Monday, October 31, 2011

Post Office Bill 2011

Dear Comrades,
Highlights of draft Post Office Bill 2011 

1.                  Opening of market by reducing the exclusive privilege of Central Government: 

Gradual opening of the market by phase wise removal of the monopoly proposed. Exclusive privilege reduced upto 150 gm. In case of letters and upto 50 gm. in case of express mail. Couriers can carry letters even within 150 gm and 50 gm (the reserve area) subject to them charging twice the postal rates for letters and twice the rates for express service. 

2. Sunset clause: 

A 15 years SUNSET clause for complete removal of exclusive privilege in express service and Parliamentary Review of exclusive privilege in case of letters is proposed. 

3. Universal Service Obligation of the Central Government: 

As proposed, USO is defined as the obligation of the Central Government to provide, through the Department of Posts, basic postal services at reasonable access, affordable price and with specified service parameters throughout the country. Commitment to provide postal service, delivery and access to post office 6 days of the week except holidays. 

4. Definitions: 

Definitions of certain ‘terms’ are proposed keeping in view the definition adopted by different countries, as also the requirement of customers i.e. 

a) “postal services” means services provided by the Central Government or on its behalf
and includes services related to

(i) handling of addressed letters,
(ii) handling of addressed parcels and packages,
(iii) handling of addressed press products,
(iv) handling of these articles as registered or insured mail,
(v) express services for these articles,
(vi) handling of unaddressed articles,
(vii) Value Payable Post,
(viii) money remittance
(ix) Post Office Counter Services
(x) services on behalf of any Ministry or Department of the Central or State Governments, or services on behalf of any other organization
(xi) other services not specified elsewhere; 

b) “courier services” means services related to the handling of articles of mail i.e. collection, sorting, dispatch, conveyance and delivery including
(i) handling of addressed letters subject to provisions in Section 4,
(ii) handling of addressed parcels and packages,
(iii) handling of addressed press products,
(iv) express services for these articles subject to provision in Section 4
(v) handling of unaddressed articles,

c) “express services” means postal / courier services related to handling of articles of mail and expedited delivery within a clearly specified and declared time limit with confirmation of receipt and with or without endtoend integration to ensure track and trace and a record of delivery ; 

d) “Registered Courier” means any person registered as such under Section ‐‐‐ and includes his employee or agent or assignee; 

e) “Licensee” means a Registered Courier who has been given license under Section ‐‐; 

5. Registration and Licensing: 

The Central Government may grant registration to any person undertaking the provision of any courier service in India, who shall be called a Registered Courier. The Central Government may also grant license to any Registered Courier, who shall be called a licensee, for providing certain specific services. There is no registration fee or license fee. Licensing conditions involve adherence to quality, guarantee relief to customers in case of any deficiency in service and commitment to ensure confidentiality and security of letter. All operators will require registration for providing any type of courier service in India. But license will be required only for reserve area, USO and letter mail. 

6. Registering Authority: 

It is proposed that Central Government shall appoint Registering Authority, in such manner and to perform such functions, as may be prescribed. 

7. Appellate Authority: 

An Appellate Authority is proposed for redressal of grievances of any person aggrieved by an order of Registration Authority. 

8. Setting up Extra Territorial Offices of Exchange (ETOE) and International mail Processing Centers (IMPC) abroad: 

Central Govt. may establish ETOEs/IMPCs in other countries for providing international Mail Services including express and parcel services subject to arrangements with such Postal Administrations regarding terms and conditions.

Ministries move to direct e-payment by March

Dear Comrades,

In a move supposed to significantly reduce corruption in government transactions and facilitate direct disbursement of subsidies, the government has developed an e-payment system. By March 2012, all central ministries are to switch to the system, to make payments to both state government and individuals.

Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee will inaugurate the system on Monday, for direct credit of dues from the Government of India into the account of beneficiaries. The transactions will be made through the government’s e-payment portal, using digitally signed electronic advice.

