Thursday, November 29, 2012


The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs today approved the proposal of Rs.4,909 crore towards IT modernisation project of the Department of Posts, covering 1.55 lakhs post offices.

The total expenditure for the project involving Rs.4,909 crore includes both implementation phase and operation and maintenance phase for the IT infrastructure of Post Offices. The IT project of the Department is a part of the Mission Mode Project (MMP) included in the National e-Governance Plan (NEGP).

The Department of Posts has a network of 1.55 Lakhs post offices spread across all the States and Union Territories of the country. The key objective of the India Post IT Modernisation project is modernization and computerization of all Post offices in the country including branch post offices in rural areas to create a urban-rural network spanning across the length and breadth of the country.

The IT modernisation project is expected to give following benefits to the citizens of the country:

• Improve customer satisfaction due to faster and more reliable delivery of services

• Enhance visibility and transparency

• Provide access by multiple channels to the customers e.g. post office counters, kiosks, internet, mobiles ATMs etc;

• Ensure delivery of "citizen centric services"

The IT modernisation project will provide a national asset and infrastructure for all users apart from the post offices including various government departments, business houses and the citizens to use the services effectively for their communication, banking, insurance and service delivery needs. The project will improve the delivery of mails, banking and insurance services rendered by the Post offices across the length and breadth of the country.

For the purpose of implementation, the IT modernisation project has been structured into 8 segments catering to IT infrastructure such as datacentre, network, computers and peripherals, software applications which will cover all the product and services of the Department of Posts, and change management which will help in effective transformation into IT mode. The project will be implemented in all the 1.55 lakh post offices in a phased manner over a time period of 2 years, to be followed by the O&M phase over the period of contract.

The project will be rolled out to all the post offices covering all States and Union Territories in the country a phased manner.


The proposal of the Department of Posts is in continuation of the proposal which was approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 26th Aug 2010. The overall project has been segregated into eight RFPs, of which, selection of vendors have been finalized in case of 5 RFPs and LOIs have been issued. Of these 5 RFPs, in four cases the contracts have been signed with the selected bidders. In respect of two RFPs the financial bids have been opened and selection of the bidder is under process.


All India Postal Employees Union, Group ‘C’.

1. Filling up the Posts of APM Accounts & Promotional avenue to Accounts line officials.

The APM Accounts Posts in LSG & HSG.II have been filled up among the PO & RMS Accountant’s qualified officials as per Selection Grade Recruitment Rules 1976. The PO & RMS Accountant’s seniority list has been drafdted as per the date of qualifying the Accountant’s exam and the same is considered for LSG promotion under Accounts line. The statutory Recruitment Rules of 1976 and the Rules 276 & 277 of volume IV dealing these issues remain unchanged.

While clarifying the postings after the introduction of FTP exam vide department letter No.137/10/96-SPB.II dated 28.1.2003, it was mentioned that the officials promoted to LSG either on general line or FTP having Accounts qualifi8cation may be considered for APM Accounts post. This has created a bundle of contradictions and the separate line of promotion to LSG APM Accounts has been disturbed and not carried out thereafter.

(i) Now in many Circles, against to the spirit of the recruitment rules 1976 and also volume IV statutory rules, unqualified officials have been posted as APM Accounts in HSG.II cadre and thus defeated the very purpose of existence of such qualified posts.

(ii) The CAT Chennai in OA No.201/2006 in case of Sri P. Ramadoss Vs the CPMG Tamil nadu held that the separate identity of APM Accounts cadre and directed to conduct the DPC for Accounts line without any procrastination based on the Recruitment Rules dated 13.9.1976 and issue necessary promotion orders to the eligible PO & RMS Accounts line officials within a period of four weeks.

(iii) The following may please be considered to overcome the present injustice caused to the cadre:

(i) The year of qualifying the PO & RMS Accountant exam should be the yardstick for promotion to LSG APM Accounts. It cannot be modified without amending the rules contained in Volume-IV.

(ii) During the upgradation of 1622 HSG.II posts, many posts of APM Accounts were upgraded to HSG.II. Resultantly, there is a dearth ofLSG APM Acounts posts for promotion in feeder cadre. Hence, it is requested to restore the LSG position for APM Accounts to the extent of 50% of total posts in Accounts cadre by upgrading the general line posts to HSG.II.

(iii) Reserve 20% of the total establishment in HSG.I promotion for providing promotion to the PO & RMS qualified HSG.II APM Accounts.

(iv) If the above proposal is considered, the present crisis will be over and it may also be ensured by providing qualified hands to position the APM Accounts posts in all places which will improve the efficiency in the prime accounting functions at the base levels.

2. Non grant of Training allowance for instructors posted in WCTC of regional headquarters-

The training allowance as if granted to instructors working in Postal Training Centre has not been granted to the instructors posted in WCTC centers functioning at regional headquarters even through their nature of duties are similar to that of the instructors working in the training centers. This is a clear discrimination between the two equals.

The reason for non grant of such allowance is stated to be non issue of orders so far from the Directorate for grant of training allowance to them.It is requested to kindly consider the same.

3. Bringing all the Senior /Chief postmasters posts under the Postmasters cadre hireachical line-

After declaring the Postmaster cadre as a separate cadre and did not allow the Postmaster Grade-I officials to appear Group B and IP examination because of the separate hierarchical cadre, allowing 75% posts of the senor Postmaster for IP line is deplorable. After carving out a separate cadre from LSG and IP line and formed a separate cadre, the provision of 75% for IPline officials to become Postmaster cadre as Senior Postmaster is against the spirit of the DOPT guidelines. There should not be two channel of promotions to IP cadre when it was denied to Postmaster opted officials to appear for the Group B exam and IP exam. Necessary decision may please be taken.

All India RMS & MMS Employees Union Group ‘C’.

1. Fixation of Norms for CRCs, EPP, Logstic and SPCs ETC. The productivity norms for CRC were fixed as 900 articles per 8 hour duty or 120 RLs per hour based on the Work Study. The Staff Side have not accepted these productivity norms as it is impossible for the staff to give this output as 80% of work has to be doe manually and more than 50% are received without bar coding under R. Net System. More over increasing output on TBOP/BCR promotion was against the agreed norms. The question of higher productivity of 5% and 1% required on account of TBOP/BCR was against the agreed norms during of higher productivity 19991, 6% operative staff strength and 20% supervisory posts were abolished D.G. Posts vide letter No .DG P&T No.31-28/83-PE-I dated 17-12-1983 has envisaged that the posts in operative and supervisory cadres will continue to be sanctioned on the basis of present norms i.e. as per Maratha Time Test.

