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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LGO) and Inspector of Postal Examination, 2011 have been postponed
Dear Comrades,
The Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LGO) and Inspector of Postal Examination, 2011 have been postponed.
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
The Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LGO) and Inspector of Postal Examination, 2011 have been postponed.
A- 34012/02/2011-DE
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(Recruitment Division)
New Delhi – 110001
Dated 30.08.2011
1. All Heads of Circles
2. Addl. DG APS West Block III. Wing No. 5, R. K. Puram, New Delhi – 110067
3. BD and PLI Directorates
4. Directors, Postal Staff College India Ghaziabad and Postal Training Centres.
Sub: - Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LGO) and Inspector of Postal Examination, 2011
I am directed to refer to this office letters No. A-34012/02/2011-DE and No. A-34012/04/2011-DE dated 26.04.2011 wherein the dates of Examination were notified as 4th September 2011 for LGO and 3rd & 4th September 2011 for Inspector of Posts.
2. It is informed that the above mentioned two Examinations have been postponed until further orders. The dates of both the Examinations will be intimated very soon. Please inform all concerned candidates.
3. Receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully
(L. Mohan Rao)
Assistant Director General (DE)
Instructions issued by the Division Office for Confirmation Exam for new PAs
Dear Comrades,
3. Community of the Candidate :
4. Date of regular appointment of PA/SA/Clerical Cadre:
5. Whether direct recruit PA/SA or Departmental incentive candidate:
6. No. of chances already availed :
(Particular of the various dates on which the candidate has appeared,
the confirmation examination is to be furnished here.
7. Name of the centre where the :
candidate desired to appear the examination
Certificate is to be furnished by the Division/Unit held on the following points:-
1) Whether Divisional office has maintained a register showing (a) the name of the office (b) Date of appointment to regular the confirmation examination and (d) the dates of examination falling within the prescribed year.
2) Whether proper entries have been made against each points mentioned above:-
3) Whether the information furnished by the official against item No.1 to 6 of the application form have duly been verified & found correct.
Division Office vide the following letter has issued instructions to the new PAs for appearing the confirmation examination.
Government of India, Department of Posts
Office of the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices
Koraput Division, Jeypore (K) 764001
Examination Matter- Urgent /By Regd Post
Sri Prabhat Kumar Sahu, PA Kotpad SO
Sri Nilamadhab Nayak, PA, Kashipur SO
Ms Alaka Nanda Dash, PA, Jeypore (K) HO
Sri Biswanath Sahu, PA, Jeypore (K) RS SO
Sri Prabhat Chandra Behera, PA, Bissam Cuttack SO
Sri Rajesh Kumar Dash, PA, Kalimela SO
Ms Smita Dash, PA, P.R.Peta SO
Sri Ananta Charan Sahu, PA, Jeypore (K) HO
Sri Jhilli Padhan, PA, Koraput HO
Sri Manas Ranjan Dalai, PA, Gunupur SO
Sri Sukanta Sahoo, PA, Jeypore (K) HO
Sri P Uday Kumar, PA, Jeypore (K) HO
No: B2/G-22/Ch-IV/2001 dated at Jeypore (K) the 29.08.2011
Sub: Confirmation Examination of PO/RLO/PSD/MMS Asst & RMS Sorting Assts scheduled to be held on 06.11.2011 (Sunday).
Please find enclosed herewith the Proforma of application form to apply for the above said examination. The application form duly filled in and signed by you may be sent to this office by 02.09.2011 without fail.
Please provide two recent passport size photographs of your own duly signed and attested by the competent authority. One photograph should be pasted on the top right hand corner of the application and another be stapled on the side of first photo so that the same can be removed and used for issue of hall ticket.
Encl: As Above.
Sr. Supdt of Post Offices, Koraput Division, Jeypore (K) 764001
(Proforma for Submitting Application form by PA/RLO/PSD/MMS Assts and RMS Sorting Asst. to appear confirmation examination scheduled to be held on …………………………..)
1. Full Name and Designation of the Candidate :
2. Present Place of working :3. Community of the Candidate :
4. Date of regular appointment of PA/SA/Clerical Cadre:
5. Whether direct recruit PA/SA or Departmental incentive candidate:
6. No. of chances already availed :
(Particular of the various dates on which the candidate has appeared,
the confirmation examination is to be furnished here.
