Dear Comrades,
Payment of Interest on delayed payment of Gratuity and recovery of interest so paid from the officers responsible for such delay-DOPPW orders
of Pensions and Pensioners Welfare vide it Memo No.
38/64/98-P&PW(F) dated 01/05/2012 clarified once again that
according to "Rule 68 of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 Interest will be paid
to the pensioner on delayed payment of gratuity and the amount of
interest so paid will be recovered from the officers responsible for
such delay.Wherever dealys anticipated, Provisional pension should be
sanctioned immediately. Any delay in processing of pension resulting in
pension not being authorised on the last working day of retirement of
the Govt. servant, should be reported by the Head of office to the next
higher authority who would watch the settlement of delayed cases. In
respect of delayed payment of gratuity wherever it results in payment of
penal interest at the rate applicable to GPF deposits under Rule-68 of
CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, secretary of the administrative Ministry or
Department would initiate action to fix responsiblity at all levels to
recover the amount from the concerned dealing official, supervisor and
Head of Office in proportion to their salary by following the prescribed
procedure for the purpose and should be strictly enforced".
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