Under the traditional system, paying units in the central government use cheques, cash, demand drafts or, in a few ministries, electronic clearance systems for payments to employees and vendors. In recent years, RTGS (Reral Time Gross Settlement) and NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer) facilities provided by the Reserve Bank of India are also being utilised in various ministries through the banking channel.
The new system is expected to bring transparency and expedite direct payments from central paying units on subsidies to consumers of fertiliser, kerosene and cooking gas. This should ensure adoption of other e-services, due to its efficiency and ease-of-use. The paperless transaction is also expected to reduce overall transaction costs and promote ‘green’ banking, the finance ministry said.
The e-payment system eliminates physical cheques and their manual processing, so there is expected to be a plus for checks on corruption. Further, the constraints of manual deposits of cheques by payees into their bank account would also go. Currently, 130,000 agencies receive funds from the Government of India.

Salaries and other payments to other individuals such as suppliers and vendors would be covered under the e-payment facility immediately. Transactions between the Centre and state governments will also be made through the e-payment mode by March 2012. Some parts of pension payments done manually on Friday will also come under the new mode. However, petty payments currently made by issuing cheques to drawing and disbursing officers may continue. Inter-department payments may also take some time to come under e-payment, as would social sector payments.
An official at the Controller General of Accounts, which has developed the e-payment system, said it had been designed to ensure all government departments, including the railways, can benefit. “This will be a major step towards government’s preparedness for direct disbursement of subsidies. It will stop corruption at the cutting-edge level. There will be more transparency… Going forward, we will push defence and railways to get into this. States can also join,” said the official.

The CGA is also looking at providing SMS alerts to beneficiaries once the e-payment has been made.

BS Reporter / New Delhi October 29, 2011, 0:39 IST Business-Standard.Com

Friday, October 28, 2011

Monthly Union Meeting held on 28.10.2011

Dear Comrades,

The monthly union meeting for the month of Oct, 2011 has been held today between AIPEU Cl-III, Postmen & Gr-D/MTS & AIPEDEU and Shri Sanatan Modi, SSPOs, Koraput Division in the chamber of the SSPOs for about five hours. Com. Purna Chandra Maharana, Com. Rajib Tripathy represented AIPEU Class-III. Com. Sanjay Ku Rath, Com. Bhuban Gouda attended on behalf of AIPEU Postmen &Gr-D/MTS and Com. Rajendra Prasad Sahu alongwith Com. Nanda Mundu, GDSPacker, Chandahandi SO and Com. Simanchal Dakua, GDSBPM, Baligam BO a/w Boipariguda SO from AIPEDEU took part in the said meeting. A detailed discussion on each and every agenda was made in the said meeting and SSPOs assured to fulfill all the agandas in a phased manner. On receipt of the minutes of union meeting, the same will be published in the website.

Sad demise of Bhimasen Padhy, Retd. Accountant, Jeypore HO

Dear Comrades,

Bhimasen Padhy, Retired Accountant, Jeypore(K) HO has passed away today at 9.30 AM at his Jeypore Residence. AIPEU Koraput Divisional Branch expresses its condolences to his family members. 

Expected Dearness Allowance from January 2012 :

Dear Comrades,

Dearness Allowance to all categories of Central Government employees is being sanctioned by the Government twice in a year, on 1st January and 1st July based on the increase in the average monthly All India consumer price index and it is granted to compensate the price hike above 536 points(Base Year 1982=100) 115.76 Points (Base Year 2001=100). The average increase is calculated up to December for grant of DA from 1st January and up to June for grant of DA from 1st July.

DA is calculated on the basic pay (plus NPA and stagnation increment). Special Pay, Personal Pay etc. are not taken into account for this purpose.

Dearness allowance calculation is based on AICPIN (IW). The statistics has been published by Labour Bureau in the last date of every month for subsequet months. The authentic department of Labour Bureau under Ministry of Labour & Employment computing the Consumer Price Index Numbers for Industrial Workers on base 2001= 100, for this calculation, more than 80 selcted places in over all India and an average monthly consumer prices of 24 essential commodities are taken for the finalise the index.

