Thursday, October 18, 2012

Payment of salary and other Personal payments, Payment Electronically through Bank/ POSB accounts.

Dear Comrades,

Department of Posts, India
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle,
Bhubaneswar – 751 001.

        The PMG Berhampur/ Sambalpur Region,
        All SSPOs/ SPOs in Head Quarter Region,
        SSRM(N) Division/BG Division/Pay Division.
        Manager Printing Press,
        Superintendent  PSD/ CSD.
        Executive Engineer Postal Civil Division, Cuttack -3,
        AAO(Bgt.), CO, Bhubaneswar,
        DA(P), Cuttack -4,
         Assistant Director (Accounts), CO, BBSR,
        All Sr. Postmaster/ Postmaster in Orissa Circle.
No. Tech/14-10/2008                         Dated 17.10.2012.

Sub -  Payment of salary and other Personal payments, Payment Electronically through Bank/ POSB accounts.

    I am directed to forward herewith the copy of DGG(PAF) letter No. 2-1/2007-08/PA(Tech-I) D-473-524 containing the instruction regarding Payment of salary and other Personal payments, Payment Electronically through Bank for information/ guidance and implementation of the order.

   It is decided by DG(Post) that the payments of salary and other personal payments including retirement/ terminal benefits to all employees of Department of Posts mandatorily be made through Bank including POSB electronically by issuing payment advices with immediate effect. However in special and essential cases, Payment of pay and allowance including other Personal payments to the employees can be made through cheque only with the prior approval of Head of the Office/ Divisional Head/ Head of Postal accounts office. 

          The competent authority has approved this.
Yours faithfully,

(S. Mishra)
Asst. Director(FS)
For Chief P.M.G., Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar – 751 001
Copy to :-
1.       Sr. PS to CPMG, Orissa, Bhubaneswar for information.
2.       PA to DPS (HQ)/ DPS(BD)/ CIFA For information.
3.       All Group officers of the Circle Office For information.

Asst. Director(FS)
For Chief P.M.G., Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar – 751 001

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