DOP vide the below order has released DA ORDER for GDS w.e.f. 1.7.2010.
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Revised Duties of Multi Tasking staff Group-C
Dear Comrades,
DOP vide the following order has decided to adopt a common designation for the erstwhile Group-D and they will be henceforth be designated as 'Multi-Tasking Staff' Group-C.
Launching of Aadhaar - Unique Identification Number to all Citizens of India
Dear Comrades,
Universality, which is ensured because Aadhaar will over time be recognised and accepted across the country and across all service providers.
Every resident's entitlement to the number.
The number will consequently form the basic, universal identity infrastructure over which Registrars and Agencies across the country can build their identity-based applications.
Unique Identification of India (UIDAI) will build partnerships with various Registrars across the country to enrol residents for the number. Such Registrars may include state governments, state Public Sector Units (PSUs), banks, telecom companies, etc. These Registrars may in turn partner with enrolling agencies to enrol residents into Aadhaar.
An individual who is a resident in India and satisfies the verification process laid down by the UIDAI can get an Aadhaar.
The process to get an Aadhaar will be circulated by the local media upon which residents need to go to the nearest Enrolment Camp to register for an Aadhaar. The resident primarily needs to carry certain documents which will be specified in the media advertisement.
Upon registering for Aadhaar, residents will go through a biometric scanning of ten fingerprints and iris. They will then be photographed and given an enrolment number upon completion. Depending on the enrolment agency, residents will be issued an Aadhaar number within 20 to 30 days.
The world's first ID project where biometric data is used to provide unique identification numbers for India's billion-plus citizens rolled out with PM Manmohan Singh and UPA chief Sonia Gandhi handing over the first set of 12-digit numbers to 10 tribals.
The country's most tech savvy initiative called 'Aadhaar' (base) to provide the unique ID cards was hailed by Singh and Gandhi at the launch function as a "historic step" to provide identity to every Indian citizen and make delivery processes transparent. Biometric-based data including from fingerprints and an iris scan is being used for the first time anywhere in the world to provide a cost-effective nationally valid and verifiable single source of identity proof through an authentification infrastructure.
He said the issuing of unique identity cards is a beginning of a big effort for the welfare of the common man. The 'Aadhaar' number will be for lifetime and can be used anywhere in the country, the Prime Minister said, adding the project will help in National Integration.
Aadhaar is a 12-digit unique number which the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) will issue for all residents. The number will be stored in a centralised database and linked to the basic demographics and biometric information – photograph, ten fingerprints and iris – of each individual. The details of the data fields and verification procedures are available here.
Aadhaar will be:
Easily verifiable in an online, cost-effective way. Unique and robust enough to eliminate the large number of duplicate and fake identities in government and private databases. A random number generated, devoid of any classification based on caste, creed, religion and geography.
Aadhaar-based identification will have two unique features:
Universality, which is ensured because Aadhaar will over time be recognised and accepted across the country and across all service providers.
Every resident's entitlement to the number.
The number will consequently form the basic, universal identity infrastructure over which Registrars and Agencies across the country can build their identity-based applications.
Unique Identification of India (UIDAI) will build partnerships with various Registrars across the country to enrol residents for the number. Such Registrars may include state governments, state Public Sector Units (PSUs), banks, telecom companies, etc. These Registrars may in turn partner with enrolling agencies to enrol residents into Aadhaar.
An individual who is a resident in India and satisfies the verification process laid down by the UIDAI can get an Aadhaar.
The process to get an Aadhaar will be circulated by the local media upon which residents need to go to the nearest Enrolment Camp to register for an Aadhaar. The resident primarily needs to carry certain documents which will be specified in the media advertisement.
Upon registering for Aadhaar, residents will go through a biometric scanning of ten fingerprints and iris. They will then be photographed and given an enrolment number upon completion. Depending on the enrolment agency, residents will be issued an Aadhaar number within 20 to 30 days.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Noticiable Improvements for the benefit of employees initiated by DOP during last two months - Effort of NFPE (AIPEU)
Dear Comrades,
As per NFPE CHQ report, the following developments have been taken place since the deferment of proposed indefinite strike dated 13.07.2010. Employees - specific issues are now getting due attention from Secretary, Department of Posts. Also CHQ has assured our full cooperation in improving the efficiency and productivity of the Department of Posts.