In view of the JCM agreements the productivity norms of 900 articles per 8 hours prescribed by the Department is arbitrary. We would therefore, urge upon the Department to refix the norms which is feasible in consultation with the Staff Side.

2. Stop privatisation /out sourcing. Reports have been received from various circles that indiscriminate closer/merger and abolition of RMS sets/Sections, MMS Schedules engagement of outsiders etc. are being carried out without following any norms and diverting the respective services to private service providers. All these on going processes would render staff surplus. We would therefore, urge upon the Department of Posts to engage Postal/RMS/MMS staff for all activities of Postal services.

3. Provide adequate Motor Vehicles for conveyance of mails/logistics etc. and fill up vacant posts in MMS: Provide adequate Motor Vehicle for conveyance of mails/logistics. Replace all condemned vehicles, impart sufficient computer training to the technical staff to deal with modern power vehicles, insure MMS Vehicles, finalize Recruitment Rules, Artisans in MM”S which are lying vacant since long.

 All India Postal Employees Union Postmen & MSE/Group ‘D’

 1. Bottle necks for efficient Delivery: Number of articles, both registered ands ordinary mail, to be delivered and maximum length of beat to be covered during duty hours of a postman has not yet been decided. This need to be fixed . Moreover it is generally seen that there is no depository system available in delivery post office causing difficulty and hardship for disposal of undelivered mail on return to post office on some occasion the mail entrusted to postman is unmanageable during duty hours. The depository system needs to be maintained for the safety and security of mail. The other hurdle is non-adoption of Scientific measurement of Postmen beats: This issue has been taken many times but no scientific measurement is carried out. Measurement is generally done on paper and the postmen staff suffers a lot when these beats are not actually measured. Moreover no representative is detailed from postmen side to help in accessing the actual length of beats. It would be appreciated if Circles are directed to purchase one MELIO METER/DISTANCE WATCH METER for each division for correct measurement of beats giving time schedule fore completion ands compliance by target date.

2. Grant of incentive for delivery of Adhar Cards:As it has been informed on many occasions that postmen is already reeling under overburdened work and the postmen staff is not in a position to deliver the mail entrusted to him within duty hours. Instead after beyond duty hours, on many occasions the mail remains undelivered despite their best efforts. Now one more bolt from the blue in the shape of ADHAR CARDS is causing more tension since the number of Adhar Cards received are increasing day by day and multiply the overloaded work already held with them. It is therefore requested t grant Rs 2/- per card as incentive for delivery of the Cards so that they could deliver for late hours beyond their working hours convenient to them.

3. Timely Payment of individual Claims. There is general complaint for abnormal delay in payment of individual claim like-Medical Re-imbursement bill, OTA, Speed Post delivery incentive bills, TA bills and Double Duty Bill etc. Timely preparation of bills needs to be insisted upon. Sufficient fund should be made available to avoid delay in payment of individual claims.

All IndiaRMS & MMS Employees Union, Mail guards & /MTS

1. Supply of shoe instead of chappals to the staff who are eligible for uniform.

Recently the colour of uniform cloth supplied to eligible staff has been changed . But the footwear is not changed (particularly in south) though shoe is supplied to the staff in some circles (in north ) the othercircles still get only chapplas which do not go with the new uniform. Therefore, kindly to supply shoe to all the staff that are hitherto supplied with chappals so that their uniform and footwear together present a neat and diginified appearance to our staff.

2. Request for imparting training to non-matriculate Group D Canteen employees in Assam and Delhi Circles.

The Non-Matriculate Group D employees Canteen staff cadre on or after 1.1.2006 but before the implementation of 6th CPC pay scales are being denied 1800/- GP from 1.1.2006 for the duration of their Group D employment on the grounds that they were not being imparted with the required training. No action is also being taken in such cases to impart the same training as like other non-matriculate Group D staff.

Up gradation of pay of Canteen staff from 1300/- GP to 1800/- GP Assam and Delhi Circles necessary qualifying training was completed of those staff for up gradation of pay but no action taken by authorities as yet whereas there is standing instructions of Directorate that completion of training up gradation must be effected within (6) months. This Union request revision of pay scale of Rs 4440-7440 with Grade Pay of Rs 1300/- to Rs 5200-20200 with Grade pay of Rs 1800/- since the pay band 1S is going to be abolished in future.

Our union requests your kind intervention to cause to issue instructions to arrange for imparting the same training to such promoted non-matriculate officials also and grant 1800/- GP from 1.1.2006 to Canteen staff of Assam and Delhi Circles.

3. Filling up of Multi Tasking Staff vacancies in accordance with the latest Recruitment rules. Filling up of Multi Tasking Staff vacancies in accordance with the latest Recruitment rules Ref: Your office letter Directorate memo No.45-2/2011-SPB-I dated 27.01.2011. Our Union requests your kind attention to your office letter cited above wherein, all the Recruiting Authorities for the Multi Tasking Staff Vacancies in the Circle were directed to fill all the MTS Vacancies in accordance with the instructions contained in Directorate memo No.45-2/2011-SPB-I dated 27.01.2011. The last date fixed for completion of the process is 29.03.2011.

But, to our dismay no MMS Division in West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Delhi circles implemented those orders so far. Therefore, we request you kindly to look into the matter and take necessary action to get all the MTS Vacancies in the MMS Division’s of the above circles filled in without any further delay.

 All India Postal Accounts Employees Association.

1. Recruitment in Postal Accounts Offices.

For the past two years this Association is bringing this aspect to the notice of the authorities. It is assured to make recruitment in PAOs on priority basis. Yet, there is no significant improvement in the situation. The PSOs are working under severe shortage of Staff. There is a need to review the situation urgently and take up the remedial measures. It is requested to cause orders to fill up all the vacancies through local recruitment/absorption from other departments etc. as a onetime measure in a time bound manner.

