Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Postmaster Cadre Grade-I Examination

Dear Comrades,

DoP vide the following order has clarified regarding the crucial date of of the qualifying service for writing Postmaster Grade-I Examination.

No: 4-08/ 2011-SPB-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications and IT
Department of Posts
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 16, Dated 25.05.2011

All Chief Postmasters General

Sub: Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for Postmaster Grade – I – Crucial date for deciding the qualifying service for the Examination – regarding

Sir/ Madam,
I am directed to refer to Directorate’s letter No: A-34012/ 3/ 2011-DE, dated 13.04.2011 regarding conduct of Postmaster Grade I Examination, 2011 to be held on 12.06.2011 for the existing vacancies in Postmaster Grade-I.

2. Clarification has been sought by certain Circles regarding the crucial date for assessing the eligibility of Postal Assistants for appearing in the Postmaster Grade-I Examination, 2011 to be held on 12.06.2011.

3. The matter has been examined in the Directorate. As per the Directorate’s order No. 13-2/2010-PE.1 dated 25.11.2010, the General line posts would be deemed to have been designated as Postmaster Grade-I, Postmaster Grade-II and Postmaster Grade-III with effect from the dates those are filled up. Therefore it has been decided by the competent authority that the crucial date for assessing the eligibility of the candidates for the purpose of Postmaster Grade-1 Examination 2011, to be filled up on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination would be the closing date for dispatch of the applications by nodal officers to CMC, ie.18.05.2011. Such Circles, who have prescribed the crucial date other than 18.05.2011, are advised to issue another circular calling for the applications from only such officials, who have become eligible during the period 01.01.2011 to 18.05.2011, by asking them to apply by 2nd June, 2011. Due to paucity of time, the Circles on receipt of applications shall issue hall tickets to the eligible candidates to appear in the examination after consulting the CMC telephonically regarding the Roll Number(s) to be assigned and the venue for examination. It should be immediately followed by a written communication to CMC indicating the names, Roll Numbers so assigned along with a copy of the application submitted by the candidates. In case of any contingency, the Circles may contact DDG(RP) [Tel. No: 23096101]

4. Further, according to the Dept of Personnel & Training OM No: 22011/3/98-98-Estt. (I) dated 17.09.1998, the crucial date for determining eligibility of officers for promotion in case of financial year-based vacancy year would fall on January 1st immediately preceding such vacancy year, the first of the vacancy year, ie. January 1st itself would be taken as the crucial date irrespective of whether the ACRs are written financial year wise or calendar year wise. As such, the crucial date for determining eligibility of Postal Assistants for appearing in the Postmaster Grade-1 Examination to be conducted in the subsequent years ie during the year 2012 and thereafter would be 1st January of the year, to which the vacancies pertain to.

Yours faithfully,
Sd. B P Sridevi Director (Staff)
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