Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rakhi: The Thread of Love

Dear Comrades,

In India, festivals are the celebration of togetherness, of being one of the family. Raksha Bandhan is one such festival that is all about affection, fraternity and sublime sentiments. It is also known as Raksha Bandhan which means a 'bond of protection'. This is an occasion to flourish love, care, affection and sacred feeling of brotherhood.

Not a single festival in India is complete without the typical Indian festivities, the gatherings, celebrations, exchange of sweets and gifts, lots of noise, singing and dancing. Raksha Bandhan is a regional celebration to celebrate the sacred relation between brothers and sisters. Primarily, this festival belongs to north and western region of India but soon the world has started celebrating this festival with the same verse and spirit. Rakhi has become an integral part of those customs.

An insight of Rakhi Rituals
On the day of Rakhi, sisters prepares the pooja thali with diya, roli, chawal, rakhi thread and sweets. The ritual begins with a prayer in front of God, then the sister ties Rakhi to her brother and wishes for his happiness and well-being. In turn, the brother acknowledge the love with a promise to stand by his sister through all the good and bad times.

Sisters tie Rakhi on the wrist of their brothers amid chanting of mantras, put roli and rice on his forehead and pray for his well-being. She bestows him with gifts and blessings. In turn, brothers also wish her a good life and pledges to take care of her. He gives her a return gift. The gift symbolizes the physical acceptance of her love, reminder of their togetherness and his pledge. The legends and the reference in history repeated, the significance of the festival is emphasized.

Unconditional Bond of Love
Raksha bandhan has been celebrated in the same way with the same traditions for many years. Only the means have changed with the changing lifestyle to make the celebration more elaborate and lively. This day has an inherent power that pulls the siblings together. The increasing distances evoke the desire to be together even more. All brothers and sisters try to reach out to each other on this auspicious day. The joyous meeting, the rare family get-together, that erstwhile feeling of brotherhood and sisterhood calls for a massive celebration.

India Post Announces Special Discount of 6.5% on Gold Coins for Raksha Bandhan

Dear Comrades,

For this Raksha Bandhan, India Post has announced a special discount of 6.5% on purchase of Gold coins.

On 1st August 2012 any customer who buys gold from identified Post Offices in Delhi will get a special 6.5% discount of the day's retail price on all denominations.This offer is available in all 31 Post Offices of Delhi indentified for the sale of Gold Coins.

These gold coins bear unique logo of India Post and are available in denominations of 0.5 gms, 1gms, 5gms, 8gms, 10gms, 20gms & 50gms for sale across counters at select Post Offices. These coins are having purity rating of 24 karat 99.99% from Valcambi, under Swiss certification and are available in tamper-proof packaging having benefits like internationally recognized certification, low risk of duplication, quality packaging, product standardization and numbering with assayer certification.

* * * * * *(Release ID :85606) BK/ AT/PM  PIB

Post office to launch mobile remittance scheme

Dear Comrades,

Kottayam: Postal Department is launching an instant money remittance scheme, mobile remittance scheme, in tie-up with the BSNL infrastructure by next month, Chief Postmaster General (Kerala Circle) Sobha Koshy said on Sunday.

In the first phase the scheme will be implemented in selected states like Kerala, Bihar, New Delhi and Punjab, Mr Koshy told reporters after releasing a special postal cover in connection with the ruby jubilee celebrations of Kottayam Press Club.

Raksha Bandhan celebrations: Post office gears up to deliver rakhi envelopes

Dear Comrades,

RAMGARH: The head post office in town has planned a delivery mechanism for rakhis in the run-up to Raksha Bandhan next Thursday.

The postal department has bought 3,000 special colorful waterproof envelopes to ensure that the rakhis reach safely even during rain. Each envelope in yellow and pink colours costs Rs 7.

Srinagar to host All India Postal Football Tournament

Dear Comrades,

Srinagar, July 27: Department of Posts, is hosting Srinagar All India Postal Football Tournament in Bakshi Stadium Srinagar.

The tournament will be held for five days from August 25 to August 29. The arrangements for the tournament are being taken on war footing.