2. Implement the Hon. Principal CAT, Delhi order in OA 1066/2011 filed by AIPAEA.

This Association has filed a case in the Hon. Pr.CAT, Delhi seeking a direction to give the benefit of 2nd financial upgradation under ACP ignoring the promotions due to up-gradation of Junior Accountant posts to Senior Accountant. Earlier the O.A 955/210 by this Association in the similar matter has been remitted to the authority for considering the representation of the AIPAEA. The representation was submitted to DDG(PAF) and the same was rejected vide the order dated 28.12.2010. This is challenged and Hon. Pr. CAT quashed the memo dated 28.12.2010 and remitted back to the respondents for taking a fresh decision in this regard. It is requested to honour the spirit of the judgment in OA 1066/2011 and implement the same by giving the benefit of 2nd financial up-gradation ignoring the promotion from Junior Accountant to Senior Accountant cadre.

3. Financial up-gradation (ACP) as per the existing hierarchy in the Post Accounts to the officials appointed through surplus cell.

It has come to the notice of this Association that a few LDCs from the erstwhile National Saving Organization allotted by the surplus cell to the Postal Accounts organization as LDC, has been deprived of financial up gradation (ACP) as per the existing hierarchy in the Postal Accounts. These cases may kindly be reviewed and favourable orders issued.

 All IndiaPostal SBCO Employees Association

1. Regarding misutilisation of PA (SBCO)

Savings Bank Control Organization in the Department of Post was established from erstwhile Postal and Telegraphs Audit Office. Hence, SBCO should be regarded as an Audit Wing of savings bank and given status equal to Postal Accounts on all aspects as the functions and responsibilities of both are synonymous. The staff of SBCO are recruited separately as Postal Assistants (SBCO) and trained exclusively in control procedures. Therefore, utilization of these personnel in operative work like reconciliation of SO SB balances by deputing them to Sub offices, settlement of minus balances, settlement of OMs should not be resorted to.

2. Request for reevaluation of the issue of administrative control over SBCO staff.

Request for reevaluation of the issue of administrative control over SBCO staff Divisional heads have no in depth knowledge in SBCO procedures and functioning of SBCO. As such, the powers of writing of APAR should be vested again with Accounts officers ICO (SB) as they are the next supervisory officers with full knowledge of the functioning of SBCO branch and its procedure and the personal knowledge about the SBCO officials.

3. Regarding maintenance of RD ledgers for HO/SOs in V2 SBCO.

In respect of decentralized savings categories i.e RD/MIS/SCSS the roll of SBCO must be checking of vouchers with reference to the data available in LAN Sanchay Post for timely detection of fraudulent activities. It is therefore requested that the maintenance of RD ledgers for HO/SOs in V2SBCO may be dispensed with.

All IndiaPostal Admn. Offices’ Employees’Union, Group ‘C’ & ‘D’.

 1. Fixation of pay of MTS (Group C officials) who were granted ACP –I and ACP-II up gradation prior to 01.01.2006

Consequent upon implementation of 6th CPC recommendation in the light of Postal Directorates latest order No. 1-20/2008-PCC (Pt) dated18.07.2011

The MTS Group- C (erstwhile Group D) officials who got ACP upgradation prior to 01.01.2006 had been given MACP upgradation from 01.09.2006 ignoring their ACP up gradations as per Postal Dte’s O.M. on MACPs dated 18.09.2009 issued on the strength of DOPT O.M. No. 35034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 19.05.2009 by applying single, double or triple fixation formula as specified in the said O.M. dated 18.092009

After almost three years from the date of effect of such MACPs to the concerned officials the Dte order no. 1-20/2008-PCC(Pt)dtd.18.07.2011 from Pay Commission Cell has been issued which drected to give Grade Pay of Rs. 1900/- to officials who got ACP-I prior to 01.01.2006 and Grade Pay of Rs. 2000/- to officials who got ACP-II prior to 01.01.2006 if this order is implemented, if will cause the following adverse effects:

a) The Pay of the sdofficials already fixed 3 years back, is going to be reduced to a large extend and

b) Huge recovery is to be made against each of them for no fault of their own.

2. Providing norms for BD, Technology, RTI oriented works and Project Arrow works and Project Arrow works done by the CO and ROs and arrangement for manning the BD Section exclusively by Circle/Regional office staff.

Notes: No establishment norms as per SIU standard for works relating to BD, Technology, Project Arrow and RTI oriented works has been formulated so far our knowledge goes. It is evident that huge work hours for disposal of those items of works have already been created in CO/ROs but no man power to deal with the cases has been provided due to non framing of norms to adjudge the quantum of such work.

3. Filling up vacant Posts in the cadre of PACO, holding of DPC for LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I Grades.

Notes: Many Circles/ Regional Offices have been suffering from shortage of staff due to non-filling of vacant posts in the cadre of PACO. Further for non holding of DPC in a time bound manner, good number of posts in LSG, HSG.II and HSG.I Grade are lying vacant causing problems for Circle and Regional offices. If those vacant promotional posts (LSG, HSG.II and HSG.I) are filled up, it would be resulting in more vacancies in PACO cadre.

LGO examination needs to be held timely to keep alive the promotional prospects of MTS Group-C officials.


No.1/16/1996-P&PW (E) (Vol.II)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare

3rdFloor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated: 27th November, 2012
Sub: Eligibility of children from a void or voidable marriage for family pension - clarification regarding.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's O.M. No.1/16/96-P&PW (E), dated 2.12.1996 whereby it was clarified that Pensionary benefits will be granted to children of a deceased Government servant/pensioner from void or voidable marriages when their turn comes in accordance with Rule 54(8). It is mentioned in Para 4 of the O.M. that "It may be noted that they will have no claim whatsoever to receive family pension as long as the legally wedded wife is the recipient of the same."
2. The matter has been re-examined in consultation with the Ministry of Law and Justice(Department of Legal Affairs) and Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure). It has been decided that in supersession of Para 4 of the O.M., ibid, dated 2.12.1996, the share of children from illegally wedded wife in the family pension shall be payable to them in the manner given under sub-rule 7 (c) of Rule 54 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, along with the legally wedded wife.
It has also been decided that in past cases, no recovery from the previous beneficiary should be made. On receipt of an application from eligible child/children of the deceased Government employee/pensioner born to an ineligible mother, a decision regarding division or otherwise of family pension may be taken by the competent authority after satisfying himself/herself about veracity of facts and entitlement of the applicant (s).
4. As regards pensioners/family pensioners belonging to the Indian Audit and Accounts Departments, these Orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.