7. Name of the centre where the :
candidate desired to appear the examination
Date: Signature of the candidate
Place: Certificate is to be furnished by the Division/Unit held on the following points:-
1) Whether Divisional office has maintained a register showing (a) the name of the office (b) Date of appointment to regular the confirmation examination and (d) the dates of examination falling within the prescribed year.
2) Whether proper entries have been made against each points mentioned above:-
3) Whether the information furnished by the official against item No.1 to 6 of the application form have duly been verified & found correct.
Signature and designation of Unit
Head with date.
(Affix official designation seal here)
Monday, August 29, 2011
Agenda of AIPEU Group-C for the monthly union meeting for Aug, 2011
Dear Comrades,
ToThe Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices,
Koraput Division, Jeypore(K)-764001.
L No: AIPEU/Agenda-8/2011 Dated at Jeypore(K) the 23.08.2011
Sub: Submission of Agenda.
With reference to Divnl. Office letter no.B2/AIPEU-4 dtd.09.08.2011, the following agendas are submitted for discussion in the monthly meeting which is to be held on 30.08.2011.
1. Action is requested for construction of a recreation club room for the welfare of staff of Jeypore(K) HO, Divisional Staff and Town SOs.
2. Action is requested for early issue of Identity Cards to all the staff of Koraput Division.
3. Action is requested to remove condition of station tenure in the rotational transfer as there is no rule for making transfer under station tenure. Transfer requests of employees who have represented Orissa Circle in Sports may be considered at the time of rotational transfer.
4. Action is requested for early sanction of leave of employees pending since long at Divisional Office. It is requested to engage another official to assist the staff-I branch to clear the long pending leave sanction cases as the said branch is burdened with heavy work load.
5. Action is requested to fill up all the vacant OA Posts in the Divisional Office. (Ex: Bill Asst. to assist the Accountant, Divisional Office, H1/H2 and PLI/RPLI Branch).
6. Action is requested for early refund of excess recovered electricity charges of the staff of Koraput Division. Ex: Shri S D Patra, SPM, Sunabeda-1.
7. Action is requested not to depute officials by name to any Post Office. (Discussion)
8. Action is requested to complete the pending repair works to be done inside Jeypore(K) HO premises i.e. Marble flooring in Mail Branch, cracks developed in the recently constructed accounts branch, drain and outside flooring including cycle shed and main gate of Jeypore(K) HO.
9. Action is requested to investigate the poor quality repair/renovation work done to the Postal quarters in the Postal Colony, Jeypore(K) and to cause good quality repairing work so as to avoid any untoward incident in future.
10. Action is requested for early sanction of long pending MIS and SB incentive bill.
11. Action is requested for de-quarterisation of dilapidated and post quarters having insufficient space as per the dept. norms and quarters lacking basic amenities.
12. Action is requested for shifting of Post Office to suitable building i.e. Jayanagar SO, Raighar SO, Papadahandi SO etc.
13. Action is requested for construction of a record room for Jeypore(K) HO.
14. Action is requested for extension of cycle stand at Koraput HO.
15. Action is requested for early supply of additional computer systems and printers to needy Post Offices. Ex: Dabugam SO, Borigumma SO, Boipariguda SO, Jeypore(K) HO, Jeypore(K) RS SO, Gunupur SO, Balimela SO etc.
16. Action is requested for posting of regular treasurer at Sunabeda-2 SO and Jeypore(K) HO.
17. Action is requested for supply of Postal Manuals and volumes to all HOs/MDGs and SOs.
It is requested to make relieving arrangements for the below mentioned union representatives to attend the monthly union meeting.
1. Purna Chandra Maharana, PA, Jeypore(K) HO.
2. Rajesh Kumar Raypalli, PA, J K Pur SO.
3. P Suresh Kumar, SPM, Koraput Road SO.
4. Bidya Bhusan Bhatra, PA, Koraput HO.
Yours faithfully
(Purna Chandra Maharana)
Divisional Secretary, AIPEU Group-C
Koraput Divisional Branch, Jeypore(K).
Agenda of AIPEU Postmen & Group-D/MTS for the monthly union meeting
Dear Comrades,
ToThe Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices,
Koraput Division, Jeypore(K)-764001.L No: AIPEU/Agenda-8/2011 Dated at Jeypore(K) the 23.08.2011
Sub: Submission of Agenda.
With reference to Divnl. Office letter no.B2/AIPEU-4 dtd.09.08.2011, the following agendas are submitted for discussion in the monthly meeting which is to be held on 30.08.2011.
