Thursday, August 29, 2013

Data entry training for Postmen

Dear Comrades,

Department of Post, India
O/o The Postmaster General, Berhampur Region
Berhampur – 760001

                The SSPOs/ SPOs
                Berhampur/ Koraput/ Aska/ Kalahandi/ Phulbani
No:         TO/103-8/2011/Ch-II               dated at Berhampur the 28.08.2013

Sub:       Data entry training for Postmen.

        In pursuance of C.O., Bhubaneswar Letter NO.TO/1-16/2012 dated 14/08/2013, a training programme has been arranged for Postmen as per guidelines given below: as it is essential for Postmen to perform Data Entry Work as the Department is moving from present computerized mode to CSI Software and Hand Held Devise for the Postmen. Under MNOP, Data Etnry of articles for delivery is a part of the delivery system.

  1. The postman having computer knowledge will attend 2 days training and having no computer knowledge will attend 3 days training. The data entry training will be imparted on Postman & Speednet Modules of Meghdoot Millennium package.
  2. After the training, the System Administrators of concerned HO/Division/Sub Division will guide in their workplace and Divisional Heads will immediately utilize their service for data entry work.
  3. Seat distribution among the WTCs of RO, Berhampur and WTC, Kalahandi has been made as per the data available from the Establishment Branch, RO, Berhampur.
  4. Previous Training Programmes of WTC, RO, Berhampur, which were issued vide letter NO.TO/103-9/08-09/CH-I from the period 02/09/2013 to 11/09/2013 are here by cancelled.
Encl: As above.
Asst Director (TO), O/o- The PMG Berhampur Region, Berhampur -760001
Copy to:
1.       Asst.Director (TO), O/o-The Chief Postmaster General, Orissa Cirlce, Bhubaneswar L.NO.TO/1-16/2012 dated 14/08/2013 for favour of kind information.
2.       All System Administrators of Berhampur Region
3.       Office Copy.

Asst Director (TO), O/o- The PMG, Berhampur Region Berhampur -760001

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Shri P.K. Bisoi (IPoS-1985) posted as PMG, Berhampur Region

Dear Comrades,

Shri P.K. Bisoi (IPoS-1985), PMG, Sambalpur Region has been posted as PMG, Berhampur Region against the vacancy arising on account of retirement of Shri S.P. Rajalingam on 31/8/2013(A/N). To view the order please Click Here.

All India Postal Employees Union, Koraput Divisional Branch extends a warm welcome to Shri P K Bisoi to Berhampur region.

Shri Tilak De (IPoS - 1983 ) joined as Chief PMG, Odisha Circle

Dear Comrades,

In accordance with the instructions contained in Directorate's Order No. 1 - 16 / 2013 - SPG, dated 27.08.2013, Shri Tilak De (IPoS-1983)  joined today as  CPMG, Odisha Circle.

All India Postal Employees Union, Koraput Divisional Branch extends a warm welcome to the new Chief PMG.


Dear Comrades,

Agenda for next meeting of the JCM National Council has been finalized on 27.08.2013 in consultation with DOP&T Twelve demands raised by Confederation in the charter of demands are included. (including GDS employees demand) Next meeting of National Council JCM is expected by the end of October 2013.

The letter give by Com. Umraomal Purohit, Secretary, JCM (NC) and the 12 demands included in the agenda are given below:

M. Krishnan
Secretary General


Aadhar as address proof - clarification by DoP

Dear Comrades,

Lokesh Batra highlights developments which popularize e-IPO

Dear Comrades,

New Delhi, Aug. 27 (ANI): RTI activist Commodore (Retd.) Lokesh K. Batra, who has played a significant role in popularizing the Electronic Indian Postal Order (e-IPO), shed light on the developments and the future of the facility in his latest communication. 

The e-IPO was released on March 22 this year for 'Indian Citizens' abroad' to be able to purchase Indian Postal Order electronically by paying a RTI Fee on-line through e-Post Office Portal of the Department of Posts.

