full fledge functioning of newly formed Postal Accounts Offices by providing adequate staff strength and accommodation. Rectify the anomaly caused due to promotion of Group ‘D’ official to the cadre of LDC after 2006. Restore the residency period of three years in respect of JA to SA promotion retrospectively w.e.f. 13.12.2006. Grant MACP to those joined in Sorter cadre treating LDC as entry grade as the Sorter grade has been defunct since 2000.

17. Counting of past services rendered by erstwhile RTPs for promotions and MACP.

18. Implement Apex Court Judgement in case of RRR Candidates in true sprit and extend to all approved RRR Candidates awaiting for absorption.

19. Stop Harassing and victimization of innocent officials under contributory negligence factors. Implement the true spirit of Govt orders and Volumes and no recovery should be made if the concerned is not directly responsible for the loss sustained to the department.

20. Stop discrimination towards PO & RMS Accounts Cadre, Create separate cadre and earmark % of posts for norm based promotions in the same cadre, Count Special Allowance for fixation on promotion, Withdraw the recovery imposed on Postman Pay fixation and drawal of bonus to GDS. Restore the date of passing the Acct examination for according LSG promotions instead date of entry in PA cadre.

21. Enhance the LR strength on all cadres to the extent of 20% and fill up all vacant LR posts.

22. Ensure prompt grant of Child Care Leave as per the liberalized orders, unnecessary hurdles put forth should be dropped.

23. Review the MACP clarifactory orders and rectify the issues like, non drawal of spl allowance on acquiring MACP, wrong interpretation of IIIrd MACP to departmental promotes only after 30 years, Counting as double promotions as Group D & Postmen even in the case of promotion to Postman on GDS quota, non counting of training period for MACP, ignore promotions acquired on deptl exam for MACP, ignore all uncommunicated average bench marks for MACP as Judicial verdict.

24. Stop attack on Union office bearers by misusing Rule 37 transfers and Rule 9 of CCS (CCA) Rules. Dispose all Rule 9 (Pension rules) disciplinary cases pending at Directorate years together.

25. Denying the legitimate right of employees to avail holidays & Sundays by compelling them to attend frequent meetings/ Melas.
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