1. Action is requested for supply of uniforms to all the eligible staff and new recruited staff.
2. Action is requested for engaging GDS staff as substitute at Damanjodi when Group-D remains on leave.
3. Action is requested for payment of Speed post incentive to delivery staff in regular manner.(Discussion)
4. Action is requested for supply of bags to all Postmen staff & project arrow office staff.
5. Action is requested for Umbrella to eligible staff.
6. Action is requested for transfer of Divisional Secretary to Jeypore on immunity ground.
7. Action is requested for sanction of CEA.
It is requested to make relieving arrangements for the below mentioned union representatives to attend the monthly meeting.
1. Nilambar Naik, O/S Mails, Koraput Sub-Division.
2. L Bisoi, Gr”D”, Damanjodi SO.
3. Prabhat Kumar Mahapatra, Postmen, Nabarangpur MDG.
Yours faithfully
(Nilambar Naik)
Divnl. Secy., AIPEU Postmen&Gr-D/MTS
Koraput Divnl. Branch, Jeypore(K)
Agenda of AIPEDEU for the monthly union meeting
Dear Comrades,
The Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices,
Koraput Division, Jeypore(K)-764001.
Sub Submission of Agenda.
With reference to Divnl. Office letter no.B2/AIPEU-4 dtd.09.08.2011, the following agendas are submitted for discussion in the monthly meeting which is to be held on 30.08.2011.
1. Action is requested for issuing of Permanent Order to all GDS of Koraput Division.
14 Nos. of Cases with representation and 34 Cases without representation:
List attached.
2. Action is requested for issuing orders for payment of combined duty allowance.
16 Nos. of Cases with representation and 21 Cases without representation:
List attached.
3. Action is requested for supply of furniture to all BOs in this Division.
Example: Ghodadhanua BO, Panduguda BO, Motigam BO a/w Kosagumuda SO.
Junapani BO, Dongriguda BO, Chatiguda BO, Karagam BO a/w Dabugam SO.
Badakumuli BO a/w Nabarangpur MDG.
4. Action is requested for early sanction of EDGIS.
9 Nos. of Cases:
S P Panigrahy, Ex-BPM, Jayantigiri BO a/w Borigumma SO.
Baidyanath Patra, Ex-MC, Ranigeda BO a/w Borigumma SO.
Subarna Patnaik, Ex-MC, Kolnara BO a/w J K Pur SO.
Krupa Gouda, Ex-MC, Kumuli BO a/w B Singhpur SO.
Dayanidhi Singh, Ex-MC, Kulusingi BO a/w Gunupur SO.
Raghu Ch Pangi, Ex-MD, Kutunipalli BO a/w Mathili SO.
Niranjan Ch Kundu, Ex-MD, Lachipeta SO.
Gurubandhu Gond, Ex-MC, Mariwada BO a/w Malkangiri MDG.
Pravakar Nag, Ex-MD, Kareni BO a/w Padmapur SO.
5. Action is requested to stop irregular transfer made to GDS staff from one BO to another against their will.
Example: Radhakrushna Sahu, MC, Chatikona BO a/w Bissamcuttack SO.
Jugal Pr Gupta, MD, Majhidhanua BO a/w Kosagumuda SO.
Benudhar Nayak, MD, Gadapadar BO a/w P R Peta SO.
Kishore Naik,MC, Jujhari BO a/w Miriganiguda SO now at Majhiguda SO.
Raghunath Mishra, GDSPKR now working as GDSPKR cum MD at Gudari SO.
6. Non-payment of severance and gratuity in case of retired and expired GDS employees of this division.
Mansingh Majhi, Ex-BPM, Dhamanaguda BO a/w Dabugam SO. Raghu Ch Pangi, Ex-MD, Kutunipalli BO a/w Mathili SO. Niranjan Ch Kundu, Ex-MD, Lachipeta SO. Gurubandhu Gond, Ex-MC, Mariwada BO a/w Malkangiri MDG. Pravakar Nag, Ex-MD, Kareni BO a/w Padmapur SO. D Singh, Ex-Packer, Kashipur SO. Bhakti Jholiya, Ex-MC, Dongasil BO a/w Kashipur SO. Mangal Mandal, EX GDSMC Pondasguda a/w Borigumma SO.