Lokesh Batra said that since there were no initiatives taken by the Government to bring awareness of the eIPO facility among 'Indian Citizens' abroad', in July this year he took up case with Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs (MOIA) and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).

Get a stamp made while waiting for flight at Chennai

Dear Comrades,
Air passengers can now have a postal stamp made with their own photo while departing the Chennai domestic airport. 

India Post has opened a counter at the airport to provide this facility. Passengers can make their own postal stamp with their photo by paying Rs 322 for 12 stamps of Rs 5 each. The postal department has such a facility in all major post offices. 

Passengers need to fill up the required proforma at the counter with identity proof and a recent passport size photo. The twelve photos will be sent by the postal department to the given address within ten days. 

Other facilities available in the counter are Internet browsing, print out, fax, photo copy, postal identity card and postal life insurance from 18 years up to 55 years. 

The counter was inaugurated by H.S. Suresh, Director, Chennai Airport. This facility is approachable from the city side as well as from inside the check-in area of airport for the convenience of both passengers and visitors, says a press release issued by Airports Authority of Indian, Chennai Airport. 

The facility will be soon extended to the international terminal, too. This will help foreign tourists to take a souvenir when they leave the country, said an airport official. 

On the first day, five people used the facility, he said.

Post-offices in makeover mode to woo youth

Dear Comrades,

“This almost looks like a plush branch of a private bank.” This is how Yellapragada Rajasekhar, a 24-year-old techie with TCS, reacted on entering a new-generation post-office inaugurated recently here. 

This is not an isolated case any longer. 

After banks, age-old post-offices are now racing to attract the younger generation with a modern ambience. 

Across the country, many offices that have not even been whitewashed for decades are now being refurbished. 

“We have renovated 2,515 post-offices as on date, spending Rs 314 crore. The objective behind revamping is to connect with the younger generation,” a top executive at India Post headquarters in New Delhi told Business Line over the phone. 

More space for customers and staff, single-window counters and modernised mail sorting counters at the back-office are some of the upgrades you will find. 

The postal department has drawn up a plan to give another 2,500 post-offices a facelift; 20 per cent of these will be in rural areas. 

The department has already got Rs 210 crore approved for this. Launched earlier under ‘Project Arrow’, the upgradation is now gaining momentum in different States. 

Not just looks but the process too is being modernised. 

Like the core banking solution in banks, 18,600 post-offices are being brought under a central server. 

“Apart from ATMs, we will soon be rolling out online booking of speed post/ parcel,” the official said, and added that Rs 4,800 crore has been earmarked for computerisation. Recently, an external audit commissioned by the department has shown 98 per cent customer satisfaction following the upgradations, the official said. 

The senior citizens too are happy. “I have been visiting the same office for 30 years now and only saw a post-master endlessly updating passbooks and stamping. The makeover should have come long back,” said V. Venkatachari, a retired bank official. 

Given the vast network of post-offices, the task appears to be Herculean. Introduced by the British, there are 1,54,822 post-offices in the country, the largest network in the world. It remains to be seen how this makeover can be undertaken in all the offices.

IT firms slam door on postmen, reject mail

Dear Comrades,

CHENNAI: Hundreds of rakhis, letters and articles sent by speed post to IT companies in Sholinganallur, Perungudi and Thoraipakkam were returned to India Post offices after the companies refused to accept them, saying they do not have the men or machinery to distribute the items to staff.

Confirming the incident, postmaster general Merwin Alexander criticised IT firms for what he described as a "gross violation of human rights". "How could companies stop their employees from receiving letters and rakhis?" he asked.

"Some postmen reported that when they go to deliver post at IT companies, they are treated with scant respect and are asked to leave," he said, adding that his department will hold talks with the IT majors next week. "They should cooperate with us, if not as their bounden duty to their employees, then at least as part of what they call 'corporate social responsibility'."

India Post officials said at least 4,500 letters, some with credit and debit cards, greetings and more than 1,500 rakhis are lying in the Sholinganallur, Perungudi and Thoraipakkam post offices.