5. This issues with the concurrence of Department of Legal Affairs vide their FTS No. 3036, dated 17.10.2012.
6. This issues with the 'concurrence of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their I.D. No.530/E.V/2012, dated 23.11.2012.
(D.K. Solanki)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. No. 24644632

Monday, November 19, 2012


Joint D W C meetting was held on 18/11/2012 at "SAROJINI BHAWAN" in the Presidentship of Com. R K Raypalli. Com R C Mishra , Circle Secretary Gr"C" cum Vice President CHQ and Com D B Mohanty Circle Secretary , Postmen & Gr"D"/MTS Cum Asst. General Secretary CHQ was also present in the said meetting.



Friday, November 16, 2012


Dear Comrades,




All General Secretaries / Circle Secretaries / Divisional /
Branch Secretaries of affiliated unions of NFPE.

Dear Comrades,

Notice for 12th December 2012 All India Strike of Central Govt. Employees will be served to the Cabinet Secretary by Confederation and to the Secretary, Department of Posts by NFPE on 19th November 2012. Copy of the strike notice and Charter of Demands is exhibited below:
You are requested to organise mass demonstrations of employees and serve a copy of the strike notice to all Circle/Regional/ Divisional heads on 19.11.2012. Wide publicity may be given among employees and also in print and electronic media, regarding serving of strike notice for the 12th December 2012 strike. Please send report of the successful implementation of the programmes to NFPE HQ also by email. (
                                                                                         Secretary General, NFPE



PF-JCA-12.12.2012                                                                  Dated – 19th November, 2012


The Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan,
New Delhi – 110001

 In accordance with the provisions of Sub Section (1) of Section 22 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, we hereby notify that all the Postal/RMS/MMS/Administrative & Postal Accounts Employees and the Gramin Dak Sewaks which are affiliated to Confederation of Central Government Employees & Workers will go on one day strike on 12.12.2012. The demands for acceptance of which the employees embark upon One Day Strike are detailed in the Charter of Demands enclosed.
       M. Krishnan                                                                                    R. Sivannarayana
Secretary General, NFPE                                                               General Secretary, AIPEU      
                                                                                                                        Group 'C' 
   Ishwar Singh Dabas                                                                               Giriraj Singh
       General Secretary                                                                         General Secretary
AIPEU Postmen, MTS & Group 'D'                                            AIRMS & MMS EU Group 'C'
        P. Suresh                                                                                Pranab Bhattacharjee
General Secretary                                                                              General Secretary     
AIRMS & MMS EU MG & Group 'D'                                               AIPAOEU Group C & D 
   T. Satyanarayana                                                                                  S. Appanraj    
General Secretary                                                                              General Secretary     
    AIPAEA                                                                                              AIPSBCOEA    
  S. A. Raheem                                                                                    P. Pandurangarao     
General Secretary                                                                               General Secretary     
    AIPCWEA                                                                                      AIPEU GDS (NFPE)     

1.         Revise the wages of the Central Government employees including Gramin Dak Sewaks with effect from 1.1.2011 and every five years thereafter by setting up the 7th CPC.
2.         Merge DA with pay for all purposes with effect from. 1.1.2011 including for Gramin Dak Sewaks.
3.         Remove restriction imposed on compassionate appointments and the discrimination on such appointments between the Railway workers and other Central Govt. employees.
4.         (a) Departmentalise all Gramin Dak Sewaks and grant them all benefits of regular employees; End Bonus discrimination and enhance bonus ceiling to 3500/-; withdraw open market recruitment in Postman / MTS cadre; Revise cash handling norms; Grant full protection of TRCA; Grant Time Bound Promotion and Medical Reimbursement facility etc,
(b)       Regularise the daily rated, contingent, casual workers and introduce a permanent scheme for periodical regularisation;
5.         (a) Revive the functioning of the JCM. Convene the meeting of the Departmental Councils in all Ministries/Departments. Settle the anomalies raised in the National Anomaly Committee as also in the Departmental Anomaly Committees. Hold National Council meetings as specified in the JCM constitution. (b) Remove the anomalies in the MACP Scheme.(c) Grant recognition to all Associations/Federations, which have complied with the formalities and conditions stipulated in the CCS(RSA) Rules.
6.         Fill up all vacant posts and create posts on functional requirements.
7.         Stop downsizing outsourcing, contractorization, corporatization and privatisation of Governmental functions.
8.         Stop price rise; strengthen the PDS.
9.         (a) Stop the proposal to introduce the productivity linked wage system; (b) discard the performance related pay structure; (c) introduce PLB in all Departments; (d) remove the ceiling on emoluments for bonus computation.
10.       Revise the OTA, Night duty allowance and clothing rates.
11.       Implement all arbitration awards;
12.       Make the right to strike a legal and fundamental right of the Government employees on par with the other section of the working class.
13.       Grant Five Promotions to all employees as is provided for in the case of Group A services.
14.       (a) Withdraw the PFRDA Bill. (b) Rescind the decision to allow FDI in pension sector ;(c) Scrap the new contributory pension scheme (d) Extend the existing statutory defined pension scheme to all Central Govt. employees irrespective of their date of entry in Government service.
15.       Vacate all Trade Union victimisation, and more specifically in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department.


Dear Comrades,


Postal Service - An Introduction
The Postal System in India was first introduced by Lord Clive in 1756 for official communication only. Bags used to be sent to the District Magistrates and Collectors. The first Post Office was opened in Calcutta during 1774, for sending communication by private persons. Postal Committee of 1852 recommended the introduction of postage stamps and also dropped the practice of charging the articles according to distance. During October, 1854 the postage stamp was introduced for use in Post offices, (i.e) quarter anna postcard and half anna envelope.
                The Railway system was first started in 1853 and thereafter expanded its linkage to all big Cities. Along with Railways, the Postal system was also expanded. Telegraph system was introduced in 1853.