Dear Comrades,

NEW DELHI-110001
No. PF-01(e)/2012                                                                             DATED 31.07.2012
All General Secretaries / NFPE office bearers /All All India office bearers of affiliated unions all Circle/Divisional /Branch Secretaries
At the call of the Confederation of CG Employees and Workers, more than 20,000 employees and workers of various organisations of Central Government marched in the rally before Parliament on 26th July, 2012. Thousands and thousands of employees surged into the national capital to take part in the March to Parliament demanding implementation of 15 Point Charter of Demands including immediate formation of 7th CPC to revise the wage structure of Central Government Employees once in five years with the revision with effect from 1.1.2011; Merger of 50% DA with the basic pay for all purposes as was done from 1.1.2004 based on the recommendations of IV CPC; Revision of wages of three lakhs of Grameen Dak Sevaks of Postal Department through the 7th CPC itself; Regularisation of both GDS and Casual labourers through formation of appropriate schemes of regularisation; Ending the discrimination in grant of  Compassionate appointments between Railways and other CG Departments; Scrapping PFRDA Bill; Grant of five promotions in the career of an employee etc.

Friday, July 27, 2012

IndiaPost gets into domestic and global marketing of Saffron, world's costliest spice

Dear Comrades,

SILIGURI: Like the service 'Tea Post,' introduced couple of years back from Darjeeling, now Indiapost gets into marketing of Saffron, believed to be world's costliest spice. After national stepping, India post plans to launch the service at international level too.

The service was launched today (Wednessday) by Jenab Gulam Hassan Mir, Hon'ble Minister of Agriculture of J & K at Pampore, the saffron hub of the state as well as Country.

Sachin Pilot asks postal department to ensure timely delivery of rachis

Dear Comrades,

New Delhi, July 27 (ANI): Union Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology has directed the Department of Posts to make special arrangements for timely delivery of rakhis by the post offices in the country.

He said special postal facilities will be extended to the Army and Paramilitary Jawans serving the nation in remote and border areas of the country. 

The festival of rakhi, which will be celebrated on August 2 this year, holds immense significance in India, as even today people consider it a must to express their affection in a traditional manner. 

Year after year, department of posts plays an important role in delivering rakhis and rakhi gifts. (ANI)



Dear Comrades,

A Committee constituted by Secretary (P) vide order No. 1-6/2011-MVand comprising of Mr. B.Selva Kumar, PMG Agra as Chairperson and Sh. R.K. Sharma, Director MV, Sh. Aman Sharma, DPS(MSP) Delhi  Circle along with two representatives of recognized Postman Unions , Sh. TN Rahate and Sh. Ishwar Singh Dabas as members met at Meghdoot Bhawan on 25 July 2012 to recommend the design and specifications of the Postman bicycle along with mail  box/bag to be procured by the Department.

Parliament Dharna by AIPEU GDS (NFPE) on 27.07.2012

Dear Comrades,

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Press Statement by Confederation on March to Parliament

Dear Comrades,

A-2/95,Manishinath Bhawan,
Rajouri Garden,New Delhi-110 027
Website: confederationhq. Blogspot.com.E mail:confederation06@yahoo.co.in.

       More than 20000 Central Government employees participated in the March to Parliament programme organised by the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers.  Every State in the country and organisation in each Department of Government of India took part in this programme.  The rally was addressed by Com. Basudeb Acharya and Com. Tapan Sen, Members of Parliament and leaders of CITU. Leaders of AITUC,  BMS and INTUC also addressed the gathering. Besides, the following leaders of the Confederation spoke at the rally.
     Com. S.K. Vyas, President, Confederation, Com. K.Raghavendran, Working President, Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, National Federation of Postal Employees, Com. K.P. Rajagopal, Secretary General, Incometax Employees Federation, Com. M.S. Raja, Secretary General, All India Audit and Accounts Association, Com. Brighu Bhattacharya, Secretary General, All India Civil Accounts Employees Association,  Com.Somayya, Vice President, Confederation, Com. Madan, Organising Secretary, Confederation and many others.
                While concluding the rally, Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Secretary General said that the Confederation has submitted a detailed memorandum on the charter of demands  to the Prime Minister and the Central Government employees expect the Prime Minister to consider and settle the issues within a reasonable time frame.  To ensure an expeditious consideration of the issues by the Government the Confederation  has decided to call upon the employees to organise State/District level conventions, demonstration, rally, dharna etc. in the coming three months.  If no satisfactory settlement is brought about within the next three months on the charter, he announced that the Confederation will organise a day’s token strike on 12th December, 2012.