7. Action is requested for early payment of short payment of sixth pay commission arrear to GDS.
8. Action is requested early issue of Identity Cards.
9. Action is requested to fill up all vacant GDS posts.
10. Action is requested for supply of necessary forms and vouchers to needs BOs on top priority basis.
11. Action is requested for engaging one more Mail Escort in the route for Jeypore-Padwa MMS (Discussion).
12. Action is requested for supply of Umbrella to all GDS staff of this division.
13. Action is requested for payment of Office Maintenance allowances to i/c BPMs.
14. Action is requested for early sanction of pending leaves cases of BPMs.
It is requested to make relieving arrangements for the below mentioned union representatives to attend the monthly meeting.
1. Rajendra Prasad Sahu, GDSBPM, Pujariput BO a/w Borigumma S.O.
2. Jagadish Kar, GDS I/c BPM Mohuli a/w Boipariguda SO.
3. Raghunath Mishra, GDSPKR, Gudari SO.
Yours faithfully
(Rajendra Prasad Sahu)
Divnl. Secy., AIPEDEU
Koraput Divnl. Branch, Jeypore(K)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Monthly union meeting to be held 30th Aug 2011
Dear Comrades,
The monthly union meeting for the month of Aug, 2011 has been scheduled to be held on 30th Aug 2011. It is requested to send your grievances, if any to the email ID:, so that the same can be brought to the notice of the SSPOs, Koraput Division during the meeting.
The agendas have already been submitted.
Anna Hazare ends his fast on 13th day
Dear Comrades,
Anna Hazare ended his 12-day fastSunday morning before tens of thousands of cheering supporters at Ramlila Maidan by sipping a glass of coconut water with honey offered to him by two girls.
The nation, particularly the government of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, heaved a collective sigh of relief at the resolution of a major national cris as the 74-year-old activist ended his fast at around 10.20 a.m. He began his fast Aug 16 morning and completed 288 hours of fasting Sunday.
1:45 pm: At Ramlila, a mini India watched Anna break fast
Hours before Anna Hazare broke a 13-day hunger strike that shook the nation, all roads led to the Ramlila ground. And as he sipped coconut water, tens of thousands gave him a standing, boisterous ovation that would make any politician go green with envy.
It was a mini India out there. A saffron robed swami. A tall Nihang Sikh in bright blue. Mahatma Gandhi lookalikes. Men with Rajasthani head gears. Retired employees. The jobless. Traders. Vendors. Bus drivers. Farmers.
Like in any movement, the middle class did dominate.
1:30 pm: Team Anna reaches out to Dalits, remembers Ambedkar
Facing criticism from Dalit groups for not having representation from backward and minority classes, Team Anna Sunday remembered B.R. Ambedkar, the architect of Indian constitution, and said they respect the statute.
Activist Anna Hazare broke his 13-day-long fast after drinking a mixture of coconut water and honey offered to him by a Dalit and a Muslim girl.
'The condition of farmers is bad. We have to give them justice. Ambedkar put all this in the constitution but it not being implemented in the parliament,' Hazare told the cheering crowds at Ramlila Maidan.
Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal turned down allegations that their movement was against the constitution. 'Some Dalits have said that we are against constitution. I want to tell that we respect the constitution and Ambedkar-ji,' he said.
1:15 pm: Anna, his team thank media
The media got a big thank you from Anna Hazare and his team Sunday for their support to the anti-corruption campaign with the 24X7 coverage of the protest.
The 74-year-old activist who broke his fast on the 13th day said: 'I want to thank the media for spreading our message to all my countrymen for the past 12 days...this is a success for them as well.'
Arvind Kejriwal, a member of Team Anna, was also effusive in his thanks to the media.
'We want to thank the media for working around the clock with their cameras, in heat and rain. This was not just their job, they worked 24 hours a day and were a part of the movement too,' Kejriwal said.
Kiran Bedi, another member of Team Anna, described the media as the backbone of the movement.
'Real backbone of this movement was the passionate media. They were willing to forgo their advertisement revenues and allow themselves to become the people's voice,' Bedi tweeted.
1:00 pm: Anna Hazare: A fasting activist turns a national icon
He drove a truck for the army during the 1965 India-Pakistan war, but when Anna Hazare broke his fast on day 13 Sunday after the Indian parliament agreed to his three demands for a stronger anti-graft legislation the school dropout had won for the people a war against the powerful establishment.