Emerging Trade Unions
T. U. consciousness in India had first grown during the later half of 19th Century, amongst the textile workers of Bombay and Nagpur. The total strike observed by the workers of Empress Mill Nagpur in 1877 over wage rate was the first working class struggle in the country. Between 1882 and 1890 about 25 strikes took place in Madras & Bombay Presidencies. During 1905 to 1909 there were continuous strikes in Bombay textile mills as well as other factories due to economic distress, ever rising cost of living, without corresponding increase in wages to the workers and the economic crisis caused due to imports from Manchester, Sheffield which created the total down fall of textile mills and also created unemployment. T. U. consciousness was emerging in the country in the back ground of many workers struggle throughout the world.. The amalgamated society of Railway workers of India and Burma which was formed in 1897 by Anglo Indians and domiciled Europeans had also contributed in developing T. U. consciousness among the Govt. employees and workers.

Beginning of P & T Movement
The discontentment was growing amongst the P & T employees over their service conditions and ill treatment. During 1880, there was a sporadic strike by Postmen of Poona, over some grievances. The Strikers were helped to a great extent by Late Bal Gangadhar Tilak. Between 1886 to 1988 discontent was also simmering amongst the Postal and RMS employees due to the un-hygienic working conditions, hard work, low wages, oven like RMS Vans, long and inconvenient hours of work and tyrannical discipline etc. as per the report published in Amrit Bazar Patrika dated 4th March, 1886.

Postal club incognito Trade Union
In 1905 the Postal Club was formed at 18. Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Calcutta 13 incognito to the Trade Union movement under the Leadership of Late Babu Tarapada Mukherji who entered the service on 01.02.1895 as a postal employee. After the recognition of Postal Club, it was organized 150 employees and started sending memorials to the Government. The Presidency Postmaster called the Secretary Com. Ashwini Kumar and told him' Look here, Aswini, if you do not give up your Secretaryship, I will transfer you to Port Blair. He replied "I will carry my banner of the union there too." One B. L. Advocate Sril Nirmal Sen Gupta had joined the Postal Club and his oratory and penmanship attracted everybody.  Bombay Postal Club was also formed in 1905 but it had started its working in 1907, which also carried only the Trade union activities. Postal League of Dacca was  first started in 1909 by Sarat Chandra Sen. He prepared many memorials and posted to all over India which had the impact of organizing T.U. activities through out the nation. Resultantly, the PMG had threatened him to desist his activities or he will arrest him. But he never cared. Then he was transferred to Imphal and had worked till 1912. At the time of Bengal Bifurcation, he was again sent back to Dacca.

10 Days Strike In 1908 - Com. Henry Barton, the Pioneer.
Mr. Henry Barton, himself a telegraphist, working in Burma, started focussing attention of the authorities on the grievances of telegraph workers through the columns of various news papers under a psendonym. In 1906 he started a Magazine called as Telegraph Recorder in name of a Chinese Gentleman. For the trade Union activites and for the publication of 'Telegraph Recorder', Com. Henry Barton was suspended from service. He was proceeded for the publication of the journal. But the Chineese gentlemen had accepted his authorship and pleaded for Com. Henry Barton. However the Department had transferred him from Burma to Berhampur (Orissa). He had availed two years leave and finally established the Indian Telegraph Association in 1908 with the head quarters at Calcutta and launched the first strike of telegraphists which lasted for 10 days. This successful strike had resulted in the revision of salaries to the telegraphists and defacto recognition ensured by the method of collective bargaining. Postal signallers who had worked in the place of telegraphists during the strike did not get the benefits. After the Strike, Com. Henry Barton was dismissed from the service and he become the full time worker of 'Indian Telegraph Association'.

Merger of Postal of Telecom & its first achievement
During 1912, the Government has consolidated the Postal & Telecom and brought under one Department and under the control of D. G P&T. Therefore Com. Henry Barton, Sen Gupta & Babu Tarapada joined together and led the mass of the P&T Workers. During the first world war (1914 to 1918), their united movement has brought the Dearness Allowance first to Govt. employees as Rs.3/- & Rs.5/-in the name of grain allowance.

145 days Bombay Strike in 1920
The Russion Revolution in 1917 has created a new atmosphere and the working class movement had emerged with a new spirit throughout the world. It had its impact in India also. During post war period since 1918 onwards there were series of working class strikes in the country and the discontent was due to post war expenditure made the life miserable and intolerable. The Postal employees are not in exemption but they were in the forefront of working class struggle.
                On 16th March 1918 Bombay City Postmen Union was formed due to the efforts of Shri. V. G. Dalvi. Bar-at-law and he was the first Secretary. The Postmen of Bombay City conducted a glorious strike in September 1920 which lasted for 145 days. The telegraph messengers had also joined the strike later. Ultimately discussions were held with the Presidency Postmaster and Chief Supdt. of Central Telegraph office Bombay and an agreement was reached resulting in redressal of many grievances of the Postmen. The Postmen Union, thereafter was formed at Poona, Ahemedabad and other places. Ultimately the Bombay Presidency Postmen and Lower Grade staff Union had been formed and it carried the T.U. activities.

Bihar Dhoti Strike
The Postal Clerk was paid Rs.20/- only as pay in the year 1916. Most of the officials were retired with the maximum of Rs.30/- or Rs.40/- atmost. Their repeated representations yielded with no results. The staff of Muzzaffarpur H.O. had decided to come in Dhoti for duty from 2/2/1919 to record the protest and anger. It spread to other cities in Bihar. The Viceroy had no other alternative except to announce an increase of Rs.10/- per head and the Dhoti agitation had ended in 4 or 5 days with successful results.

