Friday, February 28, 2014

Proposals of Enhancement of Retirement age and Merger of D.A may not materialize

Dear Comrades,

It was learnt from the sources close to the Union Government that the proposals of Enhancement of Retirement age of Central Government Employees from 60 to 62 years and Merger of D.A to basic pay may not be materialized now before General elections. Accordingly, these two proposals have not been taken up for consideration by the union Cabinet in its meeting held on friday. But there is possibility to announce Interim Relief (I.R) before elections.

Fund houses want post offices to distribute mutual funds

Dear Comrades,

Majority of fund houses want to leverage the nationwide network of India Post to distribute their mutual fund schemes, said a recent report on mutual fund penetration published by SEBI. India Post has 1.5 lakh branches across the country. 

The SEBI survey showed that 68% of fund houses feel distribution through post office would increase penetration whereas 18% of fund houses had a neutral view. Only a few fund houses are of the opinion that such move may not be of much help. 

7th Central Pay Commission

Dear Comrades,

7th Central Pay Commission

The Union Cabinet today gave its approval to the Terms of Reference of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) as follows:-

a)      To examine, review, evolve and recommend changes that are desirable and feasible regarding the principles that should govern the emoluments structure including pay, allowances and other facilities/benefits, in cash or kind, having regard to rationalization and simplification therein as well as the specialized needs of various Departments, agencies and services, in respect of the following categories of employees:-

i.          Central Government employees-industrial and non-industrial;
ii.         Personnel belonging to the All India Services;
iii.        Personnel of the Union Territories;
iv.        Officers  and   employees   of  the   Indian  Audit  and   Accounts Department;
v.         Members of regulatory bodies (excluding the Reserve Bank of India) set up under Acts of Parliament; and
vi.        Officers and employees of the Supreme Court.

b)      To examine, review, evolve and recommend changes that are desirable and feasible regarding principles that should govern the emoluments structure, concessions and facilities/benefits, in cash or kind, as well as retirement benefits of personnel belonging to the Defence Forces, having regard to historical and traditional parities, with due emphasis on aspects unique to these personnel.

c)      To work out the framework for an emoluments structure linked with the need to attract the most suitable talent to Government service, promote efficiency, accountability and responsibility in the work culture, and foster excellence in the public governance system to respond to complex challenges of modern administration and rapid political, social, economic and technological changes, with due regard to expectations of stakeholders, and to recommend appropriate training and capacity building through a competency based framework.

d)     To examine the existing schemes of payment of bonus, keeping in view, among other things, its bearing upon performance and productivity and make recommendations on the general principles, financial parameters and conditions for an appropriate incentive scheme to reward excellence in productivity, performance and integrity.

e)      To review the variety of existing    allowances presently available to employees in addition to pay and suggest their rationalization and simplification, with a view to ensuring that the pay structure is so designed as to take these into account.

f)       To examine the principles which should govern the structure of pension and other retirement benefits, including revision of pension in the case of employees who have retired prior to the date of effect of these recommendations, keeping in view that retirement benefits of all Central Government employees appointed on and after 01.01.2004 are covered by the New Pension Scheme (NPS).

g)      To make recommendations on the above, keeping in view:

i.          the economic conditions in the country  and need for fiscal prudence;
ii.         the need to ensure that adequate resources are available for developmental expenditures and welfare measures;
iii.        the likely impact of the recommendations on the finances of the State Governments, which usually adopt the recommendations with some modifications;
iv.        the prevailing emolument structure and retirement benefits available to employees of Central Public Sector Undertakings; and
v.          the best global practices and their adaptability and relevance in Indian conditions.

h)      To recommend the date of effect of its recommendations on all the above.

The Commission will make its recommendations within 18 months of the date of its constitution.  It may consider, if necessary, sending interim reports on any of the matters as and when the recommendations are finalised.

The decision will result in the benefit of improved pay and allowances as well as rationalization of the pay structure in case of Central Government employees and other employees included in the scope of the 7th Central Pay Commission.


Central Pay Commissions are periodically constituted to go into various issues of emoluments’ structure, retirement benefits and other service conditions of Central Government employees and to make recommendations on the changes required.