We are all know that the DA is announcing once in six months i.e., January and July of every year. The index has been taken for the calculation of DA from January to Jnue and July to December. The first instalment was announced in march and the second instalment on September, the next instalment for the year 2012 will be announced by March.

For exact calculation of additional Dearness allowance, the AICPIN-IW received only for two months of July and August. After knowing the index value for remaining four months only, we can compute exact the percentage of additional Dearness allowance from Jan, 2012, even though we can predict with reasonably by our expreience in this field, it may be enhanced minimum of six percent.


Government E-Payment System to be Inaugurated; will Bring Transparency; Facilitate Paperless Transaction and Reduce Overall Transaction Cost

Dear Comrades,

Government E-Payment System to be Inaugurated; will Bring Transparency; Facilitate Paperless Transaction and Reduce Overall Transaction Cost
The Controller General of Accounts (CGA), Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance has developed a fully secured Government e-payment system for direct credit of dues from the Government of India into the account of beneficiaries using digitally signed electronic advice (e-advice) through the ‘Government e-Payment Gateway’ (GePG). The Union Finance Minister Shri Pranab Mukherjee will inaugurate the Government e-Payment System on Monday. Government e-Payment Gateway (GePG) is a portal which enables the successful delivery of payment services from Pay & Accounts Offices (PAOs) for online payment into beneficiaries’ accounts in a seamless manner under a secured environment. GePG serves as middleware between COMPACT (Computerized Payment and Accounts) application at Pay & Accounts Offices and the Core Banking Solution (CBS) of the agency banks/RBI to facilitate paperless transaction, reducing overall transaction cost and promoting green banking.

This system will bring transparency and expedite direct payments from central paying units relating to subsidies to the users and consumers of fertilizer, kerosene and cooking gas which is already a declared objective of the government. This will increase the adoption of other e-services due to its efficiency and ease-of-use for all Central Government Ministries and Departments for online payment transactions. The digitally signed e-advices uploaded by the PAOs on GePG portal is downloaded by the concerned banks to credit the beneficiaries’ accounts through CBS/NEFT/RTGS as applicable. The e-payment system will save time and efforts in effecting payments and will facilitate elimination of physical cheques and their manual processing. Further the constraints of manual deposit of cheque by the payees into their bank account would also be eliminated. The system will also have online reconciliation of transactions and efficient compilation of payment accounts.

Under the traditional system of government payments, paying units in central government are using cheque, cash, DD or in few ministries ECS for payments to employees and vendors. In the past few years RTGS and NET faculties provided by RBI are also being utilized for central government payments in various ministries through the banking channel.

DSM/SS/GN (Release ID :76885) PIB

Administrative control over Speed Post Centres/Sorting Hubs

Dear Comrades,

Copy of D.G.Posts letter No. 6-5/2011-D Dated 20-10-2011

The matter relating to the administrative control over Speed Post Centres/Sorting Hubs falling under existing Postal or RMS division was raised by the staff side and was under consideration of this Directorate.

It has been decided that the issues of administrative control over Speed Post Centres/Sorting hubs in terms of placing under the administrative jurisdiction of Senior Superintendent/Superintendent of a Postal or RMS Division of a Postal or RMs Division maybe decided by the CPMG concerned taking into account local needs, administrative convenience and effective monitoring.

Source :

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Gunupur S.O. burnt partially

Dear Comrades,

Gunupur S.O. Burnt Partially

During observance of Dipavali on 26.10.2011 at Gunupur by general public, some sort of firework get into the Gunupur Sub Post Office which is situated on the first floor of the building. Some of the places and old documents caught fire and the SO started burning. The fire could only be stopped with the help of local people, staff and fire fighting staff and a disaster was avoided.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Over Three Kilogram Gold Coins Sold by Post Offices in Delhi on Dhanteras

