Monday, February 28, 2011

Irda’s plan to sell insurance products through post offices hits roadblock

Dear Comrades,

The life insurance wing of India’s postal service has objected to the insurance regulator’s move to allow post offices to sell the policies of other insurers.

India Post’s life insurance wing says since the postal department has its own life cover schemes, it should not sell the policies of other insurers.

“We have the largest network on which other insurance companies want to ride,” an official of the directorate of the postal life insurance (PLI) said on condition of anonymity. “We have our own insurance scheme. Then why should we sell policies of other insurance companies and lose our advantage?”

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (Irda) in October allowed each postal region of India Post to function as an insurance agent. Each such circle was allowed to sell policies of two general insurance firms, two life insurers, one agricultural insurance company and one stand-alone health insurer.

Some private insurance firms have found it difficult to expand their distribution networks. The regulator’s move to have post offices act as agents would have worked in the larger interests of financial inclusion, according to Irda.

To be sure, since selling financial products is a good way to generate revenue, the postal department is reluctant to let go of this income-earning segment despite objections from its insurance wing.

It was India Post that had asked for such an arrangement, said an Irda official. “Earlier, they were allowed to sell policies of only one insurance company,” he said, requesting anonymity. “We permitted each circle to sell policies of two life and general insurers and one health insurer.”

Postal life insurance, initially meant for postal employees, was later extended to other government employees. In 1995, it was extended to rural areas.

There were more than 4.4 million postal life insurance policies and 9.9 million rural postal life insurance policies as on 31 March 2010, official data show.

Irda gave India Post a special dispensation after an expert committee headed by Ajay Shah suggested effectively utilizing the postal network to further financial inclusion.

The insurance regulator wanted to leverage the reach of India Post to deepen the coverage of insurance services in the country. While the penetration level of general insurers is as low as 0.6% of the gross domestic product, penetration of life insurers is slightly above 4%.

India Post has a network of over 155,000 branches across 22 circles. More than 45% of its revenue comes from various financial services. As of December 2009, India Post’s total revenue was Rs.2,273.69 crore.

“Selling insurance policies is a good revenue stream for the postal department. As it is, the PLI scheme does not cover all the requirements of the population,” said an insurance company official, who declined to be named.

Private insurers say if the India Post experiment was successful, Irda may also permit banks to sell policies of more than one firm.

“I think Irda has test-piloted by opening it out for India Post,” said another insurance company official, requesting anonymity. “The regulator wants to see what the teething problems are and the bottlenecks before permitting an open architecture.”


Dear Comrades,

Sri Satyabadi Sahoo, SSPOs, Koraput Division retired today on 28.02.2011 on superannuation. AIPEU Koraput Divisional Branch wishes him a peaceful retirement life.

Sri Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra, Supdt. of Post Offices, Bolangir is given ad hoc promotion to JTS Gr.A Grade and he has assumed charge at Koraput Division on 28.02.2011 AN as SSPOs, Koraput Division. Sri Mishra will retire on 31.03.2011 on superannuation.


Dear Comrades,

The result of the Postman Examination held on 30.01.2011 for the vacancies 2009 and 2010 has been declared vide SSPOs, Jeypore(K) Memo No.B2/Genl-8/Ch-III dated 27.02.2011.

















Pranab Mukherjee releases Rs.150 commemorative coin

Dear Comrades,

Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Saturday released the commemorative coins in denomination of Rs.150 and Rs.5 to mark the completion of year long celebrations of 150 years of Income Tax collections.

The coins minted under the authority of the Central Government, commemorate "Income Tax - 150 years of Building India".

"The coin of Rs.150 denomination is the first such coin in India and this itself makes this occasion a momentous occasion to remember. I hope that the Income Tax Department would shine in its glory as I see the shine of these coins which I have released just now," Mukherjee said.

The reverse faces of the coins bear the portrait of "Chanakya and Lotus with Honeybee" at the centre representing his famous lines, "..... ideally, governments should collect taxes like a honeybee, which sucks just the right amount of honey from the flower so that both can survive.....".

Just below the portrait of Chankya, the word "Chanakya" is written in Hindi and English.

The left and right peripheries of the coins are flanked with words "Income Tax-150 years of Building India" in both Hindi and English.

The Rs.150 is not only unique for its denomination, but also its size and metal composition.

