Monday, November 19, 2018


Dear Comrades,


1. Implement all positive recommendation of Sri  Kamlesh Chandra Committee report and grant Civil servant Status to GDS.
2. Fill up all Vacant Posts is all cadres of Deptt of Post i.e P.A/S.A, Postmen, Mail Guard , MTS, GDS, Postal Acctts, P.A  Admn Offices, P.A SBCO & Civil Wing etc and separate identity of all cadres within a time frame.
3. Settle all the problems arisen out of implementation of C.S.I & R.I.C.T.
4. Withdraw NPS and Guarantee minimum pension 50% of last pay drawn.
5. Membership verification of G.D.S and declaration of result of regular employees membership verification conducted in 2015.
6. Implementation of orders of   payment of  revised wages and arrears to the casual , Part time, Contingent employees & daily rated mazdoors as per 6th  7th CPC and Regularize Services of  casual Labourers.
7. Implement Cadre Restructuring for left out categories i.e RMS, MMS, Postman/MTS, PACO,  PASBCO,  Postal Acctts, Postmaster Cadre and Civil Wing etc.
8. Stop Privatization,  Corporatization and out sourcing in Postal Services.
9. Very Good Bench Mark should be implemented after issue of orders i.e from 25.7.2016 .
10.          Implement 5 days week in Postal and RMS
11.          Consider the suggestions by RMS JCA regarding PNOP & CSI.
12.          Enhancement of higher payscales to those categories whose minimum qualification has been enhanced e.g Postmen, Mail guard.
13.          Grant of pension to the promoted GDS based on Supreme Court Judgement in SLP No (C) 13042/2014
14.          Withdraw orders of enhancement of cash conyance limit without security.
15.           Implement all High Court and Supreme Court decision in C/W MACP, RTP and others.
16.          Cash less facility treatment under CGHS  and allotment of adequate fund under head MR & T. A
17.          Retention of Civil wing is the Deptt of Post.
18.          Holding of Deptt Council Meetings and periodical meetings at all level.
19.          Stop Trade Union victimization and in the name of unscientific targets.

20.           Provide 40 percent SCF quota promotion in AAO cadre and amend RR incorporating the modifications demanded by AIPAEA.

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