Thursday, October 31, 2013


Dear Comrades,


          The intensive and continuous nationwide campaign conducted by Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, the unparalled mobilization of workers in agitational programmes culminating in massive Parliament March and one day strike on 12th December, 2012 , subsequent declaration of strike ballot for indefinite strike has compelled the Central Govt. to announce the constitution of 7th Central Pay Commission, ahead of the Assembly and Parliament election. NFPE being the major affiliate of Confederation has played a leading role in all these agitational programmes and hence we can proudly say that Seventh Pay Commission is an outcome of our struggle. Thus the first phase of agitation comes to a successful end.
          Now the most important part remains. Govt. has announced the Pay Commission but has not disclosed its mind on other related issues such as date of effect, merger of DA with pay, inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks, Interim relief, pensionary benefits to those recruited on or after 1.1.2004 etc. Secretary, Department of Personnel and Training (DOP&T) has called the JCM staff side for a discussion on the terms of reference of the 7th CPC on 25th  October , 2013 and heard the view points of the staff side. The leaders of various organizations of the JCM staff side met on 26 October, 2013 and formulated a consensus proposal regarding the terms of reference of the 7th CPC. In the case of date of effect, even though the stand taken by confederation is 1.1.2011, taking into consideration the view points of other organizations a compromise formula of 1.1.2014 as date of effect is arrived at i.e. from the 1st January after the announcement of 7th CPC by the Government. Regarding DA merger, interim relief, pensionary benefits to those entered in service on or after 1.1.2004 etc  also an agreed formula has been worked out.
          Regarding the most important demand affecting 50% of the employees of the Postal Department i.e, inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks under the purview of the 7th CPC, unlike in the past, this time there is total unanimity among the staffside. In the staffside proposal regarding terms of reference to be submitted to the Govt., it will be clearly mentioned that the three lakhs Gramin Dak Sevaks of the Postal Department should be brought under the purview of the 7th Pay Commission.
          We are not demanding any mercy from the Govt.The Hon’ble Supreme , Court of India, in the case of P.K.Rajamma Vs Union of India, has made it clear without any ambiguity, that Extra-Departmental Agents (now GDS) are holders of civil posts and hence they are civil servants under Article 309 of the Constitution. Further, the Fourth Pay Commission in its report has also made the following observation:-
          “The matter is, however, beyond controversy after the decisions of Supreme Court in Gokulanda Das’s case (also called as P.K.Rajamma’s case) where it has been declared that an Extra-Departmental agent is not a casual worker but ‘holds a post under the administrative control of the “state’’ and that while such a post is outside the regular civil service, there is no doubt that it is a post under the ‘’state” ’. In view of this pronouncement, we are unable to accept the contention that Extra- Departmental employees are outside the purview of the terms of reference of our Commission.” 
          Again, Justice Charanjit Talwar Committee, subsequently appointed by the Govt., recommended that ED Agents have to be included within the overall class of civil servants, being holders of civil posts. The committee further made it clear that there is no rationale to keep them separately as “a class within the class” of central govt employees which is against the provisions of Article 14 & 16 of the Constitution of India.
          It is in this background, NFPE & confederation has demanded for inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks under the purview of 7th CPC and conducted one day’s strike on 12.12.2012. Now that the entire JCM staffside also agreed to raise the same demand, we hope that the govt. shall concede the demand of entire 30 lakhs central govt. employees and include the GDS under the terms of reference. In case, the govt rejects our demand, there is no other way but to go for indefinite strike.
          The postal Joint Council of Action comprising all the unions/ associations affiliated to NFPE & FNPO, has met at Delhi on 19.10.2013 and has decided to go for indefinite strike, if the govt. refuses to accept our demand for inclusion of GDS under the purview of 7th CPC and also regularization and revision of wages of casual labourers.
          NFPE calls upon the entirety of Postal and RMS employees including Gramin Dak Sevaks to be ready for an indefinite strike for the cause of three lakh Gramin Dak Sevaks and the casual, part time, contingent employees who are the most exploited and down-trodden class of the Postal Department and the entire Central Govt. Services.


