Thursday, July 11, 2013

Mail collection, transmission and delivery arrangements for Rakhi Mail

Dear Comrades,

S.K. Sinha, CGM (Mail Business)
DO No. 30-26/2013-D         Dated 10.07.2013.

     This is regarding putting in place necessary mail collection, transmission and delivery arrangements for Rakhi Mail.

2         The festival of Raksha Bandhan will be observed on 20th   August 2013 and it is important to plan all measures for anticipated rush of Rakhi Mail. As has been the experience in previous years, special arrangements would be required to be made for collection and conveyance of Rakhi Mail on time. I am annexing a check list of guidelines for taking necessary steps by the Heads of Circles depending on the requirement for the period from 01st August 2013 to 20th  August 2013 to ensure prompt delivery of Rakhi Mail.

3.    I would request you to send a report to the Directorate by 31.07.2013 about the special arrangements put in place by you in this regard.

                                                                                       Yours sincerely
                                                                                      (S.K. Sinha)
All Heads of Circles   



1. Special Care should be taken by all Post Offices / MBCs / Mail offices to ensure the speedy disposal of Rakhi Mail to avoid any bottle neck.
2. Under no circumstances Rakhi Mail be sent loose unsorted in the bags or dumped to another office.
3. The timely clearance of mails from letter boxes and preparation of LBs / Bags etc. should  be ensured.
4. Adequate care should be taken for expeditious facing, stamping, sorting and disposal at every stage of handling.   
5. Special care may be taken in Mail and Post Offices  to ensure that Rakhi mail is expeditiously handled.    
6. Special Mail arrangements be made so that there is no hold up of Rakhi mail.  As it is first class mail, preference be given at every stage to speed up its disposal.
7. The routing and bag closing arrangement for Rakhi mail would be the same prescribed under issued on Redesigned Network for First class mail and communicated vide this Dte. OM No 30-07/2012-D dated 01/02/2012 and subsequent guidelines.
8. Special counters should be opened in the important Post Offices and Mail Offices / MBCs and special letter boxes, cartons / bags may be provided for different destinations with clear identification.
9. The arrangements must  be made for supply of sufficient quantity of postage stamps and envelopes etc. to all Post Offices / MBCs / Mail Offices.
10. Special sets may be constituted where ever necessary for immediate disposal of Rakhi Mail.
11. If any of envelopes containing Rakhi is found torn, opened and damaged it should be protected properly and disposed off.  Arrangements and care must be taken to protect Rakhi mail from rains.
12. A detailed office wise report showing the quantum of Rakhi Mail received and disposed off may be furnished along with your suggestions to this office latest by 23rd September, 2013.
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