"I wear the India Post uniform and have an identity card but security guards at the companies, most of whom speak only Hindi, refuse to allow me inside. The guards say they are acting on the instructions of company officials," said a postman from Perungudi.

Paresh Khatri, a software professional, said his sister sent a rakhi to him by speed post on Saturday but it had not reached him even after five days. "An postal employee called me on Thursday and asked me to collect the parcel from the post office because my office does not allow postmen to deliver mails or packages," he said.

An official with a leading IT company said his firm does not intentionally stop mail from being delivered to employees. "If at all some mails or gifts have not been delivered, it was probably due to a wrong address," he said.

Monday, August 26, 2013


Dear Comrades,



Dear Comrades,



Dear Comrades,

The standing committee meeting of JCM (DC) was held on 23.08.2013 under the chairmanship of Member (O) to discuss the pending items of the last JCM (DC). Com. K. V. Sridharan, Leader Staff side, Com. Giriraj Singh, Secretary Staff Side, Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General NFPE Com. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General FNPO represented the staff side. Com. Ishwar Singh Dabas, General Secretary, P4 NFPE, Com. T. N. Rahate General Secretary P4, FNPO were also present to discuss the postmen related issues.

The following are the decision in respect of important items.

1.   A new chairperson will be nominated with in a fortnight for further continuance of cadre restructuring proposal. A meeting with the staff side will be held within one month.
2.   The case of System Assistant will be looked into by the cadre review committee. The uniform duties and other ten demands pertaining to system administrators will be discussed in the same committee.
3.   Dropping the practice of obtaining fidelity bond will be reviewed once again.
4.   The protection of pay of the defunct scale of PO & RMS Accountant case is being reviewed.
5.  The revision of cash allowance to the SPMs handling cash in the absence of treasurer will be finalized at the earliest possible.
6.   The committee reports for enhancing the line limits for cash remittance will be decided within a month. Providing van for cash conveyance for MNERGA payment will be considered.
7.   Fixing of norms to PSD and CSD will be considered only after the implementation of IT modernisation project.
8.  Allowing the physically challenged officials to appear in the IP examination, the referred case has not yet been finalized by the department of Social Justice. One more reminder and personal approach to expedite the approval will be made.
 9.    The revised HSG I Recruitment rules ensuring 100% HSG I Posts to General line is under process. The revised recruitment rules for HSG I will be finalized within two months.
 10. The proposal for payment of incentive instead of honorarium for processing PLI/RPLI proposal will be finalized shortly. We pointed out about non-payment of RPLI incentive on monthly basis as per 2009, orders in most of the circles. It was assured to issue instructions to adhere the said instructions scrupulously. We pointed out the inadequate allotment of funds of clearing the pending incentive bills to the field officers and Agents and requested to allot the sufficient fund to wipe out all the pending bills forthwith. This was assured.
 11.  The proposal for the grant of Excess duty allowance or restoration of charge allowance to the SPMs working in single and Double handed post offices will be considered.
 12.  The issue regarding the counting of training period for the benefits of promotion under TBOP/BCR scheme as per the court judgment will be considered after getting the law ministry opinion as well as its implementation in respect of U.P circle at first.
 13.  Holding of examination for the post of AMM in MMS and holding DPC for Dy. Manager MMS will be finalized within two months.
 14.  The issue of appointment of Superintendent, Sorting in RMS will be finalized shortly.
 15.  The staff side demanded to record disagreement in respect of the denial of cash handling allowance to treasures at par with cashiers. The chairman inform that we will have one more attempt with MoF. The staff side assured to submit a fresh detailed not above the justification in this case.
16.  The committee constituted to discuss about Group ‘B’ promotion under the chairmanship of Shir. V. K. Tiwari DDG (R&P) will finalise its recommendation within one month. The staff side presented our views which is enclosed herewith for the consumption of all comrades.
17.  In the issue of anomaly in the preparation of PA gradation list, we insisted whatever settled earlier should not be reopened. This was agreed and DDG (P) assured to give appropriate instruction to Tamilnadu Circle.
