Sunday, July 31, 2011

Post Offices to convert into full fledged Banks

Dear Comrades,

The humble post office is all set to undergo a radical change with a proposal to convert over 1.5 lakh post offices across the nation into full fledged banks on the anvil.

Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal wants to reach out to the masses in the rural areas with modern banking facilities through the post offices. “We want to commercialise the department. We will seek a licence from the RBI to convert all our post offices into banks,” Mr. Sibal told PTI.

The lack of modern banking facilities in rural areas and dependence of villagers on informal sector for their credit requirements has prompted the government to work on financial inclusion by way of setting up ‘postal banks’.

“The State Bank of India can’t build branches all over India, but there are post offices across India. The branches are already there, so infrastructure expenditure is not required. So you can actually give banking facilities at relatively lower costs, which would be extremely beneficial to people,” he said.

The post offices currently offer financial services like savings bank, postal life insurance, pension payments and money transfer services. Its total corpus stood at Rs. 5,82,832.9 crore as on March 31, 2011.

DoP’s revenues grew 11 per cent to Rs. 6,954.09 crore in 2010-2011 from Rs. 6,266.70 crore in the previous fiscal.

However, negative growth rate in some circles has pushed the Department’s deficit to Rs. 6,625 crore in FY’11, almost equal to the annual revenue of the Department.

Press Trust of India

UIDAI enrolls 54,000 people in 25 days across the state

Dear Comrades,

July 29: The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has speeded up the issuing of certificates to UID enrollment operators in the city. This has led to an increase in the number of post offices registering citizens for the 12-digit Aadhaar number that is to serve as the primary identification for all Indian citizens.

From just 10 post offices registering citizens for Aadhaar, Bengaluru now has 29. According to India Post, the registrar for Aadhaar programme in Karnataka, more and more applications are being distributed every day in the city and there is an increasing demand for enrollment. In 25 days the number of enrollments across Karnataka stands at 54,241 with 15,000 from Bengaluru. Each station or post office is enrolling between 50 and 70 citizens every day.

From mid-August the State government will also participate in enrollments extending the reach of the programme, said an official of India Post. The objective is first to launch in all the 35 identified post offices in the city and 200 post offices in other parts of the State before further expansion that will first cover the major district headquarters before entering the interiors of the State. The new post offices in the city include Jalahalli Head post office, Science Institute, Jalahalli West, Vidyaranyapura, Yeshwantpur, Benson Town, Mathikere, Malleswaram, Basaveswarnagar, Nandini Layout, Koramangala 3rd block, Banashankari 2nd stage, J P Nagar, Yelahanka, Fraser Town, Sadashivnagar and Museum Road.

Clarification regarding union membership authorization

Dear Comrades,

DoP vide the following order has issued clarification regarding authorization of new members into service association, inclusion or exclusion etc.

Friday, July 29, 2011

India's parallel universe

Dear Comrades,

If my old paper, the Straits Times, is to be believed, Gautam Adani is the ultimate proof of the rise of India’s parallel state. I don’t mean the underground economy. I mean a do-it-yourself dispensation that doesn’t need the state, which is withering away not as Marxists once hoped but in the American sense of everything being privately run.

There’s a difference though. American pioneers created their own postal and transport systems before the behemoth of the state was born, while we are turning to private enterprise because the behemoth is gasping for oxygen. It’s too soon to declare nothing works, but the system is breaking down.

Kolkata, the ultimate in urban mismanagement, is also the awesome shape of things to come.

Several armed men stormed into a middle class Kolkata flat in broad daylight the other day, killed the 93-year-old lady of the house (probably inadvertently), tied up the other two women, and looted their belongings. Robbery and burglary may be as common in Mumbai but it was distinctively West Bengal for the neighbour who frantically dialled 100 for help to hear only a beep.

In another crisis, the emergency number just rang and rang. Either the telephone was out of order or it wasn’t the supposedly round-the-clock attendant’s work break.

Any condominium for the well-to-do has its captive power supply. Some make private arrangements for water and garbage disposal. These are services the municipality claims to provide. Our taxes are supposed to finance them. But the money is lost in a bottomless pit, and we have to make our own arrangements. The compromise where I live is to privately pay the municipal cleaner to do the job for which the municipality already pays him out of what we pay the municipality.

The services the state still runs are for those who can’t afford any better. Time was when India’s elite enjoyed the luxury of first class air-conditioned coaches on long-distance trains with superb dining cars. The decline of the railroad set in with independence, and now trains are only for pass-holders or those who must travel cheap.

The post office, now India Post in brightly painted red and shiny veneer instead of sturdy panelled teak, is another example. One can’t associate today’s dilatory postmen with the heroic class victims of Hemanta Mukherjee’s stirring song, Runner, and even less with “the soft sandalled feet… the brawny brown chest” of men who braved all hazards to deliver Kipling’s overland mail.