Source : PIB


Dear Comrades,
Release of additional installment of dearness allowance to Central Government employees and dearness relief to Pensioners, due from 1.1.2014 
The Union Cabinet today approved the proposal to release an additional installment of Dearness Allowance (DA) to Central Government employees and Dearness Relief (DR) to pensioners with effect from 01.01.2014, in cash, but not before the disbursement of the salary for the month of March 2014 at the rate of 10 percent increase over the existing rate of 90 percent. 

Hence, Central Government employees as well as pensioners are entitled for DA/DR at the rate of 100 percent of the basic with effect from 01.01.2014. The increase is in accordance with the accepted formula based on the recommendations of the 6th Central Pay Commission.

The combined impact on the exchequer on account of both dearness allowance and dearness relief would be Rs. 11074.80 crore per annum and Rs. 12920.60 crore in the financial year 2014-15 ( i.e. for a period of 14 months from January 2014 to February 2015).

Cabinet approves merger of DA with basic pay

Dear Comrades,

Cabinet approves merger of DA with basic pay

Defers decision on anti-corruption ordinances and Forward Contract Regulation (Amendment) Act
The Cabinet today approved  of 50%  of Central government employees and  with their . However, it has deferred a decision on anti-corruption ordinances and  Regulation (Amendment) Act. A special Cabinet meeting is likely tomorrow to take call on these ordinances.
Source :

Govt hikes dearness allowance to 100%, approves Rs.1,000 monthly pension

Dear Comrades,

The decisions were taken by the Union cabinet in its meeting held in New Delhi
The government would have to provide an additional amount of around Rs.1,217 crore to ensure the minimum pension of Rs.1,000 starting 2014-15.
New Delhi: The government on Friday raised dearness allowance (DA) to 100% from 90%, benefiting its 5 million employees and 3 million pensioners.
The decision to hike DA for its employees, and to provide dearness relief for pensioners, by 10 percentage points to 100% was taken by the Union Cabinet in its meeting held in New Delhi .
The government also approved the proposal to ensure Rs.1,000 minimum monthly pension under a scheme of retirement fund body Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) that would immediately benefit 2.8 million pensioners.
Earlier this month, EPFO trustees had approved the proposal. The Central Board of Trustees, the apex decision-making body of EPFO, had met on 5 February and decided to amend the EPS-95 scheme for the purpose. The proposal was placed before the Union Cabinet for approval as the government had made funding provisions for it.
The government would have to provide an additional amount of aroundRs.1,217 crore to ensure the minimum pension of Rs.1,000 starting 2014-15. Pensioners will get the benefit with effect from 1 April. The proposal has already been approved by the finance ministry.
This increase in DA and the minimum monthly pension of Rs.1,000 by the UPA government comes ahead of the imposition of the model code of conduct by the Election Commission. The code is likely to come into force with the announcement of the schedule for the forthcoming general elections in a week or so.
Also it would be the second double-digit DA hike in a row. The government had announced a hike to 90% in September last year, effective from 1 July 2013. The new hike in DA would be effective from the 1 January this year.
According to practice, the government uses consumer price index-industrial workers data of the past 12 months to arrive at a quantum for the purpose of any DA hike. Thus, the retail inflation for industrial workers between 1 January to 31 December 2013 was used to take a final call on the matter.
According to the provisional data released by government on 31 January, retail inflation for factory workers in December was 9.13% . The revised retail inflation data for January is scheduled to be released on Friday. An official had said earlier that the preliminary assessment suggests that DA hike will not be less than 10% and would be effective from 1 January.
Source :

Shri Abhinav Wallia (IPoS 1989) posted as PMG, Berhampur

Dear Comrades,

Shri Abhinav Wallia (IPoS 1989) posted as PMG, Berhampur

To view Department of Posts (Personnel Division) Order No.1-6I2014-SPG dated 26-02-2014 please Click Here. 

Transfer Order for IPoS

Dear Comrades,

To view Department of Posts (Personnel Division) Order No.2-2/2014-SPG dated 26-02-2014 please Click Here. 

Voluntary retirement under FR 56(K)etc. and amendment of Rules.

