Sunday, February 19, 2012

Joint DWC Meeting held at Jeypore on 19.2.2012

Dear Comrades,
The Joint Divisional Working Committee of AIPEU Group-C, AIPEU Postmen & GR-‘D’ and AIPEDEU, Koraput Divisional Branch has been held on 19.02.2012 (Sunday) at Jeypore in presence of hundreds of members from every corner of undivided Koraput District.

The DWC meeting commenced at 10 AM presided by Com. Rabindranath Nahak, President AIPEU Group-'C' in presence of Com. Rajesh Raypalli, Asst Circle Secretary and Com. P Suresh Kumar, Org. Circle Secretary. 

All the Divisional Secretaries alongwith Divisional Presidents were on the Dias. A detailed discussion on the following items of agendas was discussed in the said meeting in a very smooth manner with the co-operation of each and every member present in the said meeting. 

Com. Rajeeb Tripathy, Com. H B Hindwar, Com. P K Patnaik, Com. B K Ghosh, Com. B P Mishra, Com. B L Panigrahy, Com. Bisikeshan Mahalik, Com. Bidya Bhusan Bhatra, Com. Dhiraj Kumar Ray Samant, Com. Sanjib Mahapatra, Com. P Dinesh, Com. M V Maheswar Rao, Com. Sankar Patnaik, Com. Amiya Ranjan Maharana and many others shared their views and gave fruitful suggestions for better organising of the bi-ennial conference which were accepted by the Dias.

1. Two minute silent prayer was done in the memory of departed comrades.
2.The very purpose of calling off the proposed All India Indefinite Strike which was scheduled to be held from 17.1.12 was described clearly by the Secretaries citing the efforts of the union with examples of achievement. The outcome of the strike notice was also discussed thoroughly.

3. The importance, purpose and need of the All India One Day Strike call given by confederation and CHQ on 28.2.12 was also discussed thoroughly & each and every comrade agreed unanimously, took a resolution to make the 28th Feb 2012 One Day strike a grand complete success.
4. Three Divisional Secretaries elaborately explained regarding the present strength of our Divisional Union and the improvement in the membership position was acclaimed by all the comrades with cheers.

5. All the treasurers read and explained the whole income and expenditure of all the three unions in details and every one was served with one copy.

6. A unanimous decision regarding conducting of Joint Bi-ennial Conference for the year 2012-14 was taken by all the members of august house whole heartedly and Reception Committee was formed which will come into effect on or before 31.03.2012 keeping an eye on the forthcoming problems. A tentative date i.e. 21-22.4.12 or 28-29.4.12 has been fixed for the conference. The following guests will be invited for the said conference as per their availability. However, the final date will be decided by the Reception Committee as per consent of the following guests.
Com. M Krishnan, Secretary General, CHQ, NFPE
Com. K V Sridharan, General Secretary, AIPEU GR-C, CHQ
Com. Narayan Choudhury, Asst. General Secretary, AIPEDEU CHQ
Com. R C Mishra, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Group-C -Cum- Vice President, CHQ, AIPEU
Com. Debabrata Mohanty, Circle Secretary, AIPEU Postmen & Gr-D -Cum- Asst. General Secretary, CHQ
Com. Nirmal Singh, Circle Secretary, AIPEDEU

Photos of the DWC Meeting will be published later on.
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