All the DPS Head Quarters of all Circles were summoned to Directorate regarding filling up of vacant posts and more than 16,000 PA/SA Posts have been notified for direct recruitment in all the circles. About 20% of the total approved posts which were kept vacant under residual vacancies etc. are being filled up resulting a sign of relief to the toiling Group 'C' cadres.
All the circles have been ordered to fill up all the Postmen vacancies and examinations have been notified for the selection to be held in the month of October/November 2010.
Revised Recruitment Rules for Multi tasked staff (MTs) is under the finalizastion stage. Eligible GDS without insisting matriculation Qualification will be promoted to the vacant posts shortly.
The GDS Annuity Pension scheme in lieu of severance amount has been notified and it will be effective from 1-1-2011.
Secretary has assured that there will be no closure of post offices, RMS offices and declared that there is no policy decision to outsource the services or privatize the postal services.
A Committee has been constituted for discussion on cadre restructuring proposals and it will finalize its proposal before November 2010. All Postmen and other staff are also being brought under the consideration of the said committee. General Secretaries P-3 and R-3 are representatives of NFPE in the cadre restructuring committee.
Formation of separate cadre as System Asst. and the problems of the existing systems administrators will be addressed in the Cadre Restructuring committee.
A separate committee has been constituted for discussion of Postmen related issues. General Secretary P4 is the member of the committee from the staff side.
The Department directed to constitute a Scrutiny committee at divisional level for scrutinizing the confidential reports of Postmen, Postal Assistants and Sorting Assistants for the preceding 5 years and to consider the possibility of providing one time chance to promote these who were not granted MACP due to application of bench mark.
The two years old issue demanding Grade Pay of Rs.1900 & 2000/- on TBOP, BCR respectively to the erstwhile Group 'D' cadre has now settled by an order on 1-9-2010.
The demand of no recovery for the past cases of stepping up of pay in TBOP/BCR has been accepted and clarificatory orders were issued.
Honorarium for drawal of TRCA arrears to GDS has been finalised and orders were communicated on 26-08-2010. Orders regarding departmental employees already issued.
The deduction of staff to the extent of 20% and 6% in supervisory & operative cadres respectively for TBOP & BCR has been withdrawn.
A meeting was held on 15-07-2010 with staff side for discussion about mail net work optimizastion programme. Secretary assured that further discussion will be held.
Non drawal of HRA to the officials deputed upto 90 days and suspension of quarters beyond 90 days have been clarified properly by the department.
The RTP service rendered at APS has been taken as qualifying service for promotion. Our request to extend the same to all RTP candidates has been assured for consideration by conducting a separate meeting.
Clarifications sought for the entitlement of hostel subsidy and eligibility of all items related to education had been issued by the department.
Clarifications on fixation of pay on promotion after 1-1-2006 had been issued by the department on 06-08-2010.
Clarifications that 'Average grading need not disqualify an official from BCR promotion had been issued based on our demand.
Orders have been issued that the erstwhile Group 'D' official shall continue to serve in the existing cadres. The Department further agreed to remove the condition of computer knowledge to MTS.
Department has caused orders for stepping up of pay of senior direct recruit official with that of junior direct recruit officials.
On attaining MACP with grade pay of Rs.4,200/- has been brought under Pay Band 2, which will avert stagnation and ensure higher status and 50% Minimum pension in Pay Band-II. Our argument that Grade Pay and Pay Brand are inseperable has been favourably clarified.
MACP made applicable to MMS employees and Artisans Higher Grade Pay issue has been settled.
Pension Scam in Chennai - 11 Postmen Suspended
Dear Comrades,
In the recent scam unearthed by CBI in Chennai over charges of deducting Rs.20 as 'commisison' from the Old Age Pensioners by the Postmen has brought further developments.
CHENNAI, September 25, 2010
Eleven postmen arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation recently on charges of deducting Rs.20 as ‘commission' from the Old Age Pension (OAP) amount of Rs.400 have been placed under suspension.
According to sources in the agency, an enquiry is on to verify the genuineness of persons who took the OAP through the Postal Department. The Anti Corruption Branch of the CBI conducted surprise checks in K.K. Nagar, Ashok Nagar and West Mambalam Post Offices and found irregularities in the disbursement of OAP.
Source: The Hindu
Orders on Revision of Split Duty Allowance to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ staff in Operative Office
Dear Comrades,
Chief Postmaster General
Postmaster General
General Managers (Training)
Director of Accounts (Posts)
DOP vide below order has revised Spilt Duty Allowance to Group-C and Group-D staff in Operative Offices.