         The major demands included in the charter are (a) setting up of 7th Central Pay Commission for wage revision with effect from 1.1.2011, (b) merger of DA with pay, (c) withdrawal of PFRDA Bill (d) revival of the negotiating forum JCM at all levels, (e) stopping privatisation, downsizing etc,(f) regularisation of casual workers, (g) grant of five promotions in the career as is given to the officers etc.

        The rally was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Com. Giriraj Singh, President, Delhi State Committee of the Confederation.


Dear Comrades,

A-2/95,Manishinath Bhawan,
Rajouri Garden,New Delhi-110 027
Website: confederationhq. Blogspot.com.E mail:confederation06@yahoo.co.in.
The Honourable Prime Minister,
Government of India,
South Block,                                                                           
New Delhi. 110 001
Dear Sir,                                                                                                                   
More than 15,000 Central Govt. Employees from all over the country representing various affiliates of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers have marched to Parliament today  to present this Memorandum containing a brief note on the 14 point Charter of  demands and seek your kind intervention in finding a settlement of these issues. The employees and workers in all Departments of the Government of India are distressed over the total breakdown of the negotiating machinery. i.e. JCM .  The Council meetings are not being held in any Ministry other than Railways, Defence and to a limited extent in the Postal  and Atomic Energy Departments. There is no channel of communication that exist between the employees and the heads of Departments with the result that none of their grievances are attended to or addressed.  This apart, in quite a number of Departments, the Associations /Federations have not been granted recognition in- spite of fulfilling all the conditions stipulated under the CCS (RSA) Rules, 1993 with the result even bilateral discussions at the level of heads of offices have been dispensed with.
 We, therefore, once again request your good-self to kindly give necessary direction to the concerned that the issues we have presented through this memorandum are addressed immediately.
Thanking you,         
Yours faithfully,
K.K.N. Kutty
Secretary General.
                      BRIEF NOTE ON DEMANDS
Item No. 1. Revision of wage with effect from. 1.,01..2011.
The present wage structure of the Central Govt. Employees has been made on the basis of the 6th Central Pay Commission’s recommendations.  The 6th CPC introduced a new concept in the form of Pay band and Grade Pay.  The recommendations of the Commission were implemented with effect from 1.1.2006 in the case of Pay and in the case of allowances with effect from 1.9. 2008.  In the case of Central Public Sector undertakings, the wage revisions normally takes place after every five years.  The 5th CPC in the case of Central Government employees recommended wage revision in every 10 years.  In the past wage revision has been linked to the extent of erosion of real wages.  The degree of inflation in the economy determines the pace of erosion of the real value of wages.  The retail prices of those commodities which go into the making of minimum wages have risen by about 160% from 1.1.2006 to 1.1. 2011, whereas the D.A. compensation in the case of Central Government employees on that date had been just 51%.  It is also an acknowledged fact that the 6th CPC had computed the minimum wage by suppressing the retail price of these commodities in the market on the specious plea that official statistics of the retail prices of these commodities were not available.  They therefore, computed the retail price by increasing the wholesale price by 20% for each of the commodity whereas the actual retail price in the market was 60% more than the wholesale price.  While in the case of Group B,C & D employees, the Commission applied a multiplication factor of 1.86 for arriving at the revised pay structure, in the case of Group A Officers, the factor was ranging from 2.36 to 3 times. In the matter of fitment formula also, unlike recommended by the 5th CPC, the 6th CPC adopted varying percentages whereby the officers in Group A were given rise extending from 42 to 49%, whereas the employees in Group B,C,D were granted only 40%. While implementing the Commission’s recommendations, the Government further accentuated the discrimination further. The recommendations of the 6th CPC when implemented gave rise to very many glaring anomalies.  The National Council JCM set up a National Anomaly Committee to deal with these issues which are common to all CGEs and directed the Ministries and Departments to set up such anomaly committees at the Departmental level to deal with department specific issues.  As has been mentioned elsewhere in this memorandum, the effectiveness of JCM as potent forum to settle issues has been eroded over the years by systematically tinkering with its functioning by the official side.  Though the National Anomaly Committee met 4-5 times, it could not settle any major issues. The MACP, introduced by the Government in replacement of the ACP Scheme already in vogue has not gone to improve the career prospects of the employees due to various untenable stipulations made in the order by the DOPT.  The Government has refused to act upon the Tribunal’s decision in the matter .  Nor has it brought about any settlement on this issue through bilateral discussions at the National Anomaly Committee.
 The Grameen Dak Sewaks were excluded from the purview of the 6th Central Pay Commission as the Postal Department took an erroneous view that they are not Central Government employees.  The 4th  CPC had categorically stated that they ought to have been included within the purview of the Commission’s jurisdiction but chose to go by the Postal Department’s decision ultimately. As has been mentioned elsewhere in this memorandum, the GDS constitute the largest chunk of the Postal Workers.  The exclusion of GDS from the purview of the Pay Commission being  unjust, discriminatory and bereft of any logic, it must be ensured that the next Pay Commission when it is set up will have the jurisdiction to recommend  on wage structure and service conditions of the GDS.    
Wage revision in all public Sector undertakings through Collective bargaining takes place once in five years. On the same analogy, the wage revision of the Central Government employees must be after every five years and the Government must set up the 7th CPC immediately.