Dear Comrades,
Over Three Kilogram Gold Coins Sold by Post Offices in Delhi on Dhanteras
On the occasion of Dhanteras yesterday three and a half kg gold was sold by selected 23 post offices in Delhi circle. The gold coins in various denominations were available for sale as per price given against each denomination.
The price of gold coins as on 24-10-2011 (after applicable discount and 1% tax) was as follows:
Weight slab
Price (in Rs.)
0.5 gm
1 gm
5 gms
8 gms
10 gms
20 gms
50 gms
The price of gold coins for today (25-10-2011) (excludes applicable discount & 1% tax) is as follows:
Weight slab
Price (in Rs.)
0.5 gm
1 gm
5 gms
8 gms
10 gms
20 gms
50 gms
(from 5th Oct, 2011 to till 30th Nov, 2011).
Buy upto 5 grams
5.5 grams – 20 grams
20.5 grams – 50 grams
50.5 grams – 100 grams
More than 100 grams
AT          (Release ID :76859) PIB

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Subha Dipavali

Wish You And Your Loving Family Members A Very Joyous & Memorable DIPAVALI

Results of Confirmation Examination for PO/RMS/RLO/PSD/MMS Assistants held in Orissa Circle on 22.05.2011 (Sunday)

Dear Comrades,

Results of Confirmation Examination for PO/RMS/RLO/PSD/MMS Assistants held in Orissa Circle on 22.05.2011 (Sunday) has been declared vide CO, Bhubaneswar Memo No.RE/30-14/ May 2011 Dated at Bhubaneswar the 25.10.2011. The following officials have come out successful from Koraput Division.

1 Manasi Panigrahi     OC KRP/-01/2011  46  76  122 PASS

2 Lingaraj Sahu          OC KRP/-02/2011  37  85  122 PASS

3 Basant Kumar Das  OC KRP/-03/2011  35  76  111 PASS

4 Sridhar Pradhan    OBC KRP/-06/2011 40  86   126 PASS



The history of Diwali is replete with legends and these legends are moored to the stories of Hindu religious scriptures, mostly the Puranas. Though the central theme of all legends point out to the classic truth of the victory of the good over the evils, the mode of their presentation and the characters differ. Diwali, being the festival of lights, lighting the lamp of knowledge within us means to understand and reflect upon the significant purpose of each of the five days of festivities and to bring those thoughts in to the day to day lives.
Five day of Diwali
The first day of Diwali is called Dhanvantari Triodasi or Dhanwantari Triodasi also called Dhan Theras.
The second day of Diwali is called Narak Chaturdasi. It is the fourteenth lunar day (thithi) of the dark forthnight of the month of Kartik and the eve of Diwali. On this day Lord Krishna destroyed the demon Narakasur and made the world free from fear.
The third day of Diwali is the actual Diwali. This is the day when worship for Mother Lakshmi is performed.
On the fourth day of Diwali, Goverdhan Pooja is performed.
The fifth day of the diwali is called Bhratri Dooj. It is a day dedicated to sisters.
Hindu Mythology

The Story of Rama and Sita: Lord Rama was a great warrior King who was exiled by his father Dashratha, the King of Ayodhya, along with his wife Sita and his younger brother Lakshman, on his wife's insistence. Lord Rama returned to his Kingdom Ayodhya after 14 years of exile, in which he put an end to the demon Ravana of Lanka, who was a great Pundit, highly learned but still evil dominated his mind. After this victory of Good over Evil, Rama returned to Ayodhya. In Ayodhya, the people welcomed them by lighting rows of clay lamps. So, it is an occasion in honor of Rama's victory over Ravana; of Truth's victory over Evil.

The Story of King Bali and Vamana Avatar(the Dwarf): The other story concerns King Bali, who was a generous ruler. But he was also very ambitious. Some of the Gods pleaded Vishnu to check King Bali's power. Vishnu came to earth in the form of a Vamana(dwarf) dressed as priest. The dwarf approached King Bali and said "You are the ruler of the three worlds: the Earth, the world above the skies and the underworld. Would you give me the space that I could cover with three strides?" King Bali laughed. Surely a dwarf could not cover much ground, thought the King, who agreed to dwarf's request. At this point, the dwarf changed into Vishnu and his three strides covered the Earth, the Skies and the whole Universe! King Bali was send to the underworld. As part of Diwali celebrations, some Hindus remember King Bali.