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
Department of Posts
(Establishment Division)
Dak Bhawan, Parliament Street
New Delhi – 110001
Dated – 13.09.2010
Chief Postmaster General
Postmaster General
General Managers (Training)
Director of Accounts (Posts)
Sub: Revision of Split Duty Allowance to Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ staff in Operative Office.
I am directed to refer the order letter of even no. dated 19.02.2009.
2. The sanction of the Competent Authority was communicated for payment of Split Duty Allowance of 150 per month to the Group C and Group D employees of Department of Posts from 01.07.2005 to 30.06.2008 and for a further period from 01.07.2008 to 30.06.2011 subject to fulfillment of terms and conditions specified herewith.
3. The Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance vide OM No. 9(11)/2008-E.II (B) dated 29.11.2008 in Part-I, section of EST MO. 88 has accepted the accommodation of 6th Central Pay Commission wherein the rates of allowance applied to different Ministries / Departments / Organisations not covered in the report of Pay Commission has been proposed to be doubled.
4. The issue regarding doubling of the Split Duty Allowance paid to Group C and Group D staff of Department of Posts was under permission of the Department for quite some time. The case was taken up with Department of Expenditure Ministry of Finance in consultation with integrated Finance wing for revision of split Duty Allowance to Group C and D of Department of Posts.
5. The Department of Expenditure Ministry of Finance vide their ID No. 9(37)/2010-E.II dated 27.08.2010 approved the proposal to the Department of Posts for revision of Split Duty Allowance to Group C and D Staff from existing Rs.50 to Rs.100 per month.
6. The above revision will take effect from 01.07.2008 and will be in force upto 30.06.2011. The payment of Split Duty allowance in subject to the fulfillment of terms of conditions as already laid down.
7. This issues in consideration with integrated Finance Wing vide their diary No. 200/FA/ 6/9/2010 dt. 6.9.2010
Yours faithfully,
(K. Rameshwer Rao)
Assistant Director General (Estt)
DoPT issues OM on disposal for RTI applications received by a Public Authority regarding information concerning other Public Authority
Dear Comrades,
DoPT vide the below order has issued a clarification regarding disposal of RTI applications received by a public authority regarding information concerning other public authority/authorities.
No.F. 10/2/2008-IR
Government of lndia
Government of lndia
Ministry of Personnel. PG and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated September 24,2010
Subject:- RTI applications received by a public authority regarding information concerning other public authority/authorities.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM of even number dated 12th June, 2008 on the above noted subject, clause (iii) of para 3 of which provides that if a person makes an application to the public authority for information, a part of which is available with that public authority and the rest of the information is scattered with more than one other public authorities, the Public lnformation Officer (PIO) of the public authority receiving the application should give information relating to it and advise the applicant to make separate applications to the concerned public authorities for obtaining information from them. It further provides that if no part of the information is available with the public authority receiving the application but scattered with more than one other public authorities, the PI0 should inform the applicant that information is not available with the public authority and that the applicant should make separate application to the concerned public authorities for obtaining information from them.
2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the Chief Information Commissioner, Central lnformation Commission and it has been decided to advise the PlOs that if the details of public authorities who may have this information sought by the applicant are available with the PIO, such details may also be provided to the applicant.
3. Contents of this OM may be brought to the notice of all concerned.
(K.G. Verma] Director Tel. 23092158
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Our Postmen could be the Brand Ambassador of India Post - Mrs Hilda Abraham, CPMG, Orissa Circle
Dear Comrades,
XIMB had done a detailed training need analysis of the postmen before developing the training module. The B-school has done training need analysis of selected front line officers of India Post, like, assistant superintendent of posts (ASPs), inspector of post (IP), and postmen. In first stage, XIMB did the Training Need Analysis of all the Assistant Supdt. Of Posts (ASPs) and Inspector of Post (IP) the middle level most crucial cadre of India Post.
Source: Economic TOI
BHUBNAESWAR: India Post is all set for a facelift. The Department of Posts (DoP), represented by the unassuming postman, will shortly add another role for him as Postal Business Correspondent.
The postmen will not be only responsible for the delivery of the mails/ money order as they have been doing traditionally. Instead, they will work as the business correspondents of the India Post. They will sell other services of India Post like, speed post, registered post, logistics post, electronic money order [EMO], postal life insurance, and rural postal life insurance, saving banks etc.