Dear Comrades,


At the Call of the Confederation of CG Employees and Workers, thousands of Central Government Employees belonging to all affiliates of Confederation reached Delhi and demonstrated before the Parliament on 26th July 2012.

The Massive March to Parliament is organised to demand implementation of 15 Point Charter of Demands including Constitution of 7th Central Pay Commission to revise the wages from 1.1.2011; Merger of 50% DA with Basic Pay; Five Promotions to every Employee in the entire career; Regularisation of three lakhs of GDS in Postal Department; Regularisation of Casual labourers; Compassionate Appointment etc.

Comrade S.K.Vyas President Confederation presided over the Rally. Comrades Basudev Acharya M.P; Tapen Sen CITU General Secretary and M.P; Amarjit Kaur AITUC All India leader; M.Krishnan Secretary General NFPE; K.Ragavendran Working President Confederation; addressed the  Rally.

Comrade K.K.N.Kutty Secretary General Confederation addressed and explained the details of the National Secretariat Meeting and declared that there will be an All India Strike action on 12.12.2012 to win the 15 Point Charter of Demands if within three months the Government failed to accept our demands.

A Memorandum to Honourable Prime Minister of India containing all the 15 Points of Charter of Demands with all the justification was finalised by the National Secretariat has been submitted to the Prime Minister on behalf of the Confederation. Full text of the Memorandum will be shortly placed in our website.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

All Rail coaches to have bio-toilets by 2017, says Jairam

Dear Comrades,

All Rail coaches to have bio-toilets by 2017, says Jairam
The Ministry of Rural Development has offered to fit all new railways coaches with DRDO built bio-toilets and to share half the cost of retrofitting all existing 50,000 coaches with green toilets. Minister of Rural Development Shri Jairam Ramesh met the Railway Board Chairman Shri Vinay Mittal here and expressed the hope to complete the project in the next four to five years. Shri Ramesh informed that the whole project will cost about 500 crore rupees and offered to share the burden on a 50-50 basis with the Railways. He said, at present only 9 trains with 436 coaches are fitted with bio-toilets, while 4,000 coaches are produced annually which could be fitted with new bio-toilets. The measure will not only prevent the corrosion of tracks but will also provide odourless toilets to passengers. At present waste is dumped directly on to the tracks because of the existing toilet system in trains. Many passengers ignore requests to not use toilets when trains halt. Apart from the unbearable stench it creates, the practice leads to clogging of rail lines at busy stations.

