Monday, June 10, 2013

Conduct of High School Certificate Examination, 2013 ( Regular & Ex- Regular) from 11.06.2013 to 21.06.2013

Dear Comrades,


Department of Posts: India
Office of the Chief Postmaster General,Orissa Circle
 All SSPOs/SPOs (in Orissa Circle)
All SSRM/SRMs (in Orissa Circle)

NO: ML/2-89/2010 Ch I     Dated at Bhubaneswar the 07.06.2013.

Subject: Conduct of High School Certificate Examination, 2013 ( Regular & Ex- Regular) from 11.06.2013 to 21.06.2013.

            The President Board of Secondary Education, Orissa, Cuttack has informed that the High School Certificate Examination, 2013 ( Regular & Ex- Regular) will commence from 11.06.2013 to 21.06.2013 in 259(Regular) and 110(Ex-Regular) Examination Centres across the State. The examination will be over at 10.00hrs from 11.06.13 to 17.06.13 and at 08.45 hours from 18.06.13 to 21.06.13. All the Centre superintendents will despatch the answer books to the Valuation Centres in sealed packets soon after the examination is over on each day. The list of the Valuation Centres along with the names of the delivery post offices is attached herewith.
           The President, BSE Cuttack has desired that the answer books should be despatched to the desired destination on the day of booking itself keeping in view of safety and security and possibility of tampering. Any detention of answer book packets at the Post Offices is of serious concern from safety and security angles.
            I am therefore directed to request you to issue suitable instructions to the post offices to despatch the answer books/examination materials on the day of booking. The post offices may close direct bags if justified to the delivery post office of the valuation centre. 

            Similarly, the RMS Offices may close direct bags to the delivery offices of the valuation centres for direct disposal of the answer books/examination materials.

            The answer papers are sensitive in nature and utmost care should be taken during handling and transmission.

            It is also requested that the postmasters of the valuation centres may suitably instructed to maintain utmost care for safe delivery of the answer books/examination materials to the addressee of valuation centres.  

The instructions may kindly be followed strictly.

Encl: As above.
(P.C. Mohapatra)
Assistant Director (Mails)
O/o Chief PMG, Orissa Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001.
Copy to :
1-2) The Postmaster General Sambalpur/ Berhampur Region for kind information and necessary action.

                                      For Chief PMG, Orissa Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001.
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