India Post has unveiled an ambitious plan to train its 55000 postmen as the business correspondents to take on the challenges of market and competitors, chief postmaster general Mrs Helida Abraham said here while inaugurating a five day “training of trainers” on Monday at the city-based B-school, Xavier Institute of Management (XIMB). Twenty five officers from different parts of the country are participating in training programme.
“XIMB will be training about 200 trainers of India Post to train the postmen. It is a gigantic task to train the all the postmen because of their huge number, diversity in their working languages, difficult working conditions, and more than 150 years of history of the department,” coordinator of the training programme and XIMB faculty, prof Niraj Kumar on Tuesday told “The ET”.
These trainers are being trained to train the postmen in skills in business etiquettes, customer relationship management, self initiatives and work planning. It is planned to convert postmen into a professional postal business correspondents by providing trainings in their business approach and also in their presentation skills.
“You should not be surprised if you find a smartly dressed postman delivering you a speed post with all professional business etiquette,” added Prof. Kumar.
In its bid to bridge the gap of about Rs 6000 crore in revenue generation and expenditure, Indian post is looking to tap the non-core business opportunity to enhance its revenue generation. “Our government has made a lot of capital investment in India Post, particularly in 11th plan, and now we need to take benefits of those investments. This is right time to grab the opportunity to give good competition to competing organization not only in our core business, mail delivery but also in other services which we are offering. Our postmen could be the brand ambassador of India Post" Mrs Abraham said.
“Entire country has been divided in to four regions and during the initial phase 50 officers from each region will be trained who will have responsibility of training of the postmen of given region. While selecting the potential trainers, India Post is ensuring that all the language and geographical conditions are adequately represented” informed Prof. Niraj Kumar.
XIMB had done a detailed training need analysis of the postmen before developing the training module. The B-school has done training need analysis of selected front line officers of India Post, like, assistant superintendent of posts (ASPs), inspector of post (IP), and postmen. In first stage, XIMB did the Training Need Analysis of all the Assistant Supdt. Of Posts (ASPs) and Inspector of Post (IP) the middle level most crucial cadre of India Post.
“We identified rural marketing and marketing communication skills, team building and leadership skills, selling techniques and target setting and creating and managing appropriate management information system as the major issues and accordingly trained more 250 officers from across the country”, Mr Kumar said.
In second stage, XIMB did the training need analysis of Postmen and decided to put the trained officers on the job to train the postmen as the postal business correspondents. As the postmen meet many customers personally, it will be easier for them to have one to one communication and to convince the customer.
“Postmen know customers and their requirements very well. In rural areas they are still part of the rural community and with such a huge network, postmen can play a crucial role to increase contacts with customers and increase business”, Mr Kumar added.
The union government has already earmarked Rs 1877.20 crore for the deployment of the information communication technology (ICT) network over a three year period covering 2010-13. The government is also mulling to give banking license to India Post. The postal department already works as a quasi bank, providing a host of savings products, postal life insurance, pension payments and money transfer services through its 1.55 lakh branches, more than any other bank.
Source: Economic TOI
Friday, September 24, 2010
Attention all GDS: Fill up and Submit forms to ASP/SDI(P)s in NREGS meeting to be held on 25 and 26.09.2010
Dear Comrades,
As per the information received from the Divisional Administration a meeting on NREGS will be conducted for each GDSBPM in all Sub-Divisional Headquarter of this Division on 25.09.2010 and 26.09.2010. TA/DA will also be payable to them.
The following ASPOs/SDI(P)s will conduct the meeting at the places mentioned against them.
Date: 25.09.2010 and 26.09.2010
Venue: Sub-Divisional Headquarter
ASPOs Hqr Umerkote Sub-Division
ASPOs O/D Malkangiri Sub-Division
ASPOs I/C Koraput Sub-Division
SDI(P), Gunupur Gunupur Sub-Division
SDI(P), Rayagada Rayagada Sub-Division
SDI(P), Jeypore Jeypore Sub-Division
SDI(P), Nabarangpur Nabarangpur Sub-Division
All GDS are requested to take the guidance of the ASPOs/SDI(P) concerned to fill up of their Option Forms and Application Forms and submit to them if possible to utilize the shortage of time and speed up the submission process.
Dear Comrades,
DOP has issued orders regarding recognition to eligible unions/associations in the Postal Department based on the re-verification process and results.