It was a civic-government standoff, broadcast live to the nation by the incessantly chattering 24x7 TV news channels, and at the centre of this spectacular reality show was a frail and fasting 74-year-old man who became a veritable nightmare for the ruling political class, but a hero of the urban middle class reeling under pervasive corruption and an unresponsive system. Read more
12:45 pm: Volunteers, backbone of the movement: Kejriwal
Describing them as the backbone of the agitation, Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal Sunday had a special word of praise for the over 300 volunteers who worked round the clock for 13 days to the keep the movement against corruption going.
Minutes before Hazare broke his fast Sunday morning, RTI activist Arvind Kejriwal said: 'The backbone of the protest is our volunteers who were insulted, scolded, treated in a bad way but still they worked efficiently for hours.'
'On days when I used to sleep here and sometimes get up at 3 a.m., I used to see several volunteers hushing up at the stairs near the dais. When I used to ask them to sleep, they would say - 'No, we want to protect our Anna', that was their spirit,' he said.
12:30 PM: The men and the woman behind Team Anna
Anna Hazare has become a powerful brand for people-driven change. But a brand is not built in isolation. It took, amongst others, the father-son due of a former law minister and an activist lawyer, a former police officer and an income tax officer-turned RTI activist to power the 24x7 Anna Hazare show that fired the nation's imagination like no other. These five people were part of his 'inner circle' of advisers.
12:20 PM: Anna Hazare confident of building 'a corruption-free society'
Anna Hazare today thanked the people of the country and the media for extending their support to his campaign against corruption. Addressing thousands of supporters after breaking his 12-day fast at New Delhi's Ram Lila Ground, Hazare said he wants the passing of the Jan Lokpal Bill for a corruption-free society.
"Thanks to all of you. This is your victory. This also the victory of media, thanks to media for awakening people across India. Thanks to the members of civil society. We have shown a new way to the world that anything can be achieved through 'ahimsa'," Hazare said.
"I'm thankful to the youth power for their massive support. This has established that 'Jan Sansad' is more powerful than 'Sansad'. Now, our belief is firm that we can build a corruption-free society. Whatever changes we want, would be done in accordance with the Constitution," he added.
12:10 PM: Anna Hazare wants introduction of "Right to Recall" to change political system
Anna Hazare said that the people of the country must have the "Right to Recall" to change the country's political system.
Addressing thousands of supporters after breaking his 12-day fast at New Delhi's Ram Lila Ground, Hazare said: "Corruption is due to the non-decentralization of power. We have to strengthen our 'Gram Sabha' and change the present election system. We need the 'Right to Recall'." The anti-corruption crusader had told supporters on Saturday evening that he would the end his campaign as the Congress-led UPA government had agreed to his demands to legislate tougher laws against rampant graft.
Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee had announced in the Lok Sabha that the civil society's version of the Lokpal Bill would now rest with the Standing Committee. The Jan Lokpal Bill, the anti-graft legislation that Hazare is agitating for, is seen as a weapon to root out corruption and nepotism from the government machinery and in public life.
12:00 noon: Anna Hazare taken to Gurgaon hospital for medical check-up
Anna Hazare, who ended his 12-day long hunger strike today, has been taken to Gurgaon's Medanta hospital for a medical check-up.
Hazare has reportedly lost eight kilograms since he began the campaign for a strong Lokpal Bill on August 16. A medical team from Medanta hospital has been monitoring the 74-year-old's condition closely. full story
11:30 am: PM's letter to Anna Hazare
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh wrote to Anna Hazare after Parliament on Saturday passed a resolution agreeing to the three demands put forth by anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare. Vilasrao Deshmukh personally went to Ramlila Maidan to hand over the letter and a copy of the resolution to the Team Anna.
Rashtrapati Bhavan on Stamps
Dear Comrades,
Indian Stamps – Rashtrapati Bhavan – By India Post
Set of 4 Stamps
The Rashtrapati Bhavan is the official residence of the President of India, located at Raisina hill in New Delhi, India. Until 1950 it was known as “Viceroy’s House” and served as the residence of the Viceroy and Governor -General of India, It is amidst an area known as Lutyens Delhi. At present, it is the largest residence of any Chief of the State in the world.
Aug 26th, 2011 by
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Ramlila Maidan becomes postal address for Anna
Dear Comrades,
New Delhi: Postmen had never ventured here but for the past one week they have been taking rounds of Ramlila Maidan with their mailbags delivering letters to fasting Anna Hazare.