The 44 millimetre circular coin is made of 50 percent silver. (ANI)

Friday, February 25, 2011


Dear Comrades,
Thousands of GDS employees came from nook and corner of the country to capital roared as lions with strong determination exhibiting placards, banners and the red flags of AIPEDEU for departmentalization and all other justified demands in the streets of Delhi under the mighty leadership of Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah, General Secretary, AIPEDEU, on 23-02-2011 Wednesday in connection with “MARCH TO PARLIAMENT” by all central trade unions.

More than Ten Thousand GDS employees gathered at Hindu Maha Sabha Bhavan in the morning of the day where the procession began. The procession led by Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah started exactly at 9:00 A.M. and passed through Mandir Marg, Ashok road, Palika Kendra Bus stop, talostoy road and at last reached to Parliament Street. The beating of drums, the demonstration of GDS employees and the red flags of AIPEDEU made the procession rich and colourful. A good number of GDS from Punjab Circle joined in the main procession at Talostoy Marg. Com. D.N. Giri, President (CHQ) and Com. Rajendra Diwakar, Treasurer (CHQ) guided the G.D.S. employees. Out of 22 circles representation of 21 circles participated in the Parliament March. All CHQ bearers, Circle Secretaries veteran leaders and well wishers of GDS also participated. Main demand regularisation and all facilities at par with regular employees. The processions started form different area corresponding to federations and central trade union come and joined in the parliament street.

Com. Sanjeeva Reddy (INTUC), Com. Umrao Purohit (HMS), Com. Gurudas Das Gupta (AITUC), Com. Tapan Sen(CITU), Com. Swapan Mukhrajee, Com. Tiwari, Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah (GDS) and other prominent leaders addressed the meeting.

A detailed and brief Memorandum on GDS demands was submitted to the Prime Minister and the Speaker of Lok Sabha thorough the representatives of the Central Trade Unions.

Com. S.S. Mahadevaiah expressed his heartful thanks to all the GDS who came to Delhi on the call of GDS Union even in the cold climate to make the programme thundering success.

Source: AIPEDEU CHQ, New Delhi


Dear Comrades,

Subject: Rationalisation and consolidation of urban network.
D.G. Posts No. 40-06/2010Plg dated 25.01.2011.

Kindly refer to this office letter of even number dated 17.5.2010 on the subject mentioned above calling for views/suggestions from circles regarding need for rationalization and consolidation for urban network, road map to be followed and time frame within which the exercise should be completed,. Almost all the Circles have unanimously favoured the need for rationalization.

2. Due to historical reasons, a major portion of urban postal network lies in the inner city areas consisting of single/double handed non delivery Sub Offices which are not in conformity with the distance criteria of location of post offices. The outer and recently developed areas, however, suffer from lack of even the basic postal facilities in most of the towns/cities. There are also requests for providing postal services in various urban agglomerations, SEZ areas, professional colleges etc. which may also be a profitable activity of the Department .However, due to non-availability of resources, the Department is not able to meet such request.

3. While the entire rural network is subsidized, Post Offices in urban areas are expected to be initially self supporting, and should earn profit of at least 5% at the time of the First annual review , to be eligible for further retention. Despite this, as on 31.3.2010,as many as 5531 SOs in urban areas are reported to be incurring losses.

4. Further, as per the prescribed criteria, the minimum distance between two post offices should be 1.5 Km in cities with a population of 2 lakhs and above, and 2 Km in other urban Areas. No two delivery offices should however be closer than 5 Km from each other. Moreover, a delivery post office in urban area should have a minimum of 7 Postman beats. These norms have not been followed in many cases.

5. Our existing urban network consists of 15797 Post Offices comprising mainly of HOs and SOs.Urban expansion of the country is currently estimated to be 77370sq.kms. As per the prevalent distance norms, this area justifies only about 6000 Post Offices in urban area. This analysis suggests that we have 9797 Pos Offices in urban areas that do not conform to the prescribed norms. This situation warrants need for corrective measures.

6. Need for rationalization of urban network was appreciated by the Department as early as in the year 2003 which led to issuing elaborate instructions to Circles vide D.O. letter No. 40-4/2002-Plg dated 6.1.2003 for relocation/merger of single / double handed post offices. Resultantly, 1262 post offices have been merged/relocated throughout the country. It is however felt that the pace of relocation of post offices is not satisfactory and we are losing out on various business opportunities and the people in outer areas of urban settlements are deprived of the postal services. On the other hand, the Government is not allowing us to further expand our network by creation of new posts not only in urban areas but also in rural areas. Successive Plan Periods have witnessed opening of Post Office by redeployment of posts only without any new creation.