The P3, P4, R3, R4 and Postal Accounts Unions of NFPE have once again emerged as the biggest and first status unions.
GDS Union recognition is also expected to be released shortly.
Last Date of Receipt of Option and Application Form from GDS at Division Office is 30.09.2010
Dear Comrades,
Second Bulletin for the month of Sep, 2010 containing detail information regarding Service Discharge Benefit Scheme for GDS employees have been despatched to all concerned. Please arrange to collect it and go through the details
All GDS officials are requested to involve themselves to collect Option Form and Application Form from their concerned SOs. Fill up the form in Legible Handwriting in Blank Ink only. No Mistakes/Corrections/Overwritings should be made in the said forms. Every details in * marked field must be filled in. One recent colour passport size photograph may be pasted in the space provided therein. It should not be stapled/pinned. No signature should be done on the photograph. Your POSB account number and details should be mentioned in the form.
Option forms should reach Divisional Office through the SDI(P) concerned duly attested and verified on or before 30.09.2010. Forms received after this date will not be considered. Those who opt to include their name in the new scheme must expedite the process. All Group-C, Postmen and Group-D comrades are requested to make wide publicity of the matter and help the GDS officials of this Division for early submission of their forms.
Monthly Union Meeting Scheduled to be held on 29.09.2010
Dear Comrades,
The monthly union meeting for the month of September, 2010 is scheduled to be held on 29.09.2010 in the chamber of the SSPOs, Jeypore(K).
Com. Purna Chandra Maharana, Com. S D Patra and Com. Rajib Tripathy will represent Group-C.
Com. Nilambar Naik, Com. Narahari Naik and Com. Braja Bhatra will represent Postmen and Group-D.
Com. Rajendra Sahu, Com. Sada Siba Jena and Com. G Panigrahy will represent GDS.
All members are requested to send their grievances to their respective Divisional Secretaries well in advance so as to discuss on the said issue with the SSPOs on 29.09.2010.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Bulk SMS & MMS Messages Banned for Next 72 Hours
Dear Comrades,
Bulk SMS and MMS Messages Banned for Next 72 Hours
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology has today issued orders in consultation with the Ministry of Home Affairs to all Mobile Telecom Services Providers in the country for banning all bulk SMS and all bulk MMS Messages in all service areas with immediate effect for next 72 hours.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Ministry of Finance has released order for grant of Non-PLB for Autonomous Bodies
Dear Comrades,
Ministry of Finance has released order for Autonomous Bodies for payment non-PLB (ad-hoc bonus) bonus for the year 2010-2011.
Order released for payment of Adhoc Non-PLB Bonus
Dear Comrades,
Ministry of Finance has relased Non productivity linked Bonus (ad-hos Bonus) to Central Government Employees for theyear 2010-11 vide the below mentioned order.
Order released for payment of DA
Dear Comrades,
You may get the order by clicking the below link:-
Ministry of Finance vide No.1(6)/2010-E-II(B) dated 22.09.2010 has issued OM for payment of Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees - Revised Rates effective from 1.7.2010.
You may get the order by clicking the below link:-
Snaps of new PAs
Dear Comrades,
Introducing new PAs of our Division. We have initiated to bring each and every important event occuring in our Division alongwith taking innovative steps like to make the comrades of our Division know all new entrants of our Division. Your cooperation and suggestions are always welcome.
New Team of PAs with Com. Purna Chandra Maharana
Lingaraj Sahu Girija Prasad Dash
Suresh Kumar Pujari Santosh Kumar Nayak
Nilamadhab Nayak Basant Kumar Das
M Sunil Kumar Dora Rabindra Behera
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Joining of Six Trainees PAs for post-induction training at Divisional Office
Dear Comrades,
The following Trainees PAs after returning from induction training at PTC, Guwahati have joined at Divisional Office for post-induction training. They have been posted at the places mentioned against their name. We welcome them to our Postal Family and wish them all the best for a prosperous career in DOP.
Suresh Kumar Pujari Malkangiri MDG
Basant Kumar Das Malkangiri MDG
Santosh Kumar Nayak Borigumma SO
Girija Prasad Dash Jeypore(K) HO
Lingaraj Sahu Rayagada HO
Nilamadhab Nayak Kashipur SO
Grant of Permisison for Central Government Employees for treatment in any of the hospitals recognized by the State Govts./CGHS/CS(MA) Rules, 1944
Dear Comrades,
DOPs earlier order for granting of permission to all Central Government Employees for treatment in the Hospitals recognized by the State Govts./CGHS / CS (MA) Rule,s 1944 is reproduced hereunder for reference to all concerned.