Dear Comrades,

Voluntary retirement under FR 56(K)etc. and amendment of Rules.

To view Department of Personnel and Training  Order No.25013/3/2010-Estt (A) dated 27-02-2014 please Click Here.

Compendium of Best Practices on RTI - Volume I

Dear comrades,

Compendium of Best Practices on RTI - Volume I

To view please Click Here.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

India’s first post office savings bank ATM in Chennai

Dear Comrades,

Finance Minister P. Chidambaram inaugurated the ATM service at Thiyagaraya Nagar Head Post Office

The country’s first Post Office Savings Bank ATM was inaugurated in Chennai on Thursday by Finance Minister P. Chidambaram as part of the government’s Rs. 4,909 crore IT modernisation scheme for the Department of Posts specified in the interim budget for 2014-15. 

After launching the ATM service at Thiyagaraya Nagar Head Post Office (HPO), Mr.Chidambaram said, “The IT modernisation scheme is aimed at making Department of Posts a technology-oriented one and today’s initiative is a step in that regard.” The IT modernisation scheme would cover 1.55 lakh post offices and would be implemented by next year, he added. 

Speaking about the newly launched ATM service at the HPO, Mr.Chidambaram said that while it will initially operate in a closed environment for about six months, and later change to ‘inter-operability,’ on the lines of bank ATMs, allowing customers to withdraw money from any ATM. About Department of Posts, Mr.Chidambaram said that while questions were being raised about its future, especially in the wake of dip in use of letters and postcards, it was adopting new strategies and was therefore on the path to growth. Still a large number of people believe that the Department of Posts is the best in courier and parcel delivery areas, he added. An official release said the T Nagar HPO ATM is the first in the country and “four more ATMs are ready for operations” in Delhi and Mumbai. 

Golghar, 1st core banking post office of Poorvanchal

Dear Comrades,

GORAKHPUR: Poorvanchal region got its first CBS (core banking solutions) head post office on February 26. Chief post master general (CPMG), Ashutosh Tripathi, inaugurated the first CBS head post office at Golghar. Tripathi said, "The head post office has now become the first CBS post office of Poorvanchal and I'm sure that soon ATM facility will also be started here."

After inauguration, CPMG had a meeting with officials and congratulated everyone as around four lakh people will be benefited with this facility..Fertilizer factory, Railway Colony, Geeta Press, Gorakhnath Mandir, Kuchchuhry post office, Kundraghat post office will also come under CBS.  

Now pay RTI fees online for 2,496 Central govt offices

Dear Comrades,

A six year tenacious battle by Delhi-based RTI activist Commodore (retd) Lokesh Batra has resulted in the government facilitating eIPO for payment of RTI fees in 2,496 central government offices
Since 22 March 2013, only Indians abroad had the facility of paying Right to Information (RTI) fee online, for their e-RTI applications. Since 13 February 2014, all of us living in India too can use online RTI by paying the fee through electronic Indian Postal Order (eIPO) in 2,496 central government’s public authorities. As for public authorities of state governments, you can pay your RTI fees online but you need to take out a print-out of the eIPO and attach it to your RTI application.
According to RTI activist Commodore (retd) Lokesh Batra, who single-handedly has pursued this campaign since the last six years, there is much enthusiasm for the eIPO facility, but a mass public awareness needs to be created through media and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) working in the field of RTI.

Soon car manufacturers, e-commerce can use postal service

Dear Comrades,

The Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and E-commerce companies can soon will be able to tie-up with the India Post, which spread across1.50 lakh locations across India, to reach out to their customers/potential customers.
The India Post, is being modernised with aninvestment of over Rs 4,900 crore, which will bring all the Postoffices under one net and all the operations will be computerised.

On the backdrop of the declining traditional businesses, including transaction of letters and post cards, the India Post is now planning to take a new avatar, with a budgetary support of over Rs 4,900 crore from the Union Government.

Get Shiva's blessings through Speed Post

Dear Comrades,

ALLAHABAD: This Mahashivatri if you are unable to go for Bholenath's darshan then too there is no need to worry as you can easily get the prasad at your doorstep through postal services.