7. For rationalization of postal network in urban areas by way of relocation of Post Offices in new areas and creation of bigger Post Offices by merger of single /double handed Post Offices as per stipulated distance and other norms, the Circles should keep the following into consideration:

(i) There are some Post Offices which are loss making due to high rentals e.g. Post Offices at Railway Stations, important bus terminals, airports etc. We may however not relocate them due to their strategic importance, convenience they offer to the people and high number of footfalls they attract.

(ii) While assessing the need for postal facilities we should have close liaison with local bodies like Municipal Corporation/Municipal Committees, Town Area Committees etc. so that we can be aware of their future plans of expansion of cities and we can accordingly formulate our strategies and have a long-term plan for extending our network in such areas. Regular coordination meetings may be prescribed with such bodies at appropriate levels.

(iii) Post Offices which have been covered under Project Arrow/Post Offices functioning in departmental buildings should not be earmarked for relocation. If there are other Post offices in their vicinity the same may be considered for relocation.

(iv) Post Offices paying high rentals, having low volume of transactions and running in losses should be considered for relocation/temporary merger/permanent merger.

(v) Distance from the nearest post office and the business being transacted should be the main criteria for relocation. Merger of Post Offices.

(vi) In addition to relocating post offices from one area to another, we can also create bigger Post Offices, not below the rank of LSG Offices, by merger of several smaller scattered Post Offices. The bigger Post Offices will be well equipped to cater to the latest postal facilities like IMO,eMO,Videsh MO, IMTS etc. These newly created Post Offices will be manned by redeployment of staff/posts from the nearby post offices.

(vii) It may also be considered to reduce the number of delivery Post Offices, which may lead to obviating the need for the nodal delivery system for Speed Post articles as it is not providing to be cost effective. In any case there is a need to strictly follow the norms of the distance of at least 5 KMs between two delivery offices and also that of delivery Post Office in Urban area having a minimum of 7 Postman beats.

(viii) If opening of a post office is justified in an area, but it is not possible to open post office by relocation or under the Plan targets, opening of franchise outlets may be considered for such area.

8. In, view of the above, Circles are requested to take the following action:
(i) Identification of Post Offices which are at lesser distances than that prescribed under norms. In case, more than one Post Offices are not fulfilling the distance norms, Post Office (s) may be earmarked for relocation on the basis of :

(a) Condition of building
(b) Profitability of Post Office
(c) Business of Post Office
(ii) PMsG/CPMsG will interact with all the stakeholders and convince them that relocation and merger would help in providing postal facilities to public and it is in larger public interest.
(iii) Identity needy urban and rural areas where there is justification for new Post Offices.
(iv) Post Offices once indentified as per (i) above, will be relocated /merged This will outside the Plan targets.

9. Circles are requested to complete the exercise in respect of sub para (i),(ii)and (iii) {of para 8) by 31.03.2011 and in respect of sub para(iv){para 8} by 30.06.2011. Circles are also requested to send monthly progress reports of action taken, to this Directorate(proforma enclosed).

10. Since the need for opening of Post Offices in new locations seems to be ever increasing , Circles are also requested to open Post Offices by redeployment of posts/staff from the existing office(s), by curtailing staff strength of the existing offices even to less than the justified workload of the office/offices. This exercise would, however, be subject to Plan targets set by the Directorate. The powers for redeployment of Group 'C' and 'D' posts have already been vested with the HoCs vide Directorate letter No. 2-2/93-PE-I dated 7th of Sep, 1993.Under no circumstances should the surplus posts be abolished.

This issue with the approval of the competent authority.

Sd/-(Anurag Priyadarshee)Director (R.B)


Top Management of India Post for their Advanced Development Program at EPFL

Dear Comrades,

The Chair Management of Network Industries of Prof. Matthias Finger organized a one-week training program for 18 Directors of India Post which took place from 15-20 February in Lausanne, Bern and Paris.

According to the topic “Organizational transformation – Leading and managing change”, the participants from India Post could profit from high-level speakers of the postal industry, among others from Mr. Herbert-Michael Zapf, CEO of IPC (International Post Corporation), Mr. Elmar Toime, former CEO of New Zealand Post, Mr. Roberto Giacchi, CEO of Poste Mobile or Mr. Wofgang Lehmacher, CEO of GeoPost. In addition to the three days in Lausanne, visits to Swiss Post in Bern including the new letter sorting center in Eclépens and to La Poste in Paris completed the program.