Dear Comrades,




Dear Comrades,


Procurement of Business under e-payment service

Dear Comrades,

Stamp Design Competition for Children's Day 2014

Dear Comrades,

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for filling the posts of Postman / Mail Guard for the vacancies for the year 2013 as per revised recruitment rules and revised syllabus

Dear Comrades,

Department of Posts, India
Office of the Chief Postmaster General
Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001

No. RE/30-22/2013 30th October 2013
The PMG, Berhampur Region / Sambalpur Region  
All SSPOs/ SPOs in Odisha Circle
All SRMs/SSRM in Odisha Circle

Sub :   Holding of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for filling the posts of Postman / Mail Guard for the vacancies for the year 2013 as per revised recruitment rules and revised syllabus.

            I am directed to intimate that the above said Examination is scheduled to be held on 08.12.2013 (Sunday) as per the revised recruitment rules i.e. the Department of Posts (Postman and Mail Guard) Recruitment Rules, 2010 as amended from time to time and as per revised syllabus. The detailed time schedule for holding the examination is as follows:

  1. Time schedule of the Departmental Examination for promotion to the cadre of Postman/ Mail Guard
Date /Time
Last  date for submission of application by candidates in the prescribed proforma to immediate controlling authorities concerned
Last date for receipt of applications at Divisional Office from controlling authorities
Date of submission of proforma report with number of candidates to appear in the Examination to CO/RO by Divisions
Issue of Admit cards by Divisions
Date of Examination at CO/RO HQ
Timings of Examination
10.00 AM to 11.30 AM

2.         Method of filling up of the vacancies :-

                  As per the Department of Posts (Postman and Mail Guard) Recruitment Rules, 2010, Column (11) (a) & (b)  and 12 (i) & (ii) circulated vide CO letter No.RE/30-13/1975(Rlg)/Corr dated 02.02.2011 & Department of Posts(postman & Mail guard) Recruitment(Amendment) Rule 2012 circulated vide CO letter No.RE/30-13/75(Rlg)/ corr dated 19.07.2012

      3.         Eligibility  condition to apply for the Examination  :-
                         For Postman:

Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in, if any against an erstwhile Group-D post on regular basis as on 1.1.2013 with satisfactory record of service are eligible to appear in the Departmental Examination for promotion to Postman  cadre (against 50% of vacancies).
 (ii) Gramin Dak Sevaks of the recruiting Division who have worked for at least five years in that capacity as on 01.01.2013 are eligible to appear in the Departmental Examination for promotion to the cadre of Postman (against 50% of vacancies).
For Mail guard:
(i) Multi Tasking Staff (MTS) of the recruiting Division with three years regular service in the grade including service put in, if any against an erstwhile Group-D post on regular basis as on 1.1.2013 with satisfactory record of service are eligible to appear in the Departmental Examination for promotion to Postman/ Mail Guard  cadre (against 25% of vacancies).
(ii) Gramin Dak Sevaks of the recruiting Division who have worked for at least five years in that capacity as on 01.01.2013 are eligible to appear in the Departmental Examination for promotion to the cadre of Postman/ Mail Guard (against 25% of vacancies).
            The age limit of Gramin Dak Sevaks  for appearing in the LDCE for promotion to the cadre of Postman / Mail Guard shall be 50 years as on 01.01.2013 (Relaxable for those belonging to Schedules Caste/ Scheduled Tribe upto five years and for those belonging to  Other Backward Castes upto three years).
4.         Educational Qualification:

            No educational qualification is prescribed for direct recruitment on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination.

5.      Vacancies
            The vacancy position for the years 2013 for Postman and Mail Guard is at Annexure-IV. The vacancy position may also vary depending mistakes being detected and reported by the units subsequently.  

