Dear Comrades,
Appeal to attend the Convention
Ensure active participation and
success of the two-days strike
A meeting of the Central Govt. Employees and Workers Co-ordination
Committee of Unions and Associations , Odisha State branch was conducted on 16.01.2013
at the CPWD Guest House, Bhubaneswar under the President-ship of Com. Mohini Mohan Samal,
President , State CoC. Com. R N Dhal, General Secretary, state CoC briefed the
issues relating to the forthcoming two-days all India strike from 20.02.2013 to
21.02.2013 called by 11 Central Trade Unions and endorsed by the Confederation
of Central Govt. Employees and Workers and NFPE as well. It was decided to hold
a convention
in the campus of Bhubaneswar GPO at 5.30PM on 02.02.2013 which will be
addressed by Com. K K N Kutty , Secretary General, Confederation and Com.
Pranab Bhattacharya, General Secretary, AIPAOEU (NFPE).
On behalf of NFPE, the meeting was attended by Com. R C
Mishra, Circle Secretary, P-III, Com. B Samal, Divisional Secretary, P-III,
Bhubaneswar and many other Postmen and GDS including the leadership from CGWB,
CPWD, Institute of Physics, Text Book Press, ASI, RMRC, Provident Fund, Income
Tax etc.
Source: AIPEU P-III BBSR Divisional Branch