Director postal services, Allahabad region Krishna Kumar Yadav said as per an agreement between the Kashi Vishwanath Mandir Trust of Varanasi and Department of Posts, prasad of Kashi Vishwanath Mandir will be made available at the home of devotees through post.


Dear Comrades,


Dear Comrades,

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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Vacancy Notification for PA / SA for Odisha Circle

Dear Comrades,


Dear Comrades,

We are exhibiting below the proposal of the Department, regarding Cadre Restructuring along with the letter submitted by staff side to the Department, for modification of the proposal. As on date, the Department is not ready for any favourable modifications. We are continuing our effort to get it modified. Meanwhile all the Circle/Divisional Secretaries and office bearers are requested to intimate their view points on the proposal of the Department and also regarding the modifications suggested by the staff side. Department is ready to sign the agreement without any modification. In that case what should be our stand?
The Committee constituted by the Department on cadre restructuring of Group ‘C’ employees vide No. 25-04/2012-PE I dated 23rd Oct 2013 held its discussions on 04th Feb 2014 at 1500 hours & on 05th Feb 2014 at 1430 hours under the Chairmanship of Shri V. P. Singh, DDG (Personnel). The following were present: -
1. Shri V. P. Singh, DDG (P) – Chairman
2. Shri Alok Saxena, Secretary PSB – Member
3. Ms. Trishaljit Sethi, DDG (E) – Member
4. Sh. Surender Kumar, ADG (PCC) – Member Secretary
1. General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’
2. General Secretary, NAPE Group ‘C’
3. General Secretary, AIRMS & MMS
4. General Secretary, NU RMS & MMS Group ‘C’
5. General Secretary, AIPEU, Postman & MTS
6. General Secretary, NUPE, Postman & Multi Tasking Employees
2. The Committee had earlier met on 27th Nov.
3. The representatives of the Staff side informed that Postal Assistant cadre officials are getting promotions in promotional hierarchy to Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/- (PB-1) in Lower Selection Grade at a time when they are already placed in the Grade Pays’ of Rs. 4200/- (PB-2) or Rs. 4600/- (PB-2) on award of financial upgradation(s) under MACPS. At this, the official side asked Staff side to furnish copies of the orders on above lines from few Circles to corroborate the above claim. The Committee recommends that before processing these recommendations, Establishment Division may obtain the same from Staff Side. After discussions, the following recommendations in respect to the cadre restructuring of Group ‘C’ employees were agreed to by the Department.
(a)   The post of SPMs in Single Handed Post Offices and Double Handed Post Offices will be placed in the Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/- in the Pay Band PB-I.
(b)   The Post of Sub Postmasters in Triple Handed Post offices and LSG Post Offices will be placed in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- in the Pay Band PB-II.
(c)    The post of HSG-II Head Postmasters and Sub-Postmasters will be placed in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- in the Pay Band PB-II.
(d)   After the implementation of the above restructuring, the officials in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/-, who have completed 4 years of regular service, will be granted the Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/- in the Pay Band-II on non-functional basis after following the usual procedure of non-functional upgradation(s)
(e)   Cadre ratio as per the agreed position mentioned at (a) to (d) above, will be worked out and the ratio so worked out will be replicated to the SA cadre of RMS, PA cadre of Circle & Administrative offices as also to the PA cadre of SBCO.
(f)     In the light of peculiar situation of Postman/mail Guard cadre where the work for bulk of the cadre continues to remain the same; as a special case the Committee recommends the ratios as worked out in pursuance of (e) above may be considered for implementation for these cadres as well and that the cadre so restructured may concurrently get the benefit of MACP also. The Committee further recommends that a proposal may be considered for submission to the 7th CPC to have a percentage based promotion scheme for this cadre akin to the scheme of Staff Car Drivers.
NEW DELHI – 110001
N. JCM (DC)/Cadre Review/Staff Side/2014                                                         Dated - 05.02.2014
Shri. V. P. Singh
DDG (P) & Chairman
Cadre Restructuring Committee for Group ‘C’
Department of Posts,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Sub: -  Cadre Review of Group ‘C’ employees of Department of Posts.
Kindly recall the discussions we had with you in the Cadre Restructuring Committee meeting held on 27.11.2013, 04.02.2014 and 05.02.2014.