“It was a great honor to train the Top Managers of India Post, an institution of a tremendous dimension with its 155’000 post offices and 600’000 employees. We have taken a step forward to offer the expertise in International Postal Management of the Chair MIR and it is good to see that the participants were delighted of the Training Program at the EPFL.“ comments Erik Swars, Managing Director, Executive Master in International Postal Management and responsible for the program for India Post.
Erik Swars Managing Director, Executive Master in International Postal Management.

India Post casts you in the net, reaches home

Dear Comrades,

NEW DELHI: The electronic post office launched this week has brought the familiar red and grey counters to your drawing room, making tiring trips and queuing up things of the past.

The website offers money order service, stamps and e-tracking of registered posts to start with. It creates a virtual post office on computer screens and leads customers to the counters.

The decision to launch an electronic post office was part of the post department's strategy to win back urban customers who now use banks to send money.

" The move is part of a set of innovative steps aimed at increasing the post office's brand value," said an official with the department.

Revenues from commission on money orders have been declining in the last few years as people looked to avoid long queues at post offices. There commissions have been declining since 2007 before marking an uptick last year. Higher commissions at 15% were also a reason for the decline.

In contrast, banks launched online demand draft and money transfer services. India Post's money order service will also face competition from mobile money transfers once the Unique ID number becomes prevalent in the country.

Pilot projects for mobile money transfer have been successful in rural villages. Ironically, Post Office Savings Bank, which had 206 million deposit accounts on March 31, 2009 is the largest banking network in the country.

The e-post office will also cater to philately enthusiasts. Payment for stamps and money orders can be made through a secured payment gateway, similar to the way online purchases are made.

A first hand experience of the e-post office highlighted some technical problems in the service. To start with, the e-post office is slow and online registration is a cumbersome process, as many fields don't work currently. But once unleashed fully, the e-post office is expected to cater to a large part of the 50 million internet users in India.
24 Feb, 2011, 03.34AM IST, Souvik Sanyal & Harsimran Julka,ET Bureau

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Look of India Post Website

Dear Comrades,

India Post Gets a Web Experience – Looking Beyond NIC [$1Bn Put To Use?]Indian Postal Department has done something radically different that probably no Indian government organisation has ever thought of, they got a clean website. They actually got a very stylist website with a virtual experience. Check out here ( Though it’s the same utility as earlier but the whole experience is very web2.0.

The website is not fully functional yet and this is just preview. But whatever we can see, it looks great. IndiaPost had appointed McKinsey for a complete revamp and it seems to be paying off. The total revamp budget for Indian Postal department is said to be $1Bn over 3-5 yrs (from Aug 2009). Meanwhile, they have a twitter presence, is down and is too messy.

It took an external agency like McKinsey to make them dare to think beyond the NIC?

// Written by naman on February 22, 2011,

Post Office of India is all set to take a technology leap by making many of their postal products available on the Internet. In a recently revamped website ( users can access services like tracing and tracking packages, electronic money orders, instant money orders, philately and other regular feedback features.

Logging into the website brings up a 3D model of a post office with pointers to access various services. Clicking on a service gives you a snazzy 3D tour of the post office. We just hope the services on the site work as beautifully as they are presented.

Par Panel for clear policy on PSU banks merger

Dear Comrades,

Accusing government of adhocism, a Parliamentary Committee today demanded a clear policy on mergers and consolidation in the public sector banks, including amalgamation of associates with the State Bank of India (SBI).

"There is a strong element of adhocism in the policy stance and approach of the government in brining in legislative changes in the Acts regulating the SBI and its subsidiaries in particular," Standing Committee on Finance headed by former Finance Minister Yaswant Sinha said in its report tabled in Parliament today.

It is also imperative to assess in clear terms, the reasons for rising NPAs in the SBI Group of banks as well as the desirability of pursuing the policy of merging the subsidiary banks with SBI, particularly in the light of issues relating top manageability of large sized banks, it noted.

It is appropriate on part of the government to make an in-depth analysis of issues relating to mergers and consolidation of the public sector banks in general, it said.

"The Committee expects the government to spell out the policy-related aspects in this regard, it said.

Meanwhile, it cleared the State Bank of India (subsidiary banks laws) Amendment Bill, 2009 for passage by Parliament.

The amendment proposals of the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks Laws) Amendment Bill, 2009 have been necessitated owning to transfer of ownership of SBI from Reserve Bank to central government, it said.

It also suggested amendment in the SBI Pension Fund Rules, which is detrimental to the retirees of the merged subsidiary banks. The panel expects the government to expeditiously act on these matters.