India Post long ago stopped printing those blue air mail stickers, presumably because customers don’t correspond with people abroad. If they do, they use those cheaper irregularly shaped, see-through aerogrammes on which the ink smudges. I regularly bring back sheafs of air mail stickers from London and Singapore (they are freely available in post offices in both places) but have to fall back on aerogrammes because good quality envelopes with lots of high-value stamps tend to go astray in the post, even when you persuade a reluctant counter clerk to frank the stamps in your presence.

As for local letters, instead of buying a five-rupee stamp, I find myself paying up to a hundred rupees to a courier company for delivery even in the same city.

The degree of disrepair varies from institution to institution and place to place, but the direction is downhill. Even Delhi, the Last Cantonment as I called it in indignation because Rajiv Gandhi had dared to call Calcutta (as it then was) a dying city, is going that way.

Adani bypasses hassles, divisive politics and inefficiencies in grand style, says the Straits Times, quoting The New York Times. “In the spirit of the workaround ethos typical of India’s private sector, Mr Adani is working around the subcontinent itself.” His Korean-made cargo ship takes coal from his Indonesian or Australian mines to his private Mundra port for his power plant that is served by his own railroad spur. “His business plan is to do as much as possible without relying on the creaky infrastructure of the Indian state.”

It’s all that old Gujarati’s fault. Mahatma Gandhi’s self-help campaign relieved authority of obligations even to clear faeces or provide the cloth one wears. Canny Indians with an eye to profit began doing both for a consideration. Collusion can’t be ruled out. Dig deep and you might find these entrepreneurs are second cousins and business partners of those responsible for the state’s collapse.

It’s no fault of the Adanis that thanks to this conspiracy, only they can live comfortably in India.

Sunanda K Datta-Ray / July 30, 2011, 0:38 IST

Thursday, July 28, 2011


Dear Comrades,

DoP vide following Memo has issued instructions regarding not holding Meetings and Melas in holidays/Sundays in a frequent manner.

Government of India
Department of Posts
SR Section
No. 16/56/2011-SR July 8, 2011

All Heads of Circles

Subject: - Organizing frequent meetings/melas on holidays and Sundays – denial of legitimate rights to the employees to avail Sundays etc.


            I am directed to state that the issue of organizing frequent meetings/melas on holidays and Sundays, thus depriving the employees of their legitimate right to avail the break was considered in a meeting taken by Secretary to discuss charter of Demands served with the notice of indefinite strike w.e.f. 05.07.2011 by Postal Joint Council of Action.

2.         While in certain circumstances it may be unavoidable strategically beneficial for the Department to hold meetings/melas etc on holidays and Sundays, it may not be done so in a routine manner. Needless to say, the weekly break and holidays etc. have their own significance and it may be kept in view while calling the officials for duty during the break.

3. This may be brought to the notice of all concerned.

Yours faithfully
Sd/- (Subhash Chander) Director (SR & Legal) Telefax: 23096021

City school join Unique ID initiative

Dear Comrades,

LUCKNOW: Now, city schools and colleges will also join the national initiative to award an ID to its citizens. In this regard, La Martiniere Girls College has taken the lead and joined with Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) identified agencies for providing adhaar cards to its students and their immediate family members.
Their camp for the same will be inaugurated on Wednesday morning. Senior faculty member Aashrita Dass has informed that the school had taken the initiative keeping the utility of the card in mind. IT College is not far behind.
Principal EC Charles has informed that the UIDAI partner agencies would hold a presentation in this regard on Saturday. Department of posts is the nodal agency for coordinating the work. Director headquarters, postal services, Lucknow area, Sachin Kishor has informed that they are open to any institute or college willing to participate. "They simply need to apply and we will facilitate," he said.

TNN Jul 27, 2011, 04.42am IST

Good ol’ snail mail hits infotech highway

Dear Comrades,

India Post is coming up with a slew of technological innovations to improve its services.

From August, the track-and-trace facility will be extended to all registered mail. “Most post offices are getting the software. Registered mail will soon be booked through that. Every registered item will be given a 13-digit bar code number which may be tracked on the India Post website,” said Vineet Mathur, director, mail and speedpost, who is also in charge of General Post Office, Calcutta.

“Many customers are exposed to the tracking facility and are paying our competitors extra for this add-on benefit. But we are offering the facility at the same postage cost,” he said.

Now, only the speed post service offers this facility. “When track-and-trace was launched, there was a leap in the volume of speed post business. We expect the same for registered post as well,” Mathur said.

Also on the anvil is automatic mail processing centres, which will be set up towards the end of the year. This way the sorting of mail will become automated with the machine scanning the postal index number (PIN) code.

“There are two types of machines — the letter sorting machine and the mixed mail sorter which deals with mails of different dimensions,” said Mathur. “The machine scans and changes the pin code into an optical code. Based on the code, a particular slot is designated in the machine where the letter goes and rests. All letters which go to that slot are meant for the same destination and are put in a bag and sent out. Thus it is the machine which is reading the address and doing the sorting.”