6.    General Conditions:
(i)                 The Departmental Examination shall be common for both MTS and GDS.
(ii)               Reservation benefit as applicable to SC/ST/OBC/PH will be provided in case of recruitment of GDS to the cadre of Postman/ Mail Guard etc.
(iii)             The Departmental Examination may also be conducted for the Divisions where no vacancies are declared. The cases of candidates of such Divisions will be considered as per rules.
(iv)             There will be no limit to the number of chances allowed to an MTS (Group-C) official or GDS for appearing the Postman/Mail Guard Examination provided he/ she is within the prescribed age limit (Directorate letter No. 44-31/87-SPB-I dated 28.8.90).
(v)               The heads of the unit/ Division will call for the applications in the prescribed proforma (enclosed vide Annexure-I), scrutinize those applications as per Department of Posts postman/mail guard Recruitment Rules, 2010 &Department of posts postman/mail guard Rect(amendment) Rules, 2012 and then issue Admit Cards to the eligible candidates by the scheduled date. A specimen copy of the proforma for issuing  Admit Cards  is enclosed in Annexure-II. The candidates should also be instructed to submit two copies of recent passport size photographs duly attested along with their applications duly filled in the prescribed proforma.  One copy of the photograph will be pasted on the application form at the space provided for the purpose and another photograph to be  used at the time  of issue of Admit Card.
                     6.               A list of candidates separately for departmental candidate and GDS should be prepared in the prescribed proforma enclosed as Annexure-III and the same should be submitted to this office by the scheduled date.  The name of the Departmental candidates as well as GDS should be furnished in separate proforma report in order of their seniority in their respective post/ cadre. At the end of list in the proforma report  a summary should be drawn as follows :
(i)                 Total no. of  Departmental candidates  - (MTS) applied for examination.
(a)Total no. of Departmental candidates permitted to appear the Examination.
(b)Total no. of Departmental candidates not permitted to appear the Examination.
(ii)         Total no. of  GDS applied for the examination.
(a)Total no. of GDS permitted to appear the examination
(b)Total no. of GDS not permitted to appear the       examination

7.         The Examination will be conducted at the HQ  of three Regions in the Circle. The Officer nominated by CO/RO will conduct the examination as per schedule.

8.         The pattern and syllabus for examination
The pattern and syllabus for examination to fill up the posts of Postman & Mail Guard by promotion on the basis of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination by promotion from amongst MTS & Direct Recruit from amongst GDS will be as follows. The qualifying marks will be as mentioned in the  Annexure to the Directorate letter No.45-14(ii)/2012-SPB-I dated 31.07.2012 circulated vide CO letter No.RE/30-13/75(Rlg)/Corr dated 18.09.2012.

Day and Date
Time of Examination
Part ‘A’- 25 marks- 25 Multiple Choice Questions
General Knowledge, Reasoning and Analytical ability

08.12.2013 (Sunday)

10.00 AM
11.30 AM

90 minutes

Part ‘B’- 25 marks- 25 Multiple Choice Questions
Part ‘C’-Segment(i)- 25 marks- 25-Objective Type /Multiple Choice Questions
English language
Part ‘C’-Segment(ii)- 25 marks- 25-Objective Type /Multiple Choice Questions
Regional language (Odia)

10.       The Centre Supervisor nominated by Circle Office / Regional Office will select venue for the examination and will intimate to  the respective Divisional units before the scheduled date for  issue of Admit Cards.
a)                  The examination will be conducted by Centre Supervisors strictly in accordance with the rules and regulations as contained in appendix-37 of P & T Manual Vol. IV.
b)                  At the conclusion of the examination the Centre Supervisors concerned will arrange to send the following reports/ documents to the undersigned immediately for further action.
i)                    Statement of candidates permitted to appear the examination.
ii)                  Necessary  certificate of the Centre Supervisor and the Invigilators.
iii)                Diagram of the sitting arrangement in the examination hall.