And the addresses on these letters read Anna Hazare, Fasting Centre, Ramlila Maidan or just Anna Hazare, Ramlila Ground.
Team Anna members said Hazare has got around 50 letters and packets through courier and speedpost.
Most of the letters were in support of Hazare and his fast while some others were to request him to call off his hunger strike as they were concerned about his health.
Letters were coming from as far as Orissa and Tripura.
Hazare, who began his fast on August 16 in police detention, reached Ramlila Maidan three days later after spending three nights in Tihar Jail.
Press Trust of India, Updated: August 27, 2011 15:41 ISTGold selling by Post Offices
Dear Comrades,
Gold is a ‘must have’ in your investment portfolio. Frankly, there is no need to advocate investment in gold amongst Indian audiences.
Traditionally, it is a popular avenue of investment for Indians. However, buying jewelry is not as good an investment as buying pure 24 karat gold. Hence, when we talk of gold as an investment, we mean gold coins, gold biscuits, or gold bars – any piece of 24 karat gold. Since gold is a popular investment, there are several avenues of buying it. Even banks and post offices sell gold. So, from where should you get your gold? Here are your choices:
Post offices
An extremely reliable source plus reasonable prices- Indian Postal Offices sell gold coins. Post offices of only a few cities extend this facility. However, this avenue has the potential of reaching out to remote areas. This is because, every village, however, small it may be, has a post office. It can be a very good alternative to local jewelers. Gold coins in lower denominations (0.5 grams, 1.0 grams, 5.0 grams and 8.0 grams) are also sold here so that most people can afford purchasing gold from post offices.
At present post offices in the following cities sell gold coins: Delhi, Ahmedabad, Surat, Baroda, Pune, Nashik, Nagpur, Mumbai, Chennai, Trichy, Coimbatore, Salem and Madurai.
Traditional mail sees massive decline as email, SMS take over
Dear Comrades,
NEW DELHI: In the era of high speed communication where a mobile phone message gets delivered to its recipient within seconds, snail mail - like postcards and inland letters - is losing out on its appeal, according to data available with the communications ministry.
"The present mail traffic trend indicates that there is decrease of sale of post cards and inland letter cards in the post offices which is due to induction of new technology in the field of personal communication," Minister of State for Communications and IT Sachin Pilot said in a written reply to the Lok Sabha.
During 2009-10 the traffic of post cards and inland letter cards as per data available from all postal circles stood at over 78 crore and 91 crore, respectively, as against 195.8 crore and 224.94 crore, respectively, during 2001-02.
IANS Aug 26, 2011, 04.59pm IST
Dear Comrades,
This article belongs to the ANNA HAZARE. Please go through the whole content.
From a tenacious soldier to a social reformer, and a right to information crusader, Anna Hazare’s journey of four decades has been unprecedented in terms of a non-violent yet effective campaign of resurrecting a barren village into an `ideal village’ model and empowering the faceless citizen through pioneering work on Right to Information. His efforts to empower grampanchayats, protect efficient government officers from frequent transfers and fight against the red tapism in government offices have also received accolades.
His tryst with the army came when many Indian soldiers became martyrs in the Indo-China War of 1962 and the Government of India had appealed to young Indians to join the Indian army. Being passionate about patriotism, he promptly responded to the appeal and joined the Indian Army in 1963. During his 15-year tenure as a soldier, he was posted to several states like Sikkim, Bhutan, Jammu-Kashmir, Assam, Mizoram, Leh and Ladakh and braved challenging weathers.
At times, Hazare used to be frustrated with life and wondered about the very existence of human life. His mind yearned to look out for a solution to this simple and basic question. His frustration reached the peak level and at one particular moment, he also contemplated suicide. For this, he had also penned a two page essay on why he wants to live no more. Fortunately for him, inspiration came from the most unexpected quarters – at the book stall of the railway station of New Delhi, where he was located then. He came across a book of Swami Vivekananda and immediately bought it.
He was inspired by Vivekananda’s photograph on the cover. As he started reading the book, he found answers to all his questions, he says. The book revealed to him that the ultimate motive of human life should be service to humanity. Striving for the betterment of common people is equivalent to offering a prayer to the God, he realized.