Formation of Postal Union & others from 1920 to 1932
The All India Post office and R.M.S union was formed in the year 1920 under the Leadership of Babu Tarapada Mukherji. During the post war period on account of the mounting pressure of the workers, the Government had appointed a Telegraph Enquiry committee and a separate committee for Postal Employees under the Chairmanship of Mr. H. H. Haseltine C.I.E. Mr. Barton was nominated as a member of the Telegraph Enquiry Committee. But in the Postal committee, no union representative was nominated and particularly, they denied the right to Babu Tarapada Mukherjee, being nominated as the member of the committee.
                Based on the recommendations of these committees, time scale of pay was introduced in the place of grade system in the year 1927. As the report was unsatisfactory, there were serious protests among the Postal employees. Babu Tarapada demanded that pay of the clerk should be enhanced from Rs.60/- to Rs.200/- and end the discrimination to the staff working in R.M.S. & D.L.O as the benefit of  pay revision was not extended to them. A separate R. M.S. Union was then formed at Gorakhpur and one more union named as "The Association of Town Inspectors and Inspector of Post Offices' also sprang up during 1926-27 to project their cadre interest. Between 1920 to 1932 some more unions were formed. The Circle Offices Staff Association was recognized by the Government in April 1930. Thus from 2 unions in 1920, it mounted to 20 by 1930. But the degree of unionization increased consistently from 19% in 1920 to 43.75% in 1932. This rise and fall in the P & T Trade Union movement during this period was due to the fact that the entire movement was in the hands of  few leaders & mass of the workers were not properly trained on Trade Union lines.

Babu Tarapada demise - A blow to P & T movement
Babu Tarapada had gone to Simla to discuss about the selection grade problems in clerical cadre. A bogus telegram was issued in the name of Profulla (his nephew) that "Biren attacked with small fox. Come immediately," Biren way his elder son. Tarapada returned only after discussion of the issue. Babu Tarapada died on 20.09.1929 which gave a blow to the P&T movement. Com. N. C. Sengupta was elected as General Secretary and thereafter he led the movement.
                In 1931, Government has decided upon the policy of retrenchment and decided 10% cut in salaries. This could not be resisted effectively due to splinter groups of unions which had not come together to launch any struggle. This stalmate was continued upto 1934, In 1934 the Government appointed the Postal Enquiry Committee known as Pasricha Committee which recommended new scales of pay from July 31, 1934.

1939 to 1946 - 3 week Postmen strike
During 1939 to 1945, no significant movement took place due the Second World War. But the movement under went a qualitative change. The membership in this year touched a new height of 51%. The discontentment amongst the employees increased by leaps and bounds as the Government did not implement the adjudicator's award (Justice Rajadhakaya). All these resulted in Postmen strike of 1946. This was also joined by A. I. Postal and R.M.S. Employees Union. This was called off after three weeks when the agreement was signed. As a result of implementation of the award, the P & T Employees were paid 15% of pay (i.e) Rs.3.75 as Grain Compensation Allowance and Good Conduct Pay was raised to Rs.10/-. This strike also shook the Government completely and to some extent helped the independence struggle of the country.

1947 to 1954
With the dawn of Independence the T.U. movement gained further momentum and U P T W (Union of P & T workers) was formed on 13th August 1947 by merger of All India Postal & RMS Union, the Indian P&T Union led by Com. M. A. Jabbar and the Indian Telegraph Association led by Dr. G. Noronha. The major union of the All India Postmen & L. G. Staff union (lead by com. G. Dalvi) however kept out. The membership swelled from 61% in 1947 to 67% in 1950. On the eve of Independence, 1st pay commission was appointed to set down some principles for wage determination and rationalization of pay scales. The recommendations of First pay commission acquired national significance as it replaced regional scales. Within 2 years of the acceptance of recommendation of the 1st pay commission Report, a dispute arose on the question of Dearness allowance as the Government refused to implement the recommendations of the Commission. The threat of strike in 1949 and later in 1951 brought some adhoc relief. The threatened strike of 1949 had resulted in long term imprisonment of Com. O. P. Gupta, then General Secretary U P T W and other leading comrades all over the country. Com. Khushal Singh, Postmen, Com. Janak Gupta T. O. and a few others were dismissed in the year 1949.

Realignment and Formation of NFPTE
The question of the Realignment of all the existing P&T Unions was mooted as early as 1948 and was even discussed in a conference. Again in 1952 the issue came to the fore but agreement was not arrived at. In 1954 a scheme of Realignment was circulated to elicit opinion from all those concerned. The Govt. approved scheme for the realignment of Unions in full was released through a special circular by the then Director General, Posts and Telegraphs Shri. H. L. Jerath (No. SPA- 351/20/47 dt. 2nd July, 1954)
                The scheme envisaged nine All India Unions (for the Class - IV and allied cadres - 4 for the class III and allied cadre-4, one for the Class III and Class IV cadres). The unions will be formed section wise i.e. Postal, RMS Engineering and Traffic (two in each one for Class III and another for Class IV) and in the Administrative Offices the service Association will represent both the Class III and Class IV cadre. The nine unions will be federated as a body. These are the technical aspects.
                The welcome feature was the right of sole representation of the P&T employees was vested with the Federation of these nine Unions. The special features are the nine unions will be compulsorily affiliated to the Federation and the Federation has also no right to expel its affiliates. The All India Unions will however, be autonomous so far as the questions relating only to its members are concerned. The All India Unions will also be separately recognized by the Government. The membership enrolment be through the respective All India Unions only.
                After the coming into being of the Federation those unions/Associations which do not join the scheme of Realignment and opt for retaining their distinct recognition as a different body will not have the right to enroll any new members. They will be permitted to retain their original membership.
                This scheme was accepted by the Unions of P&T Workers, All India P.M. & L.G. Staff Union, All India Postal & RMS Union, Telegraph Workmen's Union, Telegraph & Telephone Engineering Union and Telegraph Line Staff Union,
                The Union which accepted the scheme established the All India Ad-hoc Committee of the respective unions (9) and issued instructions in September 1954 for implementing the scheme. The time schedule for holding the All India Conferences in 7-10 November, 1954 at Delhi was also drawn up. The joint session of the Nine All India unions were held at Vinaynagar New Delhi at 6 PM on Sunday the 24th November 1954. The nine All India conferences held their open sessions on the 22nd November, 1954 and continued up to 24th November 1954. The Federal Councilors of the nine All Indian Unions (realigned) who met at 4.30 P.M. on 24th November. 1954 adopted a resolution which stated inter alia that the National Federation of P&T Employees is established on this day the 24th November, 1954.
                The elections were held in the most democratic manner. Contests did take place for the important posts including that of the Secretary General. Decision on crucial issues were taken at different levels and stages by the representatives and in appropriate forums.
                Since 1954 the NFPTE has chequered history and a glorious record of services to the membership and the Central Government Employees movement.