Constituion of new committee by DOP to discuss issues related to Postmen

DOP vide this order has formed a separate committee to discuss all issues relating to Postmen.
Rate of monthly subscription and insurance cover under CGEGIS-80 for erstwhile Gr-D employees placed in PB-1, Grade Pay 1800 and classified as Group-C
Dear Comrades,
The Ministry of Finance has released instruction vide No.7(1)EV/2008 dated 10.09.2010 to deduct as per the rate of monthly subscription and insurance cover under CGEGIS-80 for erstwhile Gr-D employees placed in PB-1, Grade Pay 1800 and classified as Group-C. To get the order please click over the below link.
Postman : Now in news being part of major scam in the disbursement of OAP in Chennai
Dear Comrades,
Silicon India
21st Sep, 2010
The matter is reproduced hereunder as published in The Hindu.
Unauthorised commission from Old Age Pensioners (OAP) by 11 postmen in Chennai have come to light following a CBI enquiry at select post offices in the city.
The Central Bureau of Investigation on Monday unearthed a major scam in the disbursement of Old Age Pension (OAP) to senior citizens.
Besides irregularities in the payout, investigators found that a majority of postmen took Rs. 20 as unauthorised commission from the beneficiaries. After a surprise check, special teams of the Anti-Corruption Branch arrested eleven postmen, including a woman, agency sources said.
Following a specific input on corruption in the disbursement of OAP, CBI officials conducted the checks at the West Mambalam, K.K. Nagar and Ashok Nagar post offices on Monday. “We saw OAP beneficiaries standing in long queues at the post offices. Going by the rule, pension should be delivered at the doorstep in the presence of witnesses. The Revenue Department pays Money Order commission to the Postal Department,” a CBI official said.
He said the pension was disbursed without due verification. Signatures of witnesses were not obtained. The postmen gave Rs. 380, instead of Rs. 400, to the beneficiaries.
OAP is given to beneficiaries coming under five categories – old aged persons, physically handicapped destitutes, destitute widows, destitute agricultural labourers and deserted wives. It was raised from Rs. 200 to Rs. 400 a month in August 2006.
“It has been the practice of a majority of postmen to deduct Rs. 20 to Rs. 40 as commission from the beneficiaries. In Chennai district, there are about 2.36 lakh pensioners under the OAP scheme. The surprise check on Monday was confined to the disbursement of pension to 52,000 pensioners in three post offices,” the official said.
Asked whether the Post Master or other senior officials were aware of the irregularity, he said the matter was subject to further investigation.
“At this stage, we cannot rule out the involvement of other postal employees in the case. The money involved is huge…we suspect that the money would be to the tune of several lakhs per month in Chennai alone. Many pensioners have given statements that they were paid only Rs. 380 a month over a period of time.”
The arrested postmen belonged to the West Mambalam and K.K. Nagar post offices. An amount of Rs. 13,000, alleged to be unauthorised commission, was seized. Two cases have been registered against the accused under the provisions of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988, the sources added.
21st Sep, 2010
Tie-up of Neopost with Indiapost
Dear Comrades,
Sun, Sep 12 01:48 PM
Extract of PTI News in regard to Tie-up of Neopost with Indiapost for selling of Digital Franking Machine has been furnished below.
New Delhi, Sep 12 (PTI) Mailing and logistics solutions provider Neopost today said it has partnered with India Post to sell digital franking machines to mass-mailers in the country. Digital franking machines allows mass mailers, such as companies that send out a large number of mails, to pay for postage as and when they need it instead of having to paste stamps.
"Our partnership allows us to sell ''DigifrankPlus machines'' in the country to corporates and small and medium businesses, while the same machines will be contracted to government bodies through the Directorate General of Supplies and Disposals," Neopost India CEO Sanjeev Sharma told PTI. The machines will be priced upwards of Rs one lakh depending on the capacity of the machines, he added. The capacity of the machine starts from franking 1,200 mails an hour and goes up to 15,000 mails per hour.
"India Post, in December 2009, had granted approval to Neopost range of new digital franking machines using Remotely Managed Franking System (RMFS), Earlier Electronic Franking Machines were used and the deadline set for replacing such machines is June 30, 2013," Sharma said. RMFS allows the user to pay for the postage online.
