Dear Comrades,
Sub: Rationalization and
consolidation of urban network.
D.G. Posts No.40-6/2011-Plg(Pt)
dated 25.08.2011
Kindly refer to the Directorate letter of even number dated 25.01.2011 on the
above subject wherein Circles were requested to identify the Post Offices for
rationalization and consolidation of urban network taking into consideration of
the following aspects.
(a) Condition of the Building.
(b) Profitability of Post Office
(c) Business of Post Office
(d) Justification on the basis of distance norms.
2. In
their charter of demands, the Postal Joint Council of Action has requested that
"whenever there is a closure of a Post Office; there should be a
simultaneous relocation of Post Office in the new emerging areas". The
same was agreed to by the Secretary (Posts), during the meeting held with them.
3. In view of the
above, the Circles are requested to ensure that wherever simultaneous
relocation is not possible; such Post Office may be temporarily merged with
another Post Office.
4. This issues
with the approval of Secretary (Posts)
(Anurag Priyadarshee) Director (RB&Plg.)