1957 Strike Call Led To Setting Up of Second Pay Commission
The economic conditions drifted from bad to worst and the inflation has hit the employees worse.  The NFPTE therefore demanded for setting up of a Second Pay Commission and immediate grant of interim Relief and served strike notice in August 1957. The other organizations of Central Government employees under the aegis of Confederation of Central Government Employees and workers also gave the strike notices. This has resulted the Government in announcement of appointment of 2nd Pay Commission.

July 1960 Strike
The report of the Second Pay Commission caused deep disappointment and resentment amongst the employees. The norms of D.A. were slashed. Need based minimum wage as per the norms of 15th I.L.C. was denied on the plea of flexibility pay scales. The employees were depressed due to incremental rates which were either not improved or in some cases reduced. These retrograde recommendations of Second Pay Commission led to 5 days strike in Central Government Employees from 12th July 1960 spearheaded by NFPTE. The Government let loose a reign of terror and adopted severe repressive measures. Thousands of workers all over the country were arrested, suspended, removed from service and faced trials in the courts of law. 17780 P&T employees were arrested and  put behind the bar. NFPTE was derecognized, which was subsequently restored in 1962. But in spite of de-recognition, NFPTE continued to function and all the disabilities of 1960 strike were got nullified and none amongst the rank of NFPTE remained out of job.

Appointment of Das Body & Gajendragadkar Commission on D.A. Issue
The employees were unable to accept the dying wage. The D.A. issue remained the main focal point of dispute. The Chinese aggression in 1962 and Pakistan aggression in 1965 delayed the settlement of the genuine issues of Government employees. However Government has appointed Das Body for consideration of D.A. in 1964. It had recommended to grant additional D.A. and also to revise the D.A. formula but the Government rejected its recommendations. The Government through mass pressure was again compelled to appoint another commission headed by justice P. B. Gajendragadkar in 1967. This commission as well as National Commission on labour recommended the appointment of 3rd pay commission. But this was not done.

Introduction of the Scheme of Joint Consultative Machinery and compulsory arbitration scheme
The 1960 glorious strike although failed but it forced the Government to concede many demands bit by bit later on. The Government in its anxiety to avert such catastrophe conceived the scheme of Joint Consultation and Arbitration Scheme in 1963. The scheme was finally accepted by the recognized unions in the year 1966 after seeking improvements in the scheme. The important feature got introduced in the scheme was that no new union in any department would be recognized where a union representing all the categories of staff broadly and adequately existed.

1968 Strike
Under the leadership of NFPTE, the P & T workers acquired lot of gains and settled many of their long standing demands. The maximum settlement was reached in the year 1967. In 1968, the Staff side National Council of JCM raised the demand for need based minimum wage according to 15th I.L.C. norms. The Government refused to settle it and therefore a disagreement was signed. The Government thereafter refused to refer the demand to Board of Arbitration under the Scheme. This compelled the Central Government Employees to go on one day token strike on 19.09.68. In P & T, the strike was massive and very wide spread. The Government has adopted the same repressive measures, like mass scale arrests, termination, suspension and de-recognition of Unions. There was human loss of strikers who had been shot by the police. Several leaders were arrested and put behind the bar. There was heavy victimizations throughout the nation. The NFPTE was derecognized immediately. The NFPTE could be recognized again in 1970 only through court order.

Formation of Rival Unions
In the wake of one day token strike and de-recognition of NFPTE w.e.f. 21.09.68, the P & T Department gave recognition to a rival federation on paper without membership throwing overboard all the norms of recognition of unions and unilaterally breaking the realignment scheme. The FNPO was formed and extended all patronage by the ruling Congress Government then.
                Most of the disgruntled elements joined the rival unions. Lately the Janata Government has given recognition to a third Federation based on political consideration against the avowed principle of one union in one Industry as outlined in the manifesto of Janata Party. Thus the Bhartiya Postal Federation was formed on 17.11.78.

Historic & Glorious Strike of P4 - 19.09.1984
The P4 Union under the leadership of Com. Adinarayana had called upon one day token strike on 19.09.1994 exclusively for the ED demands. Even though the strike was a great and historic success, the non participation of other wings under NFPTE and the role of the Federation has raised several debates aftermath of the strike. However, this strike has revived the strength of the movement and cut the ice in the long silence of strike action since 1968 in the P&T movement.

Bifurcation of P&T and Formation of NFPE
The bifurcation of the P&T Department took place on 1.1.1985. Resultantly, there was no alternative except to bifurcate the NFPTE also and accordingly by in the 18th Federal council of NFPTE held at Kolkata from 17.03.86 to 21.03.86, the separate federation for Postal  Unions was formed under the name of 'National Federation of Postal Employees’. Com. N. J. Iyer, Com. K. L. Moza and Com. Des Raj Sharma were duly elected as the first President. Secretary General, and Treasurer respectively for the newly formed 'NFPE. Com. Adinarayana was elected as Deputy Secretary General of the Federation.
                Even though an arrangement to continue the NFPTE as the coordinating body for Postal & Telecom was decided in the council, it was not implemented whole heartedly after the bifurcation. NFPE is nothing but the replica of NFPTE.

First Attack on RMS
During the period between 1982-85, Sorting work in running trains in Railway Mail Service in about 285 sections all over India was abolished. This has rendered surplus of nearly 4500 posts of sorting Assistants and about 3000 van peons (Group D). Night sets have been abolished at many places.
                Jabalpur conference of R3 union decided to organize one day token strike which took place on 06.06.1985 for the exclusive demands of R3.

Participation of mass movement
Dharwar Federal Council held in 1992 has resolved to join all the workers movement of the nation whenever the mass platform organization called upon for direct action. Since then, the NFPE is involving its all cadres for all such programmes.

Local Struggles
The NFPTE & NFPE being the mass movement have already encouraged the local struggles and extended its support to the local agitations. Few examples of local struggles are furnished just for information.

1. 5000 Postmen of Bombay city struck work from 01.06.92 to protest against the combination of beats and curtailment of deliveries. NFPE intervened on 04.06.92. The Chief PMG was forced to sit with the Circle union leaders and agreement was signed to keep all the orders under abeyance and there was no victimization for the participation of the strike.