                        The  contents of this letter may please be circulated among all concerned at once including APS candidates, if on deputation to APS and applications from them should be called for accordingly in the prescribed proforma vide Annexure-I.
        The Divisional  Heads are requested  to notify the community wise vacancy of the Division  along with this notification.
            Receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.
 (K.P.Parida)  Asst. Director (Recruitment)
For CPMG, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001
Encl : As above

            Copy of this letter is issued for information and necessary action to:
1.       The ADG (DE), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 for kind information.
2.       The ADG(SPN), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 for kind information w.r.t. Directorate letter no.45-2/2011-SPB-I, dtd.18.10.2012.
3.       The Officer In-charge, P & T Administrative Cell, C/o 56 APO and also C/o 99 APO
4.       The APMG (Vig), CO, Bhubaneswar
5.       All Circle Secretaries of recognised Service Unions / Associations in Odisha Circle.
6.       The AD(Staff)/AD(Estt),CO,BBSR.

Asst. Director (Recruitment)  For CPMG, Odisha Circle Bhubaneswar-751001

Simplification of procedure for verificafion of service — adherence to the revised format

Dear Comrades,

Simplification of procedure for verification of service — adherence to the revised format - regarding.

Timely payment of dues of encashment of leave to Government servants retiring on attaining the age of superannuation

Dear Comrades,

Timely payment of dues of encashment of leave to Government servants retiring on attaining the age of superannuation

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Minutes of the meeting held on 23-10-2013under the Chairmanship of Member (O) regarding implementation of MNOP and L-1/L-2 System.

Dear Comrades,

          In  pursuance of the meeting held on 02/08/2013 under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P) to discuss the issues raised by Postal JCA, a meeting was held with the staff side under the Chairmanship of Member (O) on 23-10-2013. Following were present in the meeting.

     1. Shri S.K. Sinha, CGM (MB)
     2. Shri Rishikesh , Director (Mail Mgt)
     3. Shri M.B. Gajbhiye, ADG(MO)

  Postal JCA Side

1.    Shri M. Krishnan, Secretary General ,NFPE.
2.    Shri Giri Raj Singh, General Secretary , AIRMS & MMS EU, Group `C`
3.    Shri P. Suresh, General Secretary, AIRMS & MMS EU, MG & MTS.
4.    Shri Devender Kumar, Circle Secretary, National Union R-III, Delhi Circle.

2  On the issue of revised norms for CRCs, it was brought to the notice of staff side that the norms fixed for different operational activities at Speed Post Hubs, Intra-circle Hubs and CRCs are based on the recommendations of work Study Team of the Directorate. The issue of productivity norms as well as establishment norms have also been clarified to all concerned vide Dte. O.M.No. 28-8/2011-D dated 13-08-2013. Therefore, the issues stands settled now. It was decided to supply a copy of Work Study Report to the staff side.
3   The issue regarding shifting  /transfer of staff from L-1 office to L-2 office and vice versa was discussed with staff side and  the staff side was satisfied with the circumstances under which the staff was transferred  from L-1 office to L-2 office in Gujarat Circle. The issue , is therefore, stands settled. 
4. The staff side requested that more L-1 offices were needed in some Circle. In response , it was informed that requirement of more L_1 offices was examined and it was felt that any more L-1 offices not needed in view of the following:

(i) All L-1 and L-2 mail offices located within  a Circle have been allowed    to close bags for each other.
(ii) Circles have been given enough exceptions in terms of closing of bags by mail offices based on volume of mail.

In view of the above, the issue of identification /creation of L-1 /L-2 offices stands settled. It was decided to supply a copy of list of exceptions granted to L-2 offices for closing of direct bags to the staff side.
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.
(M.B. Gajbhiye)
Assitant Director General (MO)
  No. 28-9/2011-D    Dated 28/10/2013.
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