The Bill, which, seeks to empower the government to fix the authorised or the issued capital of a subsidiary of the SBI or to appoint its top officials, was referred to the panel on December 18, 2009 for examination.

Once passed, the bill would empower the Centre to increase or reduce the authorised capital of a subsidiary bank, fixation and raising of issued capital, issuing bonus shares to shareholders and appointment of managing director, among other things.

The legislation would amend the State Bank of Hyderabad Act and the SBI (Subsidiary Banks) Act to incorporate these provisions

Press Trust of India / New Delhi February 22, 2011, 21:14 IST


Dear Comrades,

The Department of Posts has decided to improve the Look and Feel of its post offices through Project Arrow. The project has been launched with the objective of modernising departmental post offices across the country in a phased manner with an aim to make visible, tangible and noteworthy difference in post office operations. It aims at comprehensive improvement of the core operations of the post office as well as the ambience in which postal transactions are undertaken.

The IT Modernization Project Phase II of India Post under XIth plan envisages computerization of all the non-computerized Post Offices in the country (Departmental single handed Post Offices) and all Extra departmental Post Offices phased over the financial years 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13.

The number of Post Offices modernized in 2008-09 and 2009-10 are:

2008-09 - 45 post offices were computerized, computer hardware was upgraded in 1847 post offices and 500 post offices were modernized under Project Arrow.

2009-10 - 2920 post offices were computerized, computer hardware was upgraded in 92 post offices and 500 post offices were modernized under Project Arrow.

Total investment to be made on modernization in 2010-2011 and 2011-12 are:

2010-11- Rs. 209.76 crores has been allocated for computerization of post offices at the RE stage and `84 crores has been allocated for modernization of post offices under Project Arrow.

2011-12 - Rs. 626.41 crores has been earmarked for computerisation of post offices and Rs. 9 lakh for carrying out internal review of selected post offices already covered under Project Arrow.

The Department has diversified its activities to utilise its network by introducing services like selling of passport forms in identified post offices, accepting of utilities bills in the post offices, providing railway reservation facilities etc.

The Department has also tied-up with various Government departments to provide social security services especially in rural areas and with financial institutions to sell their product through post offices like :

(i) National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS)-for disbursement of wages to NREGS beneficiaries through Post Office Savings Bank accounts.

(ii) Collection of Rural Price Index Data

(iii) Payment of Old age pension- through Post Office Savings accounts in Bihar, Chattisgarh, Delhi, Jharkhand, M.P., Maharashtra, North-East and Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh and through money order in Karnataka, Kerala, M.P., Maharashtra, N.E., Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu , Uttarakhand, Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh.

(iv) Sale of gold coins by tying-up with Reliance Money Limited.

(v) On Line Acceptance of RTI Applications.

(vi) Provision of New Pension Scheme through Post Offices.

This information was given by the Minister of State for Communications & Information Technology, Shri Sachin Pilot in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha today.

SP/AS   (Release ID :70037)   PIB
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology
23-February, 2011 16:44 IST Modernisation of Post Offices

Central Government Employees and Pensioners Health Insurance Scheme

Dear Comrades,

The Central Government is contemplating introduction of a health insurance scheme for the central government employees and pensioners on pan – India basis, in consultation with other concerned Ministries/Departments. However, no time frame can be given at this stage for its introduction.

This information was given by Minister of Health & Family Welfare Sh. Ghulam Nabi Azad in written reply to a question in the Rajya Sabha today.

SBS/RS  (Release ID :69998) PIB

Accenture will increase India market focus, says new MD

Dear Comrades,

Global technology outsourcing and consulting firm Accenture sees a big opportunity in India with the aspiration of local companies to go global at an all-time high.

Accenture India's new managing director Avinash Vashistha told TOI that clients globally had matured and their expectations too had changed. "They are looking for better insights and specific business outcomes of high value. Indian customers are no different and they too want to grow quickly and become global. This means a huge opportunity for us across multiple businesses," he said.

Accenture is already working with the government in several areas. The Unique Identification Authority of India ( UIDAI )) recently awarded a two-year contract to Accenture to implement a core biometric identification system. Under this, Accenture will build a new system to help manage identity-related de-duplication and verification requests from public/utility and private organizations/banks.

Also in progress is a 45-month IT modernization project for India Post. Accenture has a mandate to design a new enterprise architecture that is expected to help India Post drive greater revenue and regain market share in areas like bill payment, e-posts , life insurance, money transfer and banking.

