Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Conducting of Aptitude Test for grant of SB Allowance to Postal Assistants working in SB/SC branches of Post Offices on 21.08.2016

Dear Comrades,
Department of Posts, India,
Office of the Chief Postmaster General,
Odisha Circle,Bhubaneswar- 751001
RE/30-9/2016  Dated 05.07.2016
The P.M.G. Sambalpur/Berhampur(GM) Region
All SSPOS/SPOs in Odisha Circle
The Supdt. PSD/CSD Bhubaneswar
The Supdt PSD Sambalpur. 

Sub: Conducting of Aptitude Test for grant of SB Allowance to Postal Assistants working in SB/SC branches of Post Offices on 21.08.2016.

            It has been decided to hold Aptitude Test for grant of SB allowance to Postal Assistants working in SB/SC branches of the Post Offices on dated 21.08.2016 (Sunday). The Test will be held as per SB Order No.16/2011 circulated vide Directorate letter No.113-07/2010-SB dated 23.08.2011.

1. Eligibility criteria:  All Postal Assistants who have completed one year’s service as on 30.06.2016 shall be eligible for appearing the Test.

2.  Syllabus of Test: syllabus of the Test as given inSB Order No. 16/2011 is given in Annexure-I.

3. Schedule of Test:  The schedule of Test is furnished below:

Date of Test
Paper No
10.00 A.M. to 12.00 A.M.

4. As per Directorate letter No. 7-14/2011-SPB-II dated 09.03.2011 the Divisional/Unit Heads will ensure & certify the following before recommending the application of the official for appearing in the Test.

i)          No disciplinary action is pending or contemplated against the official.
ii)         No punishment is current against the applicant.
iii)        No adverse entry in the APAR/ACR in the last one /five year.
            Candidates having any of the above infirmities may be recommended on provisional basis by forwarding all such application as per guidelines contained in Directorate letter No. A-34020/08/2015 dated 10.12.2015 & circulated vide C.O. letter NO. RE/30-12/86(Rlg) dated 17.12.2015.

5.       Venues for conducting the Test:  The Test will be conducted at 03 Centers of the Circle, namely, Bhubaneswar, Berhampur (GM) ,Sambalpur.Therefore, the applicant should state his choice of Center in the Application Form.
6.       Schedule of activities of the Test are as under:

i)          Last date for receipt of application in plain paper (proforma attached) at concerned Divisional Office/Unit from applicants:  22.07.2016
                       ii) Last date for submission of eligible applications along with Proforma Report     (enclosed) duly filled in at Circle Office from Divisions/Units:  29.07.2016

7.       Divisions/Units are requested to circulate this notification among all concerned immediately and start with the activity as per the notified schedule. The applicants may be advised to submit two copies of their recent passport size photographs (one pasted in the space provided on the application form and another stappled).

            This issues with the approval of competent authority.

Encl:  As above.

Asst. Director (Rectt)
For CPMG, Odisha Circle,
Bhubaneswar - 751 001

Copy to:
The Sr. Postmaster Bhubaneswar GPO/Cuttack GPO/Berhampur (GM) H.O./Sambalpur H.O. for information & necessary action.

Asst. Director (Rectt)
For CPMG, Odisha Circle,
Bhubaneswar - 751 001

Space for Photographs

Name & designation of the applicant

Office of working

Date of entry into Postal Assistant cadre on regular basis

Period of regular service rendered in PA cadre as on 30.06.2016

Centre at which he/she desires to appear the Test)

                  I hereby declare that information furnished above are correct to the best of my knowledge & belief.


Signature of Applicant
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