While appreciating the positive attitude taken on some of our proposals submitted to the Cadre Restructuring Committee, we are totally disappointed and feel let down by the way in which certain valid points raised by us has been simply brushed aside and rejected by the Administration side in a pre-decided manner, even without examining the merits or demerits of our suggestions. Outright and summary rejection seems embarrassing.
We are once again constrained to submit the following proposals and modifications for your judicious and dispassionate consideration and acceptance, with a fervent hope that the same will receive due consideration.
While upgrading the existing LSG posts (GP 2800) to HSG-II posts (GP 4200) only the LSG posts of Sub Postmasters is taken into account. All the other posts in the LSG grade such as Asst. Postmasters in Head Post offices and above, Asst. Sub Postmasters in certain major sub post offices, etc. are avoided. This will result only in marginal increase in the number of HSG II post (GP 4200) as below:
Total number of triple handed Postmaster’s post to be upgraded
Total number of LSG posts including Asst. Postmasters Posts
Total Posts
Out of this LSG posts carved out for creation of Postmasters Grade-I to be deducted
Remaining Posts for upgradation to HSG II
Out of this LSG Asst. Postmasters and ASPMs posts are to be deducted
4000 (Correct figure not available with staff side, it will be more than 4000)
Net posts remaining for upgradation to HSG II (GP 4200)
Now we are having 4892 LSG Posts in General line (6989-2097 PM Cadre). Even after upgrading ‘A’ class Postmasters as HSG-II (GP 4200) the number of Posts available for upgradation to HSG-II will be less than the number available now and employees are not going to be benefited, if only those posts are upgraded. Hence our request for upgradation of all existing LSG posts (not only Postmasters posts) to GP 4200 along with Postmaster posts of ‘A’ Class offices. Similarly all posts in HSG-II (other than Postmaster Posts also) may be upgraded to 4600/-.
At present PO & RMS exam qualified officials are posted as Accountants. Officials working as Asst. Postmaster (Accounts) should posses Accountant qualification. There is no separate channel of promotion for qualified Accountants above the post of APM (Accounts). As per the proposal of the Administration side those Asst. Postmaster posts will remain as LSG (GP 2800) only and further those APM (Accounts) posts which are now in HSG-II (GP 4200) will remain as HSG-II (GP 4200) without any further upgradaion. In fact there is no upgrdation for Accounts line posts and the qualified officials have to move out of their Accountant/Asst. Postmaster (Accounts) posts if they want promotional upgradation, thereby the Department will be loosing the services of qualified officials to work in Accounts Branches. Nobody will be willing to work as Accountants and Asst. Postmaster (Accounts).
Hence it is once again requested to upgrade all the posts of PO & RMS Accountants to LSG (GP 2800) and LSG APM Accounts posts to HSG II (GP 4200) and at least 20% of the posts in upgraded GP 4200 may be further upgraded to HSG-I APM Accounts (GP 4600). Thus Accountant qualified officials will have their own channel of promotion. Regarding promotion to GP 4800/- the conditions applicable to General line officials may be made applicable to them also.
At present norm based LSG Postmasters posts are upgraded as Postmaster Grade-I. When LSG Postmaster posts are upgraded to 4200 GP (HSG-II), the Postmaster Grade-I posts shall also be automatically upgraded to the Grade Pay of 4200/-. Otherwise a glaring anomaly will arise. Their counter parts working in general line LSG post offices will be in GP 4200 where as they will remain in GP 2800. The benefit of upgradation should be made equally applicable to Postmaster Grade-I, Grade-II and Grade-III officials also by suitably upgrading the posts in Postmaster Cadre.
In the JCM Departmental Council meeting held on 27.08.2010, JCM (DC) standing Committee dated 18.12.2012 and 23.08.2013 it was decided that the demand for creation of a separate cadre for system Administrators will be considered by the Cadre Restructuring Committee.
But to our dismay, surprisingly the Department informed in the JCM Departmental Council meeting held 23.08.2013 that creation of separate cadre is not feasible.
We are totally in disagreement with the above stand taken by the Department. it seems that the Department has already made up its mind not to create a separate Cadre. We are not repeating the unstinted yeomen service done by the existing System Administrators since the inception of computers in Postal Department by converting it from a wholly computer illiterate department to the present fully computerised status. We have already explained in detail all the points which justified a better treatment for system Administrators and also for creation of a separate cadre as a promotional cadre of qualified PA/SAs. Inspite of all our best efforts, it is quite unfortunate that the Department is taking a totally unreasonable and negative attitude towards the SAs and their claim for better treatment has been mercilessly rejected.
