Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Circle Union protests the proposed reorganization of Postal Divisions in Odisha Circle

No. P3NFPE – Odisha / 03 – 05 / 2017
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 3rd May, 2017
Dr. Santosh Ku. Kamila, IPoS
Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle
Bhubaneswar – 751 001

Sub : Re-organization of Postal Divisions in Odisha Circle - Regarding.

Respected Sir,
It has come to the notice of this Circle Union that a proposal is under consideration by Circle administration for reorganization of Postal Divisions in Odisha.

We welcome this step of the Circle administration for creation of two more Divisions since after re-organization of districts in Odisha from 13 to 30 during 1993, no re-organization of postal divisions has yet been carried out for last 24 years.  

But we do regret that while such a historic decision involving staff interest is going to be taken with reshuffling of large number of staff members / post offices from one area to other, the Staff Side has been ignored in the proposed review committees.

Further, we observe the following deficiencies in the proposal and register our strong protest.

1.    A similar proposal was earlier initiated few years back to bifurcate Jahrsuguda district from Samablpur Division  which was protested and the proposal was dropped since Jharsuguda is nearer to Sambalpur, rather than Sundergarh.

2.    As proposed, Aska Division is going to lose its identity due to proposed reorganization of  Berhampur division. In this context, we would like to intimate that during reorganization of 13 districts of Odisha to 30, the original districts had not lost their identities. While we welcome creation of more Divisions, we strongly oppose abolition of Aska or any other Division during the proposed reorganization.

3.    While two Divisions in the name of Rourkela City and Raygada have been proposed to be created, merger of Aska Division with Berhampur will actually increase the Division strength in Odisha to one only.

4.    If entire Khurda District is merged with Bhubaneswar Division as proposed, the employees of Balugaon, Chilika, Parikuda etc will definitely suffer. Similar will be the fate of the employees of Bhubaneswar Division if entire Puri District along with Nayagarh forms Puri Division since Pipli, Rench and Nimapara area etc. are nearer to Bhubaneswar.

Here, we would like to recall the discussions made with us by the Shri B V Sudhakar, Ex-Secretary (Posts) on 03.03.2017 during his visit to Odisha. While discussing the local issues including issues arising out of Cadre Restructuring in the kind presence of the Chief PMG, Odisha Circle and DPS (HQ Region, Bhubaneswar), Shri B V Sudhakar Sir had suggested that for every important decision involving staff interests that will be taken by the Circle administration, the Staff Side should always be taken into confidence with their suggestion.
But we witness strong avoidance to the Staff Side in the instant case.

Therefore, while we strongly protest this unilateral activity of the administration, we would like to request you to arrange involvement of all the Circle Secretaries and respective Divisional Secretaries in the proposed committees for a meaningful discussion before any decision is taken in this regard.

            Awaiting your kind response, Sir.

With regards.
Yours faithfully,

Circle Secretary

Copy to for information and necessary action:

1.    The General Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ, Dada Ghosh Bhawan, Plot No. - 2251/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi-110 008.
2.    The Secretary General, NFPE, North Avenue P O Building, New Delhi-110 008
3.    All  Divisional Secretaries and Circle Union Office bearers
4.    Chairman / Convener, NFPE Odisha State Coordination Committee.
5.    All Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions, Odisha Circle
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