Friday, January 17, 2014

Collection of Electricity Bill for WESCO, SOUTHCO and NESCO of Odisha Ltd. under e-payment service

Dear Comrades,

Department of Posts, India,
Office of the Chief Postmaster General,
Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001

No. BD/8-49/2009                          Dated at Bhubaneswar the 16.01.2014

All SSPOs/SPOs in Odisha Circle.

Sub: Collection of Electricity Bill for WESCO. SOUTHCO and NESCO of Odisha Ltd. under e-payment service :- Regarding

     The Odisha Postal Circle has made an agreement with WESCO, SOUTHCO and NESCO of Odisha Ltd. for collection of Electricity Bills through Post Offices of Odisha Postal Circle, under e-payment.

The Sambalpur HO will be the Nodal Office and Postmaster Sambalpur HO is the Nodal Officer (0663-2410965) for the WESCO of Odisha Ltd.. The WESCO of Odisha Ltd has been configured as a Biller by Odisha Postal Circle under Biller Name, “WESCO-EBC” and Biller ID ‘3519’. 

The Berhampur (GM) HO will be the Nodal Office and Sr.Postmaster Berhampur HO is the Nodal Officer (0680-2222884) for the SOUTHCO of Odisha Ltd.. The SOUTHCO of Odisha Ltd has been configured as a Biller by Odisha Postal Circle under Biller Name, “SOUTHCO-EBC” and Biller ID ‘3517’. 

The Balasore HO will be the Nodal Office and Postmaster Balasore HO is the Nodal Officer (06782-262310) for the NESCO of Odisha Ltd.. The NESCO of Odisha Ltd. has been configured as a Biller by Odisha Postal Circle under Biller Name, “NESCO -EBC” and Biller ID ‘3520’. 

The operating and accounting procedure for the WESCO, SOUTHCO and NESCO of Odisha Ltd to be followed for the scheme are enclosed herewith and sent by e-mail.

The electricity Bills are to be collected from the consumers through the PO counters and transaction will be started from 26.01.2014 and onwards. However,   WESCO. SOUTHCO and NESCO of Odisha    Ltd.  will   commence trial transaction w.e.f. 20.01.2014.

Hence, it is requested to kindly issue suitable necessary instruction to all Post Offices (HOs/MDGs/SO/BOs) under your jurisdiction immediately for being prepared. Further, it may kindly be ensured that the electricity Bill collection is booked under the correct Biller and the daily transaction data is uploaded to the Central Server every day without fail.

Encl:- As above
Asst. Director (BD&Mktg)
O/o the Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001

Copy for information and necessary action to:-
     1.      The Postmaster General, Sambalpur/Berhampur(GM) Region.
    2.      The Managing Director, WESCO. SOUTHCO  and NESCO of Odisha    Ltd. N1/22, IRC Village, Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar-15. It is requested to supply Electricity Bill collection receipts (Triplicate) to the concerned Supdt. PSD.
    3.      The Supdt. PSD Bhubaneswar/Sambalpur. It is requested to supply Electricity Bill collection receipts(Triplicate) to the HOs of Identified Districts on receipt from concerned Electricity Companies.
     4.      The DA(P), Cuttack-4
     5.      The Asst.Director(TO), Circle Office, Bhubaneswar-1
  6.      The Sr.Postmaster/ Postmaster, Berhampur HO/Sambalpur HO/Balasore HO.
     7.      Office copy
Asst. Director (BD&Mktg)
O/o the Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001
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