The Defeat of Narkasur by Lord Krishna: Lord Vishnu in his 8th incarnation as Krishna destroyed the demon Narkasura, who was causing great unhappiness amongst the people of the world. Narkasura was believed to be a demon of filth, covered in dirt. He used to kidnap beautiful young women and force them to live with him. Eventually, their cries for rescue were heard by Vishnu, who came in the form of Krishna. First, Krishna had to fight with a five-headed monster who guarded the demon's home. Narkasura hoped that his death might bring joy to others. Krishna granted his request and the women were freed. For Hindus, this story is a reminder that good can still come out of evil.
Meaning & Significance
This is a festival enjoyed by all from children to old. They give expression to their happiness by lighting earthen 'diyas' (lamps), decorating the houses, bursting firecrackers and inviting near and dear ones to their households for partaking in a sumptuous feast. The lighting of lamps is a way of paying obeisance to god for attainment of health, wealth, knowledge, peace, valor and fame.

            On Diwali night, little clay lamps are lit in Hindus homes, but now a days colored electric lamps are also used. What is the significance of lighting a lamp? There is a logical answer to this question. It is through the light that the beauty of this world is revealed or experienced. Most civilizations of the world recognize the importance of light as a gift of God. It has always been a symbol of whatever is positive in our world of experience.
To Hindus, darkness represents ignorance, and light is a metaphor for knowledge. Therefore, lighting a lamp symbolizes the destruction, through knowledge, of all negative forces- wickedness, violence, lust, anger, envy, greed, bigotry, fear, injustice, oppression and suffering, etc. Competition is stiff, and even the little girl in silk frocks and their finery are watching out for the best sparklers and flowerpots, the rockets and Vishnuchakras, which light-up the night sky like a thousand stars. Grown-ups are the soul of generosity. Festive bonhomie abounds.

Diwali Traditions & Customs
Deepavali, the literal meaning of which in Sanskrit is 'a row of lamps.' Filling little clay lamps with oil and wick and lighting them in rows all over the house is a tradition that is popular in most regions of the country. Even today in this modern world it projects the rich and glorious past of our country and teaches us to uphold the true values of life. It is associated with many customs and traditions. One of the most curious customs, which characterizes this festival of Diwali, is the indulgence of gambling, especially on a large scale in North India.

The first day of five day long Diwali celebrations is of great importance to the rich community of western India. Houses and business premises are renovated and decorated. Entrances are made colorful with lovely traditional motifs of Rangoli designs to welcome Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. To indicate her long-awaited arrival, small footprints are drawn with rice flour and vermilion powder all over the houses. Lamps are kept burning all through the night. Believing this day to be auspicious women purchase some gold or silver or at least one or two new utensils.

Lakshmi-Puja is performed in the evenings when tiny diyas of clay are lighted to drive away the shadows of evil spirits, devotional songs- in praise of Goddess Laxmi are sung and Naivedya of traditional sweets is offered to the Goddess. There is a peculiar custom in Maharashtra to lightly pound dry coriander seeds with jaggery and offer as Naivedya In villages cattle are adorned and worshiped by farmers as they form the main source of their income. In south cows are offered special veneration as they are supposed to be the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi and therefore they are adorned and worshiped on this day .

On second day there is a traditional practice specially in Maharashtra of taking bath before sunrise with oil and "Uptan" (paste) of gram flour and fragrant powders. In northern India, especially in places like Punjab, Diwali is dedicated to the worship of Lord Rama. While in Bengal, Kali/Durga, the goddess of strength, is worshiped. Diwali is one of the few Hindu festivals, which is celebrated in every part of the country, even in states like Kerala that has Onam as its main festival. To the Jains, Deepavali has an added significance to the great event of Mahaveera attaining the Eternal Bliss of Nirvaana.