Accenture's global delivery network (GDN) comprises over 120,000 people, of which 50% are in India working in 25 different centres, including a newly opened centre in Kolkata. The company has plans to increase its India headcount to 70,000 by August. The company has a global strength of 2,11,000.

Vashistha said his immediate priorities would include understanding Accenture's organizational structure, its people and customers . He will also meet and address Accenture employees in all seven cities. Delivering exemplary value to global clients from India' will be the theme of Vashistha's town hall addresses.
The Economic Times

Result of LGO Examination held on 10.10.2010

Dear Comrades,

The Circle office Bhubaneswar vide Memo No. RE/30-23/09(Con) Dated at Bhubaneswar the 22.02.2011 has declared the result of departmental examination held on 10.10.2010 for promotion to the cadre of PA/SA/PACO. The following officials of Koraput Division have came out successful.

S. K. Pattnaik UR KPT/LGO-27/2010 Koraput Koraput

A. R. Potanuru UR KPT/LGO-26/2010 Koraput Koraput

The particulars of the successful officials and Division to which they are allotted are mentioned against them.

AIPEU, Koraput Divisional Branch congratulates both of them for their glorious achievement.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Recruitment Rules Group 'C' posts in Pay Band 1 with Grade

AB 1401 71612009-Estt(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training

New Delhi, the 17thFebruary,2011


Subject: Recruitment Rules Group 'C' posts in Pay Band 1 with Grade Pay of Rs. 1800 (pre-revised Group D posts).

Reference is invited to OM of even number dated 30th Apri1,2010 circulating Model Recruitment Rules for Group C posts in Pb-1 with Grade Pay of Rs.1800. In this Department's OM dated 12Ih May,2010, MinistriesDepartments were requested to intimate their requirements for non-technical Group 'C' posts PB-1 Grade Pay of Rs1800 to SSC immediately so that Commission could initiate action for recruitment.

However, several MinistriesDepartments are yet to notify the revised Recruitment Rules as per the Model Recruitment Rules circulated by DOPT even though the vacancies in Group C, PB-1 Grade Pay Rs.1800 have been communicated by them to the co9ncerned Regional Office of Staff Selection Commission. In view of the ensuing examination to be conducted by Staff Selection Commission for the Multi-Tasking Staff, DOPT has issued Umbrella Notification No.AB 140 171612009-Estt(RR) dated 8th February, 2011 for regulating the educational and other qualifications for direct recruits for the posts which were in Group D scale prior to the implementation of Sixth Central Pay Commission and have been placed in Group C in PB-1, GP Rs.1800. The Umbrella Notification has been circulated to all the MinistriesDepartments of Government of India also.

2. It is, however, reiterated that all the MinistriesDepartments will initiate action on priority basis for revising the Recruitment Rules circulated by this Department.

(Smita Kumar) Director (E. 1)

All MinistriesDepartments of Govt. of India

Original Order:-

Consumer Price Index Numbers for Rural, Urban and Combined (Base 2010=100)

Dear Comrades,

The Central Statistics Office (CSO), Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has introduced a new series of Consumer Price Indices for all-India and States/UTs separately for rural, urban and combined for the purpose of intra temporal price comparison with effect from January, 2011 with 2010 as the base year. Provisional indices for the month of January, 2011 are being released with this note for all-India and for States/UTs. Indices for some States/UTs are not being released since adequate number of schedules for these States/UTs could not be received. These indices will be revised at the time of release of provisional indices for the month of March 2011. Therefore, for a period of one year this practice will be continued till the series gets stabilized and adequate timely receipt of price data is achieved. Since these indices are being introduced for the first time, annual inflation rates have not been compiled.

All India indices

All India provisional General, Group and Sub- Group level CPI of January, 2011 for rural, urban and combined (rural+urban) are given in Annex I. The General Indices for rural, urban and combined are 107, 104 and 106 respectively.

State/UT indices

State/UT wise General and Group level provisional Consumer Price Indices for rural, urban and combined (rural+ urban) are at Annex II, III and IV respectively.

(Release ID :69885) PIb, 18th Feb, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Success of INDIPEX 2011 augurs well for stamp collectors

Dear Comrades,

INDIPEX 2011 being organised from February 12 to 18 aims to bring the international philatelic community together to celebrate philately. This world-level philatelic exhibition will provide a unique platform for interaction between stamp lovers.