In the year 1965, Pakistan attacked India and at that time, Hazare was posted at the Khemkaran border. On November 12, 1965, Pakistan launched air attacks on Indian base and all of Hazare’s comrades became martyrs, It was a close shave for Hazare as one bullet had passed by his head. Hazare believes this was the turning point of his life as it meant he had a purpose to life. Anna was greatly influenced by Swami Vivekananda’s teachings. It was at that particular moment that Hazare took an oath to dedicate his life in the service of humanity, at the age of 26. He decided not not to let go of a life time by being involved merely in earning the daily bread for the family. That’s the reason why he pledged to be a bachelor. By then he had completed only three years in the army and so would not be eligible for the pension scheme. In order to be self-sufficient, he continued to be in the army for 12 more years. After that, he opted for voluntary retirement and returned to his native place in Ralegan Siddhi, in the Parner tehsil of Ahmednagar district.
While in the army, Hazare used to visit Ralegan Siddhi for two months every year and used to see the miserable condition of farmers due to water scarcity. Ralegan Siddhi falls in the drought-prone area with a mere 400 to 500 mm of annual rainfall. There were no weirs to retain rainwater. During the month of April and May, water tankers were the only means of drinking water. Almost 80 per cent of the villagers were dependent on other villages for food grains. Residents used to walk for more than four to six kilometers in search of work and some of them had opted to open country liquor dens as a source of income.
More than 30-35 such dens located in and around the village had tarnished the dignity of the village and marred the social peace. Small scuffles, thefts and physical brawls resulted in loss of civic sense. Morality had reached such a nadir that some of the residents stole wooden logs of the temple of the village deity Yadavbaba to burn the choolah of one of the country liquor outfits.
Hazare came across the work of one Vilasrao Salunke, a resident of Saswad near Pune who had started a novel project of water management through watershed development in a joint venture with the Gram Panchyat. Hazare visited the project and decided to implement it in Ralegan Siddhi. By keeping an eye on conserving every drop of water and preventing erosion of the fertile soil, he steered the villagers to begin working towards water conservation. At the outset, they completed 48 Nala Bunding work, contour trenches, staggered trenches, gully plugs, meadows development and of forestation of 500 hectares of land. Thereafter, they constructed five RCC weirs and 16 Gabion Weirs.
This resulted in increase in the ground water level. After that, Hazare along with his team worked out the cropping pattern suitable to the quality of soil and the water volume available for farming. This led to increase in the water table by making water available for 1,500 acres of land instead of 300 acres. As a natural sequel, this effort led to yielding of food-grains and the villagers became self-sufficient in terms of food. The table turned turtle – earlier there was no work available for the villagers, now manpower was required to be imported from neighbouring villages.
The changes in the economics brought all the villagers under one roof of unity and people voluntarily contributed in terms of labour and money to build a school, a hostel, a temple and other buildings. Mass marriages, grains bank, dairy, cooperative society, self-help groups for women and youth mandals helped develop the village in all aspects and gave a new face to it.
Hazare opines that proper planning of natural and human resources can result in the betterment of a person, area, village instead of exploiting such resources. He says, ``Today we all are exploiting the earthen resources like petrol, diesel, kerosene, coal and water. This can never be termed as perennial development as it is going to lead a state of destruction one day. The sources of energy are limited and hence I am concerned about the next generations. Today many of the villages of almost every state are feeling the brunt of water shortage. Building concrete jungles does not mean development as Gandhiji had rightly said.
Creation of a human idol should be the main objective rather than creating towering buildings. Surely, one needs to live for oneself and the family but simultaneously one owes something to your neighbour, your village and your nation too. For this, you need an idol who could lead to this goal. Such leadership is not created by power or money but only by virtues like pure thinking, matching action and willingness to sacrifice. It is the thumb rule of farming that – When a seed buries itself, it leads to a better yield. in order to get better yield of grains, one single grain needs to burry itself.
The society needs such volunteers who are ready to get buried in selfless service for the better future of the society.’’
Hazare’s Ralegan Siddhi became the first role model of an ideal village and has become a tourist spot for many visitors across the nation, since it shows the metamorphoses from the worst village to an ideal village. Visitors include politicians, researchers, social workers and students. Four postgraduate students have completed Ph. D. thesis on Ralegan Siddhi.
Social Life
Anna rightly thought that Development is marred by corruption and started a new venture in 1991 called Bhrashtachar Virodhi Jan Aandolan (BVJA) or public movement against corruption. It was found that some 42 forest officers had duped the state government for crores of rupees through corruption in confederacy. Hazare submitted the evidences to the government but the latter was reluctant to take action against all these officers as one of the ministers of the ruling party was involved in the scam. A distressed Hazare returned the Padmashree Award to the President of India and also returned the Vriksha Mitra Award given by then prime minister of India Rajiv Gandhi.
