Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Regularisation of TA / DA / LTC Claims on account of journey performed by booking of tickets from an agency other than the authorized travel agents–CGDA Orders

Dear Comrades,

Regularisation of TA / DA / LTC Claims on account of journey performed by booking of tickets from an agency other than the authorized travel agents–CGDA Orders

Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt-110010
No. AN/X1V/14162/TA/DA/LTC/Deviation/Vol-II
Dated: 8/01/2013
All PCs DA/Cs DA/PCsof Fys/Cs FA/IFAs
(Through CGDA Mail server)
Subject : Regularisation of TA / DA / LTC Claims on account of journey performed by booking of tickets from an agency other than the authorized travel agents.
Of late, cases for seeking relaxation to the guidelines laid down under GoI, MoF, OM No. 19024/1/2009-E.IV dated 16.9.2010 for regularization of air journey performed by staff / officers on account of TD / LTC / SPC are being received in this HQrs.

2. After issue of Circular dated 24/8/2011, a number of officers / staff who performed journey on official duty / LTC / Transfer / Permanent transfer after retirement by air by purchasing air tickets through unauthorized travel agent have been requested for seeking relaxation to the guidelines on booking air tickets which have been referred to the Ministry.
3, To enable this HQr’s office to seek relaxation from MoD, CDAs/PCDAs are requested to forward all the cases of staff/officers serving under your office seeking relaxation to the guidelines laid down under MoF OM dated 16.9.2010 in one lot duly specifying the full details (viz Individual’s application, purpose of travel, sectors and date of journey, Airlines, details of travel agent etc.) of air journeys undertaken by them alongwith delay statement for seeking regularization duly supported by relevant documents before 31.01.2013. Applications received after the spccified date will not be entertained.
4. Further, it may also be ensured that cases pertaining to the period before 24.08.2011 only may be forwarded for examination at this HQrs office and onward transmission to Ministry for seeking relaxation sanction.
Nil Report is also required.
(Chitra Mahendran)
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