Shri Ramesh has also requested the Railways Ministry to run Nirmal Bharat Express on the model of Red Ribbon Express to spread the message of cleanliness and sanitation. Shri Mittal has given a positive nod to the proposal and asked the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation to submit a detailed plan in this regard.

SNC  (Release ID :85498) PIB

Commemorative Postage Stamps Released on Eve of London Olympics

Dear Comrades,

In keeping with its tradition of issuing postage stamps on Olympics since 1968, India Post released a set of four commemorative postage stamps and a souvenir sheet in New Delhi today. The stamps are a stylized portrayal of sportsmen engaged in Volleyball, Rowing, Sailing and Badminton (Picture of the stamps are given below). The stamps will be available in Philatelic Bureaus across the country.

Demand up for postal dept’s rakhi envelopes

Dear Comrades,

NASHIK: The demand for the postal department's rakhi envelopes that were introduced five years back has gone up by 20% percent. These specially designed envelopes are easy to sort, trendy and is an income generating source for the department.

Public relations officer of General Post Office (GPO), Ghanshyam Wagh, said that the envelopes were introducecd into the market from the point of view of increasing business for the postal department. "The main intention was that these would be easy to sort compared to other plain envelopes. The envelopes cost Rs 7 each in addition to postal charges," Wagh said.

Only AIPEDEU is the only union of GDS which is a Recognised Union all over India.

Dear Comrades,

As per the Madras High Court judgement dated 30.1.2012 in WP 12805/2011 and the re-verification process done by the Department it has been again proved that the National Union of Gramin Dak Sevaks is not eligible for recognition.
Only AIPEDEU is the only union of GDS which is a Recognised Union all over India.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

PFRDA Issues Revised Set of Guidelines for Registration of Pension Fund Managers to Manage National Pension System for the Non-Governmentand Private Sector

Dear Comrades,

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) today issued a revised set of guidelines for registration of Pension Fund Managers (PFMs) to manage the National Pension System (NPS) for the non-government and private sector.

Guidelines for checking delays in grant of sanction of prosecution — strict compliance thereof.

Dear Comrades,

No. 420/01/2012-AVD-IV
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi-110001.
Dated the 20th  July, 2012.
Subject:   Guidelines for checking delays in grant of sanction of prosecution — strict compliance thereof.
Attention is invited to this Department's O.M. Nos. 399/33/2006-AVD.III dated 06.11.2006 & 20.12.2006 and O.M. No. 372/19/2012-AVD.III dated 03.05.2012 on the subject cited above.
2.             In a recent meeting taken by Secretary (Personnel) to review the cases for sanction of prosecution against public servants pending with various Ministries / Departments, the following issues emerged:-
(a)           It was noted that in a significant no. of cases pertaining to banks and PSUs etc., the Disciplinary Authorities first decline the sanction and thereafter seek advice of CVC. This is in clear violation of DOP&T's instructions issued vide O.M. 399/33/2006-AVD.III dated 06.11.2006 wherein it is stipulated that the competent authority shall take a tentative view regarding the action to be taken and seek advice of CVC in the matter and on receipt of the advice from the CVC, the concerned Ministry / Department shall finalise its views. It is reiterated that before passing orders on requests for sanction for prosecution, the instructions issued by this Department are strictly adhered to.

Exemption of Salaried Employees from Requirement of Filing of Returns for Assessment Year 2012-13

Dear Comrades,

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) vide its Notification No. 9/2012 dated 17th February, 2012 has exempted salaried employees from the requirement of filing the returns for assessment year 2012-13. The exemption is applicable only if all the following conditions are fulfilled:-
• Employee has earned only salary income and income from savings bank account and the annual interest earned from savings bank account is less than Rs. 10 thousand.

• The total Income of the employee does not exceed Rs. 5 Lakh (Total Income means Gross Total Income Less deductions under Chapter VIA).
• The Employee has reported his PAN to the employer.
• Employee has reported his income from interest on savings bank account to employer.
• Employee has received Form 16 from his employer.
• Total Tax Liability of employee has been paid off by employer by way of TDS and employer has deposited TDS with central government.
• Employee has no refund claim.
• Employee has received salary only from one employer.
• Employee has not received any Notice from Income Tax Department for filing of Income Tax return.