18.  Orders issued for protection of pay to employees who seek transfer to a lower post under FR 15(a)/under Rule 38.
19.  Construction for department building for DPA at Hyderabad. Proposal not agreed. In respect of Trivandrum and Patna, this is under process.
20.  Demand fresh establishment review for proposal/revival sanction of peripheral HRA will not be insisted hereafter. Proposal to upgrade the cities for drawal of HRA as per the 2011 census will be take up with MoF.
21. The unjustified three conditions imposed for appearing IP examination for the departmental quota vacancies will be reviewed and modified shortly.
22.  The Civil wing Karnataka circle ensured the safety of the existing building at Kodial bail HSG I in Mangalore division and no possibility of new construction. As the accommodation is far below the SOA we insisted for shifting of the PO for a better building which will be examined.
23.  The construction work began for the new departmental building at Itanagar HO/North East Circle.
24.   The incentive for IMT work will be finalized shortly. The file is new pending with internal finance for approval.
25.   The recovery imposed on official for interest paid on PPF Accounts in case of Karnataka circle have been ordered to refund to the officials like Mysore and case settled.
26.  In case of fixation of pay for MTS by separate fixation for each MACP has been referred to the nodal ministry for clarification.
27.  Taking dies non period for reckoning of continuous service for grant of MACP will be further examined. We pleaded, in the MACP order, there is no qualifying service and it should be on continuous service for grant of MACP and thus all EXOL, dies non period should be taken as service.
28.  Orders have been issued with regard to recovery of Postage in case of foreign articles returned due to non availability of service – case settled.
29.  Clarification has been issued to fix 1800 grade pay after training for the canteen employees – case settled.
30.  The earlier order denying arrears on encashment of earned leave is modified and orders issued to pay the difference in encashment of EL for availing LTC.
31.  Orders issued to CPmGs to hold immediate DPCs for filling up of all vacant LSG, HSG II and HSG I.
32.  Orders will be issued shortly in relaxing the standard to GDS belonging to SC/ST quota in the appointment of Postal Assistant in the revised PA/SA Recruitment rules. One more instructions will be issue to all circle heads to have a special drive to fill up all the vacancies of PA, Postman etc. kept under residual vacancies.
33.   As the finalization revised recruitment rules for PA/SA is delayed due to non clearance by nodal ministries. It is decided to fill up the PA vacancies of circle office as per the existing recruitment rules.
34.   Orders issued by promoting the OS as AD recruitment.
35.  The earlier instructions will be reiterated in respect of observation of tenure in RMS, HRO and divisional offices.
36.  The IP Posts under Direct recruitment in J&K Circle cannot be filled up due to non allotment from UPSC.
37. Clarifications were issued for short drawal of Grade pay in case of pharmacists in P&T dispensary.
38. The recovery effected from the commutation of pension has been stopped as per OM dated 10.02.2009.
39.  A module will be finalised by the Directorate within two months for imparting training to the Group ‘D’ selected under Blind Quota for upgradation of their Grade pay to 1800/-
40.   A reference will be made to the nodal ministry for the grant of grade pay of Rs. 1800- to MTS who retired/expired from service after 13.08.2008 without having been imparted training.
41.  In respect of fixing of norms for postman work, a separate meeting will be held.
42.   The revision of double duty allowance is under active consideration.
43.  The demand for revision of LR strength as per volume IV has been disputed by the official side by citing the MOF order dated 24.08.1995. we are not accepting and conveyed to come up with full details in the next meeting.
44.   A provision will be made in the revised module software in Accounts for online facility of GPF Accounts directly by the officials.
45.   Updating Postal manual, Volumes are underway by a special team. It will be finalised at the earliest possible.
46.  The proposal for bifurcation of Bastar Division is considered. The proposal for redeployment of Group ‘B’ posts for creation of separate division is under consideration.
47.   All circle heads will be addressed for the timely supply of uniforms to the officials. The staff side is also requested to furnish the details in case of non supply of uniforms to the officials in respect of any circle.
48. Staff side insisted for providing more feeder cadre post in case of PO & RMS. Account line officials and assured to submit a brief note on this for consideration. 
The meeting ended with the vote of thanks to the chair.


