Monday, June 3, 2013

Training Session on MNOP aspect on 05.06.2013

Dear Comrades,

             It has been decided to organize a training session on MNOP aspect on 05.06.2013 in the Conference Hall of R.O., Berhampur. The following Officers/Officials of this Region are required to attend the same by 10:00 hours on 05.06.2013. The said MNOP training will be imparted  by the ASP (Mails), Circle Office, Bhubaneswar.

            All the concerned Officials may be relieved in time to attend the said programme with out fail.

  1. Asst. Director( Mail / BD ), RO, Berhampur.
  2. SRM, RMS-BG-Division, Berhampur.
  3. ASP(Mail / BD ), RO, Berhampur.
  4. ASP(Hqr.), RMS-BG-Dn., Berhampur.
  5. IPO, Berhampur RMS, RMS-BG-Dn., Berhampur.
  6. IPO(TO), RO, Berhampur
  7. OAs of (Mail / BD / TO) Sections, RO, Berhampur
  8. ASP(Hqr) / ASP(OD) of all the Divisions of this Region dealing with MNOP aspects.
  9. OAs of (Mail / BD / TO) Sections in Divisional Offices of all the Divisions of this Region.
  10. OA(Mail / BD) of Divisional Office of RMS-BG-Dn.
                                                                  ( H.S. Mahapatra),
Asst. Director(Mail), O/o the Postmaster General
Berhampur Region, Berhampur(Gm.)-760 001
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