Dear Comrades,

Chandigarh, this the 30th day of September, 2011

CORAM:  Hon'ble Mrs. Shyama Dogra, Member (J).     Hon'ble Mrs. Promilla Issar, Member (A).

Mrs. Aarti Rani, wife of Shri Ashwani Kumar, aged 39 years, presently working as Postal Assistant in Post Office Sector-15, Chandigarh (U.T.)-160015.


1. Union of India through Secretary, Ministry Communication & Information Technology, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110016.
2. Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Chandigarh Division, Sector-17, GPO Building, Chandigarh (UT)-160017.

Present:     Sh. D.R. Sharma, the counsel for the applicant.
Sh. Rohit Sharma, vice Sh. Deepak Agnihotri, the counsel for the respondents.

O R D E R (Oral)
By Hon'ble Mrs. Shyama Dogra, Member (J):-

Friday, July 20, 2012

No target set for small savings schemes

Dear Comrades,

NAGPUR: The government does not appear keen on investments into postal small savings schemes. For the first time, no target has been set for net collections into these schemes that include public provident fund (PPF) and national savings certificates available through post office counters as well as nationalized banks. The schemes are managed through National Saving Institute headquartered in Nagpur.

The mop-up which finally becomes part of national small savings fund (NSSF), is categorized into gross and net collections. The latter includes what remains for the given financial year after outgoes on maturity are deducted. Last year, a target of Rs 30,000 crore was set for net collections which could not be attained due to outflows exceeding inflows. The gross collection in the previous year was Rs 2,18,000 crore, more than the target by a couple of thousand crores.

Considering the dismal performance, it was decided not to have any specific target for net collections this year, said a source. However, this is not the only reason. Higher investment into these schemes will only increase government's interest burden. Higher outgo is now preferable, said sources in ministry of finance.

Stamps and coin collection as hobbies: Internationalizing the Rupee symbol!

Dear Comrades,

With the introduction of the new Rupee symbol and the desire to be accepted internationally, it is time the Indian government start publicizing this with the help of stamps

It was in 1840 that Great Britain issued the first postage stamp which featured the picture of Queen Victoria. Some 12 years later India followed suit in 1852, even though the Royalty continued to use the “road runners” for carrying urgent messages from one place to another.

Today, India has the largest operating postal system in the world.

And it is the government that runs this service. Postal departments in all countries run this service and issue stamps with different themes, from honouring their national heroes to popularising the local flowers, fauna, heritage sites and so on.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Dear Comrades,
P-III        (i)   Ambedkar Bhawan Hall 1st Floor Rani Jhansi Road in front of      Videocon Tower , Near Jhandewalan, New Delhi
              (ii)     Khampur Chaupal, Near Piller No. 224, Shadipur ,   Metro Station , New Delhi-110 008
{Accommodation booked for 26&27 July-2012}
P-IV        Hindu Maha Sabha Bhawan, Mandir Marg , Near Birla Mandir, New Delhi.
{Accommodation booked for 25, 26 &27 July-2012}
R-III             Jat Dharmshala Yamuna Bazar, New Delhi
        Kali Bari for W.B Circle
        R-III (CHQ Flat)- 17/4-C, Kali Bari Marg for Assam Circle.
        RMS Rest House Near Delhi GPO
        Ambala Co-operative Bank Hall Delhi GPO
{Accommodation booked for 25, 26 & 27 July-2012}
GDS (NFPE)  Ksha triya Khukhran Sabha 180, P- West Patel     Nagar, New Delhi.
{Accommodation booked for 26&27 July-2012}
Casual Labourers Federation  :     Hindu Mahasabha Bhawan,    Mandir Marg , Near Birla Mandir,  New Delhi.
{Accommodation booked for 25, 26 &27 July-2012}
R-4           RMS Rest House Near Delhi GPO
      Ambala Co-operative Bank Hall Delhi GPO
{Accommodation booked for 26&27 July-2012}
CONFEDERATION:  Ambedkar Bhawan, Rani Jhansi Road in front of      Videocon Tower , Near Jhandewalan, Near New Delhi Railway Station. Kindly contact the Delhi State Committee Secretary, Com. Vrighu Bhattacharya (Phone No. 9868520926).    The accommodation is booked for 25th and 26th and is to vacate on 27th morning. 
Note: For More details please contact NFPE HQ ,P-3, P-4, R-3& R-4 (CHQs)
         Phone Nos .
 NFPE (M) 09868819295,08130181701 (O)   011.23092771, P-3
 P-3(CHQ)(M) -09013946988 (O) 011-25706040
 P-4(CHQ)(M) – 09968099272 (O)011-23341333
 R-III(CHQ)      - 09811213808 (O) 011-23743667
 R-IV (CHQ) (M)09811358335 (O) 011-65592288 Com. K.K. Sharma, Treasurer     CHQ(M) 09213355900 & Com. Hariender Singh C/S R-IV Delhi Circle(M)   09810325300