Dear Comrades,

(Click the link below for details)

Circle level Table Tennis selection in Koraput Division

Dear Comrades,

Department of Posts, India
Office of the Chief Postmaster General, Odisha Circle

No. S.Cell/1-8 /2013-14                          Dated at Bhubaneswar 26.08.2013

          The SSPOs
          Koraput Dn.
Sub:    Circle level Table Tennis selection.

          It is to intimate that The All India Postal Table Tennis Tournament will be held in Bihar Circle. Before that Circle level selection & coaching camp will be held. The circle level selection is proposed to be held at Koraput & SSPOs, Koraput Dn is in-charge of the selection. In this regard, it is requested to arrange suitable date, technical official, venue & other equipments for the selection.

       You are also requested to intimate this office about venue & date of selection so that participants will be informed accordingly.
Asst. Director(Sports) & Secretary, OCPSB
O/o the Chief P.M.G.,Odisha Circle,
      FAX / Phone No.0674-2396223

Thursday, August 22, 2013

​Govt simplifies RTI application procedure for NRIs

Dear Comrades,

CHENNAI: Acknowledging interest of non-resident Indians (NRIs) in knowing the happenings in the country, the government has introduced an electronic postal order which will help them seek information under the Right to Information (RTI) Act.

Villagers raise funds to build post office

Dear Comrades,

KENDRAPADA: In this age of internet and mobile phones, when post offices have lost their relevance, Kuseapala here still believes in the traditional mode of communication. Kuseapala's80-year-old post office has found a new address in a pucca house, which the locals help built recently.
The villagers said that building a one-room post office was not easy, especially when it came to garnering funds. But they take so much pride in the postal service that they all donated generously. "The mud house with a thatched roof was falling apart. Two months back, we started motivating the people to donate. We built up a corpus of Rs 1.5 lakh," said Biswanath Behera, 73, a retired engineer from the area, who donated Rs 10,000.
He pointed out that people in the villages still write letters, send and receive parcels. "They have great faith in the system and it's a way of life here. Courier services are more popular in the cities," he added.
Manoj Kumar Jena, a villager, couldn't control his joy. "I am so happy that we have a concrete room to house our post office. It was a long-standing demand. Now it has been fulfilled with our effort," he gushed.
Adhikari Golakha Bihari Das, Kuseapala sarpanch, said they had requested the department of posts many times to build a new room for the post office. "But our requests fell on deaf ears. Finally, we have done it," he said with pride, adding that he had donated Rs 5,000.
Post master of the district post office Bijaya Ketan Patnaik said all the 310 rural post offices have no permanent houses. "In many villages, post masters run the Extra Department Branch Post Offices (EDPOs) from their homes, or on the premises of gram panchayat offices and schools," he said.
Rural post masters are not permanent employees of the postal department, they are paid a monthly allowance of Rs 4,000 to Rs 6,000.

Letters pile up as postmen strike work

Dear Comrades,

The postal delivery employees of Pondicherry division struck work on Monday protesting the Department of Posts decision to reduce 10 posts of postmen. As a result of the strike, the delivery of the postal items was affected and the articles were piling up at the Head Post Office.
P Sugumar, secretary of the National Postal Employees Union, claimed that the Postal Department had reduced a total of 32 posts (postmen 10, group D 5 and postal assistant 17) in the Pondicherry division.This had put a burden on the employees, who are already overstressed because of non-recruitment, he added.
Following the agitation, nearly 270 bags containing five lakh postal articles have piled up at the Head Post Office.
Meanwhile, S Kandasamy, senior superintendent of post offices, Pondicherry division, said the decision to reduce the number of posts was conveyed to the  employees in March this year itself. He added that the decision was taken on an all-India basis.
It may be recalled that the employees had challenged decision in the Central Administrative Tribunal, which had dismissed the plea.
The strike will continue on Tuesday as the talks between the striking employees and postal department officials to settle the issue had failed to break the deadlock, said sources.