A machine, he added, can sort upto 50,000 articles an hour.

Mumbai and Chennai have started automated sorting but they are using older machines. “Calcutta and Delhi are expected to get the latest versions around October.”

A.K. Sanyal, deputy director, business development and marketing, pointed out that the machine had been found to work five times faster than the average manual speed of sorting.


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

List of LRPAs declared by Division Office

Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts, India
O/o the Sr. Supdt. Of Post Offices, Koraput Division,
Jeypore (K) – 764001
Tel (O) : 06854-231550, 231341      Fax: 06854-230585

Memo No: B1/LR/2011-12 Dated at Jeypore (K) the 22.07.2011 

 The following temporary Postal Assistants now working at different Post offices of Koraput Division are hereby declared as Temporary LRPAs who are attached to the different important Post offices mentioned against each. 

The above orders will not, however, affect the present place of working of the PAs so declared as LRPAs. 

                The above order will also not be effective to the claims of TA/DA/TP by the said LRPAs as the officials in question are continuing in their present place of working.  

Sl No
Name of the office
Names of the PAs attached as LRPAs. ( S/Shri)
Jeypore (K) H.O
1. Ananta Charan Sahoo, Jeypore (K) HO
2. P Uday Kumar, PA, Jeypore (K) HO
3. Rashmi Ranjan Swain, PA, Jeypore (K) HO
4. Susanta Naik, PA, Jeypore (K) HO
5. Sukanta Sahoo, PA, Jeypore (K) HO
6. Srinibas Meher, PA, Jeypore (K) HO
Koraput H.O
1. Ms. Priyanka Padhi, PA, Koraput HO
2. Ms. P Radha Rani, PA, Koraput HO
3. Ms. A Laxmibai Subudhi, PA, Koraput HO
Rayagada (K) H.O
1. Bhabani Prasad Kar, PA, Rayagada (K) HO
2. Santosh Kumar Rout, PA, Rayagada (K) HO
3. Durga Prasad Brahma, PA, Rayagada (K) HO
4. Lima Sangram Kishore, PA, Rayagada (K) HO
Jaya Kay Pur LSG S.O
Sushanta Padhan, PA, J K Pur LSG SO
Gunupur LSG S.O
Niranjan Behera, PA, Gunupur LSG SO
Nabarangapur M.D.G
Purna Chandra Behera, PA, Nabarangapur MDG
Malkangiri M.D.G
Satya Narayan Beherdalai, PA, Malkangiri MDG
Sunabeda-2 HSG-II S.O
Bijay Kumar Tarai, PA, Sunabeda-2 HSG-II SO
Umarkote LSG S.O
Soumya Ranjan Naik, PA, Umarkote LSG S.O


              The officials whose names have been mentioned in the Part-II and are now working as LRPAs are hereby ordered to work as PA or SPM in their present place of postings mentioned against each. 

Sl No
Name of the official
Present place of posting
Himansu Sekhar Behera
PA, Jeypore (K) HO
Shiba Prasad Sahoo
PA, Jeypore (K) HO
Rajibendra Panda
PA, Jeypore (K) HO
Madhulita Pradhan
PA, Jeypore (K) HO
Potnuru Dinesh
OA, O/o SSPOs, Koraput Division,
Jeypore (K)
Nishith Ranjan Sahu
PA, Sunabeda-1
(Attached to RPLI Section,Divn. Office)
Ayodhya Nath Nanda
PA, Bissam Cuttack SO
Kirtan Harijan
PA, Jeypore (K) HO
Suraj Kumar Meher
PA, Muniguda SO
Bibhuti Bhusan Sahoo
PA, Rayagada (K) HO
Monalisa Panigrahi
PA, Rayagada (K) HO
Ruksana Parveen
Jitendriya Rana
PA, Gunupur LSG S.O
Dillip Kumar Panda
SPM, Nabarangapur Bazar S.O
Pravat Kumar Sahu
PA, Kotpad S.O
Pravas Ranjan Sahoo
SPM, Panchabati S.O
Golekh Kuanr
SPM, Chitrakonda S.O
Itishree Behera
PA, Sunabeda-2 HSG-II S.O

            The above orders are issued to have immediate effect.
Sr.Supdt.of Post Offices,
Koraput Division, Jeypore(k)-764001

Copy of this memo issued to:
1.    The Postmaster, Jeypore (K) HO/ Koraput HO/ Rayagada (K) HO for information.
2.    The officials concerned.
3.     PF of the official concerned.                              
4.    The Sub Post Master concerned.
5.    The Budget Branch / IR Branch, Division Office, Jeypore (K).
6.    Office copy.

Sr.Supdt.of Post Offices,
Koraput Division, Jeypore(k)-764001
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