Govardhan-Puja is also performed in the North on the fourth day. This day is also observed as Annakoot meaning 'mountain of food'. In temples especially in Mathura and Nathadwara, the deities are given milk bath and dressed in shining attires with ornaments of dazzling diamonds, pearls, rubies and other precious stones. After the prayers and traditional worship innumerable varieties of delicious sweets are offered to the deities as "Bhog" and then the devotees approach and take Prasad.

Goddess Lakshmi is worshiped in every Hindu household. In many Hindu homes it is a custom for the wife to put the red tilak on the forehead of her husband, garland him and do his "Aarti" with a prayer for his long life. In appreciation of all the tender care that the wife showers on him, the husband gives her a costly gift. This Gudi Padwa is symbolic of love and devotion between the wife and husband. On this day newly married daughters with their husbands are invited for special meals and given presents. Diwali celebration is a very happy occasion for all.

Tradition of Fireworks and Lights
Also acclaimed as the Festival of Lights, Diwali is associated with lights, sweets, and liveliness; especially lights. As, it is celebrated on the new-moon (Amavasya) night, lights and fireworks have a significant role to play in this festival. This is why, when we heard the name Diwali, the first impression that flashes through our minds is of multicolored and impressive fireworks, sprinkling various sorts of bright colored lights in the night sky. Although the tradition of fireworks on Diwali is not very old, still they have succeeded in becoming such a vital part of this festival that we can't even imagine a wonderful Diwali without them.
The majestic appeal of the Diwali festival is such that, it drifts everyone in a festive and relaxed mood even before its arrival. Temples and markets are decorated and lighted a few days before Diwali, as a sign of paying homage to and welcoming this great Hindu festival. The Depawali or Diwali festival also marks the beginning of the new year according to the Hindu calendar, as the Ashwin month ends and the Kartik month begins on this day. Besides the contemporary led-lights, candles, and fireworks, people also use the conventional earthen-lamps (diyas) for embellishing their homes. Prayers are offered to goddess Laxmi and lord Ganesha on Diwali night.
Diwali is really a fabulous festival and fireworks play a significant role in increasing its charm among all age-groups. Whether they are kids, youngsters, or older people, everybody enjoy the fireworks like twinkling Anars, furious Rockets, vibrant Sparklers, cyclonic Ground Discs (phirki), and so. However, there are some environmental issues associated with the use of firecrackers or fireworks on the Diwali festival, still there will be no exaggeration in saying that fireworks are an inherent part of Diwali celebrations.
The Diwali illuminations with lighted diyas bring the supernatural brightness and joy with the hope of finding light in darkness, achieving knowledge where there is ignorance, and spreading love amidst hatred. Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights. Light is significant in Hinduism because it signifies goodness. So, during the Festival of Lights, 'deeps', or oil lamps, are burned throughout the day and into the night to ward off darkness and evil.
Homes are filled with these oil lamps, candles and lights. Some people use decorated light candles, some decorated diya or clay lamps, and other decorative lights and put them in their windows for the festival. Traditionally people use 'earthen lamps' with cotton wicks and oil to light up the dark night. As man progresses, tradition gives way to modernity. Similarly, earthen lamps have replaced candles of various colors and forms. Electric lights of different shapes and sizes illuminate the dark, cold nights of Diwali.
Those who have a fancy for different types of earthen lamps can opt for handi lamps (earthen lamps shaped as handis or bowls). Some of these handi lamps with the designer touch, with innovative designs glittering and sparkling on them, are sold by a few women from their home boutiques. Then there are also the star-shaped earthen diyas that hold a large quantity of oil and five wick in one lamp and are available at roadside stalls. Corners of rooms and puja rooms can be decorated and lighted up with brass, copper or metal lamps.
Candles also offer a wide choice. There are the regular rod-shaped candles available in small, medium and large sizes at all roadside kiosks and shops. For those looking for designer candles, there are the flower-shaped and heart-shaped floating candles in soft hues. These scented candles when placed in glass bowls filled with water will float and burn for about two-and-a-half hours. Besides, the stores also has a collection of glass gel candles that burn for days together and are drip-free. 




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