Emirates Post announces new rates for parcels, EMS

Dear Comrades,

Emirates Post Group has announced more competitive rates for international parcels and EMS (Express Mail Service) as part of a mid-year tariff revision, offering highly attractive options for sending parcels to all parts of the world.

Postman finally gets a letter to deliver, thanks to Raksha Bandhan

Dear Comrades,

Mumbai. Bejaan Letterwala, is finally a happy man as he gets a letter to deliver after a long wait of 8 months. It’s a letter carrying Rakhi sent by a Delhi girl to his brother working in Mumbai.
Bejaan kept letter for a couple of days with him before eventually delivering it today. On being asked why he did so, an emotional Bejaan said, “You will not understand, it’s my love and affection for my job. I wasn’t sure if I would get a chance to deliver another letter anytime soon.”
India Post
The post box where the letter was posted
Eyes welled up, Bejaan recalled the historical moment when he delivered the letter.
“You guys still exist! I thought the postal service was closed by the government!” said the recipient of Rakhi, who was informed by Bejaan that only the Telegram service was closed, and the Post Offices still existed.
Haunted by the “you guys still exist” comment of the boy, the postman has asked the government of India to make it mandatory for people to send letters through India Post.
“They can ask companies to do it under the nowmandatory CSR activities. The companies should make it mandatory for their employees to send the letter,” Bejaan explained how inclusive growth policies could help India Post get some business.
Meanwhile China has claimed that whatever business India Post was getting was due to its manufacturing abilities.
“Despite such high inflation in India, sisters are still able to send Rakhis because we make cheap Rakhis and send them to Indian markets, else they’d have shifted to e-Rakhis long back,” a Chinese manufacturer told Faking News.

GPO, Head Post Office to get ATMs

Dear Comrades,

NAGPUR: In a welcome move, the Nagpur General Post Office (GPO) and Head Post Office at Itwari will open automated teller machines (ATMs) on their premises by September end. The work has already started and spots for the ATMs have been identified, said Vandita Kaul, post master general (PMG). "It would have been completed by mid September had it not been for the heavy rainfall," she added.

India launches electronic postal order for expats

Dear Comrades,

The Indian government has launched electronic postal order for its overseas citizens to enable them to seek information under the Right to Information (RTI) Act.

Surinder Bhagat, spokesperson of the Indian Embassy in Riyadh said Wednesday that the Personnel Department and Posts Department have recently launched a service called e-IPO (Electronic Indian Postal Order) to allow Indian citizens abroad to purchase an Indian Postal Order electronically by paying fee on-line through e-Post Office Portal

“This facility has been provided for Indian citizens abroad to enable them to purchase a postal order electronically to seek information under the RTI Act, 2005,” he said.

He said the user needs to register at the website. He must select the ministry/department from whom he desires to seek the information under the RTI Act and the e-IPO so generated can be used to seek information from that ministry/department only.

He added that a printout of the e-IPO is required to be attached with the RTI application. If the RTI application is being filed electronically, e-IPO is required to be attached as an attachment.

There are more than 2.8 million Indians living in Saudi Arabia. It is the largest expatriate community in the Kingdom.

Permanent postal cancellation on Aurobindo Ashram

Dear Comrades,

The Department of Posts today introduced permanent postal cancellation on the 87 year old Sri Aurobindo Ashram highlighting the celebration of the 141st birth anniversary of the revolutionary turned philosopher.

The designs of the cancellation were based on the symbols of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother, his spiritual collaborator and are similar to the one used in the postal stamp on Sri Aurobindo released in 1964.

The cancellation would be impressed on all the mails posted at the Aurobindo Ashram branch of post office here, an official source said.

Infosys to supply software for India Post’s hand-held device

Dear Comrades,

IT-major Infosys, which bagged the India Post contract last year to upgrade the department’s technology framework for financial services, is in its final stages of providing a software solution for a hand-held device to be used by the postal network. The device will help it deliver an array of financial products directly to the consumers even in the most remote areas.
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