He further went on an indefinite hunger strike in Alandi on the same issue. Finally, the government woke up from deep slumber and took action against the culprits. Hazare’s sustained campaign on this issue had a great effect - six of the ministers were forced to resign and more than 400 officers from different government offices were sent back to home.
Hazare realized that it was not enough to merely take action against fraudulent ministers or officers but to change the entire system that was studded with loopholes. Hence, he campaigned for the Right to Information Act. The state government turned a blind eye towards the pleas in this regard and so he first agitated in the historical Azad Maidan in Mumbai in the year 1997. To create mass public awareness about RTI amongst the youth, Hazare traveled extensively throughout the state. The government kept promising that RTI Act would be made but never raised this issue in the house or the state assembly. Hazare did not relent – he agitated at least ten times.
Finally, again he went on an indefinite hunger strike at Azad Maidan in the last week of July 2003. At last, the President of India signed the draft of the Right to Information Act after his 12-day-long hunger strike and ordered the state government to implement it with effect from 2002. The same draft was considered as the base document for the making of the National Right to Information Act-2005.
After the implementation of the RTI Act-2005, Hazare travelled for more than 12,000 Kms across the state creating awareness about the Act. In the second phase, he interacted with more than one lakh college students and also conducted mass public meetings across 24 districts of the state. The third phase included daily 2-3 public meetings in more than 155 tehsil places. In this massive campaign, posters, banners were displayed and more than one lakh booklets of the provisions of the Act were distributed at a nominal price.
This created enough of awareness and people were educated on the issue of rights of citizens.
Hazare deservedly won the coveted Padmashree and then Padmabhushan. Care International of the USA, Transparency International, Seoul (South Korea) also felicitated him. Apart from this, he received awards worth Rs 25 lakh and donated the entire amount for the Swami Vivekananda Kritadnyata Nidhi (social gratitude fund). Out of the two lakh rupees received from the above amount, mass marriages are carried of at least 25-30 poor couples every year.
That Hazare has given his life for social betterment is reflected thus: ``I do have my home in the village but I have not entered it for the past 35 years. I have implemented schemes costing more than several crores of rupees but I do not have bank balance. Last 12 years I have been working in the field of eradication of corruption. This movement is run entirely by public support without and grants or sponsorships. I appeal for money wherever I go for a public meeting and urge them to contribute generously. The same money I use to carry out my campaigns. The money collected at such public meetings is counted in front of the villagers and my volunteers issue a receipt of the same on the spot.’’
He further states that, ``The movement that we started many years back without a penny in wallet, has spread its wings in all the 33 districts and 252 tehsils of the state. Hence we have been instrumental in offering rights to local bodies like Gramsabha, preventing red-tapism and initiating the law of transfers. This has prevented corruption on a large scale. This has also resulted in offering social justice to the economically backward class. The Union Government keeps on making various schemes for poor people in availing kerosene, LPG and pulses on ration card but the middlemen keep on gulping the subsidies of the same. Our efforts made these necessities available to the poor.’’
The state government promoted opening of cooperative societies, credit societies & urban banks. Believing in the principles of cooperative sector, the utmost lower class of the society invested their savings with such cooperative societies. However, the directors of such societies devoured the money and failed to pay back the basic amount to the members of the societies. This created havoc and people were duped for crores of rupees and did not have money for the marriages of their daughters or for medical treatment. Hazare agitated for over eight months. The result was that more than Rs 125 crore was recovered from defaulters and the members of such societies heaved a sigh of relief. Recovery of around Rs. 400 crores is in the pipeline.
In the future, the BVJA will work for the decentralisation of power and laws related to the same. Says Hazare, ``we have decided to develop centers to create awareness amongst people about govt. schemes and train activists to know the modus operandi of corruption in each sector. As the state government has decided to set up committees at almost every nodal point like state, district, tehsil, and village level with one member on such committee represented by our organisation. We have trained more than 400 volunteers to work on such committees.’’
Actually the government should train the members of NGOs who can work in the sector of prevention of corruption. Then and then only we can dream of corruption-free state, concludes Hazare.
Sustainable development of any village by making it a “Model Village” and eradication of corruption are two sides of the same coin. If both are adopted, only then there will be an established welfare state.
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