2. The Postmen of Chandigarh and Ludhiana conducted total strike from 01.06.92 to 07.06.92 to protest against the curtailment of deliveries and combination of beats. The strike was called off on 07.06.02 after holding a special meeting with the circle union leaders where all the orders were kept under abeyance and there was no victimization.

3. Glorious Strike of Kerala: Against abolition of Mail offices and change in the pattern of sorting in the shape of outward and inward, the RMS employees of Kerala Circle started strike from 08.06.92. the Strike started from Changanacherry which was spread to the entire circle including post offices. The entire state was paralyzed. The authorities efforts to shift the RMS work to Post offices was effectively resisted and defeated. The strike was called off on 18.06.92 after an agreement with Circle union leaders was reached.

4. Against abolition of 56 posts of Postmen & their redeployment, New Delhi GPO & New Delhi Central Division have served strike notice on 07.11.94 and complained to Regional Labour Commissioner. Other division had also served strike notice on 26.11.94.

5. North East Region: - The officials working in Telecom & 34 others Departments of C. G. were drawing the special Duty Allowance and only in the postal it was denied. The Department of Posts appealed against the CAT, Guwahati decision allowing SDA to all C. G. Employees working in the region and obtained a stay order. In case of other Departments, either stay was not granted or the Departments did not appeal. This has resulted a total strike from 02.06.91 to 08.06.91 in the region.
                The Federations advised the Circle unions of North East regions to suspend the agitation in view of the general elections and make it as one of the demand in the proposed All India Strike to be held from 15.07.01. Accordingly, the circle unions called off the strike on 09.06.91.
                Thereafter, as there was no improvement in the demand, the Circle unions of Assam & North East Region went on Strike for 38 days from 15.11.91 to 22.12.91. This was called off on 22.12.91 after reaching the agreement on the following.
(i)            No victimization
(ii)           Pay advance to all & will be adjusted in three monthly installments
(iii)          Strike period will be adjusted against EL.
                The Government assured that the issue will be resolved at the earliest. Hon'ble Supreme Court delivered its judgment on 20.09.94 setting aside the judgment of the Guwahati of Cuttack CAT. Two sitting judges Hon Kuldeep Singh & V. D. L. H. while setting aside the judgment however granted no recovery from the officials who have been paid the SDA. This causes another kind of discrimination between Postal & Telecom in the same Ministry.
                The comrades of Assam & NE again went on one day token strike again on 19.02.95 and there was heavy victimization. Several Rule 37 transfers were ordered. Leaders were punished on flimsy reasons.
                However the issue was settled only after the implementation of Sixth CPC. Our CHQ had a role in demanding SDA to Postal Employees of the region through our memorandum and also in oral evidence.

6. Tamilnadu: - While the Government has caused orders to treat the Bonus strike period as eligible leave to regular employees, the ED employees were denied and depressed. The P3 circle union of Tamilnadu Circle in order to register protest over the arbitrary treatment to EDAS has conducted one day to the strike on 30.04.1995 which was a total success in the circle.
                There were many such local struggles conducted by the circles/divisions. However, the particulars of these actions are not available on records. If the circle secretaries/divisional Secretaries consolidate the particulars of local struggles conducted in their area, its achievements and victimization etc. the CHQ will compile all these items and publish in the Bhartiya Post or publish a separate book on local struggles. Opinions/suggestions among the participants of the workshop is also invited.

December 1993 Strike
On 18.09.83, the union cabinet has agreed for appointment of 5th CPC as a consequence of negotiation held in the wake of C. G. Employees from decision for General Strike which was scheduled to commence from 12.10.93. 5th CPC was appointed on 09.04.94 with Chairman Justice S. R. Pandian, member Prof. Suresh Tendulkar and Member Secretary, M. K. Khan. NFPTE directed the Staff Side Secretary National council (JCM) to include the demand of formation of independent ED Committee & scrapping of New Recognition Rules. Justice Talwar Committee on EDAs was appointed on 31.03.95 due to the Four days strike the Postal JCA launced from 07.12.93 to 10.12.93.

New Recognition Rules 1993
The revised Recognition rules were notified by Government vide Mo 2/10/80-JCA (Vol. IV) dt. 05.11.93. NFPE protested the rules since Federations & GDS are not covered by this rules. Filed a case in Delhi High Court. The Court dismissed the petition. During the first verification held in 1995, NFPE boycotted. However no union could be recognized as no one had secured 35% in that verification. However, NFPE has made to participate the verification held in 1997 after the formation of separate set of rules for GDS as 'EDA (RS) Rules 1995 for the verification of membership.

Achievements & Gains
The significant achievement of NFPTE is the agreement reached in 1974 with the P&T Board on 20% promotional avenue for the P & T workers. It has been successful in getting 16 holidays plus two restricted holidays for the P & T operative staff. The Bonus strike has compelled the Government to grant bonus to postal employees at par with Railway. The Two promotions (TBOP & BCR) was its achievement where no such provision of automatic promotion was available in any other Central Government Departments.

NFPE is still the premier organization of Postal workers even in the midst and emergence of rival federation and unions. It has today having 70% and more membership of Postal employees. It is an independent organization and not affiliated to any Central Trade Union or organization. It comprises of all shades of opinions.
                There has been an unfortunate period of serious infighting for some years. But despite this and the serious attack on it by the Government during the black days of emergency, when the duly elected office bearers were not recognized, journals were burnt, leaders were arrested and put behind the bars and unleashed all forms of repressive measures to crush the organization, the NFPTE (NFPE) has survived and emerged more united and stronger.
                Thus, the NFPE with its glorious history and tradition has committed and determined to serve the Postal Workers to improve their economic and service conditions and continue to serve as the vanguard of the Central Government employees movement as a whole.
                The innate faith of the P&T works to the NFPTE/NFPE and their loyalty to the organization cuts across all kinds of barriers primarily because the links and communion between the rank and file and the Central Leadership is continuous true and real.
                The Postal workers by their own experience and wisdom thus acquired have identified and accepted the NFPE as the only organization which can spearhead the struggle body at the Centre. Its message and mandate are honoured by nearly five lakh employees who constitute the NFPE.

The NFPE is a movement and no power can halt this force on its onward March.
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