THE SUCCESS OF INDIPEX 2011 being held at Pragati Maidaan (New Delhi), especially when private courier-services and e-communications have become popular is a matter of enthusiasm and pride for the Indian Posts Department.

INDIPEX 2011 being organised from February 12 to 18 aims to bring the international philatelic community together to celebrate philately. This world-level philatelic exhibition will provide a unique platform for interaction between all the philatelic stake-holders. It is being organized by India Post in association with the Philatelic Congress of India.

To further support philately and to earn more revenue, the department of posts should initiate some steps in the interest of not only stamp-collectors but also users of postal-services.

The following steps can be taken towards this endeavour:

1. Stamps of all denominations of a new definitive series should be released simultaneously together with a complete set of postal stationary on a particular theme on the first day of new financial year (1st April). This should also be the date for introduction of any new postal tariff announced earlier in Union Budget presented on last day of February.

2. Present system of issuing commemorative stamps in denomination of rupees 15 should be changed to that of rupees 10 because an RTI reply reveals that most commonly used denominations are rupees 5 and 10.

3. Since users of different denominations of stamps are different, a stamp-sheet must have only one denomination of stamps unlike presently where a sheet at times also has stamps of two or more denominations.

4. Some highly dignified, non-controversial and non-political legends like Lata Mangeshkar should be given special honour by portraying them on stamps in their life-time. Selection of such legends should be rare with consent of all major political parties in the Parliament to avoid misuse.

5. Miniature sheets should be charged more than face-value of stamps because of excessive printing costs and being a collectors’ item rather than for general use as postage stamps.

6. Schools and colleges should be motivated to give philatelic items and coin-sets in place of trophies, etc.

7. Philately as a subject should also be introduced in school text-books.

8. All postal-tariffs should be generally in multiples of rupees five with Speed Post tariff being universal at rupees fifteen or twenty for every 50-gms rise in weight abolishing differential tariff of rupees 12 for local and rupees 25 for non-local mail-articles. Since even beggars refuse coins below rupee one, post-cards should be priced at rupee one abolishing loss-giving Inland-Letter card altogether.

9. Foreign-mail tariffs should have equal tariff-rise for every 20-gms rise in weight-slab for Air Mail, and 50-gms rise in slab-weight for Surface or Sea Mail abolishing present cumbersome system to impose Air Surcharge on already haphazard tariff-system for Surface Mail.

10. Special RTI stamp on lines of revenue-stamps should be introduced for users of RTI Act to save huge handling cost of rupees 22.71 on handling of a postal-order worth rupees ten presently used as RTI fees.

11. Postal-orders should be given a new-look payable at par at all post-offices with minimum denomination of Rupees 20, adding more denominations like that of Rupees 200 and 500.
CJ: MADHU AGRAWAL Wed, Feb 16, 2011 17:36:32 IST

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Coffee Table Book traces story of India''s Postal System

Dear Comrades,

In the early 17th century, long before the times of email and mobile phones, pigeons, barefoot runners and bullock carts were used to carry messages between one part of India to another.

The postman cycle of the early 1800s, with its large front tyre, post boxes in all sizes and shapes collected from all over the country as well as the antique stamp printing presses can now be seen in photographs in a new book.

The coffee table book "Pigeons to Post" by Steve Borgia, released at the ongoing world philatelic exhibition ''Indipex 2011'' in the national capital traces the story of the origin and the evolution India''s postal history over a period of nearly two thousand years.

Borgia travelled across India and the world to gather every bit of collectibles that would piece together the history of the country''s postal history. Photographs of old postoffices, dilapidated post boxes dating back several hundred years, stamp printing presses that are now antiquated, he has it all.

"Initially I wanted to display all the items I collected in a museum but the postal department stressed on the need for a book. The research and sourcing for the book has been going on for the past 15 years," Borgia told PTI during the inauguration of Indipex.

Since there was very less material available on the mail-runners, Borgia had to take help from British archives, retired post masters and the books written by post master generals before 1947.

"The mail-runner in earlier times not only carried people''s messages but they also carried their emotions and hopes. The used to write and read out letters for people. They had a simple lifestyles compared to their British bosses and were the real backbone of the postal system," says Borgia.

Clippings from the repositories of the London Mail, illustrations from the Global Post and etchings from the French and English artists as well as data and pictures sourced from the British and Delhi postal archives and museum of the colonial days helped piece the book together.

One of the highlights of the book according to the author is the section on line drawings on the mail runners fighting natural calamities like wild animals and flooded rivers for delivering the mails in time.