Clarification on fixation of allowances of newly appointed GDS

Dear Comrades,


Dear Comrades,


Thousands of Comrades are reaching Delhi to participate in 26th July March To Parliament called by the Confederation demanding 7th Pay Commission, 50% DA Merger etc.
An All India NFPE Convention will be held on the same day afternoon  in Ambedkar Bhawan, Rani Jhansi Road, New Delhi – 110055 in front of VIDEOCON TOWER [ near Jhandewalan Metro Rail Station].
Dharna before Parliament exclusively on GDS Demands will be held on 27th July as per the call of the AIPEU GDS NFPE in which all NFPE comrades coming to March to Parliament shall also participate.



Dear Comrades,

1. (1) These Rules may be called the Department of Posts (Postman and Mail Guard) Recruitment Rules, 2010.
(2)They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
1. (1)These Rules may be called the Department of Posts (Postman and Mail Guard) Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2012.
(2) They shall come in to force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.

2. In the Schedule to the Department of Posts (Postman and Mail Guard) Recruitment Rules, 2010, against serial number 1 relating to the post of Postman,--
Column No.8
Matriculation or Equivalent from a recognized Board or University for direct recruitment from open market. No education qualification is prescribed for direct recruitment limited to Gramin Dak Sevaks.
(i) in column (8), in the entry, after the word “Matriculation”, the words “or Equivalent” shall be omitted.
Column No.11
(a)25% by promotion by selection of Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting division;
(b)25% on the basis of Limited Depart-mental Competitive Examination by promotion from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in , if any, against an erstwhile Group’D’ post on regular basis as on the 1st January of the year to which the vacancy(ies) belong failing which by direct recruitment.
(C)25% by recruitment on the basis of Competitive examination limited to Gramin Dak Sevaks* of the recruiting Division who have worked for at least five years in that capacity as on the 1stday of January of the year to which the vacancy(ies) belong failing which by direct recruitment;
*Gramin Dak Sevaks are holders of Civil posts but they are outside the regular Civil Service due to which their appoint-ment will be by direct recruitment.
(d)25% by direct recruitment from open market.
Note:1: The scheme for Direct Recruit-ment shall be as per administrative instructions issued by the Department from time to time.
(ii)in column (11), the entry,-
(A)for clauses (a) and (b) the following clause shall be substituted namely:-
“(a)50% on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination by promotion from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in, if any, against an erstwhile Group’D’ post on regular basis as on he 1st January of the year to which the vacancy(ies) belong failing which, from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the neighbouring Division/Unit on the basis of the said Examination, failing which by direct recruitment from open market”
(B)for clauses (c) and (d), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
“(b)50% by direct recruitment on the basis of Competitive Examination Limited to Gramin Dak Sevaks* of the recruiting Division who have worked for  at least five years in that capacity as on the 1st day of January of the year to which the vacancy(ies) belong, failing which from amongst Gramin Dak Sevaks of the neighbouring Division/Unit on the basis of the said Examination, failing which by direct recruitment from open market.
*Gramin Dak Sevaks are holders of Civil posts by they are outside the regular Civil Service due to which their appointment will be by direct recruitment.”;
Column No.12
(i)25% by promotion of Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in, if any, against an erstwhile Group D post on regular basis.
Note 1: Where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are being considered for promotion, their seniors would also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying or eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying/eligibility service or two years, whichever is less, and have successfully completed their probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along with their juniors who have already completed such qualifying or eligibility service.
(ii)25% on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination by promotion from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in , if any , against an erstwhile Group’D’ post on regular basis.
Note 2 : [Applicable for (i) and (ii) above] :
For the purpose of computing minimum qualifying service for promotion, the service rendered on a regular basis by an officer prior to 1-1-2006 (the date from which the revised pay structure based on the 6th Central Pay Commission recommendations has been extended) shall be deemed to be service rendered in the corresponding pay/pay scale extended based on the recommendations of the Pay Commission.
Note 3: The scheme for Limited Depart-mental Competitive Examination shall be as per administrative instructions issued by the Department from time to time.
(iii)in column (12), in the entry,-
(A)for clause(i), Note 1 and clause (ii), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
“50% on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination by promotion from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in, if any, against an erstwhile Group’D’ post on regular basis as on the 1st January of the year to which the vacancy(ies) belong, failing which from amongst Multi Tasking Staff of the neighbouring Division/ Unit on the basis of the said Examination, failing which by direct recruitment from open market”;
(B)”Note 2” shall be re-numbered as “Note 1” as so re-numbered, the brackets, words and figures” [Applicable for (i) and (ii) above]” shall be omitted;
(C)”Note 3”shall be renumbered as “Note 2.”