The role of existing System Administrators in total computerization and also in core banking Solutions must be recognised. They are very much frustrated and the discontentment is mounting due to the continuous exploitation of these category of officials for the last more than ten years..
Notwithstanding our claim for creation of a separate cadre of System Administrators (System Assistant) with GP-4200, we request the Administration side to consider the following proposal of the staff side:
(a)   At present there is no sanctioned posts of System Administrators and services of officials working in sanctioned posts of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) in various offices are utilized as System Administrators, keeping the PA/SA post vacant. The PA/SA posts already kept vacant due to deputation as System Administrators may be redeployed and converted as Posts for accommodating System Administrators (in the PA cadre itself). This is suggested as matching savings. An amount of 15% special allowance may be sanctioned to the officials who are performing the duties of System Administrators in those redeployed post.
(b)   The official working as SA may be granted eligible promotions in the general line as and when due.
Notwithstanding our demand for creation of separate posts for marketing Executives in GP 4200 we request to create separate PA Posts for marketing Executives on redeployment and grant special allowance to the officials working in those posts. (this is suggested as matching savings).
As already explained by us the present nomenclature for supervisory post viz: - LSG, HSG-II, HSG-I does not exhibit the nature of status of the officials holding the posts to the customers and public and it require change.
7.      SBCO STAFF:
In the case of SBCO Staff the following proposal is submitted.
Present Designation
Proposed Designation
Proposed Scale of Pay
Auditor (Entry Level)
LSG (Supervisor
Sr. Auditor
HSG-II (Sr. Supervisor)
Chief Auditor
HSG-I (Chief Supervisor)
Executive Auditor
Chief Executive Auditor
In the case of Postmen/Mail Guard Staff as already suggested by us percentage promotion may be granted and the same may run concurrently with MACP as in the case of staff car drivers of MMS.
As the nature of duties of MTS Staff in Post offices/RMS offices is entirely different from their counterparts in other departments of Government of India, we reiterate our request for bringing MTS Staff also under the purview of Cadre Review.
(a) Even after the above cadre review proposals are implemented none of the existing officials will be benefited-financially as more number of officials are available under MACP in the Grade pay of 2800, 4200 and 4600 to work against the upgraded posts of 2800, 4200 & 4600 because of MACP-I, II & III. At present there are 26000 MACP II officials and 12000 MACP III officials in the Department of Posts. Even after upgradation as above, more number of officials will be getting MACP-I, II and III, much earlier than their normal promotion to grade pay 2800, 4200 & 4600 (LSG, HSG II and HSG-I). Hence the question of matching savings does not arise at all.
(b) 6% posts in operative cadre and 20% posts in supervisory cadre was reduced as a matching savings when TBOP, BCR scheme was in force. The TBOP/BCR scheme has been scrapped on introduction of MACP scheme. Directorate has issued orders for restoration of justified posts without 6% and 20% cut. But no posts are sanctioned or restored. The cut still remains. If at all any matching savings is required, the above fact may be taken into account and the posts yet to be restored may be adjusted as matching savings.
     Once again request you to consider the above points favourably.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)                                      (Giri Raj Singh)                                  (R. Seethalakshmi)
General Secretary                               General Secretary                               General Secretary
AIPEU Group ‘C’                             AI RMS & MMS EU Gr-‘C’     AIPEU, Postmen & Gr ‘D’/MTS
(D. Theagarajan)                                 (T. N. Rahate)                                      (D. Kishan Rao)
General Secretary                               General Secretary                                General Secretary
NU RMS & MMS, Group ‘C’   NUPE, Postmen & Gr-D/MTS                   NUPE, Group ‘C’
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