MSN India

Postman to turn banker in rural areas

Dear Comrades,

The postal department and the country’s largest lender, State Bank of India (SBI), are gearing up to take basic banking services to the doorsteps of millions of people in rural areas who have no access to the country’s banking system. The tie-up will see postmen acting as banking correspondents for SBI in over 12,000 villages, collecting deposits and offering small credit and remittance facility to people in far-flung areas. Villagers in these areas currently have no option but to keep hard-earned money at home, losing out on interest and running the risk of theft.

SBI, which has around 5,000 branches in rural or semi-urban areas, hopes to cover 12,492 villages by 2012. "To meet this intiative a tie-up with India Post will be a great advantage," a senior SBI official said. The business correspondent model, set up by the Reserve Bank of India, allows specific individuals and entities such as ‘kirana’ shop-owners , NGOs and post offices to conduct banking business as agents of banks at places other than the bank premises.

India Post has a network of over 1.5 lakh branches. A finance ministry official said the government was keen on such initiatives because of the postal network’s reach. "We have encouraged banks to explore similar tie-ups to speed up the financial inclusion agenda," he said. Last week, the finance minister had alerted banks to the risks involved with not choosing the right kind of business correspondent.

A senior postal department official said, "India Post, or its employees, are undoubtedly the most reliable partners for any bank." However, not everyone is convinced that India Post makes for the best partner. "What if tomorrow the government grants them (India Post) a banking licence? RBI had directed that there should be a business continuity plan (BCP) in place to ensure uninterrupted service... it will be very difficult to find a replacement for such a partner," said a senior executive of Punjab National Bank said.
15 Feb, 2011, 06.52AM IST, Souvik Sanyal & Dheeraj Tiwari,ET Bureau
Economic Times

Delhiites stamp their love for philately

Dear Comrades,

Here's an airmail from Indipex 2011 - the sixth World Philatelic Exhibition, a sprawling seven-day showcase of stamps spanning history, culture and ethos in the capital.

Stamps and collectors have a world of their own and, true to the lure of the postage, collectors and visitors from across the world are thronging the Feb 12-18 fair for a glimpse of heritage and also to flaunt their stamps. The fair has another reason to smile. It is a tribute to the airmail, which has completed 100 years.
Some vignettes:
Journey from US to India
Once a collector, now an exhibitor, US citizen Sandeep Jaiswal proudly showed off his collection of over 3,000 stamps from across the globe. The stall by India Post, known as Indian Feudatory States, put on sale stamps and postal stationery.

'We have managed to bring the entire collection under one roof. The collection includes stamps from India under British Raj, stamps by the East India Company, post-independence, and even the rarest-of-rare Queen Elizabeth stamps,' Jaiswal told IANS. The childhood fascination for collecting postage stamps for the real estate agent based in the US has brought him back to his country. 'Stamps reflect everything - history, geography, integrity. One just needs to spot the passion for philately,' the philatelist said.

Charkha goes 3-D
After struggling through a huge crowd fighting for space at Korea's philately stall, one comes across children asking for three-dimensional Mahatma Gandhi stamps with his charkha (spinning wheel). The magic stamp merged and morphed to convey a multi-dimensional image. The stamp was released Feb 5.

'We did not expect this overwhelming response from the visitors, especially children. This is just the first day and we have sold almost 200 stamps,' said Pyo Hyok Chol, Korean exhibitor and a philatelist. The stamps are priced at Rs.40 each.
'The idea was to fuse history with technology. Mahatma Gandhi is known as the father of the Indian nation here, and to have his postmark even on a 3-D stamp is an USP indeed,' Chol said.

Religious postmark
The Malaysia counter was a big draw, particularly for its stamps on Indian festivals. Enthusiasts queued up to see - and buy. Eid, known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Malaysia, and Deepawali are celebrated in a big way in the Southeast Asian country. 'Indian festival stamps are selling like hot cakes and it is likely that we will run out of stocks in a day,' said Haidan Abdul Rahman.

Stamped destiny
A businessman from Singapore of Indian origin showcased a rare collection of Chinese zodiac stamps that were arranged in chronological sequence to depict the significance of the order.
The vend wore a rather hippy look with people sporting rudraksh beads and khadi kurtas figuring out the complex pattern. 'I am an astrology enthusiast and for me this is the best thing I could get at such a reasonable price,' said Madadev Verma, a visitor. Each stamp was priced at Rs.1,600 each.

2011-02-14 14:50:00 Sify.Com
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