"Earlier, the machines had to be taken to the post offices where some official would open it and manually put in the value of franking that was purchased. Now the payment can be done online and the machine is automatically updated," he said.
Asked about how many machines Neopost expects to sell, Sharma declined to comment but added that there is an established base of more than 20,000 machines and there is a huge growth potential in the segment.
Sun, Sep 12 01:48 PM
Monday, September 20, 2010
DOP Pulling out efforts for additional revenue generation
Dear Comrades,
Source: Silicon India
Tuesday, 14 September 2010, 11:28 IST
Airtel joins with India Post for document re-verification. Bharti Airtel has tied up with the India Post in Karnataka for collection of documents. This initiative has been taken to facilitate all subscribers to avail services like Airtel prepaid and postpaid subscription form, assistance in filling the form collection of documents, authenticating, validating & dispatch of the documents to Bharti Airtel.
These services can be availed in 59 post offices, 1,950 sub post offices in Karnataka and Airtel customers will have access to nearly 2,000 post offices. Adhering to DOT deadline, which had instructed all the telecom operators to re-verify their subscribers' documents by October 31, Bharti has opted for this method to facilitate submission of documents by subscribers. Airtel has joined India Post to speed up the process.
Source: Silicon India
Tuesday, 14 September 2010, 11:28 IST
Utilization of vacant Staff Quarters to accommodate Sports Participants
Dear Comrades,
DOP vide below order has issued instructions to utilize vacant quarters to accommodate participants who are participating in sports from other than Headquarter and not to spend money on outside accommodation.
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT,
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
No.2-01/2009-Welfare & Sports
Dated at New Delhi 16.09.2010
All Heads of Postal Circles
Subject: 20th meeting of the Postal Sports Board held at Chennai on 5th July, 2010 – Follow up of action on the decision taken by the board – Item No.32 – Staff quarters which are lying vacant may be utilized to accommodate the participants instead of spending money on outside accommodation.
I am directed to inform that the item regarding utilization of vacant staff quarters to accommodate the participants came up for consideration of the Postal Sports Board in its meeting held on 05.07.2010. The board decided to bring it to the notice of all Heads of Circles for taking a view, keeping in view the prevailing position in the respective circles. Necessary action, if any, in this regard may be taken by the Circle Offices.
Yours faithfully,
Subhash Chander Director (Welfare & Sports)
Identification of sensitive posts in DOP
Dear Comrades,
All Chief Postmaster General,
Director of Postal Services, PSCI , Ghaziabad
All Postal Training Centres
Subject: Identification of sensitive posts in DOP – Reg.
DOP vide below order specified categories of posts which are sensitive and non-sensitive.
Government of India,
Ministry of Communications & IT,
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi, dated 13th September, 2010
All Chief Postmaster General,
Director of Postal Services, PSCI , Ghaziabad
All Postal Training Centres
Subject: Identification of sensitive posts in DOP – Reg.
In compliance with CVC circular No.17/4/2008 issued vide No.004/VGL/90 dated 1st May, 2008, it has been decided with the approval of Secretary (Posts) to identify certain posts, mentioned hereunder, of the DOP as sensitive/non-sensitive. In supersession of any order/communications issued by Vigilance Division of this Department in this regard.
(Circle, Regions and Divs)
i ii
1. All Group-‘A’ posts except as mentioned in Col(iv)
2. All Group-‘B’ and ‘C’ Officers dealing with Vigilance, Staff, Building and procurement in the Circle HQ, Region HQ and Postal Training Centres.
iii iv
1. PMG (BD), Director (BD)
2. All Group-‘B’ and ‘C’ officers except as mentioned in Col.(ii), for example- Dy.SPOs, Postmaster, Supdt. CSD, AD (Plg), AD(Estt), AD (Mails), AD (PG), AD (PO).
i ii
1. All Group B and C Posts of Administration, General Administration, C&A, Building, DE, Financial Advice, IR, Philately, Technology, Vigilance and Vigilance Petition
2. All Group A posts up to the level of DDG and Officers subordinate to them except DDG (PG) and DDG (PO).
iii iv
1. All Group- B and C posts of Directorate except as mentioned in Col.(ii).
2. DDG (PG), DDG (PO) and Group-A officers subordinate to DDG (PG) and DDG (PO).
Yours faithfully,
(Sushil Kumar) , Director (Vig)
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