Saturday, July 23, 2011

Joint Convention of Unions on PFRDA Bill


             A Joint convention of unions consisting Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers, All India State Government Employees Federation, All India Defence Employees Federation, BSNL Employees Union, School Teachers Federation of India, All India Federation of University and College Teachers Organizations and Organizations of Railways Workers was held at MPCU Shah Auditorium, Shri Delhi Gujarati Samaj., Raj Niwas Marg, Civil Lines, New Delhi on 22.07.2011. The convention was presided over by a joint presidium of Coms. S.K. Vyas(Confederation)R.G. Karnik (AISGEF), P.R.Memon (Railways), V.A.N. Namboodri (BSNL) Ashok Kumar Burman(AIFUCTO) and Sardar Singh (Defence). In the beginning Com. Sukomal Sen (AISGEF) put written detailed draft declaration to be adopted at National Convention and elaborately discussed all the issues which will adversely affect the interests of workers and employees after enactment of the PFRDA Bill by the parliament. If once authority is formed it will also interfere in the existing pension scheme.

Basudev Acharya M.P., CPI(M)  Parliamentary Party leader in Lok Sabha elaborated discussed about PFRDA Bill and told as to how the Left MPs resisted and prevented the move of UPA-I Government  who wanted to introduce this Bill.But after withdrawal of support from the Government on nuclear bill issue , the Government accelerated the speed of neoliberal economic policies. After coming back in power the congress lead UPA-2 Government has introduced the PFRDA Bill again in Lok Sabha with the help of main opposition party B.J.P. When a Vote of division was demanded by us. Com. Tapan Sen General Secretary CITU stated the new pension scheme is totally Fraud as the assurance given by the Government will never be fulfilled.

Other main speakers on the subject were Coms. Ashok Kumar Burman S/G, AIFUCTO, Shiv Gopal Mishra S/G AIRF, Muthusundram G/S AISGEF, D. Biswas (BEA), Shyam Sunder (Pensioners Federation), Sardar Singh (AIDEF), P.Abhimanyu(BSNL), Elangobin (DREU), Rajenderan (School Teachers Association),Com. M.K.Pandhe , Senior Veteran Leader CITU also expressed his views on PFRDA Bill and appealed to all to launch extensive campaign to mobilize  and unite the entire working class to oppose and defeat the bill.

Com. M. Krishnan Secretary General NFPE stated that new pension scheme is nothing but gambling by the Government. He cited the examples how the amount of pension of U.S. employees became zero after recession and bankruptey of finance and insurance Companies there. He assured that NFPE will launch all agitational programmes to be decided by the unions and fight tooth and nail the PFRDA Bill.
             The Hindi Version of Draft Declaration was presented by Com. S.K.Vyas.

 Coms. C.C. Pillai, K. Ragaven dran both Ex. Secretary General NFPE  ,Coms. R.N.Parashar, Asstt. Secretary General, NFPE, Giri Raj Singh, General  Secretary R-III, K.V. Sridharan, General Secretary, P-III, I.S. Dabas General  Secretary , P-IV,  P.  Suresh General Secretary, R-IV,S. Raghupathy    Assistant Secretary General, NFPE, N. Gopal Krishnan Working    President, P-III, and  D.K. Rahate President, NFPE and so  many Circle Leaders of NFPE and COCs participated in the Convention.

Courtesy: NFPE

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