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Dear Comrades,

A-2/95,Manishinath Bhawan,Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027
Tel: 011-2510 5324: Mobile: 98110 48303

Conf/11/2012 Dated: 18.7.2012

Dear Comrade,

                On the basis of the discussions, the President and Secretary General of the Confederation had with the leaders of various organisations in the Survey of India Department, it is decided to convene a meeting of the leaders of these organisations on 26th July, 2012 at 4.00 PM  at New Delhi at Chugh dharamsala, udyan marg near Gole market , NEW Delhi 110 001 instead of 27th in view of the MACP committee meeting which has been scheduled to take place at 11. 00 AM on 27th.  The leaders of the Survey of India organisations are requested to make it convenient to attend the meeting as all of them are likely to be at Delhi on 26th inst. 

                The affiliates and State Committees are requested to advise the comrades, who are deployed to participate in the March to Parliament programme to carry their banners, placards depicting the demands etc while marching to Parliament.  It has been decided to provide a badge to all the participants in the March.  The badges are getting printed at New Delhi.  The leaders who accompany the comrades from each State and affiliate are requested to kindly collect the same in bunch from the volunteers and distribute the same to the participants.  The March is to commence from a spot at the Jantar Mantar near to the intersection of Parliament Street, where the signal lights are installed.  There will be a banner of the Confederation and some volunteers on the spot.  Those who are to participate in the march are requested to kindly be on the spot latest by 10.00 AM.  The procession will commence at 11.30 AM to converge at the Parliament Street Police Station by 12 Noon.  The meeting will commence immediately thereafter.  A delegation will meet the Prime Minister either on the same day or on the day the appointment is given by the Prime Minister. 

Those comrades who represent the State Committees and have not been provided with stay arrangements by their respective organisation/Association/Federation etc are requested to contact the Delhi State Committee Secretary, Com. Vrighu Bhattacharya (Phone No. 9868520926).  The CHQ has made arrangements for stay for a few comrades at Ambedkar Bhawan, which is near to New Delhi Railway Station.  The Comrades, who represent Pensioners organisations may also avail of this accommodation.  The accommodation is booked for 25th and 26th and is to vacate on 27th morning. 

                The comrades who are coming from nearby stations of Delhi, viz. Agra, Lucknow, Kanpur, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Chandigarh, Ambala, Gwalior, Ghaziabad etc. by hiring buses might require locations to park their buses.  The Delhi state Committee is discussing the matter with the Police Authorities.  We are trying to get some place nearby any Metro station, so that the comrades alighting from the buses can directly take the Metro to the Venue.  The nearest Metro Station is "Patel Chowk" and those who get down at Rajiv Chowk i.e Cannought place can walk through the Parliament street to reach the spot.

                With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty
                                       Secretary General 
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